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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 2 Topic 3,What kinds of things can we,do to protect the environment?,2013.5.29,Review,Huang Mingzhen,Listening practice,Teaching aims and demands:,Review and master the new words,and useful expressions of Topic3 in Unit 2.,2.,Talk about environmental protection,and how to be a greener person.,3.,Review giving advice.,4,.,Review and master the compound sentences,with “or”, “and”, “but” and “while”:,基础训练,(,一,),词汇,1.We should walk or ride a bike when we are going to,travel a short d_.,2. In many countries, there are e_ cars.,3. I seldome use paper t_ .How about you?,4. Everyone is s_ to protect the environment.,5. Nodding the head means a_.,6. Please _(,摇动,) your head if you dont agree.,7. We should reuse _(,塑料的,) bags to protect,the environment.,8._(,减少,) the waste we produce is a good way,to protect the environment.,istance,lectric,wice,upossed,greement,shake,plastic,Reducing,(,二,),完成句子,1. _ said than_.,(说起来容易做起来难),2. You are late for the meeting today, you must be,_ _ (,准时,) next time.,3. _ _ _ _,(同时),,you,must keep the air clean.,4. Liu Xiang _ _ (,不仅,)won the game,_ _ (,而且,) broke the world record.,5. The table _ _ (,占据,) too much room.,It is crowded here.,6. _ _ louder than_ (,事实胜于雄辩,),7. We planted many trees on _ _ _,the road.(,路的两边,),8. _ _,(剩下的),of the money is used to,buy a new bike for my son.,9. We should_ _ (,为,努力工作,)our,motherland to make her stronger and more beautiful.,10. He_ _ (,应该,)finish the work yesterday.,11. Remember to_ _ (,关掉,) the lights,when you leave the classroom.,Easier done,on time,At the same time,not only,but also,takes up,Actions speak words,both sides of,The rest,work for,ought to,turn off,回归课本,1).What are the three Rs?,R,educe, reuse and recycle,.,2).What kinds of things can we do at home to,protect the environment?,We should reduce the waste we produce.,3)What can students do at school?,Collect waste paper and soft drink cans.,4)Would you like to be a greener person ?,How to be a greener person?,What does “,a greener person,” mean?,Are you,a greener person,?,Look at the pictures and answer the following questions. Lets see how green you are.,When is World Environment,Day?,June 5th,Look at the pictures and answer the following questions. Lets see how green you are.,What does it mean?,recycle,Look at the pictures and answer the following questions. Lets see how green you are.,What does it,encourage,people,to do?,It encourages people to sort the rubbish,and recycle the rubbish.,What are they doing?,pick up the rubbish,spread the message about protecting,the environment,What are we supposed to do?,use cloth bags instead of plastic bags,collect waste paper for recycling,Imagine you are spreading the message about protecting the environment.,What advice can you give us?,You should ,You,ought to,Imagine you are spreading the message about protecting the environment. What advice can,you give us?,You should ,You,ought to,Imagine you are spreading the message about protecting the environment. What advice can,you give us?,You should ,sort the,garbage,You,ought to,Imagine you are spreading the message about protecting the environment. What advice can,you give us?,turn off the tap,You should ,You,ought to,Imagine you are spreading the message about protecting the environment. What advice can,you give us?,a,cloth,bag,You should ,You,ought to,ought to,情态动词,应该,应当,+,动词原形,You ought to turn off the lights when you leave a room,.,ought,not,to,+,动词原形,不应该做,不应当做,You ought not to,get up so late in the,morning,.,并列句,是由并列连词把两个或两个以上的简单句连接起来的句子,,其,结构,为“,简单句,+,并列连词,+,简单句,”。,常见的并列连词有,and, but, while,so,和,or,。,Grammar,连词,or, and, but,和,while,的用法,or,否则的话,and,并且,而且,but,但是,表示转折,while,而,然而 强调对比,连词,or, and, but,和,while,的用法,-Jane, would you like to go shopping,with me?,-Id like to, and _,-Jane, would you like to go shopping,with me?,-Id like to, but _,A,I have a lot of homework to do.,B,I also want to buy some clothes.,B,A,连词,or, and, but,和,while,的用法,J,ane, get up,or,you will,.,Mike, work hard,and,you will,.,Nodding,the head means,agreement.,Shaking,the head means,disagreement,.,Join the sentences with,or, and, but,or,while,.,Nodding the head means agreement,while,shaking the head means disagreement.,Noise is a kind of pollution.,Its harmful to our hearing,.,Join the sentences with,or, and, but,or,while,.,Noise is a kind of pollution,and,its harmful,to our hearing.,用并列连词填空,1).Noise is a kind of pollution,its harmful to our hearing.,2).Hurry up,youll miss the bus.,3).She was busy cooking,they are watching TV.,4).He is tired,he still works hard.,5).John was ill yesterday,he didnt go to school.,Exercises,and,or,while,but,so,Useful expressions,We should reduce the waste we produce.,We should use both sides of paper and,reuse plastic bags.,So we encourage them to collect waste,paper and soft drink cans.,Everyone is supposed to do that.,Goodbye !,


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