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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1. What is poetry?,A literary form,Written in lines,Rich imagery,Great artistic appeal,Beautiful harmony,Compressed content,An Introduction to English Poetry,1. What is poetry? A l,StarIf you areA love compassionate,You will walk with us this year.We face a glacial distance, who are hereHuddldAt your feet,William Burford,StarIf you areA love compa,More accurate,Text in rhythmic or metric form, often employing rhyme; usually shorter and more concentrated in language and ideas than either prose or drama.,Definition of Poetry,More accurate Text in,Danti:,Divine Comedy,神曲,Milton:,Paradise Lost,失乐园,Homer:,Iliad,伊利亚特,;,Odyssey,奥德赛,3) Dramatic Poems,(戏剧诗),2) Narrative Poems,(叙事诗),1) Lyrical Poems,(抒情诗),2. Kinds of Poetry,In terms of content :,Songs,(韵文,) odes,(颂诗),Elegy,(挽诗),Epics (,史诗,) ( heroic poems) ballads,(民谣),lyre (,里拉,),usu. in dialogue; in blank verse,Danti: Divine Comedy神曲Mi,2. Kinds of Poetry,In terms of metre:,1) Metrical Poems,(格律诗),Regular Rhyme; Regular Rhythm; Definite Number of Lines,2) Free Verse,(自由诗),Irregular Rhyme and Rhythm; Irregular Number of Lines,3) Blank Verse,(无韵诗),Without Rhyme ; With Rhythm,2. Kinds of PoetryIn term,1) elements,peculiar / essential,to poetry:,meter, rhyme, sound patterns (assonance, consonance, alliteration), form of poetry,2)elements,important,to poetry:,imagery, symbols, metaphor, simile, diction(connotative),3),other,elements: tone, style, character, setting, point of view, allusion etc.,3.,elements of poetry:,1) elements peculiar / essenti,Alliteration:,ph,antom,f,athom,;,ps,ychology,s,imple,a) To give emphasis:,m,ight,and,m,ain,;,f,it,as a,f,iddle,b) To connect ideas:,P,lease,p,ick,up the,p,retty,p,ink,p,ills for,p,ale,p,eople.,c) To connect actions:,The,f,ighter,f,led,intothe,f,ield,and,f,oremost,f,ighting,f,ell,.,Alliteration:phantom fat,The sun is not abed when I,At night u pon my pil low lie,4. Foot,(,音步,),the basic metrical or rhythmical unit within a line of poetry. A foot of poetry generally consists,of an accented syllable and one or more unaccented syllables arranged in a variety of patterns,. The four standard feet distinguished in English poetry are:,1) Iambus,(抑扬格),or: Iambic Foot,(抑扬音步),( Iambic Tetrametre or 4 - foot Iambus),(四步抑扬格),The sun is not abed,The stream will not flow, and the hill will not rise,And the co lours have all passed away from her eyes!,( Anapaestic,Tetrametre or 4 - foot Anapaest),(四步抑抑扬格),4. Foot,(,音步,),1) Iambus,(抑扬格),2) Anapaest,(抑抑扬格),The stream will not flow,(Trochaic Tetrametre or 4 - foot Trochee),(四步扬抑格),4. Foot,(,音步,),1) Iambus,(抑扬格),2) Anapaest,(抑抑扬格),Or: Trochaic Foot,(扬抑音步),3) Trochee,(扬抑格),Shake your chains to earth like dew ,Which in sleep had fallen on you -,You are many - they are few .,(Trochaic Tetrametre or 4,or: Dactylic Foot,(扬抑抑音步),a) Take her up tenderly ,Lift her with care;,b) This is a galloping measure a hop and a,trot and a gallop,( Dactylic Hexametre or 6 - foot Dactyl ),(六步扬抑抑格),4. Foot,(,音步,),1) Iambus,(抑扬格),2) Anapaest,(抑抑扬格),3) Trochee,(扬抑格),4) Dactyl,(扬抑抑格),( Dactylic Bi-metre ),(两步抑抑格),or: Dactylic Foot(扬抑抑音步)a),4. Foot,(,音步,),1) Iambus,(抑扬格),2) Anapaest,(抑抑扬格),3) Trochee,(扬抑格),4) Dactyl,(扬抑抑格),6) Spondee,(扬扬格),7) Pyrric,(抑抑格),5) Amphibrach,(抑扬抑格),For the dear God who loveth us,(扬扬格),(抑抑格),(抑扬抑格),4. Foot(音步) 1) Iambus(抑扬格)2),5. Metre,(,格律,),:,regularized rhythm ; an arrangement of language in which the accents occur at apparently equal intervals in time,Mono-metre,Bi-metre,Tri-metre,Tetrametre,Pentametre,Hexametre,Heptametre,Octametre,5. Metre (格律): regularized,The Traditional Metrical Form in English Verse,Meter,按重度音节和非重读音节的排列方式,a.,抑扬格(,the Iambic