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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,New curriculum,任 务 型 阅 读,T,ASK BASED READING,任务型阅读解题指导,初,三英语专题复习,1,.,方法不当,信心不足,2.,文章大意不明,,难以理解文章结构与图表,3.,文章结构掌握不清,4.,找不到信息所在,5.,不会使用词的正确形式,6.,不会归纳和总结,7.,句型的转换,Problems:,“任务型阅读”,主要考查学生何种能力?,捕捉信息,能力:属基础题。,组织信息,能力:属活用题。,综合概括,信息能力:属概括题。,题型,捕捉信息题,组织信息题,综合概括题,总题数,题数,3,5,2,10,Personal,74,Card,About his,personal,life,Name,Lang Lang,Year of birth,75,76,Keyboard,Favourite,77,Tom and Jerry,The,reason for,78,poor children,He believes himself lucky and should give something back.,About his,musical,life,The,79,for western music in his childhood encouraged him to learn piano,80,. With the help of his parents and teachers, he was able to,81,a famous American music college, where,his success began.,Famous for his 82 performances and 83 facial expressions and moving around while playing the piano.,2008,年扬州市中考题,Tree shaped,树状形,任务型阅读的应对策略,1876-1877, invented the photograph.,1891, invented and the motion picture camera.,1897, invented the first practical electric lamp.,His 6_,-1876-1877,-1891-1897,-1900-1910,-All the life,The 7_ was invented by him,He invented the picture 8_.,The 9_ incandescent electric lamp was invented.,He invented the storage battery.,Edison 10_ 1,368 different parents.,Their fathers word is the law .,They have to listen to their _.,father,捕捉信息题,first,photograph,.,camera,.,Different people need different amounts of sleep,Eight hours a night is considered the average,(,平均的,) amount of sleep. For teenagers,the least number of sleeping hours advised by,doctors are, ten hours for primary school students,nine for junior highs and eight for senior highs.,Some people seem to get along just fine with,very little sleep at night, but some people need,more sleep.,How 3_ sleep do people need?,The amounts of sleep are 4 _ from people to people.,Junior highs are advised to spend at least nine hours 5,different,Every person has two sets of teeth.,The first set of twenty begins to grow,when you are over six months old.,The second set of thirty-two grows,from the age of six until you are about,twenty-one years old.,Number of the first set of teeth is,_,The second set of teeth usually grow for _years,twenty,21-6=15,fifteen,信息查找题的,解题关键,:,Tips:,准确把脉,快速识图之后,根据表格中的内容提示回到原文准确定位,在相关的段落中找出并用笔画出与题目相关的信息点,对比原文原句与图表中的题干,做出答案。,1. It is a long history that human beings try to control the weed,(野草),spread. Humans have struggled against weed since the beginning of agriculture. They block waterways, destroy wildlife habitats, and prevent farming from developing. Their spread destroys the grasslands that animals can feed on and accounts for one-third of all crop loss. They compete for sunlight, nutrients, and water with useful plants. Therefore it is very necessary to fight against weeds in order to protect all the useful plants.,Bad,_of the weeds,Blocking waterways,Destroying wildlife habitats,Preventing farming from developing,Destroying the grassland and crops,Competing for sunlight, nutrients, and water with useful plants,Read Item 1 and fill in the blank.,effects,_ to celebrate Mothers Day,Buying greeting cards with pictures of flowers or hearts,Giving flowers for Mothers Day,Doing something special for mothers,Getting together for a meal outside,2. Today millions of Americans observe Mothers Day in different ways. They buy more than 150,000,000 Mothers Day greeting cards. Most of the cards show pictures of flowers, hearts or other things that people feel are linked to being a mother.,Many people give flowers for Mothers Day. It is one of the busiest days of the year for the flower industry.,Mothers Day is a time for young children to do special things for their mothers. Some would make a special gift or draw a special picture.,Some families will get together for a meal at a local eating place. This means that mothers do not have to cook on their special day.,Lets practice!,Ways,概括性,针对性,醒目性,信息归纳题,归纳词的特征,(在最大程度上覆盖栏内信息,),(量体裁衣,大小适度,),(简洁),1.,解题关键:,根据问题查找定位信息,找共性的东西。