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”,B: “ No, thanks.,Ive,just,had,lunch.”,用法三:表示一个过去发生的动作到现在为止已完成或刚刚完成。,All of us have heard this,many times,.,I have visited Beijing,three times,.,You dont need to describe her; I have met her,several times,.,用法四:,表示过去发生的一次或多次的动作,一般汉语译为“过”,常带有,once,,,twice, threetimes,等频度时间状语,All of us have heard this many,特殊句型:,1.It is +,时间段,since +,一般过去时的,句子,.,他的爷爷已经去世,2,年了。,Nick,参军,3,年了,.,他离开深圳好长时间了。,这本书我已借了,4,个月了,.,It is,2 years,since,his grandpa,died.,It is,3 years,since,Nick,joined,the army.,It is,a long time,since,he,left,Shenzhen.,It is,4 months,since,I borrowed the book .,特殊句型: 1.It is + 时间段 since +一般过,句型二,: This/It is,the first/second,等序数词,time + that,从句,(,谓语动词用现在完成时,),Its the first time that Miss Liu has been to Taojiang,.,句型三:,It/This/That is,the,最高级,+,名词,that,从句(谓语动词用现在完成时),Its,the best film,that I have ever seen.,句型二: This/It is the first/seco,have / has gone to,&,have / has been to,1. have / has been (to),表示“,去过某地,(现在已回来)”,2. have / has gone to,表示“,去某地了,(说话时某人不在当地) “,前者可与,once, never, severaltimes,等连用,后者则不能,我曾经去过三次意大利。,I,have been to,Italy three times.,他去哈尔滨了。,He,has gone to,Harbin.,Have/has been in,:呆了多久(还在所呆的地方),My father has been in Shanghai for two months. /since two months ago.,have / has gone to & have / ha,Summary:,用法一:,(,不确定的,),过去发生的动作对现在产生影 响或造成结果。,用法二,:,表示从过去开始并持续到现在的动作或状态, 也可能继续持续下去。,用法三:,过去发生的动作到现在为止已完成或刚完成。,用法四:,过去发生的一次或多次的动作。,用法五:,用于某些特殊句型,Summary:,Practice,:,1. Can you give me the right answer?,Sorry, I,_,Would you please repeat that question?,A. havent listened B. hadnt listened,C. dont listen D. wasnt listening,Practice:1. Can you give me t,2. When you get the paper back, pay special,attention to what,_ .,have marked B. have been marked,C. had marked D. had been marked,3.It seems that she is thinking about something.,Yes, she can not remember what key she,_,to her computer.,set B. has set,C. had set D. sets,2. When you get the paper back,4.Danny,_,hard for long to realize his dream,and now he is popular.,works B. is working,C. has worked D. worked,5. He didnt give up the plan though he,_,many times.,would fail B. was failing,C. had failed D. has failed,4.Danny _ hard for long to r,True or False,:,He has been to the shop. Hell be back soon.,2. I havent received his letter for a long time.,3. I have received his letter for two days.,4. This is the most interesting book that I had read.,5. He has bought the car last Friday.,gone,had,have,True or False:gonehadhave,现在完成时,一般过去式,vs,现在完成时一般过去式vs,e.g.,Bill,has smoked,since he left school.,He still smokes.,e.g.Bill has smoked since he l,Bill,smoked,for six months.,It means that he stopped,smoking then.,Bill smoked for six months.It,The present perfect tense,&,the,simple past tense,现在完成时,:,强调的是这一动作,与现在的关系,对现在产生的结果或影响,等,不能与表过去的时间状语连用。,一般过去时,:,只着重说明动作发生在过去,与现在无关,,常与具体的过去时间状语连用。,The present perfect tense & th,Exercises:,We _,(study),English for about five years.,We_,(begin),to study it five years ago.,2. They _,(move),to the south in 1990 and,_,(live),there since then.,3. Eric _,(leave),home last year but now he,_,(come),back.,have studied,began,moved,have lived,has come,left,Exercises:We _(study),1,、,Both his parents look sad . Maybe,they _whats happened to him .,. knew,. have known,. must know,.will know,2,、,He has _ been to Shanghai ,has he ?,. already,.never,.ever,. still,1、Both his parents look sad .,3,、,Have you met Mr Li _,?,. just,. ago,.before,. a moment ago,4,、,The famous writer _ one new book in the past two years .,. is writing,.was writing,.wrote,.has written,3、Have you met Mr Li _?,5,、,Our country _ a lot so far .,Yes . I hope it will be even _ .,. has changed ; well,. changed ; good,. has changed ; better,. changed ; better,6,、,Zhao Lan _already _in this school for two years .,. was ; studying,. will ; study,. has ; studied,. are ; studying,5、Our country _ a lot so,7,、,We _ Xiao Li since she was a little