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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,0,期末专项训练,专项一 语法运用,人教版 七年级上,期末专项训练专项一 语法运用 人教版 七年级上,1,一、冠词,( )1. On _ Friday evening, Bill has a Chinese lesson for _ hour.,A. /; an B. /; /,C. the; an D. the; /,A,一、冠词 A,2,( )2. Do you have _ soccer ball, Jim?,Yes, I do. And I always play _ soccer after class.,A. a; / B. the; the,C. a; the D. /; /,A,( )2. Do you have _,3,( )3. Do you like _ oranges?,No, I like _ chicken.,A. an; a B. /; /,C. a; an D. the; a,B,( )3. Do you like _,4,( )4. Do you like science?,Yes, I do. I think its _ useful subject.,A. a B. an,C. / D. the,A,( )4. Do you like scienc,5,二、介词,( )1. The English party is _ October and the school trip is _ November 9th.,A. in; on B. in; in,C. on; in D. on; on,A,二、介词A,6,( )2. Where is my jacket?,Oh, its on the floor (,地板,), _ the desk.,A. on B. in,C. under D. for,C,( )2. Where is my jacket,7,( )3. Here is my telephone number. Please call me _ it.,A. in B. of,C. to D. at,D,( )3. Here is my telephon,8,( )4. Lily has hamburgers and milk _ breakfast.,A. for B. to,C. with D. on,A,( )4. Lily has hamburgers,9,( )5. We have sweaters in all colors _ great prices.,A. after B. on,C. at D. to,C,( )5. We have sweaters in,10,( )6. Can I help you?,Yes, I need a sweater _ school.,A. on B. to,C. for D. under,C,( )6. Can I help you?C,11,( )7. Do you play basketball _ school?,Sure. I always play it _ my friends.,A. at; and B. after; about,C. at; at D. after; with,D,( )7. Do you play basket,12,三、人称代词、物主代词,( )1. Tim, is that blue schoolbag _?,No, it isnt. _ is on my desk.,A. your; My B. yours; My,C. your; Mine D. yours; Mine,D,三、人称代词、物主代词D,13,( )2. Whats _ name?,_ is Tom.,A. your; I B. his; He,C. her; She D. your; My,B,( )2. Whats _ name?,14,( )3. Do you like sports?,Yes, I always play _ in the morning.,A. him B. them,C. they D. their,B,( )3. Do you like sports,15,( )4. Hey, Mark! Come and meet _. _ are in Classroom F.,A. me; I B. us; We,C. we; Us D. I; Me,B,( )4. Hey, Mark! Come and,16,四、指示代词,( )1. How much are _ shoes?,_ are 180,yuan,.,A. this; They B. this; It,C. these; They D. these; It,C,四、指示代词C,17,( )2. Mom, _ is my friend, Jim.,Hi, Jim. Nice to meet you.,A. this B. that,C. these D. those,A,( )2. Mom, _ is my f,18,五、名词所有格,( )1. We know _ father is our P. E. teacher.,A. Ben and Nick B. Bens and Nick,C. Ben and Nicks D. Bens and Nicks,C,五、名词所有格C,19,( )2. Lucy, is the woman _ mother?,No, she is my _ mother.,A. your; cousin B. your; cousins,C. you; cousin D. you; cousins,B,( )2. Lucy, is the woman,20,六、数词,( )1. How old are you?,I am _ years old. Today is my _ birthday.,A. twelve; twelve B. twelve; twelfth,C. twelfth; twelve D. twelfth; twelfth,B,六、数词B,21,( )2. I have _ free days this week and I want to play soccer on the _ day.,A. two; two B. two; second,C. second; two D. second; second,B,( )2. I have _ free d,22,七、疑问词,( )1. _ are your keys?,They are in my schoolbag.,A. What B. Who,C. Where D. How,C,七、疑问词C,23,( )2. _ do you want?,Brown. I like brown.,A. What color B. How much,C. What time D. How old,A,( )2. _ do you want?,24,( )3. _ is your English teacher?,Mr. Xiang.,A. What B. Who,C. Where D. When,B,( )3. _ is your Engl,25,( )4. _ are your trousers?,80 dollars.,A. How much B. How,C. How old D. What,A,( )4. _ are your tro,26,( )5. _ is your sister?,Shes OK.,A. How B. What,C. Why D. Where,A,( )5. _ is your sist,27,八、连词,( )1. I have a computer, _ I dont play computer games on it.,You are so great!,A. so B. because C. but D. and,C,八、连词C,28,( )2. Emma doesnt like tennis _ she thinks its too difficult for