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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,-,*,六大茶类审评方法,Evaluation of the Six,Classifications of Tea,主讲:王同和,教授,Lectured by : Prof. Wang Tonghe,翻译:,温璐璐 老师,Interpreted by :Lulu,-,1,六大茶类审评方法-1,提纲,:,Outline,一、评茶基础知识,The Rudiments of Tea Evaluation,二、绿茶审评,The Evaluation of Primary Green Tea,三、红茶审评,The Evaluation of Black Tea,四、青茶审评,The Evaluation of Oolong Tea,五、黑毛茶审评,The Evaluation of Primary Dark Tea,六、白、黄茶审评,The Evaluation of White Tea & Yellow Tea,-,2,提纲:Outline一、评茶基础知识 The,一、,评茶基础知识,The Rudiments of Tea Evaluation,1.,审评内容:,1. Contents:,(,1,)干看,外形,(,1,),look- appearance,(,2,)湿评,内质,(,2,),evaluate- inner quality,-,3,一、 评茶基础知识 The Rudiments of,一、,评茶基础知识,The Rudiments of Tea Evaluation,2.,审评程序:,2. evaluation procedure,(,1,)把 盘,(三段:上段、中段、下段),Holding plate,(,2,)开 汤,(三素:茶量、水温、时间),Infusing tea,(,3,)嗅香气,(三嗅:热、温、冷嗅),Smelling aroma,(,4,)看汤色,(三度:色、亮、混浊度),Seeing the color of soup,(,5,) 尝滋味,(三步:吸吮、满舌、循环滚动,),Tasting,(,6,) 评叶底,(三度:嫩、色、匀度),Evaluating the tea leaves,-,4,一、 评茶基础知识 The Rudiments of,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,0,-,5,1234567891011120-5,附:评茶用具,Appendix: Outfits For Evaluation,1.,分样盘(,),plate for sample division,干评盘(,),plate for dry evaluation,叶底盘(,),plate for infused tea leaves,2.,毛茶扦样篾匾,flat round split-bamboo basket for primary tea sample division,2,-,6,附:评茶用具 Appendix: Outfits For,附:评茶用具,Appendix: Outfits For Evaluation,3.,乌龙茶审评杯、碗,evaluation cup and bowl for oolong tea,4.,精茶审评杯、碗,evaluation cup and bowl for refined tea,-,7,附:评茶用具 Appendix: Outfits For,附:评茶用具,Appendix: Outfits For Evaluation,5.,毛茶审评杯、碗,evaluation cup and bowl for primary tea,6.,毛茶杯(半圆口),cup for primary tea(half round),精茶杯(锯齿口),cup for refined tea(saw tooth),-,8,附:评茶用具 Appendix: Outfits For,附:评茶用具,Appendix: Outfits For Evaluation,7.,小天平,balance,8.,砂时计,sand timer,9.,保温瓶,vacuum flask,10.,戥称,scale,汤杯(,),soup cup,滤网(,),filter net,汤匙(,),spoon,12.,电热水壶,electric kettle,7,8.,9,10,11,12,-,9,附:评茶用具 Appendix: Outfits For,(一)、把盘:,(三层:面张、中段、下脚),干看茶样时,首先查对样茶、茶类、花色、名称、产地等。然后扦样:毛茶,250-500g,、精茶,200-250g,手执样盘缺口角作前后左右的回旋转动,使茶有次序地分布,后再将茶通过上下颠簸收拢集中呈馒头形,分上中下三层:,Holding plate:,Pick up samples: primary tea250-500g, refined tea200-250g,Put your hand on the nick of the plate, and make it rotate,It can be divided into 3 layers:,-,10,(一)、把盘:(三层:面张、中段、下脚)-10,上(上段茶、面装茶),粗长轻飘身骨差,Upper coarse, long,中(中段茶、腰档,肚货),细紧、重实比例大好,Middle fine, tight and heavy,下(下段茶、下身茶),碎、片、末多则做工品质差,Lower broken, powdered,根据三层茶比例及品质情况,对样评定干茶外形等级。