Foot):,非重,+,重,b.,扬抑格(,the Trochaic Foot):,重,+,非重,C.,扬抑抑格(,Dactyl,):重,+,非重,+,非重,D.,抑抑扬格,(Anapaest),:非重,+,非重,+,重,The Traditional Metrical Form,按音步数量:,monometer;,bimeter;,trimeter;,tetrameter;,pentameter;,hexameter (Alexandrine);,heptameter (Fourteener);,Iambic pentameter,按音步数量:,Iambic Pentametre,( 5 - foot Iambus),(,五,步,抑,扬,格),Shall I compare thee to a sum mers day,a,Thou art more love ly and more tem perate.,b,Rough winds do shake the dar ling buds of may,a,And sum mers lease hath all too short a date.,b,Metre:,Iambic Pentametre ( 5 - foo,6. Rhythm,(,节奏,):,Twinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are!,“,movementstmarked by the regulated succession of strong and weak elements,6. Rhythm (节奏): “movementst,7. Rhyme:,(,韵):,repetition at regular intervals,in a line,or,lines of poetry,of similar or identical sounds based on a,correspondence between the vowels and succeeding consonants or accented syllables,;,H,ome,f,oam,;,ch,air,th,ere,a) Internal rhyme:,I am the d,aughter,of the Earth and W,ater,.,(Shelley),We plough and,s,ow,-were so very, very,l,ow,.,(Ernest Jones),Ah, distinctly I,rem,ember,it as in the bleak,Dec,ember,.,( Poe ),7. Rhyme: (韵): repetition at r,b) Masculine Rhyme,(阳韵),:,If all be true that I do,th,ink,.,There are five reasons we should,dr,ink,:,c) Feminine Rhyme,(阴韵),:,(1) What is fame? An empty,b,ubble,.,Gold? A transient, shining,tr,ouble,.,(2) Rise like lions after,sl,umber,In unvanguishable,n,umber,.,(3) Oh! ye immortal Gods! what is,theog,o,n,y,?,Oh! thou, too, mortal man! what is,philanthr,o,p,y,?,b) Masculine Rhyme(阳韵):If a,d) Monosyllabic Rhyme,(单音节韵),:,H,our,t,our,;,n,ow,kn,ow,;,d,ear,b,ear,;,s,ave,h,ave,e) Bi-syllabic Rhyme,(双音节韵),:,f) Tri-syllabic Rhyme,(三音节韵),:,e) Eye rhyme,(眼韵),:,I,/,fl,y,;,f,ool,/,r,ule,;,wr,ite,/,f,ight,;,ag,ain,/,rem,ain,/,sust,ain,b,orrow,/,s,orrow,;,d,aughter,/,w,ater,;,conver,sation,/,compen,sation,Ro,man,/,no,man,;,kn,ow,it,/,sh,ow it,b,eautiful,/,d,utiful,;,th,ink of it,/,dr,ink of it,d) Monosyllabic Rhyme(单音节韵):,8. Rhyme Scheme:,(,韵律结构),any fixed pattern of rhymes charactering a whole poem or its stanzas,1) aabb,(连续韵),:,Work while you work, and play while you pl,ay,a,For that is the way to be happy and g,ay,.,a,All that you do, do with your m,ight,b,Things done by halves are never done r,ight,.,b,1) aabb(连续韵):Work while you,2) abab,(交叉韵),:,How do you like to go up in a sw,ing,.,a,Up in the air so bl,ue,?,b,Oh, I do think it the pleasantest th,ing,a,Ever a child can d,o,!,b,2) abab(交叉韵):How do you li,The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,The lowing herd wind slowly oer the lea,The plowman homeward plods his weary way,And leaves the world to darkness and to me.,-Thomas Gray(1716-1771):Elegy Written in a Country,Churchyard,晚钟殷殷响,夕阳已西沉。,群牛哞叫归,迂回走草径。,农夫荷锄归,倦倦回家门。,唯我立旷野,独自对黄昏。(丰华瞻译),The curfew tolls the knell of,She dwelt amongthe untrodden ways (a),Beside the springs of Dove,(b),A Maidwh om there were none to praise(a),And very fewto love.(b),ballad,The 1,st,and 3,rd,lines are in iambic tetrameter the 2rd and 4,th,lines are in iambic trimeter;,Rhyme scheme: a b a b,She dwelt amongthe untrodd,3) abba,(首尾韵),:,I hold it true , whateer bef,all,;,a,I feel it,when I sorrow m,ost,;,b,Tis better to have loved and l,ost,b,Than never to have loved at,all,.,a,3) abba(首尾韵):I hold it tru,4) abcb,(二四韵),:,Spring is gr,een,a,Summer is br,ight,b,Autumn is g,old,c,Winter is wh,ite,.,b,4) abcb(二四韵):Spring is,Shall I compare thee to a summers day?(a),Thou art more lovely and more temperate.(b),Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May.(a),And summers lease hath all too short a date.