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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1,How often do,you exercise?,四川省三台县新生中学 杨晓芳,Food,fruit,vegetables,fish,meat,milk,How often,every day,once a week,twice a week,three times a week,never,usually,eating,habit,s:,I eat apple every day, its my,habit,.,One day one apple,doctor goes away.,一天一个苹果,,远离医生。,junk food,Different,people has different,habit,s and different,lifestyle,s.,The main idea of this passage :,* Im pretty,healthy.,exercise every day,eat a lot of vegetables,eat fruit and,drink milk every day,never drink coffee,try to,eat junk food,only once a week,sleep nine hours,every night,exercise,eating,habits,sleep,She,her health.,* What does healthy lifestyle help her?,* What help her to study better?,looks after,Thinking and Talking,* Is her lifestyle the same as yours,or different?,And what is your lifestyle?,and I think kind of,unhealthy. I hardly ever,exercise,Dear Tony,Fill in the blanks in Bills letter.,*kind of,unhealthy,hardly ever exercise,sometimes eat vegetables,never eat fruit,eat junk food three or four times,a week,drink coffee four times a week,sleep nine hours every night,never drink milk,and I think Im kind of unhealthy. I,hardly,ever,exercise. I eat _ twice a week, but I never eat,. And I _ _ to drink _. Yuck! I love _ _ and eat it _ _ _ _ a week. I love to drink _, too. So maybe Im not very healthy , although I have on healthy habit.,I _ for _ _ every night.,vegetables,fruit,dont,like,milk,junk,food,three or four times,coffee,sleep,nine hours,Read and feel,How many sentences do you like from 3a and 3b?,Please read it loudly?,预测主题,激发兴趣,找主题句,阅读细节,列结构图,赏读,写作,阅读策略,Homework:,How healthy are you?,Write about your own good or bad habits.,Early to bed and early to,rise, makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise.,早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明。,rise = get up,Thank you!,


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