girl .,. know,. had known,. have known,. knew,8,、,Harry Potter is a very nice film .I_ it twice .,. will see,. have seen,. saw,.see,7、We _ Xiao Li since she,9,、,These farmers have been to the,United States . Really ? When _ there ?,. will they go,. did they go,. do they go,. have they gone,10,、,_ you _ your homework yet ?,Yes . I _ it a moment ago .,. Did ; do ; finished,. Have ; done ; finished,. Have ; done ; have finished,. will ; do ; finish,9、These farmers have been to,11,、,His father _ the Party since 1978 .,. joined,. has joined,. was in,. has been in,12,、,Do you know him well ?, Sure .We _ friends since ten years ago .,. were,. have been,. have become,. have made,11、 His father _ the Part,13,、,How long have you _ here ?,About two months .,. been,. gone,. come,. arrived,14,、,Hurry up! The play _ for ten,minutes .,. has begun,. had begun,. has been on,. began,13、How long have you _ her,THANK YOU,SUCCESS,2024/8/31,37,可编辑,THANK YOUSUCCESS2023/9/737,15,、,It _ ten years since he left the army .,. is,. has,. will,. was,16,、,Miss Green isnt in the office .,she_ to the library .,.has gone,. went,.will go,. has been,15、 It _ ten years since h,17,、,My parents _ Shandong for ten years .,. have been in,. have been to,. have gone to,. have been,18,、,The students have cleaned the classroom, _?A. so they B. dont they,C. have they D. havent they,17、My parents _ Shandong,19,、,_ has Mr White been a member of Greener China since he_ to China?A. How soon, comes,B. How often, got C. How long, came,D. How far, arrived,20,、,His uncle _ for more than 9 years.A. has come here,B. has started to work C. has lived there,D. has left the university,19、_ has Mr White been a me,Grammar and usage,Present perfect,continuous tense,Grammar and usagePresent perfe,Structure:,现在完成进行时,由,have (has) +been + doing,构成,1.The telephone,has been ringing,for almost a minute. Why doesnt someone answer it?,电话响了差不多一分钟,为什么没人接,?,2. The weather has been changeable lately;,Ive been having,a lot of colds.,最近天气变化无常,我时常感冒。,Structure:现在完成进行时由have (has),Usages,用法一:,从以前到现在这一段时间里一直在进行的动作,可能仍在进行,也可能已停止。,e.g.,1.It,has been raining,since last Monday.,自上周一以来就一直在下雨。,2.She,s,been watching,television all day.,她看了整整一天电视。,Usages用法一:从以前到现在这一段时间里一直在进行的动作,用法二:,表示一个从过去某时开始的动作一直延续到说话时刚结束。,Where have you been?,We,have been looking,for you everywhere.,用法二:表示一个从过去某时开始的动作一直延续到说话时刚结束。,Sorry.,Have,you,been waiting,long?,I,have been waiting,for an hour.,Sorry. Have you been waiting l,用法三:表示过去刚刚完成的动作,对现在有联系或影响。,1. I,ve been typing,letters all day.,(,I am very tired.,),一整天都在打信件。(我太累了。),2. Susan,has been crying.,(,Susans eyes are red.,),苏姗一直在哭。(眼睛都哭红了。),用法三:表示过去刚刚完成的动作,对现在有联系或影响。1. I,Practice:,How I wish I could bring some laughter to my students who,_,so hard.,will work B. had worked,C. have been working D. were working,2. Isnt it hard to drive downtown to work?,-Yes, thats why I,_,to work by train.,have gone B. have been going,C. was going D. will have gone,Practice:,现在完成进行时和现在完成时的比较,:,Note 1:,两者都可表示延续至今的状态,但,现在完成进行,时强调动作的持续性;而现在完成时着重,说明一个事实。,A.,They,have lived,in New York.,他们住在巴黎。,B.,They,have been living,in New York.,他们,一直,住在巴黎。,现在完成进行时和现在完成时的比较: Note 1:,Note 2:,现在完成时强调,结果和影响,;现在完成进行时强调动作,仍在进行,。,1.,Ive cleaned,the windows.,我把窗户擦干净了,。,2.,Ive been cleaning,the windows.,我一直在擦窗户。,(,可能窗户尚未擦完,),Note 2:,She is still reading the book.,Li Jia,has been reading,a book about Stonehenge.,She is still reading the book.,Li Jia,has read,a book about Stonehenge.,She finished reading the book.,She knows the content of the book now.,Li Jia has read a book about S,How many times,have you swum,in the lake?,How long,have you been swimming,in the lake?,Note 3 :,现在完成时表示动作,重复的次数,,提问时用,how many times,;,而现在完成进行时则表示持续的不间断的动作,提问时用,how long,.,How many times have you swum i,I,have visited,Egypt twice this month.,I,have been touring,Egypt for two months.,I have visited Egypt twice thi,Note 4:,某些,不用于进行时,的状态动词也不能用于现在完成进行时。