her.,A. and B. so,C. because D. but,C,( )2. Emma doesnt like t,29,( )3. Jason, are Lucy _ her cousin at a middle school?,Yes, _ they are not at the same middle school.,A. and; but B. but; and,C. but; but D. and; and,A,( )3. Jason, are Lucy _,30,九、动词,( )1. What fruit does Jenny _?,She _ apples.,A. like; like B. like; likes,C. likes; like D. likes; likes,B,九、动词B,31,( )2. Does Tom _ hamburgers for breakfast?,No, he _ milk.,A. have; have B. has; has,C. have; has D. has; have,C,( )2. Does Tom _ ham,32,( )3. _ you Alice?,No. My name _ Grace.,A. Are; are B. Are; is,C. Is; is D. Is; am,B,( )3. _ you Alice?B,33,( )4. My brother _ like English. What about you, Gina?,I like it very much.,A. doesnt B. dont,C. isnt D. arent,A,( )4. My brother _ l,34,( )5. _ Anna have a ping-pong bat?,No, she _.,A. Is; isnt B. Does; doesnt,C. Is; doesnt D. Does; isnt,B,( )5. _ Anna have a,35,( )6. Hi, Betty. Lets _ to the library.,Great!,A. go B. to go,C. goes D. going,A,( )6. Hi, Betty. Lets _,36,( )7. Do you want _ to my birthday party?,Oh, yes.,A. come B. to come,C. coming D. to coming,B,( )7. Do you want _,37,期末专项训练,专项二 词语理解,人教安徽版 七年级上,期末专项训练专项二 词语理解 人教安徽版 七年级上,38,一、名词,( )1. Betty, do you like geography at school?,Sure, its my favorite _.,A. color B. number,C. subject D. festival,C,一、名词C,39,( )2. Jack, what _ do you like for dinner?,Carrots and tomatoes.,A. vegetables B. fruit,C. drink D. salad,A,( )2. Jack, what _ d,40,( )3. Peter, do you and your sister like _?,Yes, I like soccer and my sister likes tennis.,A. classes B. cards,C. days D. sports,D,( )3. Peter, do you and,41,( )4. You can buy a pair of trousers for only $30 at our great _.,A. sale B. tape,C. test D. lesson,A,( )4. You can buy a pair,42,二、形容词或副词,( )1. Do you want to watch TV?,No. That sounds _. Lets play ping-pong.,A. boring B. interesting,C. relaxing D. useful,A,二、形容词或副词A,43,( )2. Mom doesnt want me to eat hamburgers.,I see. Theyre not _ food.,A. free B. relaxing,C. healthy D. fat,C,( )2. Mom doesnt want m,44,( )3. Timmy has _ eating habits.,Yeah! And he eats _.,A. good; good B. good; well,C. well; well D. well; good,B,( )3. Timmy has _ ea,45,( )4. John, lets play tennis.,Sorry, Mike. Im _ now. What about this afternoon?,A. long B. short,C. fun D. busy,D,( )4. John, lets play t,46,三、动词,( )1. The T-shirt is only twenty,yuan,.,OK, great. Ill _ it.,A. sell B. finish,C. take D. ask,C,三、动词C,47,( )2. That girl in a purple skirt _ very nice.,Thank you. Shes my sister.,A. gets B. looks,C. sees D. sounds,B,( )2. That girl in a pur,48,( )3. Come to our store and buy T-shirts. We _ them for two dollars.,A. think B. sell,C. take D. need,B,( )3. Come to our store a,49,( )4. Lisa, do you _ a music book?,Yes, I do. Look! Its on my bed.,A. want B. spell,C. have D. finish,C,( )4. Lisa, do you _,50,期末专项训练,专项三 交际语言,人教安徽版 七年级上,期末专项训练专项三 交际语言 人教安徽版 七年级上,51,( )1. _?,Yes, please. I need a pair of socks.,A. How much is it B. What color is it,C. What do you like D. Can I help you,D,( )1. _?D,52,( )2. Hey, Kitty! _.,Youre welcome.,A. Thank you for your help,B. Good morning,C. Have a good day,D. Nice to meet you,A,( )2. Hey, Kitty! _.,53,( )3. This jacket is nice. Ill take it.,OK. _.,A. Yes, please B. Here you are,C. Not at all D. See you,B,( )3. This jacket is nic,54,( )4. Hey, Ms. Rice. Happy Teachers Day.,Hi, my boy. _.,A. Me, too B. Thank you,C. Oh, I see D. Nice to meet you,B,( )4. Hey, Ms. Rice. Hap,55,( )5. Mrs. Lius classes are very interesting.,_. We all like them.,A. Im sorry B. Thats for sure,C. Bye D. Here you are,B,( )5. Mrs. Lius classes,56,( )6. Ill have a school trip next week.,_.,A. Thanks B. Youre right,C. Im sorry D. Have a good time,D,( )6. Ill have a school,57,期末专项训练,专项四 主题阅读,人教安徽版 七年级上,期末专项训练专项四 主题阅读 人教安徽版 七年级上,58,一、完形填空。