(b),Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,(c),And often is his gold complexion dimmd;(d),And every fair from fair sometime declines,(c),By chance, or natures changing course, untrimmd;(d),But thy eternal summer shall not fade(e),Nor lose possession of that fair thou owst.(f),Nor shall Death brag thou wandrest in his shade(e),When in eternal lines to time thou growst.(f),So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,(g),So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.(g),-William Shakespeare(1564-1616),Shall I compare thee to a sum,能不能让我来把你比拟作夏日?,你可是更加温和,更加可爱:,狂风会吹落五月里开的好花儿,,夏季的生命又未免结束得太快:,有时候苍天的巨眼照得太灼热,,他那金彩的脸色也会被遮暗;,每一样美呀,总会离开美而凋落,,被时机或者自然的代谢所摧残;,但是你永久的夏天决不会凋枯,,你永远不会失去你美的仪态;,死神夸不着你在他的影子里踯躅,,你将在不朽的诗中与时间同在;,只要人类在呼吸,眼睛看得见,,我这诗就活着,使你的生命绵延。(屠岸译),大学英语英国文学lecture1EnglishP课件,英雄双行体(,heroic couplets,):,A rhyming couplet of iambic pentameter, often “closed”, i.e., containing a complete thought, there being a fairly heavy pause at the end of the first line and a still heavier one at the end of the second. Commonly there is a parallel or antithesis within a line, or between the two lines. It is heroic because in England, especially in the eighteenth century, it was much used for heroic (epic) poems.,十音节双韵体, ,每个音步有两个音节,第一是轻音,第二是重音(即,,五步抑扬格,),。,大学英语英国文学lecture1EnglishP课件,Sonnet:,1) Italian Sonnet,(意大利体十四行诗),2) Spenserian Sonnet,(斯宾塞体十四行诗),3) Shakespearian Sonnet,(莎士比亚体十四行诗),A stanza is a group of lines ( of any number of lines, most frequently of four lines ) bound together by an end rhyme,.,Sonnet:1) Italian Sonnet(意,1) Italian Sonnet,Francesco Petrach,The poetry of earth is never,d,ead,:,a,When all the birds are faint with the hot,s,un,b,And hide in cooling trees, a voice will,r,un,b,From hedge to hedge about the new-mown,m,ead,;,a,That is the Grasshoppers - he takes the,l,ead,a,In summer luxury, - he has never,d,one,b,With his delights; for when tired out with,f,un,b,He rests at ease beneath some pleasant,w,eed,.,a,The poety of earth is ceasing,n,ever,:,c,On a lone winter evening, when the,fr,ost,d,Has wrought a silence, from the stove there,shr,ills,e,The Crickets song, in warmth increasing,ever,c,And seems to one in drowsiness half,l,ost,d,The Grasshoppers among some grassy h,ills,.,e,an octave + a sestet,1) Italian Sonnet Francesco,2) Spenserian Sonnet,Edmund Spenser,For loe my love doth in her selfe,cont,aine,b,All this worlds riches that may farre be,f,ound,.,c,If saphyres, loe her eyes be saphyres,pl,aine,:,b,If rubies, loe her lips be rubies,s,ound,;,c,3 quatrains + a couplet,If pearls, her teeth be pearls both pure and,r,ound,;,c,If yvorie, her forehead yvory,w,eene,;,d,If gold, her locks are finest gold on,gr,ound,;,c,If silver, her fair hands are silver,sh,eene,.,d,But that which fairest is, but few,beh,old,:,e,Her mind, adorned with vertues,mani,fold,.,e,Ye tradefull merchants, that with weary,t,oyle,a,Do seeke nost pretious things to make your,g,ain,b,And both the Indians of their treasures,sp,oile,a,For loe my love doth in her selfe,cont,aine,b,2) Spenserian SonnetEdmund S,3) Shakespearian Sonnet,Shakespear,Sometime too hot the eye of heaven,sh,ines,c,And often is his gold complexion,d,immd,;,d,And,every fair from fair sometime,decl,ines,c,By chance, or natures changing course,untr,immd,.,d,3 quatrains + a couplet,But thy eternal summer shall not,f,ade,e,Nor lose possession of that fair thou,owst,f,Nor shall Death brag thou wanderst in his,sh,ade,e,When in eternal lines to time thou,gr,owst,.,f,So long as man can breathe or eyes can,s,ee,g,So long lives this, and this gives life to,th,ee,.,g,Shall I compare thee to a summers,d,ay,?,a,Thou art more lovely and more,temper,ate,.,b,Rough winds do shake the darling buds of,m,ay,a,And summers lease hath all too short a,d,ate,.,b,3) Shakespearian Sonnet Shake,


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