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Shoes for Street Walki,Interpretation,a street walker-,a prostitute,to have a fit-,to become suddenly and violently angry or upset,6,Interpretation a street walker,Case 2.,A Misunderstanding Caused by a Joke,Comment:,Hustle-,to force sb to make a decision,before they are ready or sure,-,to work as a prostitute /,romance or sex is hinted,7,Case 2. A Misunderstanding Cau,Case 3 Look out,8,Case 3 Look out8,Case 3 Look out,Didnt you hear,me call look out?,Yes, and thats,what I did.,9,Case 3 Look outDidnt you hear,Case 3 Look out,Look out-,- to stick your head outside,of sth. (window/door) to,take a look,-to be careful, especially,when there is danger,10,Case 3 Look outLook out- to,II. Detailed Study,Loaded words and phrases are those which have strong emotional,overtones (n.暗示,弦外音,寓意),or,connotations (n.涵义,言外之意),and which evoke strongly positive or negative reactions beyond their literal meaning.,1.Culturally Loaded Words,What is loaded words?,11,II. Detailed Study Loaded w,Culturally Loaded Words,文化负载词,(Cultural Loaning Words),1.是指标志某种文化中特有事物的词组和短语.,2.文化负载词是反映一个国家、一个民族特有的文化和历史的一些词汇.,12,Culturally Loaded Words文化负载词,2.2 Color Terms in Chinese and English,Group Work,1.红糖,2.红茶,3.眼红,4.开门红,5.红白喜事,1. brown sugar,2. black-tea,3. green-eyed,4. to begin well, to make a good start,5. weddings and funerals,13,2.2 Color Terms in Chinese,1.,清白,2.白眼,3.青天,4.背黑锅,5.黄色书刊,1.pure/clean/stainless,2.supercilious look,3.blue sky,4.be made a scapegoat/ be unjustly blamed,5.filthy books,14,1. 清白1.pure/clean/stainless,blue book,a blue Monday,a white lie,a green wound,red-letter days,蓝皮书(美)刊载知名人士的书,倒霉的星期一,善意的谎言,新伤,未痊愈的伤口,喜庆的日子,15,blue book蓝皮书(美)刊载知名人士的书15,Translating the Underlined Part,1) Hes just a,green,recruit fresh from college,2) I tried to call her many times but she was in,a brown study,and didnt hear me,3) One day, out of the,blue, a girl rang up and said she was my sister,4) The new office block has unfortunately become an expensive,white,elephant,16,Translating the Underlined Par,5 Mary was always regarded as the,black,sheep of the family,6 Youd better do something to prove youre not,7 Can you see the,green,in her eyes?,8 The mere thought of her husband with the secretary made her see,yellow,17,5 Mary was always regarded as,9) I got some,black,looks from the shopkeeper when I cancelled my order.,10) When Im feeling,blu,e, all I have to do is take a,look at you, and then Im not so,blue,11) Dont tell me any,white,lie to make me feel good,12),It may cost over a week to go through all,the red tape,to get permission,18,9) I got some black looks from,13 His type of humor is a bit too,black,for my tastes,14 Are you all right? You look absolutely,white,15 He based his judgment on headlines and,yellow,journalism,19,13 His type of humor is a bit,yellow journalism,指不择手段的夸张,渲染以招揽或影响读者的黄色新闻编辑作风。如突出社会丑闻,把普通新闻写得耸人听闻,有时甚至歪曲事实以引起轰动等。,20,yellow journalism20,龙-,dragon,干部-,cadre,母马-,female horse?/mare?,扁担-,a carrying pole; a shoulder pole,一本书-,a book,知识分子-,intellectual,社会科学-,social science?/the humanities?,Can you find the,equivalent,words in English,for these Chinese words?,21,龙-dragonCan you find the,Interpretations,龙-,in CC, it is a,totem,with many,royal associations, 龙颜,龙床,龙袍, 龙心大喜。,In EC, dragon refers to,horrible,disgusting monsters,.,22,Interpretations龙- in CC, it,知识分子,In CC, it refers to people including college teachers, college students, middle school teachers, and such people as medical doctors, engineers, interpreters.,In EC, it refers to people of,high academic status,(college professors) much smaller range of people.,not always a complimentary term, sometimes used in derogatory sense.,23,知识分子 In CC, it refers to peopl,干部,-a small group of people who are specially chosen and trained for a particular purpose.骨干队伍,-a member of this kind of group.