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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,新标准英语教学,实践与思考,新标准英语教学,1,一、教材分析,国家英语课程标准,基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的,综合语言运用能力,。,综合语言运用能力的形成建立在学生,语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识,等素养整体发展的基础上。,一、教材分析国家英语课程标准基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目,2,教材编写结构VS课程目标结构,教材编写结构VS课程目标结构,3,一、教材分析,国家英语课程标准,课程标准倡导的教学方法:“任务型教学(task-based teaching)”,主要特点:,培养运用能力(abilities of using English),重视教学过程,强调学生参与 Learning is experiencing.,一、教材分析国家英语课程标准课程标准倡导的教学方法:“任,4,一、教材分析,1. 教材编写思路 :,题材-功能-结构-任务,题材:故事化、生活化,功能-结构:协调化,任务:运用任务、学习任务的真实化、兴趣化,明确给予任务建议,建立第一个中国中小学英语任务教学的任务库,一、教材分析1. 教材编写思路 :,5,课标话题项目表,1. 个人情况 (Personal information),2. 家庭、朋友与周围的人 (Family, friends and people around),3. 周围的环境(Personal environments),4. 日常活动(Daily routines),5. 学校生活(School life),6. 兴趣与爱好 (Interests and hobbies),7. 个人感情 (Emotions),8. 人际关系 (Interpersonal relationships),9. 计划与愿望(Plans and intentions),10. 节假日活动 (Festivals, holidays and celebrations),11. 购物( Shopping),12. 饮食,(,Food and drink),13. 健康(Health),14. 天气(Weather),15. 文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports),16. 旅游和交通(Travel and transport),17. 语言学习(Language learning),18. 自然,(,Nature),19. 世界和环境,(,The world and the environment),20. 科普知识与现代技术,(,Popular science and modern technology),21. 热点话题,(,Topical issues),22. 历史和地理,(,History and geography),23. 社会 (Society),24. 文学与艺术 (Literature and art),课标话题项目表1. 个人情况 (Personal in,6,Module Topics (7A),Starter (M1-M4),M1 Nice to meet you,M2 Me, my parents and my friends,M3 My new school,M4 My family,M5 Healthy food,M6 An invitation to the cinema,M7 My school day,M8 Different habits,M9 A trip to the zoo,M10 Computers,Module Topics (7A) Starter,7,Module Topics (input),1) Introduction2) Occupation,3) A place4) Ones family,5) Food and drink6) Invitation,7) School life8) Habits,9) Animals10) Computers,Module Topics (input),8,Functional patterns(7A),1) Greetings2) Invitation,3) Suggestion4) Habits,5) Request6) Thanks,7) Apology,Functional patterns(7A),9,一、教材分析,2. 教材结构 :,模块式的教学内容模式,一、教材分析2. 教材结构 :模块式的教学内容模式,10,第一单元(,Unit 1),以培养学生的听说能力为主,兼顾读写,并包括词汇、语法、语音学习活动。(用于新语言的教学),主要教学活动有:,(1),Listening (+ Vocabulary + Grammar,+ Learning to learn),(2)Speaking (+ Pronunciation+ Vocabulary,+ Learning to learn),一、教材分析,第一单元(Unit 1)以培养学生的听说能力为主,兼顾读写,11,第二单元(,Unit 2,),第二单元以培养学生的读写能力为主,兼顾听说,并包括词汇、语法学习活动。(用于语言的发展),主要教学活动有:,(1),Reading (+ Listening + Speaking+ Vocabulary,+ Grammar+ Learning to learn),(2),Writing (+ Vocabulary + Grammar,+ Reading+ Speaking),一、教材分析,第二单元(Unit 2)一、教材分析,12,第三单元(,Unit 3),第三单元是运用本模块所学语言结构与词汇、听说读写技能等综合运用能力培养单元,所以是“语言运用(,Language in use),单元”。(用于语言的实践,),1),Language practice:,本模块语法、词汇、短语运用练习和听说读写技能的练习,2),Around the world,3),Module task,一、教材分析,第三单元(Unit 3)一、教材分析,13,1. 