,静态动词,则主要指表示情感、相互关系、内心活动、感觉等的动词:,如,exist,,,be, have, mean, seem, sound, belong,contain, concerns, hate, dislike, like, love, prefer, surprise, satisfy,等。,Note 4: 某些不用于进行时的状态动词也不能用于现在完成,I am,loving,you.,2. He isnt,believing,in Howard.,3. The meat is,tasting,delicious.,4. Tom is,having,several shirts.,True or False,I am loving you. True or F,注意:,never,yet,already,ever,and,once, twice,等频率时间状语,不能用于现在完成进行时。,注意:never, yet, already , ever,高考链接, Im sorry, but I dont quite follow,you. Did you say that you want to,return on September 20?, Sorry, I _ myself clear.,We want to return on October 20.,(2010,北京,),A. hadnt made B. wouldnt make,C. dont make D. havent made,高考链接 Im sorry, but I dont q,2. Every year a flood of farmers arrive in Shenzhen for the money-making jobs they _ before leaving their hometowns.,(2010,福建,),A. promised B. were promised,C. have promised,D. have been promised,2. Every year a flood of farme,3. The book has been translated into,thirty language since it _,on the market in 1973.,(2010,重庆,),A. had come B. has come,C. came D. comes,3. The book has been translate,5. Im tired out. I _ all afternoon and I dont seem to have finished anything.,(2010,湖南,),A. shopped B. have shopped,C. had shopped,D. have been shopping,5. Im tired out. I _ al,考例,1,-_ you _ him around the,museum yet?,-Yes. We had a great time there.,A. Have,;,shown B. Do,;,show,C. Had,;,shown D. Did,;,show,点拨,此句强调过去发生的动作对现在的影响,即:是否已经带他参观了博物馆。,考例1,考例,2,We _ our new neighbors yet, so we dont know their names.,A. dont meet B. wont meet,C. havent metD. hadnt met,点拨,此句表示发生在过去的动作对现在造成的影响。,考例2,考例,1,I have got a headache.,No wonder. You _ in front of that,computer too long.,A. work B. are working,C. have been working D. worked,点拨,由语境可以看出,work,动作开始于过去,持续到现在,对现在还有影响,且含有责备的口吻,所以用现在完成进行时。,考例1,考例,2,Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School, where she _ English for a year.,A. studiesB. studied,C. is studying D. has been studying,点拨,句意:凯茜正在阳光学校的课堂上做语法笔记,她一直在那里学英语,到现在已经一年了。,考例2 Cathy is taking notes of,Note 5 :,现在完成时通常只,陈述事实,,而现在完成进行时还可表示一种,感情色彩,。,I,have waited,for two hours.,我等了两小时。(陈述事实),I,have been waiting,for two hours.,我等了两个小时。(等得好辛苦),Note 5 : 现在完成时通常只陈述事实,而现在完成进行时,Note 6:,静态动词,通常不能用于现在完成进行时中,现在完成进行时通常只用,动态动词,;,现在完成时两者皆可用。,They,ve,been married,for twenty years.,他们结婚已二十年了。,The war,has lasted,for a long time.,这场战争持续了很长时间。,Note 6: 静态动词通常不能用于现在完成进行时中, 现在,1.,动态动词,主要指动作动词,,如,give,,,take,,,work,,,run,等;,2.,而,静态动词,则主要指表示情感、内心活动、感觉、相互关系等的动词:,如,know,,,live,,,lie,,,exist,,,be,,,have,,,mean,,,seem,,,appear,,,sound,,,contain,,,concerns,,,hate,,,dislike,,,like,,,love,,,prefer,,,surprise, astonish,,,satisfy,等。,1. 动态动词主要指动作动词,如give,take, wo,1. Im sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final., I think so. He _ for it for months. A. is preparing,B. was preparing,C. had been preparing,D. has been preparing,2. By the time he realizes he _ into a trap, itll be too late for him to do anything about it.,walks B. walked,C. has walked D. had walked,1. Im sure Andrew will win,3. So far this year we _ a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent.,saw,B. see,C. had seen,D. have seen,3. So far this year we _,4. Danny _ hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popular.,works,B. is working,C. has worked,D. had worked,4. Danny _ hard for lo,5. The unemployment rate in this district_ from 6% to 5% in the past two years.,has fallen B. had fallen,C. is falling D. was falling,8. Now that she is out of job, Lucy _ going back to school,,,but she hasnt decided yet.,had considered,B. has been considering,C. considered,D. is going to consider,5. The unemployment rate in th,7. Hi, Tracy,,,you look pale.,I am tired. I _ the,living room all day.,painted,B. had painted,C. have been painting,D. have painted,7. Hi, Tracy,you look pale.,THANK YOU,SUCCESS,2024/8/31,73,可编辑,THANK YOUSUCCESS2023/9/773,


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