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,人教版,八,年级英语上册单元全套优质课件,教育部审定教材,RJ,初中英语,Unit 6,Im going,to study,computer,science.,人教版八年级英语上册单元全套优质课件教育部审定教材R,Section A 1a-2d,Section A Grammar Focus-3c,Section B,1a-1e,使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。,目 录,Section B,2a-2e,Section B 3a-Self Check,Review,Section A 1a-2dSection A Gramm,R,八年级上册,Unit 6 Im going,to study computer science.,Section A 1a-2d,R八年级上册Unit 6 Im going to st,engineer,n.,厨师,v.,烹饪;煮,/k,k,/,cook,n.,医生,/d,kt/,,,/ d,:kt,(r)/,doctor,n.,工程师,/ end,n,/,,,/ end,n,r/,New words,engineern.厨师 v.烹饪;煮/kk/cook,scientist,n.,小提琴手,/ va,l,n,st/,violinist,n.,驾驶员;,司机,/ dra,v,(r)/,driver,n.,飞行员,/pa,lt/,pilot,n.,钢琴家,/p,n,st/,pianist,n.,科学家,/sa,nt,st/,scientistn.小提琴手/ valnst/v,make sure,长大;成熟;成长,grow up,确信;对,有把握,be sure about,确保;查明,计算机程序设计员;编程人员,/ pr,grm,(r)/,computer programmer,make sure长大;成熟;成长grow up 确信;对,B,e,what you want to be,Enjoy the video,Be what you want to beEnjoy th,a cook,a scient,ist,a doct,or,a pian,ist,a cooka scientista doctora pia,人教版八年级上英语-unit-6单元ppt课件全套,1a,Do you think these jobs are interesting? Rank them 1-12.,_ computer programmer _ cook,_ doctor _ engineer _ teacher,_ violinist _ bus driver _ pilot,_ pianist _ basketball player,_ scientist _ actor,1aDo you think these jobs are,1b,Listen and fill in the blanks. Then match the items.,puter programmer a. take _ lessons,2.basketball player b. study _ science,3.engineer c. practice _,every day,4.actor d. study _ really hard,acting,computer,basketball,math,1bListen and fill in the blank,Conversation1,Boy,:Tina,whatdoyouwanttobewhenyou,growup?,Tina,:Hmm,IthinkIwanttobeacomputer,programmer.,Boy,:,Wow!Soundsdifficult.Howareyougoing,todothat?,Tina,:Imgoingtostudycomputerscience.,Tapescripts:,Conversation1Tapescripts:,Conversation2,Girl,:Larry,whatdoyouwanttobewhenyou,grow up?,Larry,:,Ilovebasketball,soIwanttobeabasketball,player.,Girl,:Howareyougoingtodothat?,Larry,:,Imgoingtopracticebasketballeveryday.,Conversation2,Conversation3,Boy,:,Whatdoyouwanttobewhenyougrowup?,Girl,:Iwanttobeanengineer.,Boy,:,Isee .buthowareyougoingtodothat?,Girl,:,Imgoingtostudymathreallyhard.,Conversation3,Conversation4,Tina,:,Whatdoyouwanttobewhenyougrowup?,Boy,:,IwanttobeanactorbecauseIwantajob,thatsfun.,Tina,:Cool!Howareyougoingtodothat?,Boy,:Imgoingtotakeactinglessons.,Conversation4,1c,Practice the conversation in the picture. Then make conversations about the other jobs in 1a.,A:,What,do you want to be when you grow up?,B: I want to be a basketball player.,A:,How,are you going to do that?,B: Im going to practice basketball every day.,1cPractice the conversation in,A:,What,are you going to be when you,grow up?,B: Im going to be an astronaut.,A:,How,are you going to do that?,B: Im going to study hard and take,exercises every day.,A: What are you going to be wh,2a,Listen. What is Cheng Han going to do?,Check ( ) the correct boxes in the picture.,2aListen. What is Cheng Han go,2b,Listen,again. What are Cheng Hans plans for the future? Complete the chart.,What,Where,How,When,He wants to be a teacher.,He is going to move to Shanghai.,He is going to learn how to teach children.,He is going to finish high school and college first.,2bListen again. What are Cheng,Girl,:Whatdoyouwanttobewhenyou,growup,ChengHan?,ChengHan,:Iwanttobeateacher.,Girl,:AreyougoingtomovetoBeijing?,ChengHan,:,No,ImgoingtomovetoShanghai.,Tapescripts:,Girl:Whatdoyou,Girl,:,Andhowareyougoingtobecomea,teacher?,ChengHan,:,Well,Imgoingtolearnhowtoteach,children.,Girl,:,Whenareyougoingtostart?,ChengHan,:,Imgoingtofinishhighschooland,collegefirst.,Girl:Andhoware,2c,Ask and answer questions about Cheng Hans plans.,A: What does Cheng