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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Planning Your Career,Reading and Writing,Unit 3,Planning Your Career,Unit 3,Planning Your Career,Getting Things Ready,1,Things to Do,2,Things to Write,3,More Things to Do,4,Career Skill Description,Unit 3 Planning Your CareerGet,2,Section 1,Getting Things Ready,read about career planning,learn the steps for career planning,learn to make a career plan,In this unit, you will:,next,Section 1 Getting Things Ready,3,Section 1,Getting Things Ready,career,n,.,生涯;职业,process,n,.,过程;步骤,occupation,n,.,职业,eventually,ad,.,最终,终于,retire,v,.,退休;引退,comprise,v,.,包含;由,组成,analysis,n,.,分析,explore,v,.,探险;探究,exploration,n,.,探索;勘探、钻研,conduct,v,.,进行;实施,prefer,v,.,更喜欢;宁可,complete,a,.,完成的;完全的,option,n,.,选项,industry,n,.,行业,Professional,a,.,职业的;职业性的,Next,Section 1 Getting Things Ready,4,Section 1,Getting Things Ready,field,n,.,领域,requirement,n,.,要求;必要条件,outlook,n,.,前景,narrow,v,.,使缩小,使变窄,volunteer,a,.,志愿(者)的,persue,v,.,追求、从事,Investigate,v,.,调查;调查研究,Require,v,.,需求;要求,be comprised of,由,组成,take into consideration,考虑,would rather,宁愿、宁可,narrow down,减少,缩小,put into practice,付诸实践,base on ,以,为基础,基于,back,Next,Section 1 Getting Things Ready,5,Language Study,eventually:,finally; after a long time,最后,终于,For example:,Eventually,we ran from danger, though we were lost in the mountain for two days.,尽管我们在山中迷失了两天,最终我们还是脱离了危险。,He,evemtually,got his driving licence.,他终于拿到了驾照。,back,Language Studyeventually: fina,6,Language Study,be comprised of:,consist of; be made up of,由,组成,For example:,The present board of directors,is comprised of,one board chairperson and six directors.,现任董事会由一位董事长和六位董事组成。,Our company,is comprised of,five divisions.,我们公司由五个部门构成。,back,Language Study be comprised of,7,Language Study,Not only,will you have to consider your interests and skills, youll,also,have to think about your personality and values.,not onlyalso,:,not onlybut (also) 不但而且,For example:,Not only,does the job need professional konwledge and skills, it demands,also,work experience.,这个工作不但需要专业知识和技能,而且还要求工作经验。,Not only,has our company introduced a new assembly line, it,also,has raised a lot of funds.,我们公司不仅引进了一条新的生产线,而且还融得大量资金。,back,Language Study Not only will,8,Language Study,remember to,take,your preferred work environments and development needs,into consideration,.,take into consideration:,to think about something important; take into account 考虑,For example:,You must,take,quality,into consideration,.,你必须要考虑到质量问题。,When you cater for a foreign visitor, you should,take,his custom and religion,into consideration,.,招待外宾时,你必须考虑他的风俗和宗教问题。,back,Language Study remember to t,9,Language Study,explore,:,examine; search into,调查,探索,For example:,The researchers are,exploring,the root causes of SARs.,研究人员正在调查,SARs,的根源。,Can you,explore,the market possibility for us?,你能为我们考察一下市场前景吗?,back,Language Studyexplore:examine;,10,Language Study,Would,you,rather,be an engineer or a businessman?,would rather:,if you would rather do or have something, you would prefer to do or have it,宁愿;宁可,For example:,Would,you,rather,have a job with high salary and less free time or average salary and more free time?,你宁愿要一份高薪自由时间少的工作还是一份普通薪水更多自由时间的工作?,I,would rather,early set out.,我宁愿早出发。,back,Language Study Would you rat,11,Language Study,With the career exploration done,its time for you to select possible career paths.,With something done:,这个结构传统语法成为,-ed,分词“独立结构”。“独立结构”实际上就是带有自己主语的非限定分句和无动词分句。“独立结构”分为四种;不定式独立结构、,-ing,分词独立结构、,-ed,分词独立结构和无动词独立结构。所有的“独立结构”都可以变成由“,with”,引导的介词词组。,next,Language StudyWith the career,12,Language Study,For example:,With his homework done,Jim decided to go and see the play.,作业做完了,吉姆决定去看演出。,With the last bus having gone,we had to walk home.,由于最后一班公汽已经走了,我们不得不不行回家。,back,Language StudyFor example:back,13,Language Study,narrow down:,to become less or make sth. less in range; reduce,减少,缩小,For example:,Narrow down,the difference between town and countryside.,缩小城乡差别,The police have,narrowed down,their list of suspects.,警察已经缩小嫌疑犯的范围。,back,Language Studynarrow down: to,14,Language Study,pursue:,try to achieve something over a long period; to be engaged in,追求,从事,For example:,Pursue,what you enjoywhether it is writing or teaching or the arts or the sciences.,追求你喜欢的东西,-,不论是写作、教书、艺术还是科学。,No hardness could stop him from,pursuing,his goals.,任何困难也阻挡不住他去追求他的目标。,back,Language Studypursue: try to a,15,Language Study,Based on,your goals, you can go on to develop a career action plan.,based on:,founded on 基于,以为基础,For example:,Based on,gold, the country established its monetary system.,基于金本位制,该国建立起了自己的货币制度。,Based on,NM (nanometer) technology, this company invented a new building material.,基于纳米技术,公司发明了一种新的建筑材料。