干部,In EC, many people dont know what it,means. (not a common word),Some other substitutes:,official, functionary, administrator, etc.,But none of these gets exact same meaning as Chinese word “干部”.,24,干部-a small group of people,社会科学,Social Sciences in Chinese covers all the fields,except,the ones in the,natural,science and,applied,sciences. Same as “,the humanities”,in English.,While in English, “social sciences” cover a smaller area of learning. It includes,political,science,economics,history,(often classified under the humanities) and,sociology,. -the branches of learning that study,human society, especially its,organization and relationship,of individual members to it.,25,社会科学Social Sciences in Chinese,Birds and animals/ male or female,Generic term male female the young,chicken cock/rooster hen chick,duck drake duck duckling,goose gander goose gosling,horse stallion mare foal,cattle/cow bull cow calf,dog dog bitch puppy,sheep ram ewe lamb,deer stag doe fawn,pig boar sow shoat,26,Birds and animals/ male or fem,bull, cow, cock or hen, male, female, she,Not all animals or birds have specific names that denote different sex.,bull, cow, cock or hen,are frequently used to distinguish sex.,bull seal , cock sparrow, hen sparrow,male, female , she,also acceptable,male leopard, female panda, she wolf,27,bull, cow, cock or hen, male,副,副主席,vice,-chairman,副教授,associate,professor,副主任,deputy,director,副秘书长,assistant,secretary,副州长,lieutenant,governor,副国务卿,under,secretary,28,副副主席 vice-chairman28,Summary,A term in one language does not necessarily have a,counterpart,in the other language;(扁担),Words or terms in both language appear to refer to the,same,object or concept only on the,surface, but actually refer to,quite different,things;(龙),29,SummaryA term in one language,Things or concepts are represented by,one or perhaps two,terms in one language, but by,many more,terms in the other language, ie,finer distinctions,exist in the other language;(社会科学),Terms have more or less the same primary meaning, but have,secondary or additional,meanings that may,differ considerably,from each other.(龙),30,Things or concepts are represe,2.,Cultural Reflections on Proverbs,Proverbs may provide interesting glimpses or,clues to a peoples geography, history,social organization, social views, etc.,A new broom sweeps clean.,Many hands make light work.,Dont put off until tomorrow what you can do today.,Kill two birds with one stone.,Haste makes waste.,31,2. Cultural Reflections on Pro,Where theres smoke theres fire.,The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.,Beauty is only skin deep.,Spare the rod and spoil the child.,Give a person a dose of his own medicine.,32,Where theres smoke theres fi,Man proposes, God disposes.,尽人事,听天命。/ 谋事在人,成事在天。,It is a sin to steal a pin.,勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。,Revenge is a dish that could be eaten cold.,君子报仇,十年不晚。,Every dog has its day.,人人皆有得意日 。/十年风水轮流转 。,33,Man proposes, God disposes.33,A dogs life,争吵不休,过着不安宁的日子,Go to the dogs,每况愈下,Dog-eat-dog,狗咬狗的,损人利己的,Dog in the manger,站着茅坑不拉屎,Dog days,大热天,Doggy bag,餐馆里的打包袋,34,A dogs life 34,The above expressions get similar /same meanings both in English and Chinese. But some others get dissimilarities:,良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。,瓜田不纳履,李下不整冠。,一人得道,鸡犬升天。,35,The above expressions get simi,Hard to find equivalents,Absence makes the heart grow fonder.,An apple a day keeps the doctor away.,Let sleeping dogs lie.,You cant teach an old dog new tricks.,You cant have your cake and eat it too.,36,Hard to find equivalentsAbsenc,Lightening never strikes the same place twice.,福无双至,祸不单行。?,坏事不过二 。,祸无双至。同一灾害不会在同一场所重复发生。,One swallow does not make a summer.,一叶知秋。?,一燕不成夏。一花独放不是春。,37,Lightening never strikes the s,Surface similarities, but differences,It takes two to make a quarrel.,A miss is as good as a mile.,Gilding the lily.,Life begins at forty.,If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.,近朱者赤,,近墨者黑,。,38,Surface similarities, but diff,Please choose the proper words for each phrase.,hare horse snail mouse bee mule,as busy as a _,as slow as a _,as stubborn as a _,as timid as a _,snail,bee,mule,hare,as strong as a _,horse,as poor as a church _,mouse,39,Please choose the proper words,3.Taboos,(1)mention of gods (神灵的名字),(2)near-swearing (近似誓词咒语),(3)sex,(4)death,(5)disease,(6)excretion (排泄),40,3.Taboos40,3.Taboos,英汉相同禁忌话题,(1)sex,(2)the activities in the rest room,(3)something disgusting,如呕吐、抠鼻子等,(4)something sad,如患了癌症、死亡等。,但由于在历史、文化、思维等方面存在着差异,他们的委婉语有着很大的不同。