体育锻炼在肥胖治疗中的作用 课件

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体育锻炼在肥胖治疗中的作用 课件_第1页
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体育锻炼在肥胖治疗中的作用 课件_第3页
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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,The Role of Physical Activity in Obesity Therapy,The Role of Physical Activity,Benefits of Regular Physical Activity in Obese Persons,Decreases loss of fat-free mass associated with weight loss,Improves maintenance of weight loss,Improves cardiovascular and metabolic health, independent of weight loss,Benefits of Regular Physical A,Physical Activity Helps Preserve Fat-Free Mass During Weight Loss,Diet Only,Loss of Fat-Free Mass(% Total Weight Loss),Ballor and Poehlman.,Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord,1994;18:35.,Diet PlusPhysical Activity,Men,Women,*,P,0.05,Physical Activity Helps Preser,Energy Expenditure of Physical Activity,Energy Expenditure (kcal/h),Adapted from: Alpers. Undergraduate Teaching Project. Nutrition: energy and protein. American Gastroenterological Association, 1978.,All out competitive sports,Running 10 mph,Running 6 mph,Climbing stairs,Sexual intercourse,Gardening,Walking 4 mph,Bicycling,Walking 2 mph,Chewing gum (11 kcal/h),400,600,1000,200,800,1200,Energy Expenditure of Physical,Physical Activity Alone Results in Minimal Weight Loss,Wing.,Med Sci Sports Exerc,1999;31(suppl):S547.,*,P,0.05 vs control group,Duration of each study ranged from 4 to 12 months.,Stefanick 1998,Stefanick 1998a,Anderssen 1995,Hammer 1989,Verity 1989,Rnnemaa 1988,Wood 1988,Wood 1983,Weight loss (kg),Control Group,Exercise Group,*,*,*,*,Physical Activity Alone Result,Effect of 16-month Supervised Aerobic Exercise on Body Weight in Overweight and Obese Young Adults,Donnelly et al.Arch Intern Med 2003;163:1343,*,p0.05 vs control,Weight Change (kg),Men,Women,*,Control,Exercise,*,Effect of 16-month Supervised,Physical Activity Usually Does Not Increase Short-Term Diet-Induced Weight Loss,*,P,0.05 vs diet-only group.,Wadden 1997,Ross 1996,Marks 1995,Ross 1995,Blonk 1994,Sweeney 1993,Bertram 1990,Weight loss (kg),Diet Only,Diet + Exercise,*,Wing RR.,Med Sci Sports Exerc.,1999;31(suppl):S547-S552.,Each study ranged from 4 to 6 months.,Physical Activity Usually Does,Relationship Between Physical Activity and Maintenance of Weight Loss,Not Maintained,Subjects Exercising (%),P,0.001,Kayman et al.,Am J Clin Nutr,1990;52:800.,Weight Loss Pattern,Maintained,Relationship Between Physical,Considerable Physical Activity is Necessary for Weight Loss Maintenance,Jakicic et al.,JAMA,1999;282:1554.,Change in Weight (kg),Time (months),0,6,12,18,Weekly,Biweekly,Monthly,Concomitant Behavior Therapy,*,P,0.05,150 min/wk,200 min/wk,Considerable Physical Activity,Effect of Low-Activity (1000 kcal/wk) and High-Activity (2500 kcal/wk) on Body Weight,0,Months,Weight Change (kg),6,12,18,Jeffery et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2003;78:684-689.,P, 0.05,Behavior therapy+ Low activity,Behavior therapy+ High activity,Effect of Low-Activity (1000 k,Compliance is Greater with Home-Based versus Group-Based Activity,1,Sessions Completed (%),Perri et al.,J Consult Clin Psychol,1997;65:278.,*,P,0.05 group-based vs home-based.,Month,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,Home-based,Group-based,*,*,*,*,*,*,Compliance is Greater with Hom,Effect of Group-Based vs Home-Based Physical Activity on Body Weight,Weight Change (kg),Time (months),0,3,6,9,Perri et al.,J Consult Clin Psychol,1997;65:278.,12,15,Group-based,Home-based,*,P,0.05,Effect of Group-Based vs Home-,Effect of Long vs Short Bouts of Exercise on Total Amount of Activity and Weight Loss,Long bout = one 40-min session.,Short bout = four 10-min sessions.,Activity (min/wk),LongBouts,ShortBouts,LongBouts,ShortBouts,10,8,6,4,2,0,Weight Loss (kg),P,=0.08,P,=0.07,Jakicic et al.,J Obes Relat Metab Disord,1995;19:893.,Effect of Long vs Short Bouts,Weight Maintenance Can Be Achieved with Either Programmed or Lifestyle Activity,Weight Change (kg),Time (months),Diet + programmed activity,Diet + lifestyle activity,P=0.06,Andersen et al.,JAMA,1999;281:335.,0,8,36,52,68,16,28,44,60,TreatmentPhase,Maintenance Phase,Weight Maintenance Can Be Achi,Effect of Decreasing Sedentary Activities vs Increasing Physical Activities on Body Weight in Children 6-12 Years Old,0,Time (months),Decreased Sedentary Activity,Change in Percent Overweight,Increased Physical Activity,Epstein et al. Health Psychol 1995;14:109.,4,8,12,Effect of Decreasing Sedentary,Decreasing Television Viewing Leads to improved Body Mass Index in Children,6-monthintervention,Robinson,JAMA,1999;282:1561.,Control,Change in BMI (kg/m,2,),6-monthintervention,Control,Change in TV viewing (h/wk),P,=0.002,P,0.001,Decreasing Television Viewing,Fatness, Fitness and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality,Lean,25%,Aerobically fit,Unfit,Fatness, Fitness and Cardiovas,Guidelines for Increasing Physical Activity,Assessment,1) Medical and psychological readiness,2) Physical limitations,3) Current activities,4) Barriers to activity,Develop physical activity plan,Start activity slowly and gradually increase planned aerobic activity to 200 min/wk,Enhance compliance,Programmed vs lifestyle activity,At-home vs onsite activity,Multiple short bouts vs single long bout of activity,Guidelines for Increasing Phy,演讲完毕,谢谢观看!,Thank you for reading! 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