,back,Language StudyBased on your go,16,Language Study,The career action plan lists all the,steps,you will need to,take,to reach them,take steps:,take action 设法,采取措施,For example:,You must,take steps to,make sure such an accident can never happen again.,你必须设法确保这样的事故绝不再发生。,The company must,take steps to,improve overall sales.,公司必须采取措施提高销售总量。,back,Language StudyThe career actio,17,Language Study,investigate:,try to find out the truth about,something such as crime, accident, or scientific problem; look into 调查,研究,For example:,The company hired a detective to,investigate,the accident.,公司雇佣了一名侦探来调查这次事故。,Economists are,investigating,what causes the global economic crisis.,经济学家正在调查全球经济危机的成因。,back,Language Studyinvestigate: try,18,Activity 2: Read the passage in Section 2 and complete the following paragraph.,Section 1,Getting Things Ready,The career planning process is usually comprised of four steps: analysis, 1_, selection, and action. The first step is to conduct a detailed 2 _. The second step is to explore the career 3 _that interest you the most. With the career exploration done, its time for you to 4 _ possible career paths. Once you have decided 5 _ you want to pursue, its time to put an action plan in practice so that you can eventually find a job in that field.,exploration,self-analysis,options,select,an occupation,back,Activity 2: Read the passage i,19,Section 2,Things to Do,Things to Do,Activity Two,Listen and Write,Read and Think,Activity One,back,Related Information,Section 2 Things to Do Thing,20,Section 2,Things to Do,Related Information:,Ten Misunderstandings about Choosing aCareer,(1) Choosing a career is simple;,(2) A career,counselor,(顾问,指导老师) can tell me what occupation to pick;,(3) I cant make a living from my hobby;,(4) I should choose a career from a Best Careers list;,(5) Making a lot of money will make me happy;,Section 2 Things to DoRelated,21,Section 2,Things to Do,(6) Once I choose a career, Ill be stuck in it forever;,(7) If I change careers, my skills will go to waste;,(8) If my best friend (or sister, uncle, or neighbor) is happy in a particular field, I will be too;,(9) All I have to do is pick an occupation. Things will,fall into place,(逐渐被理解) after that;,(10) Theres very little I can do to learn about an occupation without actually working in it.,Section 2 Things to Do(6) Onc,22,professional,comprise,volunteer,investigate,engineer,lifelong,narrow down,consider,exploration,Section Two,Things to Do,Activity One Listen and Write,occupation,back,professional comprise volunt,23,Section Two,Things to Do,Question 3,What are your short term and long term goals?,Question 2,What should you do before developing an action plan?,Question 1,What are the steps to take in the process of career planning?,Read,and,Think,next,Section Two Things to Do Quest,24,Read and Think,Career Planning,Career planning is a lifelong process, which includes choosing an occupation, getting a job, growing in the job, possibly changing careers, and eventually retiring. This process is usually comprised of four steps: analysis, exploration, selection, and action.,words,Read and Think,25,Read and Think,The first step is to conduct a detailed self analysis. Not only will you have to consider your interests and skills, youll also have to think about your personality and values. Besides, find out what youre really good at by asking family and friends, and remember to take your preferred work environments and development needs into consideration.,sentences,Read and Think The fir,26,Read and Think,Once self-analysis is complete, its time to start exploring the career options that interest you the most. Would you rather be an engineer or a businessman? Are middle school teachers paid more than salesmen? Whats the difference between a software engineer and a software developer? Research the occupations and industries youd like to work in and try to speak to people with professional experience in those fields.,words,Read and Think Once,27,Read and Think,With the career exploration done, its time for you to select possible career paths. You now need to gather more detailed information. For each career option, you should look at the job description, educational and other requirements, job outlook, advancement opportunities, and earnings. Besides, you can narrow down your options by exploring the labor market, part-time work or volunteer opportunities, etc.,sentences,Read and Think With t,28,Read and Think,Once you have decided an occupation you want to pursue, its time to put an action plan into practice so that you can eventually find a job in that field, but first you will need to set your long-term and short-term goals. Based on your goals, you can go on to develop a career action plan.,words,Read and Think Once you,29,Read and Think,The career action plan lists all the steps you will need to take to reach them, for example, investigating sources of required training and education; writing