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单击此处,单击此处,介 词,中考语法,介 词中考语法,介词概述,介词是一种虚词,用来表示它后面的名词或代词同句中其它某个成分之间的关系。介词在句中不能单独使用,必须连用它的宾语即后面的名词或代词构成介词词组后才能作句子成分。,如:in, on, across from, ever since, because of 等。,介词概述 介词是一种虚词,用来表示它后面的名词或代词同句,考点分布,(1)介词的种类,(2) 介词短语,考点分布 (1)介词的种类,考点梳理,考点一 表示时间的介词,in,表示月、季节、年、世纪或泛指上午、下午、晚上(指在一段时间内),in May, in winter, in 2014, in the twenty-first century, in the morning/afternoon/evening,at,表示时刻、时间的某一点,at 9:00, at noon, at night, at that time, at last,on,表示具体的某一天或某一天的上下、午,on Monday(morning), on a cold rainy day,during,在期间,during the summer holiday, during the exam,for,有之久(表示经过了多长时间),for two days, for a long time,past,过了(时间),ten (minutes) six, a quarter past eight,考点梳理 考点一 表示时间的介词 in表示月、季节、年、世,考点梳理,till/until,直到时,till/until 10:00, till/until midnight,by,不迟于,在之前,by the end of, by then,at the end of,在末,at the end of this term,at the beginning of,在开头(开始的时候),at the beginning of the meeting,before,在以前,before class, before Christmas,after,在之后,after school, after 6:30,since,自从(表示从过去某个时间到现在),since 2012, since then,about,大约,about 9:00,考点梳理 till/until直到时till/until,考点梳理,1、介词in, on, at后接时间的用法详见本书第一模块中考常用词汇和短语用法辨析第10组。,2、时间名词前所用介词的速记歌,年月周前要用in, 日子前面却不行。,遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in。 要说某日上下午, 用on换in才能行。,午夜黄昏用at, 黎明用它也不错。 at也在时分前,说“差”用to, 说“过”要用past。,考点梳理 1、介词in, on, at后接时间,考点梳理,【,考点精练,】,( ) 1. Nanjing Lishui Strawberry Festival opened _ March in Fujiabian Modern Agricultural Park this year.,A. on B. at C. in D. to,( ) 2. I sometimes help my mom with her housework _ Saturdays. A. at B. in C. on D. to,( ) 3. A ship from South Korea sank into the sea _ April 16, 2014.,A. in B. on C. at D. for,( ) 4. Some workers in that factory have to work _ night.,A. at B. for C. with D. among,C,C,B,A,考点梳理 【考点精练】( ) 1. Nanjin,考点梳理,考点二 表场所、方向的介词,in,在里(地点范围较大),In the United states, in Guangzhou,at,在处(较小的范围),At the station, at the school gate,on,在上(有接触面),On the blackboard, on the desk,在靠近的地方,On the left, on the right,above,在上; 高于,The plane flew above the clouds.,over,在正上方,There is a bridge over the river.,below,在下方,The radio says the temperature will be below zero.,under,在正下方,There is a dog under the tree.,考点梳理 考点二 表场所、方向的介词 in在里(地点范,考点梳理,across from,在对面,There is a bank across from our school.,after,在后面,The dog is running after a cat.,against,靠着; 倚着;,对抗, 反对,Look at the white piano against the wall.,Many people are against building a zoo in town.,into,进入(有一定的方向),He hurried into the classroom.,around,在周围,The earth moves around the sun.,up,向上,向高处,The monkey climbed up the tree.,behind,在后面,They planted some trees behind their school.,at the end of,在末梢/尽头,Youll see the hospital at the end of the road.,考点梳理 across from在对面There is,考点梳理,in front of,在前面,There is a river in front of our school.,in the middle of,在的中间,Mr. Li likes to stand in the middle of the classroom.,near,在近旁,Excuse me. Is there a post office near here?,opposite,在对面,The book store is opposite the cinema.,by/beside,在旁/附近(比near近),The boy is standing by/beside the window.,among,在(三者以上)的之中,Among the mountains there is a beautiful village.,between,在(两者)之间,Lily is sitting between Lucy and Jack.,past,经过,Remember to call me when you walk past my house.,考点梳理 in front of在前面There is,考点梳理,along,沿着,Walk along the street.,out of,在之外(有运动方向),Dont look out of the window in class.,across,横过,Go across the bridge.,through,贯穿;通过,Go straight through that door under the EXIT sign.,for,前往地方(表目的),They will leave for Shanghai tomorrow.,from,从起(表示起点),We usually do sports from 7:00 to 7:30 in the morning.,to,到达地点或方向,Call me as soon as you get to Beijing.,1. 