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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2018-5-12,#,Unit 5 Dinners ready,PEP,四年级上册,Unit 5 Dinners readyPEP四年级上册,1,Unit 5 Dinners ready,Part,A,第,1,课时,第,2,课时,第,3,课时,Part,B,第,1,课时,第,2,课时,第,3,课时,Unit 5 Dinners readyPart A,2,Unit 5 Dinners ready,PEP,四年级上册,Part A,第一课时,Unit 5 Dinners readyPEP,Learning goals,1.,能够理解对话大意,用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,,并能进行角色表演,。,2.,能够运用句型,What would you like for dinner? Id,like some ,询问并回答晚餐想吃什么。,3.,能够在小组调查任务中,运用所学句型,What would,you like for dinner? Id like some ,询问并回答晚,餐想吃什么,选出组内最受欢迎的食品。,Learning goals1.能够理解对话大意,用正确的语,Teaching contents,词汇,:,dinner, vegetables, soup,ready,句型:,What would you like for dinner?,Id like some ,Whats for dinner?,Teaching contents词汇:dinner, ve,Lets talk,Lets talk,Mum, Im hungry. Whats for dinner?,What would you like?,Id like some soup and bread, please.,Mum, Im hungry. Whats for di,What would you like for dinner?,Some fish and vegetables, please.,What would you like for dinner,Dinners ready!,Thanks!,Dinners ready!Thanks!,人教版四年级英语上册Unit-5-Dinners-ready全单元ppt课件,Play roles,What would you like for dinner? Talk about it with your partner.,Play rolesWhat would you like,Lets survey,Do a survey in your class.,What would you like for dinner?,Id like some rice and vegetables.,Mike,Lets surveyDo a survey in you,Play roles,What would you like for dinner?,Id like some rice and fish.,Mike,Chen Jie,Play rolesWhat would you like,Language points,Whats for dinner?,晚餐吃什么?,这是一个由,What,引导的特殊疑问句。,”Whats for,三餐名称,(breakfast/lunch/dinner)?”,用于开饭前询问用餐的食物。,Language pointsWhats for dinn,What would you like?,你想吃什么?,这是一个特殊疑问句,常用于用餐时征求对方的意愿,后面还可加上“,for,三餐名称”。,答语通常为:,Id like,食物,/,饮料,,意为“我想要,”。,其中,Id,I would,。,What would you like? 你想吃什么?这是一,Id like some soup and bread, please.,我想要一些汤和面包。,这是一个陈述句。,”Id like”,表示“我想要,”,常用于表达自己的意愿。,也可以回答,”What would you like?”,这一问句。,Id like some soup and bread,Some fish and vegetables, please.,一些鱼和蔬菜。,这是一个回答自己用餐需要的陈述句。,fish,指不同种类的鱼时,其复数形式为,fishes,。,fish,用作不可数名词,意为“鱼肉”。,Some fish and vegetables, plea,Exercise,( )1.What_ you like for dinner?,Id like fish.,A. do B. would C. are,( )2.Whats_ dinner?,A. for B. to C. in,( )3.What would you like for lunch?,_.,A. I like bread B. Help yourself,C. Id like some bread,B,A,C,Exercise( )1.What_ you l,Unit 5 Dinners ready,PEP,四年级上册,Part A,第二课时,Unit 5 Dinners readyPEP,Learning goals,1.,能够听、说、认读,5,个关于食品的单词:,beef,chicken, noodles, soup, vegetables,。,2.,能够在语境中正确运用这,10,个食品单词。,3.,能够在“角色扮演”活动中运用所学句型,What would you like for dinner? Id like,some ,完成点餐。,Learning goals1.能够听、说、认读5个关于食品,Teaching contents,词汇,:,beef, chicken, noodles, soup,vegetables,句型,:,What would you like?,Id like some ,Teaching contents词汇:beef, chic,学单词,学单词,New words,牛 肉,Id like some,beef,.,New words牛 肉Id like some beef,鸡 肉,Id like some,chicken,.,鸡 肉Id like some chicken.,面 条,Id like some,noodles,.,面 条Id like some noodles.,汤,Id like some,soup,.,汤Id like some soup.,蔬 菜,Id like some,vegetables,.,蔬 菜Id like some vegetables.,米 饭,Id like some,rice,.,米 饭Id like some rice.,鱼,Id like some,fish,.,鱼Id like some fish.,果汁,Id like some,juice,.,果汁Id like some juice.,牛 奶,Id like some,milk,.,牛 奶Id like some milk.,面 包,Id like some,bread,.,面 包Id like some bread.,beef,chicken,noodles,soup,vegetables,rice,fish,juice,milk,bread,Lets learn,What would,you like?,OK. Five yuan, please.,Id like some