,We can evaluate the grade of dry tea according to the proportion and quality of the 3 layers.,-,11,上(上段茶、面装茶)粗长轻飘身骨差-11,(二)、开汤,(三要素:茶量、水温、时间),Infusing tea,开汤俗称:泡茶或沏茶,Infusing tea is also called making tea.,1,、先洗净杯碗,准确称取,3,g,茶放入评茶杯里,再注入,150ml,沸水,浸泡,5min,后倒出茶汤进行审评。,1. Wash the cup and bowl clean, put 3g tea into the evaluation cup, and pour 150ml boiling water. After 5min, pour out the tea liquor and evaluate.,-,12,(二)、开汤(三要素:茶量、水温、时间)-12,2,、不同茶叶冲泡方法,Brewing methods for different tea,1,)、 绿、红茶(国际规定)及白茶和花茶:,3g,茶、,150ml,沸水、,5,(,其中绿茶,4min,),茶水比为,1,:,50,1) green tea, black tea, white tea and scented tea: 3g tea, 150ml boiling water, 5(,or 3, 5,) The ratio of tea to water is 1:50,2,)、乌龙茶:,5g,茶、,110ml,沸水、,5,(或,2,、,3,、,5,),茶水比为,1,:,22,2),oolong tea: 5g tea, 110ml boiling water, 5(or 2, 3, 5) The ratio of tea to water is 1:22,-,13,2、不同茶叶冲泡方法-13,3,)、压制茶:, 一般冲泡方法的:,3g,茶、,150ml,沸水、,7,,,茶水比为,1,:,50,煮渍法:,5g,茶、,250ml,沸水、,5,10,,,茶水比,为,1,:,80,3) compressed tea:, the common method: 3g tea, 150ml boiling water, 7 . The ratio of tea to water is 1:50, the boiling method: 5g tea, 250ml boiling water, 510. The ratio of tea to water is 1:80,-,14,3)、压制茶: -14,(三)、香气,(三嗅:热、温、冷嗅),1,、嗅香方法分为:热嗅:分辨缺陷;温溴:分辨优次;冷嗅:分辨持久。,Smelling aroma,1. The methods:,Hot: distinguish the defects,Warm: distinguish superior teas from inferior ones,Cold: distinguish how long the aroma will last,2,、注意事项:,(,1,)审评前不要抽烟,不擦香脂、香水,不用香皂洗手等,预防外界干扰。,(,2,)日本和我国少数收购站,用竹筷夹叶嗅香。,2. Notes:,Dont smoke, and dont wash hands with perfumed soap to avoid outside interruptions.,(2)In several purchasing,center,of Japan and China, people smell fragrance by bamboo chopsticks.,-,15,(三)、香气(三嗅:热、温、冷嗅)-15,(四)、看汤色,(色度、亮度、混浊度),汤色又称:水色、汤门或水碗,要及时看:因茶汤中的成分和空气接触后很容易发生变化,汤色随汤温下降逐渐变深。,Seeing the liquor color,We should see the liquor color promptly, because the,color,will change easily. The liquor color will darken with the drop of temperature.,-,16,(四)、看汤色(色度、亮度、混浊度)-16,(五)、尝滋味,(吸吮、满口、循环滚动),1,、茶汤入口分三个步骤:吸吮、满口、循环打转后再咽下。,2,、茶汤温度:,70,适,宜,45,55 40,。,温度高,口麻木;温度低,迟钝,同时溶解物析出,汤味不协调。,3,、注意事项:审评前异食刺激性食物,如:辣椒、葱蒜、糖果,不宜抽烟,以保持味觉灵敏度。