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Abnormal electroretinogram from a,Drosophila,mutant.,Nature,224, 285-287 (1969),Drosophila melanogaster,mutant,WT,light,light,on,on,off,off,瞬时受体电位通道,(transient receptor potential channel,,,TRPC),Cosens, D. J. & Manning, A. Ab,9,一种新的非选择性阳离子通道家族,体内分布广泛,分不同的亚型,瞬时受体电位通道家族,(transient receptor potential channel,,,TRP Channel),Firth AL et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 2007,Putney JW Pflugers Arch Eur J Physiol,2005,一种新的非选择性阳离子通道家族,体内分布广泛,分不同,10,瞬时受体电位通道,Transient receptor potential channels (TRPCs),A.L. Firth et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1772 (2007),Putney JW Pflugers Arch Eur J Physiol,2005,451:29-34,兼有受体和离子通道的特征,介导钙和钠等阳离子内流,但,其在高血压中的作用尚不清楚。,瞬时受体电位通道 Transient receptor p,11,Distribution of TRP channels in vasculature,Distribution of TRP channels i,12,Possible function of TRPCs,in the vasculature,Cir Res, 2006,Possible function of TRPCs in,13,TRP,通道与疾病的联系,1.Physiological role of TRPC in blood pressure,2. Pathogenesis of TRPC in primary hypertension,3. Our work about TRPC,4. Clinical relevance of TRPCs Novel target ?,TRP通道与疾病的联系1.Physiological rol,14,TRPC6 in hypertension,Enhancement of receptor-operated cation current and TRPC6 expression in arterial smooth muscle cells of deoxycorticosterone acetate-salt hypertensive rats.,Young Min Baea,J of Hypertens,2007,25,:809817,TRPC6 in hypertensionEnhanceme,15,Role of TRPV1 in hypertension,Wang et al.,Hypertension,. 2006;47:609-614,Role of TRPV1 in hypertensi,16,Role of TRPM7 in hypertension,Touyz RM.,Am J Physiol,290: R73R78, 2006.,Role of TRPM7 in hypertensionT,17,高血压病人和,SHR,单核细胞,TRPC3,表达上调,其介导的钙内流增加,M TRPC1 TRPC3 TRPC4 TRPC5 TRPC6 GAPDH M,Fluorescence ratio,(arbitrary units),Liu DY,Zhu ZM. Am J Hypertens, 2005, 2008, J Hypertens, 2006, 2007,Blank TRPC1 TRPC3 TRPC4 TRPC5 TRPC6,高血压病人和SHR单核细胞TRPC3表达上调,其介导的钙内流,18,Role of TRPC3 in the pathogenesis of hypertension,Role of TRPC3 in the pathogene,19,Identification of TRPC3 in the vasculature,Liu, et al. Hypertension, 2009,Identification of TRPC3 in the,20,Increased expression of TRPC3 in aorta from SHR,Liu, et al. Hypertension, 2009,Increased expression of TRPC3,21,Effect of TRPC3 upregulation on angiotensin II -induced calcium increase in SHR,Liu, et al. Hypertension, 2009,Effect of TRPC3 upregulation o,22,Effect of TRPC3 gene knockdown on angiotensin II induced calcium increase in SHR,Liu, et al. Hypertension, 2009,Effect of TRPC3 gene knockdown,23,Angiotensin II increases TRPC3 in VSMC from SHR,Liu, et al. Hypertension, 2009,Angiotensin II increases TRPC3,24,Effect of CCB/SKF on Angiotensin II-induced aortic contraction and calcium increase in VSMC from SHR,Liu, et al. Hypertension, 2009,Effect of CCB/SKF on Angiotens,25,Long term administration of AT1R antagonist telmisartan but not of calcium channel blocker amlodipine reduces TRPC3 in vivo,Liu, et al. Hypertension, 2009,Long term administration of AT,26,Vasomotion occurs in arteries either spontaneously or in response to pressure, stretch or application of vasoconstrictor agonists, which is associated with slow oscillations of smooth muscle membrane potential and of intracellular calcium concentrations. Vasomotion may also be enhanced by oscillations of transplasmamembrane calcium influx. TRP channels have been described to play an important role for calcium influx.,TRPCs,Ca2+,Vasomotion occurs in arteries,27,What is pathophysiological relevance of vasomotion ?,In several experimental models of hypertension,an increased vasomotion of arteries had been described.,Lefer et al. observed enhanced vasomotion of cerebral arterioles in spontaneously hypertensive rats compared to normotensive rats (Lefer et al., 1990).,An increased vasomotion was observed in segments of posterior cerebral arteries and in mesenteric arteries from spontaneously hypertensive stroke-prone rats compared to Wistar-Kyoto rats(Osol Tsai et al., 1995).,Vasomotion of coronary artery causes cardiac ischemia,.,What is pathophysiological rel,28,Norepinephrine (NE) caused a rapid vasonconstriction and followed by synchronized oscillations of vascular tone (vasomotion) in mesenteric artery rings from SHR,Norepinephrine (NE) caused a r,29,Increased NE-induced vasomotion,in mesenteric artery rings from SHR,Increased NE-induced vasomotio,30,Immunohistochemistry shows TRPCs distribution in mesenteric arteries,Immunohistochemistry shows TRP,31,Increased expression of TRPC1, TRPC3, TRPC5 in mesenteric artery from SHR,Increased expression of TRPC1,32,Inhibition of TRPC significantly attenuates NE-induced vasomotion in SHR,Inhibition of TRPC significant,33,Inhibition of NE-induced vasomotion in mesenteric arteries from SHR by specific TRPC antibodies,TRPC1,Control,Control,TRPC3,Inhibition of NE-induced vasom,34,Specific antagonizing TRP Channel subtypes significantly reduced vasomotion,Specific antagonizing TRP Chan,35,Inhibition,of NE-induced calcium increase in mesenteric arteries from SHR by specific TRPC antibodies,Inhibition of NE-induced calci,36,Effects of ARB and CCB on vasomotion and systolic blood pressure in SHR,Ctr,Amlo,Telm,Cand,Effects of ARB and CCB on vaso,37,Effects of ARB and CCB on TRPCs expression of mesenteric artery,TRPC1,TRPC3,TRPC5,-actin,Ctr,Cand,Almo,Telm,Effects of ARB and CCB on TRP,38,Summary,Summary,39,TRP Channel: Novel Therapeutic Targets for Hypertension?,The present results point to the relevance of TRPC3 in the,pathogenesis of primary hypertension. As indicated by recent,literature, expression of several TRP channel subtypes may be,divergent and redundant in cardiovascular diseases. Moreover,TRP channels display diverse properties, localization, and,regulation as a result of their assembly into distinct homomeric and heteromeric channel complexes. However, TRP channels will be fascinating targets to elucidate novel pathogenic mechanisms in hypertension, and TRP channels will be new therapeutic targets for cure of hypertension.,TRP Channel: Novel Therapeutic,40,ACKNOWLEDGMENS,Center for Hypertension and Metabolic Diseases,Third Military Medical University, Chongqing,Ma Liqun, Liqun Ma, Zhidan Luo, Tingbing Cao, Dachun Yang, Shundao Ma, Zhencheng Yan, Lijuan Wang, Shanjun Zhu, Daoyan Liu,Med.Klinik, Charite Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, Germany,Martin Tepel,of Funding,Natural Science Foundation of China No. 30470830,973 program No. 2006CB503804 and 2006CB503905,Acknowledgments,ACKNOWLEDGMENS,41,Thank you for your attention,Thank you for your attention,42,


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