介词among, between的用法区别详见本书第一模块中考常用词汇和短语用法辨析第5组。,考点梳理 along沿着Walk along the str,考点梳理,2. in front of与in the front of的用法区别详见第42组。,3. on 在的上面(与物体表面接触),over 在的正上方;(不接触物体表面),above在上方(不接触物体表面),below 在下方, 是above的反义词,under 在下面 (是on, over的反义词),4. in, on, to还可以用来表示两地的位置关系,in表示在某地范围之内;to表示在某地范围之外。如:China lies in the east of Asia and to the north of Australia. 中国位于亚洲的东部,澳洲的北边。,而on表示与某地相邻、接壤。如:Mongolia is on the north of China.蒙古与中国北部接壤。,它们的用法区别详见本书第一模块中考常用词汇和短语用法辨析第43组。,5. across与through的用法区别详见本书第一模块中考常用词汇和短语用法辨析第22组。,考点梳理 2. in front of与in the fro,考点梳理,【,考点精练,】,( ) 5. Cambridge is a small city _ the east of England.,A. between B. with C. in D. under,( ) 6. Well play basketball _ Class 3 tomorrow.,A. over B. against C. to D. for,( ) 7. Did you go to Kenli during the Peach Blossom Festival(桃花节) ?,Yes. The flowers were beautiful. Bees were flying _ them.,A. in. B. among C. between D. through,C,B,B,考点梳理 【考点精练】( ) 5. Cambri,考点梳理,【考点精练】,( ) 8. The moonlight is coming _ the window and the room looks more brighter.,A. across B. into C. through D. over,( ) 9. Taiwan lies _ the east of Fujian.A. on B. in C. to D. at,( ) 10.The old man is a good swimmer, and even now he often swims _ Zhujiang River after supper.,A. over B. through C. to D. across,C,C,D,考点梳理 【考点精练】( ) 8. The mo,考点梳理,考点三 表方式的介词,as,作为,当作,Mo Yan is famous as a writer.,by,用;由;乘坐,This novel was written by Lu Xun.,Li Lei often goes to school by bus.,in,用(语言);用什么材料,Please say it in English./ Write in black in.,with,用(工具)或方法,with a pen; with my eyes; with the teachers help,like,与一样,He looks like his mother.,on,骑(车);步行,on a bike/car/bus; on foot,over,通过(电波),She learns English over the radio.,without,没有,Man cant live without water.,考点梳理 考点三 表方式的介词as作为,当作Mo Yan,考点梳理,by, with, in都可以表示“用”,但侧重点有所不同。,in强调用材料、语言,with 表示用工具、某物,by用方式、方法、手段,如:,The teacher is writing on the paper in red ink and the blackboard with a piece of chalk.,My mother often go to work by bike.,它们的用法区别详见本书第一模块中考常用词汇和短语用法辨析第19组;,考点梳理 by, with, in都可以表示“,考点梳理,【,考点精练,】,( ) 11. You can improve your English _ practicing more.,A. by B. with C. of D. in,( ) 12. Please write it _ your pen.,A. byB. inC. atD. with,( ) 13. The letter was written _ English.,A.onB. byC. inD. with,A,D,C,考点梳理 【考点精练】( ) 11. You,考点梳理,考点四 其它介词,except与 besides,except除之外(不包括),如:,Everyone passed the exam except Tom.,除了汤姆,每个人都过了考试(汤姆一个人没有过),about,关于; 询问情况,a speech about health; what/how about,except /but,除了,Everybody except/but Jack is here. (Jack不在),besides,除了还有,Besides English, we have eight subjects.(共九科),of,的, 表示数量或种类,a map of China, a glass of water,考点梳理 考点四 其它介词 except与 besides,考点梳理,【,考点精练,】,( ) 14. What language do you also speak _ English?,French. But just a little.,A. besides B. except C. beside,( ) 15. All the students in Class One went to the cinema _ Li Ping. Why?,Because he had a stomachache.,A. besides B. except C. without D. beside,A,B,besides 除之外(还包括),如:,Besides Mr Li, five teachers went to the meeting. 