教学目标的确立,根据课标-Module -Unit,确立知识目标 + 能力目标 + 情感目标,确立能力目标时,既要确立听说读写这些运用手段性目标,更要确立运用英语进行交际这个运用目的性目标;同时还要兼顾本单元或本模块中的情感目标。,二、,如何处理教材和把握教材,1. 教学目标的确立根据课标-Module -U,14,A,对象(,audience,)-写明教学对象,ABCD框架,B,行为(,behavior,)-通过学习后,学习 者应能做什么,C,条件(,condition,)-上述行为在什么条件下产生,D,程度(,degree,)-规定上述行为是否合格的标准和程度,ABCD框架 B 行为(behavior)-通过,15,教学目标的功能:,导学:确定教学内容、教学重难点、以及学生的原有学习基础,引导学生自主、积极地参与到教学过程中;,导教:确定教师的教学步骤、环节及教学活动,减少教学的随意性;,导评价:目标为评价提供标准和依据;,教学目标的功能:导学:确定教学内容、教学重难点、以及学生的原,16,新课程教学目标设计所出现的可喜变化,目标主体由教师变为学生,传统:enable students, let students,新课程:学生能够,双基变为三维或五维,基础知识、基本技能三维或pie chart,行为动词由笼统转为具体,学会、掌握能够运用下列句型问答关于人物的性格特征,新课程教学目标设计所出现的可喜变化目标主体由教师变为学生,17,NSE-7B-Module 4-Unit 2,Unit 2, To get necessary information from the reading material.,key vocabularycar, farm, holiday, plane, sea, sun, expensive, rough, comfortable,key structurewill +动词原形,Module 4,能,够读懂叙述未来的短文,掌握整体理解技能, 理解概念之间的上下义关系;能够用will表达自己对未来的预测和想象。,英语课程标准,能从简单的文章中找出有关信息,理解大意;能根据上下文猜测生词的意思;能就熟悉的话题进行简单的交流。,二、,如何处理教材和把握教材,NSE-7B-Module 4-Unit 2二、如何处理教材,18,二、,如何处理教材和把握教材,NSE-7B-Module 4-Unit 2,* To help students understand the passage about future life.,* To help students get necessary information from the reading material.,* To cultivate students reading strategies, such as grasping the main idea, understanding vocabularies through the context.,* With enough exposure to English, students should be able to express their opinions about future life.,二、如何处理教材和把握教材NSE-7B-Module 4-U,19,NSE-7B-Module 4-Unit 1,1知识目标,1)话题: 学校生活 (The school life in the future),2) 正确使用以下单词:,A. 能够运用形容词no ,3) 语法:能够在实际运用中体会和领悟一般将来时 “will + 动词原形”语言形式的表意功能。,如:There will be a computer on every desk in the future.,Everyone will use computers to learn.,No one will use paper, pencils and pens.,2技能目标,能够听懂谈论有关未来的简短对话;能判断未来的事实或对未来的预测。,3.情感目标,在教学过程中,学生们通过实践、参与有意义的各种形式的活动,体验与他人合作,共同完成学习任务的乐趣。在本课中,通过对美好未来的憧憬,培养乐观向上的精神。,NSE-7B-Module 4-Unit 11知识目标,20,NSE-8A-Module 10-Unit 1,1知识目标,1)话题: 文学与艺术 (Literature and art),2) 正确使用以下单词:,弄够运用动词agree .,3) 语法:能够感知和运用动词不定式作宾语的用法,如:So my parents offered to take us there.,but I wanted to see the teahouse, so my parents agreed to take us.,We only planned to have some tea, but we decided to stay for two hours.,I hope to understand more next time.,2技能目标,能够听懂含有动词不定式的对话并且能够运用动词不定式描述生活中发生的事情。,3.文化意识目标,通过学习了解我国著名的戏剧作家老舍以及他笔下的茶馆, 让学生更深入地体会我国传统文化的博大精深,激发学生对东、西方戏剧以及伟大的剧作家的兴趣,增强学生的文化底蕴.,NSE-8A-Module 10-Unit 11知识目标,21,2. 教学活动(环节)设计,设计活动内容和活动方式的原则 :,尽量贴近学生生活实际应用,,要能运用所学知识和技能,,要有利于训练语言的得体、流畅,正确性,,活动与活动之间的衔接要自然,由潜入深,,要面向全体学生,保证大多数学生的课堂效益。,二、,如何处理教材和把握教材,2. 