,Tasting,1. It is divided into 3 steps when the soup is in your mouth:suck in, mouthful, circulate and rotate, then swallow.,2. The temperature of liquor:70 appropriate 45,55 40. Your mouth will numb when temperature is too high and will be dull when too low.,3. Notes: Dont eat hot pepper, allium vegetables, candy, and dont smoke.,-,17,(五)、尝滋味(吸吮、满口、循环滚动)-17,(六)、评叶底,(三度:嫩、色、匀度),靠视觉和触觉:把茶渣全部倒入叶底盘或杯盖的反面或白色搪瓷漂盘里,将叶张拌匀、铺开,观察内容:,1,、老嫩度,色泽度,均匀度及有无掺杂。,2,、柔软度、弹性、厚薄、平突、壮瘦。,Evaluating the infused tea leaves,empty the infused tea leaves into the plate or the inner side of bowl cover, spread them out, hold them steadily and evaluate.,Evaluation:,Tenderness, evenness, color, intact or broken.,Elasticity, thickness, flat or swelled, bold or thin,-,18,(六)、评叶底(三度:嫩、色、匀度)-18,二、绿茶审评,Evaluation of green tea,我国的精制绿茶以外销的珍眉为大宗;其次是珠茶;,还有少量蒸青绿茶。眉茶和珠茶除部分以地名茶原籍出口外,主要还是根据各地眉茶品质特点,实行定量定质拼配成号码茶,对国外销售。,Chunmee green tea, for sale abroad, tops No. 1 of,the refined green tea and gunpowder tea comes next.,According to Chunmee green tea and gunpowder teas place of origin, quality, and characteristics, theyll be sold abroad by different grades.,-,19,二、绿茶审评 Evaluation of green tea,The refined green tea products in China are mainly as follows: Chunmee green tea, Hyson, and YoungHyson and Sowmee, etc.,我国的精制绿茶产品有珍眉、贡熙、针眉、雨茶、秀眉等。,-,20,The refined green tea products,花 色,Varieties,等 级,Grades,商品茶代号,Code of commercial tea,外形特征,Appearance & Characteristics,特珍(三个级),Special Chunmee green tea (3 grades),特 级,Extra,一级,1st,二级,2nd,41022,9371,9370,细嫩、紧直,匀齐,锋苗显,,fine & tender, tight & heavy, even,细紧、重实,匀整,有锋苗,tight & slender, heavy body, even,紧结、尚重实,匀整,少锋苗,tight, heavy body fairly, even,1,、眉茶鉴评,我国外销眉茶各花色品种及其等级都有自己对应的茶号,见表,11,。,1.The Evaluation of Chunmee green tea,Chunmee green tea for export has different varieties, grades and codes. Table 11.,-,21,花 色等 级商品茶代号外形特征特珍(三个级)特 级细嫩、,花 色,Varieties,等 级,Grades,商品茶代号,Code of commercial tea,外形特征,Appearance & Characteristics,珍眉(四个级),Chunmee green tea (4 grades),一级,1,st,二级,2,nd,三级,3,rd,四级,4,th,不列级,Not listed,9369,9368,9367,9366,3006,3008,紧结、壮实,尚匀整,tight, sturdy, fairly even,尚紧、粗实,尚匀整,fairly tight, coarse & bold, fairly even,稍粗松,a little bit coarse & loose,粗松,coarse & loose,粗松,质轻,带朴梗,coarse & loose, light,-,22,花 色等 级商品茶代号外形特征珍眉(四个级)紧结、壮实,尚,出口眉茶各花色品种茶代号及外形特征(续一),Different varieties, grades and codes of,Chunmee green tea for export,1,、雨茶,YoungHyson,(共二个级,two grades,),分一 级,1st,、二 级,2nd,2,、秀眉,Sowmee,(四个级,four grades,),特 级,extra,、一 级,1st,、二 级,2nd,、三 级,3rd,3,、凤 眉,Fengmei,4,、特贡,Tegong,(二个级,two grades,)特 级,extra,、,级,1st,5,、贡熙,Hyson,(三个级,three grades,)一 级,1st,、二 级,2nd,、三 级,3rd,,不列级,Not listed,-,23,出口眉茶各花色品种茶代号及外形特征(续一)-23,珍眉系列,1,Chunmee green tea 1,41022AA,41022AA,叶底,infused leaves,9371AAA,9371AAA,叶底,infused leaves,-,24,珍眉系列1 Chunmee green tea 141022,眉茶形状顾名思义,条索应似眉毛的形状,这是决定其外形规格的主要因子。