Han want to be?,B: He wants to be a teacher.,2cAsk and answer questions abo,2d,Role-play the conversation.,Andy,: What are you reading, Ken?,Ken,:,The Old Man and the Sea,by Hemingway.,Andy,: Wow, now I know why,youre so good at,writing stories.,Ken,: Yes, I want to be a writer.,be good at ,擅长于做,2dRole-play the conversation.A,Andy,: Really? How are you going to become a writer?,Ken,:,Well, Im going to,keep on writing,stories, of,course. What do you want to be?,Andy,: My parents want me to be a doctor,but Im not,sure about that.,keep on doing ,继续,坚持做,be sure about ,对,有把握,确信,Andy: Really? How are you goin,Ken,:,Well, dont worry. Not everyone knows,what they want to be. Just,make sure,you,try your best,. Then you can be anything,you want!,Andy,:,Yes, youre right.,try ones best,尽最大努力,make sure,确保,Ken: Well, dont worry. Not,Have you read,The Old Man and the Sea,?,Do you know who wrote it?,* a famous,American novelist,*,Pulitzer Prize winner,in 1953,Nobel Prize in Literature winner,in 1954,* works:,The Old Man and the Sea,A Farewell to Arms,The Sun Also Rises,Have you read The Old Man and,What book is Ken reading?,Who is the writer?,What is Ken good at?,The Old Man and the Sea,.,Hemingway.,Writing stories.,Answer the questions.,What book is Ken reading?The O,How is Ken going to become a writer?,He is going to keep on writing stories.,Doctor.,What do Andys parents want him to be?,How is Ken going to become a w,1. Role play the conversation,in,groups;,2. Role play the conversation,in front,of the class,Lets see which group does,the best.,Role play,1. Role play the conversation,Ken is reading a book called _,_. He _ writing stories.,He wants to be a writer. He is going to _,_.,The Old Man,is good at,Review the conversation.,and the Sea,on writing stories,keep,Ken is reading a book called _,Andys parents wants him to be a _,but he _ about that.,However, not everyone knows what they _. Just _ you try your best. Then you can be anything you want!,doctor,is not sure,want to be,make sure,Andys parents wants him to be,Language points,1. What do you want to be when you grow up?,when,用作连词,,“当,时”,,用来引导,时间状语从句,。在,when,引导的时间状语从句中,主语是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时表示将来。,Language points1. What do you,2. How are you going to do that?,Im going,to practice,basketball every day.,这是一个,be going to,用于特殊疑问句的句子,,be going to,表示将要发生的动作,“计划,打,算”,后跟动词原形。常跟表,将来,的时间连用。,2. How are you going to do tha,practice,作动词,表示“(不间断地)练习”,后可用名词作宾语,若跟动词时需用,动名词,形式。,例:,He always wants to practice his English,with me.,他总是想跟我练习英语。,practice作动词,表示“(不间断地)练习”,后可用名词,3. Wow, now I know,why,youre so,good at,writing stories.,why,引导的,宾语从句,的复合句。,why,从句作,know,的宾语,需用陈述句语序。,why,在此作连词,意为,“为什么”,。,3. Wow, now I know why youre,be good at,“擅长,在,方面成绩好”,,at,后可接,名词、代词或动名词,作宾语。,同义词组,: do well in,在,方面做得好,例:,I am good at playing chess.,我擅长下象棋。,be good at“擅长,在方面成绩好”,at后可接名,4. Well, Im going to,keep on writing,stories,of course.,keep on,“反复地做;继续进行”,,keep on,doing,sth.,意为“不断地做某事”。,例:她虽疲劳但仍继续工作。,She kept on,working, although she was,tired.,4. Well, Im going to keep on,(,1,),keep doing sth.,“一直做某事”。,例:他在那儿一动不动地站了一个小时。,He,kept standing,there for an hour,without moving.,(,2,),keep sb. doing sth.,“让某人一直做某事”。,例:对不起,让你久等了。,Sorry, I,kept,you,waiting,so long.,(1)keep doing sth. “一直做某事”。例:,5. My parents want me to be a doctor, but,Im not sure about that.,be sure about,sth/doing sth,.,确信某事,,确信做某事,对做某事有把握。,例:,他确信他们会对这个感兴趣。,He is sure about their interest in it.,5. My parents want me to be a,be sure,的用法:,(1) be sure,of/about+,动名词或名词,,“确信,;,对,有把握”。,例:他自信会成功的。,He is sure of success.,be sure的用法:(1) be sureof/abou,(2) be sure + that,从句,,“肯定,;有,把握,”,主句的主语一定是人,可以替换为,It is certain + that,从句。