vegetables, please.,beefchickennoodlessoupvegetabl,人教版四年级英语上册Unit-5-Dinners-ready全单元ppt课件,beef,chicken,noodles,soup,vegetables,rice,fish,juice,milk,bread,What would,you like?,OK. Ten yuan, please.,Id like some fish, please.,Play roles,beefchickennoodlessoupvegetabl,beef,chicken,noodles,soup,vegetables,rice,fish,juice,milk,bread,What would,you like?,OK. Two yuan, please.,Id like some soup, please.,beefchickennoodlessoupvegetabl,beef,chicken,noodles,soup,vegetables,rice,fish,juice,milk,bread,What would,you like?,OK. Twenty yuan, please.,Id like some beef, please.,beefchickennoodlessoupvegetabl,beef,chicken,noodles,soup,vegetables,rice,fish,juice,milk,bread,What would,you like?,OK. Eight yuan, please.,Id like some noodles, please.,beefchickennoodlessoupvegetabl,Lets play,What would you like?,Id like some vegetables, please.,OK. Here you are.,Lets playWhat would you like?,人教版四年级英语上册Unit-5-Dinners-ready全单元ppt课件,Play roles,What would you like?,Id like some juice, please.,OK. Here you are.,Play rolesWhat would you like?,What would you like?,Id like some rice, please.,OK. Here you are.,What would you like?Id like s,What would you like?,Id like some bread, please.,OK. Here you are.,What would you like?Id like s,Language points,常见的饮食名称,水果,apple,pear,peach,banana,grape,orange,mango,pineapple,watermelon,饭食,rice,noodles,dumpling,cake,bread,pizza,饮料,milk,juice,beer,Language points常见的饮食名称水果applep,Exercise,看图选单词。,( )1.Id like some _.,A. soup B. noodles,( )2.Would you like some_,?,A. beef B. chicken,( )3.Can I have some_?,A. vegetables B. chopsticks,A,B,A,Exercise看图选单词。( )1.Id like,Unit 5 Dinners ready,PEP,四年级上册,Part A,第三课时,Unit 5 Dinners readyPEP,Learning goals,1.,能够通过听例词发音,观察例词结构中共有的特征,,学习,-e,在单词中发长音,/i:/,的规律;能够跟着录音,说唱歌谣,强化记忆,-e,的发音规则,。,2.,能够按照,-e/-e-/i-e/u-e/o-e,的发音规则读出、拼,写出单词,进一步学习在四线三格中正确书写单词,,并辨认词形。,Learning goals1.能够通过听例词发音,观察例词,Teaching contents,Lets spell,语音,:,-e /i:/,Read, listen and chant.,Read, listen and tick.,Listen, circle and write.,Teaching contentsLets spellRe,Lets talk,Read, listen and chant.,m,e,h,e,sh,e,w,e,Lets talkRead, listen and cha,Listen and chant,He and she,She and he,Lets play together,He, she and me.,He and she,She and he,We all play together,1,2,3.,他和她,,她和他,让我们一起玩,,他,她和我。,他和她,,她和他,,我们全都一起玩,,一,二,三。,Listen and chantHe and she,他和她,人教版四年级英语上册Unit-5-Dinners-ready全单元ppt课件,Read, listen and tick,(,),.,Read, listen and tick().,Check answers.,bed be,red we,pencil me,get she,he let,Check answers.bed bered wepe,Listen, circle and write.,Listen, circle and write.,-e i-e,-e u-e,-e -e-,-e o-e,Check answers.,-e i-e-e u-e-e -e-e o-eCh,字母,发音,发音要领,例词,e,m,e,sh,e,b,e,r,e,d,l,e,g,d,e,sk,/i:/,/e/,/i:/,是长元音,发音时声带振动。舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向上腭抬起。双唇微张,呈扁平口形,。,/e/,是短元音,发音时声带振动。舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向上腭抬起。双唇呈扁平口形,。,字母发音发音要领例词emered/i:/e/i:/是长元,Exercise,下列各组单词画线部分读音是,(,),否,(),一致。,( ) 1. we bed ( ) 2. get ten,( ) 3. me he ( ) 4 she red,( ) 5. pen leg,Exercise 下列各组单词画线部分读音是()否()一,选出每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项。,( ) 1. A. he B. she C. five,( ) 2. A. pen B. meet C. ten,( ) 3. A. get B. let C. we,( ) 4. A. yes B. pen C. be,( ) 5. A. me B. bed C. beef,C,C,C,B,B,选出每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项。( ) 1. A.,Unit 5 Dinners ready,PEP,四年级上册,Part B,第一课时,Unit 5 Dinners readyPEP,Learning goals,1.,能够理解对话大意,用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,,并能进行角色表演,。,2.,能够运用句型,Would you like some ? No, thanks.,/Yes, please.,询问并回答是否想要某物;能够用功,能句,I can use ,表述自己能做什么事情,。