眉茶色泽以绿润起霜为好。,内在品质:汤色以黄绿明亮清澈,香气以香纯透清香或熟板栗香高长,滋味以浓醇鲜爽、回味带甜,叶底以芽多叶软、厚实、嫩匀的为好。,Chunmee green tea is in the shape of eyebrow.,Quality: It tastes mellow, aromatic, refreshing and sweet. And itd better that the infused tea leaves should be soft, thick, tender and even.,-,25,眉茶形状顾名思义,条索应似眉毛的形状,这是决定其外形规格的主,眉茶是由炒青绿毛茶经再加工而成的产品,主要是物理变化,在外形上较初加工茶规格化、标准化、商品化;在内质上变化不太大,主要是香味趋向于调和性与一致性。,Chunmee green tea is the product reprocessed from the fried primary green tea. Its mainly about physical change, so that Chunmee green tea will be much more commercialized.,-,26,眉茶是由炒青绿毛茶经再加工而成的产品,主要是物理变化,在外形,Gunpowder tea can be divided into 4 categories through refining of fried primary green tea: gunpowder tea, Young Hyson, broken tea, and Sowmee.,2,、珠茶鉴评,The evaluation of gunpowder tea,珠茶是由圆炒青毛茶(,1,级)经精制整形后分为:珠茶、雨茶、碎茶、秀眉四大类花色。其中,宛如珍珠的圆形茶称为珠茶,等级珠茶外形特征及贸易代号见表,12,。,-,27,Gunpowder tea can be divided i,表,42,不同等级珠茶贸易茶代号与外形特征,Table 4-2 Code Name and Appearance for Different Grades of Gunpowder Tea,等 级,Grades,外形特征,Appearance & Characteristics,贸易茶代号,Code name of commercial tea,特 级,extra,一 级,1st,二 级,2nd,三 级,3rd,四 级,4th,五 级,5th,不列级,not listed,圆结重实,光滑,墨绿光亮,Round & tight, smooth,圆结尚重实,墨绿,round & fairly tight,较圆结,墨绿泛黄,色欠润,fairly round & tight, black yellowish green,尚圆,黄绿稍暗,fairly round, dark yellowish green,尚圆欠结实,色暗黄,fairly round, lack of tightness, dark yellow,粗圆,色枯,coarse & round, dry,扁圆,枯黄,flat & round, dry yellow,3505,9372,9373,9374,9375,9475,9575,-,28,表42 不同等级珠茶贸易茶代号与外形特征,珠茶系列,1,Gunpowder Tea 1,3502,珠茶,二级,Grade 2nd,3502,叶底,infused leaves,3503,珠茶,三级,Grade 3rd,3503,叶底,infused leaves,-,29,珠茶系列1 Gunpowder Tea 135023502叶,珠茶外形要求颗粒紧结、滚圆如珠,匀整重实;色泽以墨绿、深绿光润为好。,内质汤色以黄绿明亮,香高味醇的为好。,叶底嫩度评比芽头与叶张匀整,以有盘花芽叶或芽头嫩张比重大的为好。,Its required that gunpowder tea should be tight, round, even and heavy.,The liquor color, should taste sweet & mellow.,Itd better that the infused tea leaves should be with the tender buds and uniformed tea leaves.,-,30,珠茶外形要求颗粒紧结、滚圆如珠,匀整重实;色泽以墨绿、深绿光,The Evaluation of Steamed Green Tea,3,、蒸青绿茶审评,-,31,The Evaluation of Steamed Gree,目前我国蒸青绿茶有恩施玉露和普通蒸青两种。前者保留了我,国传统蒸青绿茶制法,外形如松针,紧细、挺直、匀整,色泽,绿润,香清持久,味醇爽口,属名茶规格。普通蒸青色泽品质,要具备三绿,即干茶墨绿、汤色碧绿、叶底青绿。