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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 5,Why do you like pandas?,Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?,1,WELCOME TO,THE ZOO,欢迎来到,动物园,WELCOME TO,2,Language Goal,1、掌握动物相关的词汇,2、学会使用评价性形容词描述你喜欢的动物,3、掌握本课基本句型,Language Goal1、掌握动物相关的词汇,3,ZOO MAP,See Animals,Describe Animals,Practice,描述,ZOO MAPSee AnimalsDescribe Ani,4,Lets see pandas first!,Lets see pandas first!,5,What are these animals?,giraffe,elephant,koala,panda,lion,tiger,zebra,rabbit,eagle,dolphin,What are these animals?giraffe,6,ZOO MAP,See Animals,Describe Animals,Practice,ZOO MAPSee AnimalsDescribe Ani,7,新人教版七年级英语下册Unit-5第一课时课件(22张),8,新人教版七年级英语下册Unit-5第一课时课件(22张),9,really/very,big,kind of,big,BIG!,really/very bigkind of bigBIG!,10,互动解疑合学,Kind,kind of+形容词意为_=_,这部电影有点无聊。,kind的不同用法,n. 种类 a kind of _,different kinds of_,all kinds of_= kinds of,那家商店出售不同种类的钢笔。,adj. 和蔼可亲的 be kind to sb_,= be friendly to sb.,It is kind,of,sb. to do sth._,有点儿.,a little/a bit /a little bit,一种,不同种类的,各种各样的,对某人很和蔼,某人做某事真是太好了,互动解疑合学Kind有点儿.a little/a bit,11,Listening 2A,Animals,1_,_,_,2_,3_,Description,Words,really scary,kind of interesting,very cute,Countries,Australia,South Africa,China,lions,pandas,koalas,2B Pandas kind of China,Listening 2A AnimalsDescriptio,12,基本句型,Do you like +n.复数?Yes, I do./No, I dont.,Why do you like +n.复数?,Why dont you like+n.复数?,Because theyre+adj.(形容词),Where are they from?,/Where do they come from?,They are from./They come from,.,基本句型,13,Pairwork,Pairwork,Australia,Africa,Penguins 企鹅,The South Pole 南极,PairworkPairworkAustraliaAfric,14,Russia,Russia,15,合作解疑合学,Why.?,Because.,Why是特殊疑问词,意为_,用来引导询问原因的特殊疑问句,常用because引导的句子表示原因。,Because为连词,后接句子,引导原因状语从句,和_不能连用。,Eg. 因为我每天练习弹钢琴,因此我可以弹得很好。,为什么,so,Because I practice playing the piano every day, I can play it well.,合作解疑合学Why.?为什么soBecause I pr,16,ZOO MAP,See Animals,Describe Animals,Excercises,ZOO MAPSee AnimalsDescribe Ani,17,测评现疑研学 中考链接,1. Mr. Wang is kind_us, but sometimes he is kind_serious.,A. to; of B. with; to C. of;to D. with; of,A be kind to sb 对.很和蔼,友好 kind of 有点儿,2. I want_to see the lions, lets_them.,A. to see; to see B. see; to see C. to see; see D. see; see,C want to do sth. 想要做某事,let sb. do sth 让某人做某事,测评现疑研学 中考链接1. Mr. Wang is kind,18,3. _Im late again, _my teacher is very angry.,A. because;/ B. so;/ C. because; so D. because;but,A because与 so不能连用,4. _lions come from? They come from Africa.,A. Where do B. Where are C. Where is D. Where,A Where e from? They come from.,3. _Im late again, _,19,Do you have any other questions?,Do you have any other question,20,Summary,1. 动物名词,2. 评价性形容词及其用法 如kind,3. Lets see the pandas first.,Why do you like +n.复数?,Why dont you like+n.复数?,Because theyre+adj.(形容词),Where are they from?,/Where do they come from?,They are from./They come from.,Summary1. 动物名词,21,Homework,完成全品Section A 部分作业手册;,总结提建议的句型有哪些。,Homework完成全品Section A 部分作业手册;,22,


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