,例:我相信吸烟对你没有好处。,Im sure that smoking is not good for you.,(2) be sure + that从句,“肯定;有例:,6. Just make sure you try your best.,make sure,“确保,查明”,其后可跟,that,(,可省略,),引导的,宾语从句、动词不定式,或,of,短语,。,例:离开前务必将房间打扫干净。,Make sure to clean the room before you,leave.,6. Just make sure you try your,1. Mr. Green is going to buy a big house for his,parents _ his money.,2. Ben and Alice put their books on the desks,_ the same time.,with,at,Exercise,一、请用适当的介词完成下列句子。,1. Mr. Green is going to buy a,5. Da Ming wants to be a reporter _ a sports,magazine.,4. Paris sounds _ a city that Cheng Han enjoys.,like,for,3. His Chinese teacher is going to send the,articles _ newspapers.,to,5. Da Ming wants to be a repor,1. My brother is going to be a p_ (a person,who controls a plane) when he grows up.,2. Bills father is an e_ (a person who is,trained to plan the making of machines, roads,etc).,ilot,ngineer,二、根据提示完成下列句子。,1. My brother is going to be a,3. Cheng Han is going to m_ (to change the place,where you live, work, etc) to New York.,4. She exercises every day to keep f_ (healthy and,strong).,5. Yao Ming is a p_ (doing something as,a paid job) basketball player.,ove,it,rofessional,3. Cheng Han is going to m_,三、选择合适的选项。,a. Im going to take singing lessons.,b. Im going to start next month.,c. Im going to be a singer.,d. In New York City.,e. No, Im not.,三、选择合适的选项。a. Im going to take,1. What are you going to be when you,grow up?,2. Are you going to sing country music?,3. How are you going to become a singer?,4. When are you going to start?,5. Where are you going to take singing,lessons?,c,e,b,a,d,1. What are you going to be wh,R,八年级上册,Unit 6,Im going,to study,computer science.,Section A Grammar Focus-3c,R八年级上册Unit 6 Section A Gram,medicine,New words,/k,l,d,/,,,/k,:l,d,/,college,n.,教育,/ ed,uke,n/,education,n.,药;医学,/medsn, m,e,d,sn/,n.,学院;大学;,高等,专科学校,medicineNew words /kld/,/,send,n.,(,综合性,),大学;,高等学府,/ ju:n,v,:(r)sti/,university,n.,伦敦,/ l,nd,n/,London,n.,文章;论文,/,:(r)t,kl/,article,v.,邮寄,发送,/send/,sendn. (综合性)大学;/ ju:nv:(r)s,I,want to be,a violinist,when I grow up.,What do you,want to be,when you grow up?,Look and learn,I want to be a violinistWhat d, What do you want to be when you grow up?, I want to be a _ just like,Sun Yang and Ningzetao.,swimming player, What do you want to be when, _ when you grow up?, _.,What do you want to be,I want to be a basketball player, _ when,What,do you,want to be,when you grow up?,I,want to be,an engineer.,How,are you going to,do that?,I,m going to,study math really hard.,Where,are,you going to,work?,I,m going to,move to Shanghai.,When,are you going to,start?,I,m going,to,start when I finish high school and college.,Have a look.,Grammar Focus,What do you want to be when yo,A: What do you _ when you grow up?,B: I want to be a teacher.,A: How _ become a teacher?,B: I _ learn how to teach children.,A: When _ start?,B: I _ finish high school and college first.,Practice,are you going to,am going to,are you going to,am going to,want to be,Go!,Ready?,A: What do you _ when,“,be going to +,动词原形”是一般将来时的一种形式,表示,将要、打算,做某事,,be,随主语的人称和数的变化而变化。,be going to,的用法,“be going to +动词原形”是一般将来时的一种形式,1. be going to,的用法:,(1),表示主语有意图、有计划、有准备做某事,,所表达的动作基本上会实现。,例:下周日我们打算进行一场足球赛。,We are going to have a football match next,Sunday.,1. be going to的用法:(1)表示主语有意图、有,(2),根据当前情况作出预测,通常是有迹象表明某事,即将要发生,表达说话人较肯定的判断,常用于,Im sure, Im afraid,或,I think,等后面。,例:看那些乌云!恐怕要下雨了。,Look at the dark clouds! Im afraid its going,to rain!,(2) 根据当前情况作出预测,通常是有迹象表明某事 例:看,2. be going to,的句子结构:,be,动词随主语的人称和数的变化而相应地变化。,肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,主语,+be(am/is/are)+not+going+to+,动词原形,+,其他,.,主语,+be(am/is/are)+going +to+,动词原形,+,其他,.,Be(Am/Is/Are)+,主语,+going+to+,动词原形,+,其他,?,疑问词,+be(am/is/are)+,主语,+going+to+,动词原形,+,其他?,2. be going to的句子结构:be动词随主语的人称,(1),肯定句的构成和用法,句型,:,主语,+be going to+,动词原形,+,I,am,going to play football next Sunday.,He,is,going to teach in Beijing next year.,It,is,going to rain.,We,re,going home tomorrow.,(1)肯定句的构成和用法句型: 主语+be going t,(2),否定句的构成和用法,句型,:,主语,+be not going to +,动词原形,+,Were,not,going to have any class next week.,Its,not,going to rain this afternoon.,Im,not,going to be a teacher.,He,isnt,going to see his brother tomorrow.,They,arent,going to watch TV this evening.,(2)否定句的构成和用法句型: 主语+be not goin,(3),一般疑问句的构成和用法,句型,: be+,主语,+going to +,动词原形,+,?,*Are you going to be a doctor in the future?,Yes, I,am.,(肯定回答),No, Im not.,(否定回答),*Is your sister going to Shanghai next Monday?,Yes, she is. /No, she isnt.,(3)一般疑问句的构成和用法句型: be+主语+going,(4),特殊疑问句的构成和用法:,句型,:,疑问词,+be+,主语,+going+to+,动词原形,+,?,How,are they going to school tomorrow?,What,is he going to do next Sunday?,When,are you going to buy a new bike?,Where,is the little girl going?,(4)特殊疑问句的构成和用法:句型: 疑问词+be+主语+g,3.,与,be going to,连用的时间状语:,be going to,表达的是,未发生的动作,,因此常与一,些表示将来时间的,状语,连用。,如:,tomorrow,明天, this evening,今天晚上, next,month,下个月。有时也可在,when, before,after, until,等引导的时间状语从句中使用。,3. 与be going to 连用的时间状语:be goi,4. be going to,结构要注意的问题:,be going to,与,be doing,都可表示将来要发生的动作,但表示,位置移动,的动词,如,go, come, leave, fly, arrive,等,一般用,“,be +doing”,表示将要发生的动作。,例:她将动身前往上海。,She is leaving for Shanghai.,4. be going to结构要注意的问题:be goin,Practice, What do you want to be when you grow up?, I want to be a _., How are you going to do that?, I _ practice every day.,soccer player,am going to,Practice What do you want to, What does your cousin _ when he,grow up?, He _., _?, _ go to a cooking school.,wants to be a cook,He is going to,want to be,How is he going to do that, What does your cousin _,根据汉语意思完成下列句子。,1.,我爸爸打算给我买一辆新自行车。,My father _ _ _ _ a new bike for me.,2.,明天我打算去上吉他课。,I _ _ _ _ the guitar lesson tomorrow.,3.,他们没有打算住在那座小屋。,They _ _ _ _ in that little house.,is going to buy,am going to take,arent going to live,根据汉语意思完成下列句子。is going to,4. ,要下雨了吗?,不,不是的。, _ it _ _ rain?, No, _ _.,5.,他下周五打算去干什么?,_ _ he _ _ _ next Friday?,6.,你打算怎样成为一名科学家?,_ _ you _ _ be a scientist?,What is going to do,How are going to,Is going to,it isnt,4. 要下雨了吗?What is go,3a,Match what these people,want,to do with what they are,going,to do.,Theyre going to practice every day.,Im going to buy a fast car.,Were going to take singing lessons.,Shes going to study education.,Shes going to study math.,Im going to study science.,Hes going to go to a cooking school.,Hes going to take acting lessons.,3aMatch what these people want,_ 1. My friend wants to be an engineer.,_ 2. My brother wants to be an actor.,_ 3. I want to be a scientist.,_ 4. My sister wants to be a school teacher.,_ 5. Those boys want to be soccer players.,_ 6. My friend and I want to be singers.,_ 7. My cousin wants to be a cook.,_ 8. I want to be a race car driver.,e,h,f,d,a,c,g,b,_ 1. My friend wants to be,3b,Fill in the blanks. Then practice the,conversation.,A: Kelly, what do you want to be _ you grow up?,B: I _ to be a doctor.,A: Wow! _ are you going to do that?,B: Im _ to study medicine at a university.,A: Hmmsounds difficult. _ are you _ to,study?,B: Im going to_ in London.,A: _ are you going to start?,B: Im going to _ next September.,when,want,How,going,Where,going,study,When,start,3bFill in the blanks. Then pra,3c,Complete the chart and discuss it with your partner.,A: What do you want to be when you grow up?,B: I want to be a reporter.,A: How are you going to do that?,B: Im going to write articles and send them to,magazines and newspapers.,3cComplete the chart and discu,What,Where,How,When,What Where How When,Play roles with your partner.,A: What do you want to be when you grow up?,B: I want to be a,doctor,.,A:,Where are you going to work?,B: Im going to work in Beijing.,A: How are you going to do that?,B: Im going to,study hard,.,A: When are you going to start?,B: Im going to,start,next September.,Play roles with your partner.A,一、按要求改写下列各句。