,There are 2 types of steamed green tea in China now, namely, Jade Dew and the common steamed green tea. The former retains Chinas traditional processing methods. High quality of the common steamed green tea should include 3 elements: dry tea looks greenish black, its liquor color is jade green, and the infused tea leaves look bluish green.,-,32,目前我国蒸青绿茶有恩施玉露和普通蒸青两种。前者保留了我-3,日本蒸青绿茶分高、中、低三档,共,9,级。各级茶的嫩度相当于我国各级炒青绿茶的水平,见表,13,。外形比较碎。高档茶带嫩茎,中、低档带嫩梗,下档茶有较长的梗朴。,The steamed green tea is divided into three grades, top, middle and low, with 9 levels in total.,-,33,日本蒸青绿茶分高、中、低三档,共9级。各级茶的嫩度相当于我国,表,13,各等级蒸青绿茶的外形特征,Table 1-3,Appearance of Different Level Steamed Green Tea,档次,Grade,级别,Level,外形特征,Appearance & Characteristics,相当于炒青级别(嫩度),Grade that is equal to fried green tea (tenderness),高档,High grade,EE,级(超超特,EE,Level,E,级(超特),E,Level,S,级(特),S,Level,细嫩,紧直,光润,尚嫩绿,fine & tender, tight & heavy, smooth, fairly tender green,较细嫩,紧、直、光,墨绿,fairly fine & tender, tight & heavy, bright, black green,尚嫩,较紧直,深绿,fairly tender, tight and heavy, dark green,特级,extra,一级,1st,二级,2nd,-,34,表13 各等级蒸青绿茶的外形特征Tabl,档次,Grade,级别,level,外形特征,Appearance & Characteristics,相当于炒青级别(嫩度),Grade that is equal to fried green tea (tenderness),中档,Middle grade,低档,Low grade,一级,1st,二级,2nd,三级,3rd,四级,4th,五级,5th,六级,6th,条尚紧直,黄绿稍深,fairly tight & heavy,尚紧直、有扁条,黄绿,fairly tight & heavy, flat leaves, yellowish green,粗松尚直有扁条,黄绿稍枯,coarse & loose, flat leaves, a little dry yellowish green,直形扁片状,straight, and flat flakes,粗松尚直扁片状,coarse & loose, straight & flat,粗松朴片,coarse & loose, coarse leaf,三级,3rd,四级,4th,五级,5th,六级,6th,七级,7th,级外,beyond grade,-,35,档次Grade级别level外形特征Appearance &,日本蒸青绿茶开汤鉴评方法:,The Japanese steamed green tea evaluation:,称取代表性的茶样,3.0g,各,3,份,(,分别用于审评香气、汤色和滋味,),放入鉴评碗中,按,7,秒冲泡一只茶的速度加开水,约,2min,时,用网匙,(18,目,),捞取叶底,靠近鼻嗅香气,反复数次,持续,5min,后,滤去叶底审评汤色与滋味。判断香气时必须结合汤热时和汤冷时的情况综合判定。,Weigh three tea samples of 3.0 g. Put them into the bowl, and pour boiling water. After 2 min, fish the infused leaves up by wire-screen spoon, and smell closely for several times. After 5 min, evaluate the liquor color and its taste.,-,36,日本蒸青绿茶开汤鉴评方法:-36,日本感官审评茶叶时大都不评叶底,只有少数茶类要审评叶底,如碾茶和红茶。对中国茶的审评较重视叶底。日本对蒸青绿茶的断碎不十分讲究,但注意原料嫩度;不怕香、味带“生青气”,忌“栗香”;汤色、叶底青绿受欢迎,讨厌色黄。