教学活动(环节)设计设计活动内容和活动方式的原则 :二,22,Welcome to Strange World,Work in pairs.,Find as many strange things as you can.,Use,there is,and,there are,.,Use,a,or,an,if necessary.,NSE-7-A-Module 3-Unit 3,strange world,Welcome to Strange WorldNSE-7-,23,NSE-7-A-Module 5-Unit 3,Chinese food,_,western food,_,debating,Which is healthier,Chinese food or western food?,Chinese food/ western food is healthier, because it has got,some, but it hasnt got any,NSE-7-A-Module 5-Unit 3Chinese,24,Bettys shopping list,Oranges,Tomatoes,Milk,Carrots,Juice,chicken,NSE-7-A-Module 5-Unit 1,Greenwoods Grocerys,Sugar 2. Jam,3. Salt 4. Apples,5. Potatoes 6. melon,7. Beef 8. chicken,9. Carrots 10. Juice,11. Tomatoes 12. Bread,13. Pork 14. onions,看看Betty的购物清单,下面是Greenwoods Grocery店里出售的东西。按以下方式进行Pair work.,Betty: Good morning, have you got any carrots?,Shop assistance: Yes, we have.,(No, Im sorry. We havent got any.),Bettys shopping list NSE-7-A-,25,以阅读为例,课堂阅读教学活动的设计应着重培养学生具备符合信息社会需要的能力,比如:为了快速获取所需信息,就需培养扫读能力(scanning),课堂活动就要设计需要扫读的环节。,二、,如何处理教材和把握教材,2. 教学活动(环节)设计,NSE-7B-Module 6- Unit 2,导入到课文后,问下面问题:,When does Zhu Guoming get to school?,Where is Zhang Xiuyun from?,How many people from Dongsi are learning English?,How does Wang Xiuqin work?,学生说出如何找出的答案?,教师介绍所用的方法叫做scanning。,以阅读为例,课堂阅读教学活动的设计应着重培养学生具备符合信息,26,Activity 6,Write sentences about what you do and dont do on your computer.,Use “but”.,Eg. I play games but I dont send emails.,Write two long sentences like this!,NSE-7-A-Module 10-Unit 2,Activity 6Write sentences abou,27,Activity 6,Eg. I play games but I dont send emails.,A plays,games but,he doesnt,send emails.,I visit website but I dont use the Internet.,A plays,games but,he doesnt,send emails.,B visits,website but,he doesnt,use the Internet.,I get information but I dont play games.,A,B,C,Activity 6Eg. I play games but,28,(,刘兆义老师),导入是课堂教学的重要环节。英语课堂导入通常需要达到的功效为3A-Arouse,Advertise,Advance。,1. AROUSE激励;启发(to stir up or excite),导入是课堂教学的热身活动,教师应努力使其能产生一石激起千层浪的效果。,2. ADVERTISE引起注意(to call attention to),导入是切入主题的教学环节,教师应努力使其能引发学生的关注。,3. ADVANCE促进(to cause to move forward ),导入是课堂和谐进程的前奏。教师应努力使其能承上启下,指引方向,促进学生主动参与和合作学习。,3. 导入,二、,如何处理教材和把握教材,(刘兆义老师)3. 导入二、如何处理教材和把握教材,29,Module Four Life in the future,Unit One Everyone will study at home.,Engage,Module Four Life in the future,30,blackboard, cable TV, calculator, cell phone, chalk, computer, dictionary, email, Internet, paper, pen, pencil, radio, ruler, satellite TV ,Engage,What will classrooms be like in the future?,blackboard, cable TV, calcul,31,Module 4 Life in the futureUnit 1 Everyone will study at home.,Module 4 Li,32,welcome to use these powerpoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience,welcome to use these powerpoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience,welcome to use these powerpoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience,welcome to use these powerpoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience,a walking schoolbag,welcome to use these powerpoin,33,welcome to use these powerpoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience,welcome to use these powerpoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience,welcome