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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Welcome to our class!,Unit 7,How much are these socks?,Section B 2a-2c,7,9,A:,How much,is this_?,B:,Its,_.,Look and say,A:,How much,is the_?,B:,Its,_.,T-shirt,seven dollars,sweater,nine dollars,Review,8,A: _ is the_?,B: _.,How much,shirt,Its,eight dollars,How much,is the,skirt,Its,five dollars,5,A: _?,B: _.,A:,How much,_,trousers,?,B: _,six dollars,.,are these,Theyre,A:,How much,_?,B: _.,are these,shorts,Theyre,four dollars,6,4,10,2,are the,socks,Theyre,two dollars,A: _?,B: _.,How much,are these,shoes,Theyre,ten dollars,A:,How much,_?,B: _.,2a How much do you think these things,cost? Match each clothing item with a price.,解释:,clothing item,意为“成衣制品”,a skirt 3. sock 5. shorts,2. a sweater 4. trousers 6. shoes,a. $3 c. $30 e. $22,b. $15 d. $20 f. $25,$22,$25,$3,$20,$15,$30,Mr. Cools Clothes Store,Mr. Cool,Mr. Cools Clothes Store,Come and buy,your clothes,at,our great sale! We sell all our clothes,at very good prices,.,Do you like sweaters?,We have,green sweaters for only $15 ! Yellow,sweaters are only,$12 !,Mr. Cools Clothes Store,Things,colors,price,for who,green,yellow,/,/,black,/,/,/,/,/,Fill in the blanks according to the passage:,sweaters,$15,trousers,$12,for boys,shorts,purple,$16,for boys,skirts,$20,for girls,$22,jackets,$30,shoes,black,$28,socks,$2( 3 pairs),What does the shop sell?,2. How much are the sweaters?,3. How much are the trousers for boys?,Answer the question:,It sells sweaters, trousers, shorts, skirts, jackets, shoes and socks.,The green sweaters are,15 dollars and the yellow sweaters are 12 dollars.,They are,22 dollars,.,4. How much are the skirts for girls?,5. How much are the socks?,6. What colors are the skirts for girls?,They are,20 dollars,.,They are,2 dollars for three pairs,.,They are,purple,.,1.,buy (,v,.),买,(1) come and buy,来买,=come to buy,(,2) buy,sth,from,从,买来某物,Language points,我想要从书店里买一本书,I want to buy a book from the bookstore.,2.,sale (,n,.),卖,at our great sale,在我们的大卖场,3.sell (v.),卖,sell,sth,to,sb,把某物卖给某人,让我把这本书卖给我的同学吧。,Let me sell this book to my classroom.,4. at very good prices.,“,以非常便宜的价格”, at,表示“以,的价格”。,6. skirts,in,purple,紫色的短裙,句中的介词,in,在此处用于表示物品的颜色。,5.,for girls,中的,for,做介词,在此处表示对象,,意为,“对,来说”,。,Come to / Come and buyat,Come and have a look.,Can I help you? / What can I do for you?,-Does she like that white bag?,-Yes, she does. /No, she doesnt.,Oh, its too expensive. Can you give me a lower price?,Sorry, I cant. / That one is cheap.,How much is it? Its five,yuan,.,Ill take it. Here you are.,Thank you. Youre welcome.,Shopping,2c Imagine you work at Mr. Cools Clothes,Store. Complete the conversation and,practice it in a group.,You: Hello,I help you?,Girl: Yes, please. I need a,.,You: How about these purple,.,Girl: Oh, I like this one. How,is it?,You: Its only,dollars.,Girl: Oh, good. Ill,it.,can,skirt,ones,take,20,much,You: And what do you need?,Boy: Well, I need a pair of brown _,for,school,.,You: What about this pair? They are,twenty-eight,.,Boy: Great. And do you have shorts, too?,You: Yes, our shorts are only,dollars.,Boy: OK. Ill take the,and,the,.,shoes,16,shorts,shoes,only,dollars,快来跟我学购物用语,Can I help you?,What can I do for you?,您要什么吗?,Yes, please. I want/need.,是的。我要,How about this/ these .,怎么样,?,Its/Theyre(nice, beautiful, cheap),它,/,它们非常,I like it/them. How much?,我很喜欢,多少钱?,I dont like,it/them. Can you give me another one?,Here you are.,给您。(您拿好。),Its/Theyredollars,Ill take / buy / get / it.,我买下了。,Exercises,. Fill in the blanks.,1. I like that red _(,毛衣,).,2.The black _(,短裤,)are Sams.,3. I like _(,黄色,)color.,4. He wants blue _(,鞋,).,5. Those trousers are twelve_(,美元,).,sweater,shorts,yellow,shoes,dollars,6. How much _ the red sweater?,_ 13 dollars.,7. How much _ this bag?,_ 8 dollars.,8. How much _ the salad ?,_ 1 dollar.,9. How much _ they?,_ 34,yuan,.,10. How much _ these blue trousers?,_ 60,yuan,.,is,is,is,are,are,单数或不可数,is,复数,are,.,单数或不可数,it,复数,they,.,(,单数,),(,单数,),(,不可数,),(,复数,),(,复数,),Its,Its,Its,Theyre,Theyre,.,单项选择,( )1.The green shorts are _ sale for $25.,A. forB. on C. at,( )2.The socks _ all colors are just 2,yuan,.,A. inB. for C. on,( )3._ shoes are Lindas?,The green shoes.,A. WhereB. Whose C. Which,B,A,C,( )4._ color do you like?,White and red.,A. Who B. WhatC. How much,( )5._ is that hat?,$15.,A. How much B. WhichC. What color,( )6.Can I help you?,_.,A. No, please dont B. Yes, please,C. Youre welcome,B,A,B,( )7. How much_ those trousers?,Theyre 25,yuan,.,A. isB. are C. am,( )8. His clothes_ over there, in,that room.,A. is B. are C. am,B,B,.,翻译句子,1.,这些东西多少钱?,_ _ are these things?,2.,那个盒子是什么颜色的?,What _ is that _?,3.,你想要什么颜色的帽子?,What _ of the _ do you _?,How much,color,box,color,hats,want,4.,我能帮助你吗?,_ I _ you?,5.,哪件是你的,T,恤衫?,白色的那件是我的,这件黑的是我表弟的。,_ is _ T-shirt?,The _ one is my T-shirt. The _,one is my _.,6.,我要买这个蓝色的裤子和紫色的毛衣。,I will _the blue _and purple,_.,Can,help,Which,your,white,black,cousins,trousers,take,sweater,Homework,1.,背诵,P41,2b,2.,完成小白,Unit 7,3.,完成双语报,B,版,Thank you!,


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