,The infused tea leaves are seldom evaluated in Japan, only a small number of tea are evaluated, such as rolled tea and black tea. Japanese people dont put much emphasis to the broken conditions of steamed green tea, but to its tenderness; and they dont care much about whether it tastes astringent or not.,-,37,日本感官审评茶叶时大都不评叶底,只有少数茶类要审评叶底,如碾,三、红茶审评,The Evaluation of Black Tea,1,、工夫红茶鉴评,The evaluation of Gungfu Black Tea,工夫红茶是中国特有的,主要有,十大工夫红茶。,祁红、滇红、川红、宁红、宜红、湖红、浙红,以及福建的政和红、坦洋红和白琳红。,There are mainly 10 types: Qihong, Dianhong, Chuanhong, Ninghong, Yihong, Huhong, Zhehong, as well as Zhenghe, Tanyang, Bailin black tea in Fujian Province .,-,38,三、红茶审评The Evaluation of Black,十大工夫红茶,的品质特点:,The Quality Characteristics of Ten Gongfu Tea,祁红,鲜醇带甜、蜜糖香(祁门香),Qihong fresh and mellow with sweet taste,滇红,茶肥壮重实、金毫特多,Dianhong fat and bold, heavy,川红,紧结壮实、美观、橘糖香,Chuanhong tight and sturdy, beautiful with orange aroma,宁红,紧结、叶底开展、有红筋稍短碎,Ninghong tight, stretched infused tea leaves,宜红,细紧有毫、香甜纯似祁红,Yihong slender, tippy and as fragrant & sweet as Qihong,-,39,十大工夫红茶的品质特点:-39,湖红,“,湘红”、紧结重实;,浙红,细紧、挺直、带有花香;,闽,-,政和红:大茶,外形近似滇红、条小、色黑;,小茶,细紧、香似祁红但不持久;,闽,-,坦洋红,条索细薄而飘、带白毫,叶底光滑;,闽,-,白琳红,条细长弯曲、多白毫、带颗粒状;,Huhong tight and heavy,Zhehong slender, tight, and straight, with flower fragrance.,Zhenghe: Big tea similar to Dianhong in,appearance, small and black;,Tanyang slender, thin, with white tips,Bailin slender, curved, and grainy.,-,40,湖红“湘红”、紧结重实;-40,正山小种Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong,-,41,正山小种Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong-41,CTC红碎茶 Black Broken Tea,-,42,CTC红碎茶 Black Broken Tea-42,2,、红碎茶审评,The Evaluation of Black Broken Tea,(,1,)品质要求:(国际市场),The Quality Requirement: (International market),外形: 规格:分明、有一定重实度和净度,;,颗粒:匀,正、洁净,;,色泽:乌黑或带褐红色、油润。,内质: 香味:鲜、强、浓,中有和性(忌:陈、钝、,淡)汤色:红艳明亮 叶底:红匀鲜明,Appearance:Specification: clear, heavy, cleanGrains: even, cleanColor: jet black or with brown red,Characters: Aroma: fresh, intense, strongLiquor color: brightly red,Infused Tea Leaves: evenly red and bright,-,43,2、红碎茶审评-43,(,2,)审评方法,The Evaluation Method,红碎茶审评以内质的汤味、香气为主,外形为辅。,开汤审评取茶样,3g,,,150ml,沸水冲泡,5min,。,英国则采用,140ml,或,1/4,品脱,(,即,142ml),的标准容量杯子,每杯茶样重量为,2.8g,或,2.85g,,冲泡时间,6min,,到时将茶汤倒入瓷碗中,叶底由杯中翻倒在杯盖上。审评时一般不加牛奶,有些拼配商在审评时加牛奶,。,3g tea samples, infuse 150ml boiling water for 5min.,In Britain, they adopt 140 ml or 142 ml container cup, 2.8 g or 2.85 g tea sample. After 6 minutes, pour the liquor into a china bowl and then put infused leaves onto the cover.,-,44,(2)审评方法The Evaluation Method -,四、成品青茶审评,The Evaluation of Oolong Tea,青茶在市场上习惯称乌龙茶。