,A,Look! Here is a 1_ of a boy. Who is he? Haha, its me! Whats 2_ name? Tony Hand. Im in a primary school (,小学,) in New York, America.,( )1. A. map B. book C. name D. photo,( )2. A. my B. your C. their D. her,D,A,一、完形填空。DA,59,There are 3_ people (,人,) in my family. Theyre my parents, my sister and me.,4_ am I now? Im in the classroom. Some books and 5_ English dictionary are on my desk.,( )3. A. three B. four C. five D. six,( )4. A. Who B. How C. What D. Where,( )5. A. a B. an C. the D. /,B,D,B,There are 3_ people (人) in,60,A pencil box is 6_ it, too. My pen, my pencil, my eraser and my ID card are in the pencil box.,But I cant 7_ my schoolbag now. A watch, a baseball and a jacket are in it. Is it under my 8_?,( )6. A. of B. on C. at D. under,( )7. A. meet B. help C. find D. know,( )8. A. desk B. chair C. bed D. sofa,B,C,A,A pencil box is 6_ it, too,61,No, it isnt under my desk. Where is it now? I must find it. Please 9_ me. My phone number is 333-4567 and my 10_ address (,地址,) is,tony1122,. Thanks for your help.,( )9. A. say B. ask C. help D. thank,( )10. A. ring B. room C. e-mail D. card,C,C,No, it isnt under my desk. Wh,62,B,My name is Julie. I have a good friend. Her name is Linda. Linda is 1_ English girl. Today is Lindas birthday. My friends and I go to 2_ birthday party.,( )1. A. a B. an C. the D. /,( )2. A. his B. her C. their D. our,B,B,BBB,63,We get to her home 3_ some gifts (,礼物,) at about 3:00 p.m. Linda is very happy to 4_ us. “Thank you very much. Im very 5_ to get the gifts,” she says.,( )3. A. for B. from C. with D. under,( )4. A. think B. thank C. help D. see,( )5. A. useful B. happy C. free D. late,C,D,B,We get to her home 3_ some,64,“Happy birthday!” we all 6_ to her. Then we play games and watch TV. Thats 7_ fun. At about 5:00 p.m., we eat a big 8_. The food is very nice.,( )6. A. ask B. come C. find D. say,( )7. A. only B. really C. then D. right,( )8. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D. food,D,B,C,“Happy birthday!” we all 6_,65,I like the chicken very much. After dinner we play tennis 9_ an hour. Its difficult but 10_ for me. We have a good time.,( )9. A. for B. in C. on D. at,( )10. A. boring B. easy C. interesting D. busy,A,C,I like the chicken very much.,66,C,It is 12:00 now. Its time 1_ lunch. My friend Kate and I want to find some food to 2_ . We go to the KFC next 3_ our school.,( )1. A. in B. on C. for D. at,( )2. A. take B. help C. eat D. sell,( )3. A. from B. to C. for D. under,C,C,B,CCCB,67,The food here 4_ good. We always come here to have lunch.,The waitress (,女服务员,) 5_, “Can I help you?”,( )4. A. looks B. sounds C. watches D. sees,( )5. A. thinks B. asks C. goes D. finishes,A,B,The food here 4_ good. We,68,“Yes, please. I want some chicken and a cup of 6_. What about you, Kate?”,“I want a(n) 7_ hamburger. And I want a cup of milk, too.”,( )6. A. ice-cream B. orange C. salad D. milk,( )7. A. fruit B. vegetable C. chicken D. egg,D,B,“Yes, please. I want some chic,69,Then we 8_ our food. The chicken and the vegetable hamburger are very good, 9_ the milk looks bad (,糟糕的,). The waitress says it is a new kind of (,一种新的,) milk. It is 10_ for our health (,健康,). We like the food and milk now.,( )8. A. get B. spell C. play D. know,( )9. A. and B. so C. then D. but,( )10. A. good B. easy C. cool D. difficult,A,D,A,Then we 8_ our food. The c,70,


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