除了李老师,还有五个老师去开会了。(一共六个老师),它们的用法区别详见本书第一模块中考常用词汇和短语用法辨析第27组。,考点梳理 【考点精练】( ) 14. What,考点梳理,考点五 介词with的用法,1、表示“和,伴随“,如:,come with me 跟我来,She will travel to Paris with his family this summer vacation.,2、表示“带着,随着”,如:,with a smile on her face 她面带微笑,with best wishes 致以美好的祝愿,with some flowers in her hands 手捧鲜花,with pleasure 乐意地,愉快地,3、表示“被,用,以”,如:,Cut it with a knife. 用刀把它切开。,The mountain is covered with snow all the year.,4、表示“有,带有” 如:,some tea with milk 加奶的茶,a man with good manners 一个有礼貌的人,考点梳理 考点五 介词with的用法 1、表示“和,伴随“,考点梳理,【,考点精练,】,( ) 16. A conversation _ a wise person is worth ten years study of books.,A. for B. like C. with D. to,( ) 17. _ all his pocket money, Dan bought a present for his mother on Mothers Day.,A. With B. For C. By D. In,( ) 18. What can I do for you?,I hope I have a nice house _ a big garden.,A. of B. with C. from D. about,( ) 19. Whos that man _ sunglasses?,Hes Jack Ding. Ive just got an autograph from him.,A. on B. for C. of D. with,( ) 20. Ann often helps me _ maths after school.,A. for B. with C. on D. by,C,A,B,D,B,考点梳理 【考点精练】( ) 16. A co,考点梳理,考点六 两组易混淆的介词短语,1. in the tree与on the tree,in the tree指外来的东西在树上 如:,a kite in the tree; a bird in the tree,on the tree指长在树上的东西,如:some apples on the tree, some flowers on the tree,2. in the wall与 on the wall,in the wall 指镶嵌在墙体里的, 如:,a window in the wall,on the wall 指紧贴墙面的如:some pictures on the wall; The blackboard in on the wall.,考点梳理 考点六 两组易混淆的介词短语 1. in the,考点梳理,考点七 常见介词搭配,介词+名词,at the end of 在尽头,by bike/bus 骑单车;乘公汽,on the phocne 用电话,to ones surprise使惊讶的是,at the foot of 在脚下,in a hurry 匆忙地,at home 在家,for example 例如,in front of 在前面,at breakfast 在吃早餐,on foot 步行,in black 穿黑色衣服,at once 立刻;马上,in the end 最后;终于,in this way 用这种办法,at last 最后;终于,in/on time 及时,按时,in trouble 处于困难中,on ones way to,在去的路上,without ones help,没有某人的帮助,with ones help,在的帮助下,考点梳理 考点七 常见介词搭配 介词+名词at the e,考点梳理,形容词+介词,be angry with 生气,be busy with 忙于,be bad for 对有坏处,be afraid of 害怕,be famous for 因而出名,be good at 擅长,be covered with被覆盖,be famous as 作为而出名,be full of 被充满,be ready for 为做好准备,be filled with 被充满,be late for 迟到,be strict with sb.对某人要求严格,be pleased with,对感到高兴,be proud of,对感到骄傲/自豪,be strict in sth. 对某事要求严格,be worried about担忧,be different from与不同,be interested in,对感兴趣,be glad to do sth.高兴做,be good for 对有好处,考点梳理 形容词+介词be angry with 生,考点梳理,动词+介词,arrive in/at 到达,get to 到达,look at 看,regardas 把当作,think of 想起,认为,wait for 等待,agree with 同意,hear from 收到来信,look after 照顾,照料,take care of 照顾,照料,pay for 支付,worry about 担心,come from来自于,laugh at 嘲笑,knock at 敲,talk about 谈论,turn up/down调高/低,ask for 请求,do/deal with 处理,处置,listen to 听,leavefor 离开去,spend on花费,think about 考虑,play with 与玩耍,get on/off 上/下车,look for 寻找,preferto 宁可,更喜欢,turn on/off 打开/关上,talk to/with 与交谈,knock into 撞倒,考点梳理 动词+介词arrive in/at 到达get t,考点梳理,【备考策略】,中考中对介词的考查主要集中在对介词的基本用法和固定搭配上,侧重考查在具体语境中用介词有关的短语和句型的能力,题型有单项、完形填空和短文填空等。,备考中要注意:,1. 注重平时的积累,多记介词用法、介词短语、固定搭配和常用句型;,2. 注意意义相关或相近的介词辨析;,3. 结合具体的情景准确使用。,考点梳理 【备考策略】中考中对介词的考查主要集中在对介词的,


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