按产地分为福建青茶、广东青茶和台湾青茶。由于产地、品种和制法不同,各地青茶品质又各有特点。就福建来说,又有南北之分,闽北以传统式加工方法多浓香型乌龙茶,闽南以改进式加工方法多清花香(绿汤)型乌龙茶。,Oolong tea is divided into Fujian Oolong tea, Guangdong Oolong tea and Taiwan Oolong tea according to their production place. Oolong tea from different production places boasts its own characteristics. Take Fujian Oolong tea for example, people from northern part of Fujian produce oolong tea with strong flavor in traditional ways, while improved processing method is used to produce flower-flavored oolong tea in southern part.,-,45,四、成品青茶审评The Evaluation of Oolo,铁观音Tie Guan Yin,-,46,铁观音Tie Guan Yin-46,闽北,-,水仙,Shuixian in northern Fujian,-,47,闽北-水仙-47,黄金桂,Huang Jin Gui,-,48,黄金桂-48,武夷肉桂,Wu Yi Rou Gui,-,49,武夷肉桂-49,1,、青茶审评的方法有两种:,The Evaluation of Oolong Tea,审评顺序:观外形,嗅香气,-,看汤色,尝滋味,评叶底。,(,1,)传统法:使用,110mL,钟形杯和审评碗,冲泡用茶量为,5g,,茶与水之比例为,1:22,。,(,2,)通用法:使用,150mL,的审评杯和容量略大于杯的审评碗,冲泡用茶量,3g,,茶与水之比为,1:50,。,The evaluation order: observe appearance smell,aroma look at liquor color taste evaluate infused tea leaves,(1) Traditional way: Using 110ml bell-shaped cup and evaluation bowl, 5 g tea sample, the ratio of tea to water is 1:22.,(2) Universal way: 150ml evaluation cup and bowl, the volume of bowl should a little bigger than that of cup. 3g tea sample, the ratio is 1:50.,-,50,1、青茶审评的方法有两种:-50,2,、香味类型:,The types of Aroma,大致可分为四大类型:,(,1,)细腻花果香型这是青茶中品质最好的一类,其品质的最大特点是具有类似水蜜桃或兰花的香气,滋味清爽润滑,大多用春茶和秋茶制作。如广东潮安凤凰单枞、福建安溪铁观音。,Four types:,(1) Refined Flower & Fruit Fragrance,Its the best quality of oolong tea. It is mostly processed from spring tea and autumn tea, such as Fenghuang Danzong in Guangdong Province and Anxi Tieguanyin in Fujian.,-,51,2、香味类型:The types of Aroma -51,(,2,)花果香型,Flower & Fruit Fragrance,它与细腻花果香型相比,香味类型相同,显水蜜桃香,滋味清爽,但入口后缺乏鲜爽,在青茶中属于二类产品经济价值也较高。这种茶大多产于秋季,产量大致占青茶总产量的,25%,。,It tastes refreshing, but lack of smooth when the liquor is in mouth. This type of tea is processed mostly in autumn with its output making up 25% of total output of oolong tea.,-,52,(2)花果香型 Flower & Fruit Fragran,(,3,)高火香型,High-fired fragrance,老火香型的青茶,干茶色泽暗褐显枯,汤色黄深,叶底暗,绿,无光泽。这类产品,由于鲜叶不十分粗老,香味上显,老火香味,而无粗老气味。,The dry tea looks deep brown with deep yellow liquor. The infused leaves are dark green.,-,53,(3)高火香型 High-fired fragrance,(,4,)老火粗味型,Over-fired fragrance,老火粗味型青茶,在青茶中是品质最次的一类,它的制作方法与第三类相同,但原料更粗老,大多是夏茶中的低档鲜叶,因而既有老火香型,又带有粗老气味。