,3.,能够观察“特价菜单”并按照语言示范与同伴问答,:,Would you like some ? No, thanks./Yes, please.,Learning goals1.能够理解对话大意, 用正确的,Teaching contents,词汇,:,help yourself, knife, fork,chopsticks,句型,:,Would you like some ?,No, thanks./Yes, please.,I can use chopsticks.,Teaching contents词汇:help yours,Lets talk,Lets talk,Dinners ready! Help yourself.,Thanks.,Dinners ready! Help yourself.,Would you like a knife and fork?,No, thanks. I can use chopsticks.,Would you like a knife and for,Would you like some soup?,Yes, please!,Would you like some soup?Yes,人教版四年级英语上册Unit-5-Dinners-ready全单元ppt课件,Play roles,Play roles,Lets play,Here are todays specials. Would you like some beef?,Yes, please.,Lets playHere are todays spe,人教版四年级英语上册Unit-5-Dinners-ready全单元ppt课件,Play roles,Here are todays specials. Would you like some noodles?,Yes, please!,How much is it?,Its three yuan.,Play rolesHere are todays spe,Here are todays specials. Would you like some fish?,Yes, please!,How much is it?,Its eight yuan.,Here are todays specials. Wou,Here are todays specials. Would you like some soup?,Yes, please!,How much is it?,Its one yuan.,Here are todays specials. Wou,Here are todays specials. Would you like some juice?,Yes, please!,How much is it?,Its two yuan.,Here are todays specials. Wou,Language points,Help yourself.,随便吃吧,。,这是一句用作招呼客人吃东西时的客套话,意为“请随便吃;请吃,别客气。”当客人是,一个人,时,可以说,”Help yourself.”,,当客人有,两个或两个以上,时,可以说,”Help yourselves.”,,意为“你们随便吃吧”。,一般回答,Thank you.,(谢谢)。,Language pointsHelp yourself.,单 数,复 数,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,myself,yourself,himself,herself,itself,ourselves,yourselves,themselves,反身代词,单 数复 数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称,I can use chopsticks.,我会用筷子。,主语,can,动词原形,意为,”,某人能,/,会做,”,。,I can sing and dance.,我会唱歌和跳舞。,如果想表达“不能;不会”,则要用,can,的否定形式,cant,。,I can use chopsticks.我会用筷子。主语,Here are todays specials.,这些是今天的特价菜。,special,在此处意为“特色;特价菜”,,todays,是名词所有格,意为“今天的”。,Here are,后跟名词复数,意为“这些是,”。,Here is,后跟“,a,(,an,)名词单数,/,不可数名词”,意为“这是一(个),”,。,Here are todays specials.这些是今,Exercise,( )1. Can I use,?,A. a knife and fork B. a knife and forks,C. a forks and knife,( )2.Would you like some,?,A. vegetables B. beef C. noodle,( )3.Would you like some chicken?,.,A. Yes, please B. No, I wouldnt,C. Yes, I would,A,B,A,Exercise( )1. Can I use,选词补全对话。,A. Help B. Id C. beef D. Yes E. like,Mum: Dinners ready!,Amy&Chen Jie: Were coming.,Mum: What would you,Amy?,Amy:,like some fish, please.,Mum: Would you like some,Chen Jie?,Chen Jie:,please.,Mum:,yourselves.,Amy & Chen Jie: Thank you.,E,B,C,D,A,选词补全对话。A. Help B. Id C. b,Unit 5 Dinners ready,PEP,四年级上册,Part B,第二课时,Unit 5 Dinners readyPEP,Learning goals,1.,能够听、说、认读,5,个有关餐具的单词;能够在,语境中理解生词,pass,的意思,并能正确发音,。,2.,能够在语境中正确运用这,5,个有关餐具的单词,。,3.,能够在图片的帮助下听懂指令并做出相应的动,作;了解做沙拉的基本程序,。,Learning goals1.能够听、说、认读5个有关餐具,Teaching contents,词汇,:,chopsticks, bowl, fork,knife, spoon, pass,句型,:,Would you like some ?,Pass me the ,Teaching contents词汇:chopsticks,学单词,学单词,Lets learn,筷 子,I can use,chopsticks,.,Lets learn筷 子I can use chopst,碗,Give me a,bowl,.,碗Give me a bowl.,餐 叉,I can use,fork,.,餐 叉I can use fork.,刀,I can use,knife,.,刀I can use knife.,勺,I can use,spoon,.,勺I can use spoon.,chopsticks,bowl,fork,knife,spoon,Lets learn,John, would you like some beef?,Yes, please, and pass me the knife and fork please.,chopsticksbowlforkknifespoonLe,Lets learn,Lets learn,Play roles,Play roles,Lets do,Pass me the bowl.,Pass me the knife.,Cut the vegetables.,Use the spoon.,Use the fork.,Now lets try it!,Make a salad,Lets doPass me the bowl.Pass,Pass me the bowl.,Pass me the knife.,Cut the vegetables.,Use the spoon.,Use the fork.,Now lets try it!,递给我这个碗。