,2.,3,、熟悉并记住一些常用的归纳总结性的词。,常见概括性词,原因,reason,cause,结果,result,effect,目的,aim,purpose,方法,measure,solution,way,method step,观点,opinion,view,attitude(,态度),idea,异同,differences,similarities,优劣,advantages disadvantages,种类,type kind,建议,suggestion tip advice,常见概括性词,其它,conclusion,(,结论),behavior,factor form problem characteristic,(特点),function topic theme cost event amount importance time name,age step guide why how,(1),词性转换,常见的 转换方式,(2),词汇转换,(3),句型转换,(4),句群篇章,n. - v. - adj.- adv,间的转化,前缀,/,后缀,同义词,/,反义词,解释,定义,固定词组,语法匹配,(to, -,ing, -,ed,主被动,),连词介词的运用,固定句型,中心归纳,句义归纳推断,格式一致,.,1.To,achieve,success,you,need to have a clear aim,If you want to,_,,,you should have,.,succeed,success /successful/ successfully/succeed,词性转换,2.The,drivers drove carelessly and hit the wall,The driver caused the accident because of,his,carelessness,care/ careful/careless/carelessly/carefully,a. According to the requests, change the words into different forms,1.develop _(n.),2.brave _(n.)_(adv.),3.invent_(,n),_(n),4.invite._(n),5.noise_(adj.),_(adv),6.strong_(n.),7.hope _(adv.),8.pride_(adj.)_(adv.),1.develop,development,(n.),2.brave,bravery(n.) bravely (adv.),3.invent,invention(n) inventor,4.invite,invitation(n),5.Noise noisy(adj) noisily(adv),6.strong,strength(n.),7.hope,hopefully(adv.),8.pride,proud(adj.) proudly(adv.),Why do we need sleep? Nobody has,yet can give a correct answer to this question.,However, tests have shown that lack(,缺少,) of,sleep over about four weeks leads to a strong,drop in body temperature, great weight loss,and finally, sickness.,Why do we need sleep?,Nobody can answer the question 1_.,The 2_ of lack of sleep lies in a strong drop in body temperature, great weight loss and sickness.,correctly,antonym,反义词,I,should not be able to sleep, so full would be my mind of the memories of the day.,_,to sleep, so full would be her mind of the memories of the day!,Unable,前缀和后缀转换,Most,workers,were against,the decision.,Most,workers _ the decision.,Daniel didnt listen to his uncles advice.,Daniel didnt,_,his uncles advice.,disagreed,take,E-mail has also changed the speed with which we exchanged information. In minutes , you can contact another person.,It has also made us exchange information at _ speed than traditional communicative methods.,higher,释义(,paraphrase,),synonym and set phrase,近义词与搭配,An,opinion is somebodys idea of what happened.,An opinion is somebodys ides of what _ on.,went,Replace the underlined part,:,If they play games all day, they will have no time do some physical exercise, which may,cause,a bad effect on their,health.,3. I can do the task,all by myself,.,lead to,on my own,They made up their minds to give up the,plan,They decided to give up the plan,Tom tried to stand up but he couldnt,.,Tom failed to stand up.,1. Is it for the police to find,the lost boy?,Is there any possibility that the police will find the lost boy?,possible,句子结构转换,structure change,句型转换,The remaining part hits the South Atlantic at 200 times the speed of sound.,One piece hits the South Atlantic at a speed 200 times _ of sound.,that,Rewrite the sentences.,1.As,he was only 165 cm tall, other children often make fun of his height.,He was often _ at for his height.,2.It,is quite possible that children will break the laws,Children are _ to break the laws,laughed,likely,We wont leave here until he comes,3.We,will stay here,until he comes,meaning conclusion,句义归纳,9.These two countries were soon racing to get to space firstpeople