,41,3.Taboos 英汉相同禁忌话题41,3.Taboos,(disease),Western Culture:,cancer: the big C; long illness,AIDS or 梅毒: social disease,Chinese Culture:,不治之症,42,3.Taboos (disease) Western Cul,3.Taboos,(分泌menstruation),Western Culture:,Im having my periods.,I am a woman for a week.,I am having my friends with me.,Chinese Culture:,例假;倒霉了;身上来了,43,3.Taboos (分泌menstruation) West,3.Taboos,(上厕所),Western Culture:,toilet; water closet; rest room,pass water; answer natures call; wash ones hands, do ones business,Chinese Culture:,方便;去一号,44,3.Taboos (上厕所) Western Culture,Human Excretion,go to the can/ go to the John,go and see ones aunt,Im going to pick some flowers.,Can I add some powder?,I would like to powder my nose.,I wonder if I could go somewhere.,heed /answer the call of nature,May I be excused? Nature calls me.,45,Human Excretiongo to the can/,3.Taboos,(pregnant),Western Culture:,she is expecting a baby.,she is in a family way.,s,he is expecting.,s,he is in a delicate condition.,s,he is well-along.,s,he is about to have a blessed,event.,Chinese Culture:,有了、有喜了、快要当妈妈了,46,3.Taboos (pregnant) Western Cu,3.Taboos,(die),Western Culture:,pass away; go to the heaven; go to,sleep; go to see the God; depart;,be in heaven with God,depart from this world,;,go to a better world,Chinese Culture:,去世了、老了、走了、没了,驾崩、薨、夭折、牺牲、一命呜呼、断气,“离开了我们”, “辞世”, “去见马克思了”,“归西”,“升天”, “上路”,47,3.Taboos (die) Western Culture,3.Taboos,(英汉不同禁忌话题),年老,称谓,48,3.Taboos (英汉不同禁忌话题) 年老48,3.Taboos,(old),Western Culture:,a seasoned man (历练者),the advanced in age (年长者),the mature; elder hospital (老人团),retirement home (敬老院);,private hospital (老人院),nursing home (养老院);golden age club (老年俱乐部),Chinese Culture:,“老”常带敬意,是资历和地位的象征,老师、老同志、老大爷、老师傅,49,3.Taboos (old) Western Culture,3.Taboos,(称谓),Western Culture:,城市、街道、地名用著名总统名:Washington; Lincoln,大学以赞助人的名字命名:Harvard; Stanford,Name after.,Chinese Culture:,忌讳晚辈的名字与长辈相同、谐音或同音;有,不尊敬长辈,是欺祖,少用历史人物名讳,没福分,短命,50,3.Taboos (称谓) Western Culture:,3.Taboos,-a cultural or religious custom that does not allow people to do, use or talk about a particular thing as people find it offensive or embarrassing,Excreta and acts of human excretion,Sexual intercourse/certain parts of the body,(four letters),Swear words (age, sex, occupation),51,3.Taboos -a cultural or reli,Human Excretion,go to the can/ go to the John,go and see ones aunt,Im going to pick some flowers.,Can I add some powder?,I would like to powder my nose.,I wonder if I could go somewhere.,heed /answer the call of nature,May I be excused? Nature calls me.,52,Human Excretiongo to the can/,Sex/Body parts,pee pee (penis),wee wee (urinate),down there (vagina),she is expecting a baby.,she is in a family way.,She is expecting. She is in a delicate condition.,She is well-along.,She is about to have a blessed event.,53,Sex/Body partspee pee (penis)5,die,Go,depart,depart from this world,go to a better world,go the ways of all flesh,pass away,late,In Chinese, we also can find similar euphemisms: “去了”, “离开了我们”, “辞世”, “去见马克思了”, “归西”,“升天”, “上路”,54,dieGo54,disease,Abbreviations:,SARS,(Severe Acute Respiratory,Syndromes),AIDS,(Acquired Immure Deficiency,Syndrome),V.D (venereal disease) 性病,big C/ long disease/ terminal illness,(cancer),55,diseaseAbbreviations: 55,Old Age,senior citizens,advanced in age,golden years,56,Old Agesenior citizens56,S,wear words,1. some words are more offensive some are less,2.age, sex, occupation,3. setting or environment,57,Swear words1. some words are m,4. Differences in Cultural Thought Patterns,English-speakers,-,linear and direct,Semitic,-combination of,tangential,and semi-direct,Asian,-,circular,Romance,-,more,consistently,circuitous,Russian,-direct and circuitous,58,4. Differences in Cultural Tho,American,-,factual-inductive,(ascertain facts, find similarities, and formulate conclusions),Russian,- combination of,direct and circuitous,approaches/,axiomatic-deductive,(move from general principle to particulars which can be easily deduced),Arab,-,intuitive-affective,(facts are secondary to emotions),59,American-factual-inductive (,Understanding and appreciation of differences among cultures in cognitive processing and problem solving is a major step toward successful intercultural communication,.,60,Understanding and appreciation,III. Summary,Culturally loaded words,Cultural reflections on proverbs,Taboos,Differences in cultural thought patterns,61,III. Summary Culturally load,IV. Assignments,1.Research Topic,Different colors have different associations in different languages. Please make a close study of the “color” languages in Chinese and English.,2.,Watch the video “A Journey to India”,62,IV. Assignments1.Research Topi,1.Justice has long arms.,2.Tread upon eggs.,3.sanitation engineer,4.Industrial climate,5.To take things without permission,6.A man of doubtful taste,7.Gilding the lily,8.You cant have the cake and eat it too.,9.Associate professor,10.ethnocentrism,63,1.Justice has long arms.63,Thank You!,64,Thank You!64,


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