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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 7,Would you mind turning down the,music? Section B (1a-2c),银川十六中 常晓荣,说课内容,教学方法,教学媒体,教学过程,教学评价,教学内容,背景分析,教学流程,1,、学习任务,(1),循环,SectionA,所呈现的语言。,(2),引出新的词汇,整合新的目标语言。,(3),为新学语言提供更多的操练机会。,2,、学生情况,有利因素,:,(,1,)话题来源于学生的实际生活,便于理解。 (,2,)学生在八年级上册,Unit 11,已学过用祈使句和,Can you ? / Would you please?,及,Could you please?,提出请求。(,3,)学生又在本单元,Section A,学习了新的目标语,Would you mind (not)doing.?,及其肯定和否定回答。,不利因素,:,以上句型在语法运用上容易形成混淆。,背 景 分 析,熟记平方差公式,能说出平方差公式的结构特征,会用平方差公式进行运算,.,知识目标,:,(1),词汇:,barber,gave,waitress,brought ,work,(2),语法,:,-This shirt is too big.Would you mind giving me a smaller one,?,- Not at all .Here you are.,(3),功能:学会礼貌性的请求和表示歉意。,教学内容,(一)、教学目标,能力目标,:,指导学生在自主探究和任务型教学模式中,让学生学会用礼貌性的英语请求及如何表示歉意,学会更好地与他人沟通,.,这也是素质教育“以人为本”的目标体现。同时训练学生的听力技能技巧。,情感与价值目标,:让学生通过英语学习,能够帮助有困难的人;能在日常的生活中用英语有礼貌地提出请求。,(1),学习,词汇:,barber,gave,waitress,brought ,work,(2),掌握句型:,-This shirt is too big.Would you mind giving me a smaller one,?,- Not at all .Here you are.,(3),提高听力。,(二)、教学重点,(三)、教学难点,(1),提高学生的听力。,(2),让学生用英语自由交流,。,教学方法,(一)教法,:针对课本的重点和难点,教师在课堂的教学中通过大量的生活场景图片来促使学生积极地参与,在任务型教学活动中,使学生有话想说;在完成各项教学任务的过程中培养学生自主学习语言,提高他们综合运用语言的能力,学会更好的与他人沟通、交流、合作,使各个层面的学生都有收获。采用听说结合的方法让学生逐渐熟悉运用目标语。,(二)学法,:,(1),自主学习法。,(2),合作学习法。,(3),情景体验法。,教学媒体,利用黑板进行必要的板书,起到示范作用,并达到规范学生书写的目的。,2.,借助多媒体进行辅助教学,增强教学直观,性,增大课堂容量,提高教学效率。用多媒,体展示图片,激发学生的学习兴趣,拉近英,语和生活的距离,从而唤起学生的联想和有,意记忆,使学生思维活跃起来为进一步学习,做好铺垫。,知识点,媒体类型,媒体要点,媒体在教学中的作用,1,课件,词汇,展示词汇,2,课件,引入课题,展示图片句型,3,课件,完成听力,展示图片及句型,4,课件,完成听力,展示表格,5,课件,自编对话,示范对话,媒体选用情况表:,课件,图片和句型,操练,课件,课件,图片及句子,词汇,课件,课件,对话,图片及句型,课件,表格,练习,结束,小结,家庭作业,教学流程,呈现,引入,听力,复习,Step 1,:,Revision,Ask some pairs of students to make a couversation according to Activity 3b using “Would you ? Could you ? ” and“ have to”.,教学过程,Would you mind ?,Would you mind ?,Would you mind ?,Would you mind ?,Step 2:,Teach the new words,Show the new words on the screen.,Read the new words to the class and,ask Ss to repeat.,barber gave waitress,brought work,Step 3,:,Section B 1a,Have you ever complained about these things?,Would you ever complain about them?,_Your barber gave you a terrible haircut.,1,The store clerk gave you the wrong size.,_Your friends were late,_The movie was terrible. Your best said it wasgreat.,2,The waitess brought you the wrong food.,3,The pen you bought didnt work.,Step 4: 1b Groupwork,Present the instruction to Ss . Explain“,annoying,”. Make sure Ss understand how to do.Ask Ss to read their lists.Ss answers May be vary.,Step 5,:,2a,Listen and number the sentences in the order you hear them in activity 1a.,Step 6: 2b,Listen again and fill in the blanks in the chart.,Places,Problems,Solutions,Clothing store,ordered a hamburger with french fries,but only got a hamburger,will get a,new pen.,Step 7: 2c pairwork,Look at the,problems in,activity 2b .,Role play the,requests with,your partner.,A: This shirt is too big. Would you mind give me a small one?,B:Not at all .Here you are.,Step 8,:,Summary,This class weve learned,some key vocabulary and done,some listening, speaking and,writing practice.,Step 9: Homework,(1)Write a letter complaining about your neighbors.,(2)Continue to role play the requests with,your partner.,(3)Review the new words.,Step 10: Bb Design,Unit 7,Would you mind turning down the music?,barber terrible haircut,store clerk wrong size,be late movie,waitress work,(一)关注学生学习过程的评价。,(二)关注学生学习结果的评价。,(三)关注小组合作成效的评价。,教学评价,谢谢!,


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