in the US were worried when the Soviets were first to launch a space satellite. The soviets were also first to send a person into space.,The Soviet Union became the _ of the race when it launched the first satellite and sent the first astronaut into space.,winner,agreement,格式一致,Wen,said he is looking forward to the meeting with Singapore on ways to deepen East Asia cooperation between two nations so as to contribute to the building of a peaceful, harmonious relationship.,The significance of the visit,Deepening East Asia cooperation between two nations,_ to the establishment of a peaceful , harmonious relationship,Contributing,Today I will make a speech on healthy lifestyle.,You know, everyone needs a healthy diet. After tasty breakfast, you can be very happy to start the day. Everyone must have lunch with your family together. If you remember to drink some soup before dinner, I promise that you will not get fat.,Do you like lying on the couch after dinner? I disagree. Because my doctor gives me some advice. He thinks that walking for half an hour after each meal is a good way. Maybe you can also choose some other sports. So if you are not fit at all, you need to exercise more, eat healthy food and Ok, now I will give you another suggestion. Everyone should be active. Confucius told us a key word HARMONY, its valuable. It shows personal spirit. Its very important for us to have good,moods.Overall, If you want to be healthier, do more like that !,Healthy 1 _,You should have a healthy,2 _,For,breakfast,Dont forget to eat your first meal, because this helps you start the day 4 _.,For,3 _,You can have rice with meat, vegetables. This meal gives you energy for the whole afternoon.,For,dinner,Before dinner, youd better drink some soup, then have tasty food without 5 _ fat.,Do you need to exercise more?,Some people always 6 _ on the couch after dinner, do you agree with me? Doctors 7 _ you to walk for 30,mins,after each meal and make you powerful.,Having good moods is very,8 _,Confucius told all of Chinese that 9 _ is very valuable, it represents personal spirit. Everyone should have an active lifetime.,The more you do something like that, the 10 _ you will be. Congratulations!,lifestyle,diet,lunch,happily,getting,lie,advise,important,harmony,healthier,1.,略读,快速浏览抓住文章中心大意以及文章的结构,(,借助所给图表结构)。,3.,复读,复读文章,反复揣摩所填之词是否符合文章内容,其拼写是否正确,。,解题步骤,:,三读法,2.,细读,带着问题,找到文章对应点,确认题型,分析整理归纳信息并且准确表达信息。,解题时一定要牢记在心,解题时要注意什么?,三审,1.,审文章提示,.,字数的限制,.,是否可以用原文中的单词。,2.,审结构表达,短语类,句子类,3.,审语法运用,对应,.,字母大小写,.,名词的数和格,.,动词的形式,.,形容词副词的比较级最高级,.,连词,介词,.,时态语态,主谓一致,第三人称等,.,整个文章结构,(,大小标题),.,内容表达,In trying to please everyone, they take on too many tasks until it becomes harder and harder to balance homework, parties, sports activities and friends.,They were afraid of making others _.,One of those parents, Laura,Malagon, praises the program for convincing her to play a more active role in her childrens school life.,Parents take a more active _ in their childrens school life.,part,disappointed/upset,Fill in the blanks with proper words.,1. They are cooking a special meal for Christmas.,They are cooking a meal,_,for Christmas.,2. She has good skills at dealing with difficult customers.,She is highly _ at dealing with difficult customers.,3. Youll have been sleeping soundly by the time we got home.,You will be sound,_,by the time we got home.,4. Making sure that you get enough sleep is a good way of staying healthy and full of energy.,Enough sleep is an important way of avoiding stress and staying healthy and,_.,skilled,asleep,specially,energetic,Lets practice!,1,、略读。,快速浏览全文,理清文章基本结构。,2,、扫读。,扫读图表,以利带着问题找读。,3,、细读。,分析整合信息、准确表达。,4,、复查。,通观全篇,复读检查。,“任务型阅读”解题步骤,


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