,1. We are going to play ping-pong on Saturday.,(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答),_ _ going to play ping-pong on,Saturday?,_, we _.,Are you,No,arent,Exercise,一、按要求改写下列各句。 Are youNo arent,2. Hes going to tell me all about it.,(改为否定句),He _ _ going to tell me all about it.,3. She is going to,work hard at English,this term.,(对划线部分提问),_ _ she _ _ _this term,?,is not,What is going to do,2. Hes going to tell me all a,1.,我叔叔今晚要来。,My uncle _ _ _,2.,他没有打算住那小屋。,He _ _ _ _ in the small house.,3.,我们要读这本书。,We _ _ _ _ this book,will come tonight,isnt going to live,are going to read,二、把下列各句译成英语。,1. 我叔叔今晚要来。 will come,R,八年级上册,Unit 6,Im going,to study computer science.,Section B 1a-1e,R八年级上册Unit 6 Im going to,New words,foreign language,成为足球队的一员,外语,make the soccer team,foreign,n.,决心;决定,/ rezlu:,n/,resolution,n.,队;组,/ti:m/,team,adj.,外国的,/f,:rn/,New words foreign language成为足球,Lead-in,What do you want to be when you grow up?,I want to be a _.,How are you going to do that?,I _ practice,every day.,soccer player,am going to,Lead-in What do you want to b, What do you want to be when you,grow up?, I _ an actor., How are you going to do that?, I _ acting lessons.,want to be,am going to take, What do you want to be when, What does your cousin _ when he,grow up?, He _., _?, _ go to a cooking school.,wants to be a cook,He is going to,want to be,How is he going to do that, What does your cousin _,Talk about your,New Years resolutions,.,save some money,get good grades,read more books,travel to Beijing,get lots of exercise,eat healthier food,get up early,make many friends,learn to play an,instrument,get a part-time job,work harder,Talk about your New Years res,1a,Match the pictures with the New Years,resolutions. Number the pictures 1-5.,Next year, Im going to:,1. learn to play the piano 2. make the soccer team,3. get good grades 4. eat healthier food,5. get lots of exercise,Next years Resolutions,1aMatch the pictures with the,2,4,3,5,2435,1b,What are you going to do next year? Tell your partner.,A:,What are you going to do next year?,B:,Well, Im going to take guitar lessons. I really love,music.,A:,Sounds interesting. Im going to learn another,foreign language.,B:,Are you? Great! But foreign languages are not for,me.,1bWhat are you going to do nex,Next year, Im going to:,1. learn to play the piano 2. make the soccer team,3. get good grades 4. eat healthier food,5. get lots of exercise,Listen and circle the resolutions you hear,in 1a.,1c,Next years Resolutions,Next year, Im going to:Listen,1d,How are they going to do it?,Lucy,Shes going to take piano lessons.,Kim,Mike,Shes going to study hard and do her homework every day.,Hes going to practice really hard, and this summer hes going to go to a soccer camp.,Listen again. Write how the people are going to make their resolutions work.,1dHow are they going to do it?,Kim:,DidyoumakeaNewYearsresolutionthis,year,Lucy?,Lucy:,Yes,Kim,Idid.,Kim:,Whatareyougoingtodo?,Lucy:,Imgoingtolearntoplaythepiano.,Kim:,Cool.Howareyou goingtodothat?,Tapescripts:,Kim:DidyoumakeaNewYear,Lucy:,Imgoingtotakepianolessons.Howabout,you?,Kim:,Well,myNewYearsresolutionistogetgood,grades.,Lucy:,Howareyougoingtodothat?,Kim:,Imgoingtostudyhardandofcour


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