to use these powerpoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience,welcome to use these powerpoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience,a walking bed,welcome to use these powerpoin,34,welcome to use these powerpoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience,welcome to use these powerpoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience,welcome to use these powerpoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience,welcome to use these powerpoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience,a homework robot,welcome to use these powerpoin,35,There will be,.,in the future,.,chalk,a piece of,paper,a piece of,a robot pencil,What will there be in the future?,There will be . in the future,36,There will be,.,in the future,.,What will there be in the future?,There will be. in the future,37,vocabulary,cable TV satellite TV,calculator cell phone,blackboard radio,pencil pen ruler,paper chalk,email Internet,computer,dictionary,-Will there be in the future?,-Yes, there will. / No, there wont.,Ask and answer in pairs,vocabularycable TV satelli,38,cable TV satellite TV,calculator cell phone,blackboard radio,pencil pen ruler,paper chalk,email Internet,computer,dictionary,What will everyone use in the future?,Everyone will use, but,no one,will use.,Ask and answer in pairs,reading glasses a robot pencil,a TV made of meat,a new kind of fax a nosetop computer,cable TV satellite TVblack,39,4. 词汇,二、,如何处理教材和把握教材,英语(新标准)教材对词汇的处理:,词汇教学必须凸现三个方面,(刘兆义),:,1.遵循“词不离句,句不离篇”的学习规律,符合真实语言学习的心理过程,即人们在获取语篇信息过程中“接触生词通过上下文猜测理解词义学习掌握词语”的认知过程。,2.词义理解领先;集中与适时分散相结合的方式;融入听说读写活动中;有意识地增加词汇复现率;在“接受和生成”的语言运用(receptiveandproductiveuse)中掌握词汇。,3.有助于发展学生对词语词义的猜测和推断能力;有助于他们形成词汇学习的经验和策略;有助于他们综合语言运用能力的提高;有助于奠定他们终身学习英语的基础。,4. 词汇二、如何处理教材和把握教材英语(新标准)教材对,40,4. 词汇,二、,如何处理教材和把握教材,呈现形式多样,第一印象深刻,全方位,多角度的学习过程,知识与技能交叉结合,Theme-based,复现率高,降低了词汇学习的难度,易于记忆,英语(新标准)教材对词汇的处理:,英语(新标准)教材对词汇的处理:,4. 词汇二、如何处理教材和把握教材呈现形式多样,第一印象深,41,词汇量,通过新语境复现小学阶段700词。,通过多种语境和有意义的训练,学习新词,使学生在学完1-6册时词汇量达到1600词。,1,2,3,4,5,起点:小学189,出口:5级 1, 600,词汇量通过新语境复现小学阶段700词。1 2 3 4,42,词汇活动例1:,Book 7A Module 2,词汇活动例1:Book 7A Module 2,43,词汇活动例2,:,Book 8A Module 9,词汇活动例2:Book 8A Module 9,44,词汇活动例3:,Book 7A Module 5,词汇活动例3:Book 7A Module 5,45,词汇活动例,4,:,Book 7AModule 9,词汇活动例4:Book 7AModule 9,46,Word Map,Students homework,P,19,、,P31,、P,59,都出现了这种单词网。本册书中的,10,个模块化分为以下几个话题:,family (,家庭,),、,school,(学校)、,food,(食物)、,weekend,(周末)、,animal,(动物)、,computer,(电脑)。,6个word maps 中共收录单词,437个, NSE 7-A单词表中共有300个单词和词组,23个不在其中。