,递给我这把刀。,切这些蔬菜。,用这把勺子。,用这把叉子。,现在让我们尝一尝!,Pass me the bowl.Pass me the k,人教版四年级英语上册Unit-5-Dinners-ready全单元ppt课件,Play roles,I say, you do.,Pass me the bowl.,Pass me the knife.,Cut the vegetables.,Use the spoon.,Use the fork.,Now lets try it!,Play rolesI say, you do.Pass m,I do, you say.,I do, you say.,Exercise,读短文选答案。,Hello, Im Bob. Its 7:00 p.m. now. Im hungry. I would like some beef, some chicken and some noodles. I would like some milk and juice, too. Oh, Id like some ice cream. What a big dinner,!,Exercise读短文选答案。 Hello,( )1.Its,in the evening now.,A.six B.seven C.eight,( )2.Bob is,.,A.hungry B.happy C.angry(,生气的,),( )3.Bob would like some,.,A.water B.bread C.beef,(,)4.Bob would like some juice for,.,A.dinner B.lunch C.breakfast,( )5.Bob would not like,.,A.chicken B.ice cream C.rice,B,A,C,A,C,( )1.Its in the even,Unit 5 Dinners ready,PEP,四年级上册,Part B,第三课时,Unit 5 Dinners readyPEP,Learning goals,1,.,能够完成课本上的练习。,2,.,检测部分要求学生能够熟练地听、说本单元,对话部分的主要句型;能够听、说、认读词,汇部分的所有单词。,3,.,能够学会唱歌曲,What would you like?,Learning goals1.能够完成课本上的练习。2.检,Read and write,Read and tick(,).,Read and writeRead and tick(),What would you like for dinner, John?,Id like some beef, please.,What would you like for dinner,Would you like some noodles, too?,Yes, thank you.,Would you like some noodles, t,Can I have a knife and fork, please?,Yes, John, but try chopsticks for noodles.,Can I have a knife and fork, p,Tick the pictures you read about in the talk.,Tick the pictures you read abo,Look, choose and write.,Look, choose and write.,Lets check,Listen and tick,(,),.,Lets checkListen and tick().,Look and match.,1. beef,2.vegetables,3. soup,4. chicken,5.noodles,6.a bowl,7.a knife,8.a fork,9.a spoon,10.chopsticks,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Look and match.1. beef2.vegeta,Lets sing,Lets sing,What would you like?,What would you like?,What would you like?,Id like some fish.,Id like some fish.,Id like some beef.,Id like some beef.,Put it on my dish.,Put it on my dish.,What would you like? What woul,Story time,Hello! What would you like?,Id like some rice and fish, please.,Story timeHello! What would yo,Your rice and fish.,Now Id like some noodles and beef, please.,Your rice and fish.Now Id lik,Your noodles and beef.,Thank you.,Your noodles and beef.Thank yo,Anything else?,Some soup and vegetables, please.,Anything else?Some soup and ve,Your soup and vegetables. Heres your bill.,Your soup and vegetables. Here,You!,You!,人教版四年级英语上册Unit-5-Dinners-ready全单元ppt课件,Anything else?,还要别的吗?,这是一个省略句,其完整句是,Would you like anything else?,当你在饭店点完餐后,服务员通常会说:“,Anything else?”,,意思“还要别的吗?”。,Language points,Anything else?还要别的吗? 这是,阅读对话,判断正(,T,)误(,F,)。,Exercise,Mum: What would you like for dinner, Sarah?,Sarah: Id like some bread, eggs and milk.,Mum: What about you, Sam?,Sam: Id like some beef noodles.,Mum: Would you like some chicken or soup?,Sarah: Id like some chicken.,Sam: Me too.,阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Exercise Mum,( )1.Mum would like some eggs, bread and milk.,( )2.Sam would like some chicken, too.,( )3.Sarah would like some beef noodles.,( )4.Sarah would not like some chicken.,( )5.Mum would like some soup.,T,F,F,F,F,( )1.Mum would like some egg,


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