your resume; gathering company information; preparing for job interviews, etc.,(316 words),sentences,translation,back,Read and Think The career ac,30,Read and Think,Task 1 Problem-solving,What does “short-term and long-term goals” mean?,A goal is something you want to achieve. You will make some level of effort to reach this goal. There are two types of goals: long-term goals and short-term goals. Long-term goals can take about three to five years to achieve. Short-term goals can be reached in one to three years. Your goal must be practicalyou can put it into practice, reachableyou have the time, energy and required qualifications to accomplish it, and flexibleyou can modify it when necessary.,next,Read and Think Task 1 Problem,31,Read and Think,Task 2 Write T/F (True or False) for each of the,following statements.,1. Career planning can be done once for all.,2. Career planning is a process that involves learning enough about oneself.,3. It is a good way to consult your family and friends when you study yourself for career planning.,4. This article is mainly about changing career.,5. People with professional experience can help you make the right decision.,6. A good career action plan should include all the important steps necessary for you to get the job you want.,F,F,T,T,T,T,next,Read and ThinkTask 2 Write T/F,32,Read and Think,Task 3 Give brief answers to the following questions.,1. What is career planning?,Career planning is a lifelong process, which includes choosing an occupation, getting a job, growing in the job, possibly changing careers, and eventually retiring.,2. What steps does career planning process usually include?,Four steps: analysis, exploration, selection, and action.,next,Read and ThinkTask 3 Give brie,33,Read and Think,3. What aspects does a detailed self analysis mainly involve?,Interests and skills; personality and values; preferred work environments and development needs.,4. How do you explore the career options that interest you the most?,Research the occupations and industries which youd like to work in and try to speak to people with professional experience in those fields.,next,Read and Think3. What aspects,34,Read and Think,5. How do you narrow down your options when selecting possible career paths?,By researching the labor market, part time work or volunteer opportunities, etc.,6. Do you have your short term and long term goals? What are they?,Open.,next,Read and Think5. How do you na,35,Read and Think,Task 4 Match A with B,A B,1. 兼职工作 a. job outlook,2. 劳动市场 b. self analysis,3. 升职机会 c. take steps,4. 工作前景 d. a part time job,5. 职业道路 e. action plan,6. 专业经验 f. advancement opportunity,7. 采取步骤 g. career path,8. 自我分析 h. professional experience,9. 设定目标 i. labor market,10. 行动计划 j. set goals,1- d,2-i,3-f,4-a,5-g,6-h,7-c,8-b,9-j,10-e,next,Read and ThinkTask 4 Match A w,36,Read and Think,Task 5,Fill in the blanks with the right words or phrases. Change the form where necessary.,1. He felt honored to do _ work during 2008 Beijing Olympics Games.,2. The company _ a survey to find out the needs for their products in the market.,3. A(n) _ is a vocation by which you make a living.,4. The company _ five departments.,occupation take into consideration volunteer,base on conduct be comprised of explore,narrow down prefer investigate,volunteer,conducted,occupation,is comprised of,Read and ThinkTask 5 Fill in t,37,Read and Think,5. You should _ everything that is necessary for making the final decision.,6. The researcher _ carefully the differences between the two phenomena.,7. Those involved in the accident have been _ and found blameless.,8. My parents _ me not to go into the business world.,9. His decision _ many years of investigation and research.,10. The police have to _ their list of suspects.,take into consideration,explored,investigated,prefer,is/was based on,narrow down,back,Read and Think5. You should _,38,Read and Think,Task 6,Read the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences into English.,1.,Not only,do the nurses want a pay raise, they,also,want reduced hours.,Not only,should China develop material civilization, she,also,should develop spiritual civilization.,2.,Would,you,rather,be a software engineer or a software developer?,Would,you,rather,cook or wash the dishes?,3.,Besides,you can,receive a large sum of money.,Besides,you can,gather work experience during internship.,Read and ThinkTask 6 Read the,39,Read and Think,4.,Based on,one of Jin Yongs novels, he wrote the excellent play.,Based on,your present physical condition, youd better give up this task.,5.,With his work done,he prepared to return to his institute.,With all the compositions collected,the teacher sent the students home.,6.,Once,you have finished reading this novel,its time to,write a book report.,Once,you have set the goal,its time