,Six topics for NSE 7-A,Word MapStudents homework Six,47,You describe, I guess,词汇活动例,5,:,You describe, I guess词汇活动例5:,48,I describe, you guess,I describe, you guess,49,First letter/ Last letter,Competitive game, all the students are involved.,Appleelephantteacherreddesertthinkkitchennewwhoopennice,词汇活动例,6,:,First letter/ Last letterComp,50,Words in the context,M4U2-NSE-7B,Summer will be,hot,and winter will be warm.,(热的),My mother doesnt like,hot,spicy food at all.,(辛辣的),That is a,dull,book, so I am not interested in it.,(乏味的),My brother has got a,dull,knife.,(钝的),Are you,free,tomorrow?,(空闲的),You can get a,free,gift if you spend more than $30.,(免费的),词汇活动例,7,:,Words in the context M4U2-NSE-,51,Making stories,cake, bake, take, make, quake, snake,mistake, wake, lake, fake,Once upon a time, there was a cook who loved to bake by the lake. He loved to take his oven to make his cake. Suddenly, there was a quake. For Gods sake, What was it? It scared the cook. Was it the earthquake? No, it turned out to be just the snakes wake.,词汇活动例,8,:,Making storiescake, bake, take,52,5. 语法,教师在讲授语言点时,不应该只停留在语意层面上,而要全面真实地讲授,明确透彻的向学生讲授语言点的运用语境和语用要求,让学生不仅知道语言点是什么意思,而且明确地知道可以在什么样的语言环境下为了什么样的语用要求来运用所学的语言点。(鲁子问),二、,如何处理教材和把握教材,5. 语法教师在讲授语言点时,不应该只停留在语意层面上,而要,53,Practice,Listen to the dialogue and catch the question!,Will there be schools in the future?,举例:NSE-7-B Module 4 -,Will 表示的一般将来时态,PracticeListen to the dialogue,54,1. Will students go to school in the future? 2. Will they study at home?,3. Will everyone send their homework by email?,4. Will there be teachers?,Practice,Listen again and choose the best answer!,5. Will there be computers in school?,6. Will we read books in the future?,7. Will teachers use a blackboard and chalk?,8. Will students use paper, pencils and pens?,No, they wont.,No, they wont.,No, they wont.,Yes, they will.,Yes, they will.,Yes, there will.,Yes, there will.,Yes, we will.,Activity 6,1. Will students go to school,55,Schools in the future,In Damings opinion,there wont be schools in the future. Everyone _ and will use computers. The students _ on their computers. They _ to the teachers by email, too.,Betty thinks there _ in the future. Students will still study in school. They will read books or use the Internet. The teachers _ _ with chalk. And no one will use paper, pencils and pens!,Use,will study at home,will talk to their teachers,will send their homework,will be schools,a blackboard,wont write on,Schools in the futur,56,Use,Use,57,Use,In 2028,No. Eighty Middle School will have its 50th birthday.,The future of No. 80 Middle School,The classroom,The teachers/ students,The lessons,Homework:,Fill in the form as much as possible and write a short report about it.,UseIn 2028,The future of No. 8,58,三、从教师角度如何对待NSE,1. 积极的态度,教师要用积极的态度认识教材,体会教材;,教师要用积极地态度理解教材,挖掘教材;,教师要用积极地态度运用教材,整合教材。,2. 激发兴趣,激发学生学习新教材的兴趣,激发教师研究新教材的兴趣,三、从教师角度如何对待NSE1. 积极的态度,59,兴趣是最好的老师,兴趣是最好的老师,是最基础的学习动力源泉。,-实施兴趣策略,兴趣策略就是教师为了提高英语教育质量、教学效率和教学成绩,准确把握学生真实兴趣,并遵循学生真实兴趣来开展的一系列教学活动。,营造愉快的教学氛围,,让英语课变成一种期待,兴趣是最好的老师兴趣是最好的老师,是最基础的学习动力源泉。,60,Thanks!,Thanks!,61,


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