to,go all out to put your action plan into practice.,Read and Think4. Based on one,40,Career Planning,Career planning is a lifelong process, which includes choosing an occupation, getting a job, growing in the job, possibly changing careers, and retiring. This process is usually,comprised,of four steps: analysis, exploration, selection, and action.,eventually,Language Study,back,Career,41,Language Study,The first step is to conduct a detailed self-analysis.,Not only will you have to consider your interests and skills, youll also have to think about your personality and values.,Besides, find out what youre really good at by asking family and friends, and,remember to,take your preferred work environments and development needs into consideration.,back,Language Study The fir,42,Language Study,Once self-analysis is complete, its time to start,exploring,the career options that interest you the most.,Would you rather be an engineer or a businessman?,Are middle school teachers paid more than salesmen? Whats the difference between a software engineer and a software developer? Research the occupations and industries youd like to work in and try to speak to people with professional experience in those fields.,back,Language Study Once sel,43,Language Study,With the career exploration done,its time for you to select possible career paths. You now need to gather more detailed information. For each career option, you should look at the job description, educational and other requirements, job outlook, advancement opportunities, and earnings. Besides, you can,narrow down,your options by exploring the labor market, part-time work or volunteer opportunities, etc.,Language Study With the,44,Language Study,Once you have decided an occupation you want to,pursue,its time to put an action plan into practice so that you can eventually find a job in that field, but first you will need to set your long-term and short-term goals.,Based on your goals, you can go on to develop a career action plan,.,Language Study Once y,45,Language Study,The career action plan lists all the steps you will need to take to reach them,for example,investigating,sources of required training and education; writing your resume; gathering company information; preparing for job interviews, etc.,Language Study The career ac,46,Section 3,Things to Write,Things to Write,Activity Two:,Applied Writing,My Career Plan,My Career Plan,Activity One:,Task-based Writing,back,Section 3 Things to Write Th,47,Section 3,Things to Write,Activity One: Task-based Writing,My,Career,Plan,Task 1 Study the following tips for writing.,Task 2 Study the following language for writing.,Task 3 Study the following model for witing.,Task 4 Write a career plan of your own.,back,Section 3 Things to WriteAct,48,Section 3,Things to Write,Task 1 Study the following tips for writing.,When writing your career plan or career goal, you should include the following:,1.,Occupation you want to pursue,: your ideal job;,2.,Reasons for your choice,:,interests, abilities, personality, values, wages, etc.,3.,Required skills, education or training:,English proficiency, computer level or internship, etc.,4.,Steps to take towoards your career goal:,what to do to achieve it.,back,Section 3 Things to WriteTas,49,Section 3,Things to Write,Task 2 Study the following language for writing,.,Words and phrases:,pursue a career as,从事,.,职业,have interest in,对,.,有兴趣,immediate goal,当下目标,obtain a degree,获取学位,Section 3 Things to WriteTas,50,Section 3,Things to Write,conform to ones interest and hobby,符合某人的兴趣和爱好,fulfill ones dream,实现梦想,attend courses,上课,personal satisfaction,个人满足,acquire a position,获取职位,gather experience,积累经验,Section 3 Things to Writecon,51,Section 3,Things to Write,Sentence patterns:,I want to pursue a career as a programmer.,I have much interest in the IT industry.,My ideal career is one through which I can gain self-satisfaction.,We should pursue a career according our interests and skills.,I hope to work in an environment which will provide me with personal growth and development.,Section 3 Things to WriteSen,52,Section 3,Things to Write,I plan to get a mechanical engineering position in Huawei Corporation.,I think tourism is the most suitable career for me. Ive always been dreaming to be a tour guide since I was a child.,To pursue that career, Ill need the following skills, education and training.,Section 3 Things to WriteI p,53,Section 3,Things to Write,Id like to work in a foreign company or a joint venture (合资企业).,My immediate goal is to obtain a diploma in mechanical engineering.,I plan to attend computer programming courses in order to be more competitive in the labor market.,When I have gathered enough experience and skills, I plan to open a company of my own.,back,Section 3 Thi


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