,Its of the lowest quality in oolong tea. Its,processing method is the same as that of,high-fired, but the materials are coarser than those of the high-fired.,-,54,(4)老火粗味型Over-fired fragrance,五、黑茶审评,The Evaluation of Dark Tea,1,、,黑茶审评方法:,The Evaluation Method of Dark Tea,(,1,)外形,以嫩度和条索为主,兼评净度、色泽和干香。,(1) Appearance Attach more importance to tenderness and straightness.,-,55,五、黑茶审评-55,(,2,)开汤:称取茶,7g,放入白瓷碗中,冲沸水,350ml,加盖泡,10min,(也有煮渍)用竹筷或小铜丝网将叶底捞出,,放入碗盖上,并将茶汤旋转搅动,使沉淀集中碗底,然后评定内质。,(2) Infuse tea: put 7 g tea sample into the white porcelain bowl, infuse 350ml boiling water for 10 min with a cover, then stir the liquor in order to make deposit centralized at the bottom of bowl, then evaluate the characteristics.,-,56,-56,2,、黑茶成型与工艺、原料的关系,Relationship among the formation of dark tea, technology and raw materials,茶名,Name,鲜 叶 嫩 度,Tenderness,初 加 工 工 序,Primary processing procedure,毛 茶 外 形,Appearance of primary tea,紧压成品茶,Compressed finished tea,1,、黑 茶,Dark tea,中叶种,1,芽,3,叶,6,叶(较粗老),One tip:3-6 leaf,杀青,初揉,渥堆,复揉,干燥,fixation-1,st,rolling-piling-rolling again-drying,粗松带梗,色泽黑黄褐,coarse & loose with stalk, color :black sandy brown,黑砖、茯砖、花卷,Heizhuan, Fuzhuan,2,、老青茶,Coarse dark tea,中叶种成熟度较高叶梗(老梗叶),Mature leaves with stalk,杀青,初揉,初晒,复揉,渥堆,干燥,fixation-1,st,rolling-rolling again-piling-drying,叶成条有红梗,色乌绿黄,straight with red stalk, color: dark greenish yellow,青砖茶,Green brick tea,-,57,2、黑茶成型与工艺、原料的关系Relationship a,茶名,Name,鲜 叶 嫩 度,Tenderness,初 加 工 工 序,Primary processing procedure,毛 茶 外 形,Appearance of primary tea,紧压成品茶,Compressed finished tea,3,、普洱茶,Puer Tea,云南大叶种,1,芽,2,、,34,叶(较肥嫩),One tip:2,3-4 leaf,杀青,揉捻,干燥,渥堆,fixation-rolling -drying-piling,条索肥壮,色红褐带乌,fat & bold, color: dark reddish brown,普洱散茶、普洱茶砖,Puer loose Tea, Puer Brick Tea,4,、六堡茶,Liubao Tea,中叶种,1,芽,23,叶、,4,叶(尚嫩),One tip:2-3,4 leaf,杀青,揉捻,渥堆,复揉,干燥,fixation-rolling-piling-rolling again-drying,条完整,色黑褐,intact, color: black brown,篓装茶、柱形六堡茶,Basket Packaged Tea, Column Tea,-,58,茶名Name 鲜 叶 嫩 度 Tenderness初 加 工,六、白茶审评,The Evaluation of White Tea,外形以嫩度、色泽为主,结合形态和净度;,内质以叶底的嫩度和色泽为主,兼评汤色、,香气、滋味。,Evaluate tenderness and color mainly, and then the shape as well as cleanliness.,After tea leaves are infused, evaluate tenderness and color mainly, and then the liquor color aroma and taste.,白毫银针,Bai Hao Yin Zhen,-,59,六、白茶审评白毫银针-59,1,、,外形(嫩度、色泽,、,形态,、,净度),2,、,内质(汤色,、,香气,、,滋味、叶底,:,嫩度、色泽),appearance: tenderness, color, shape, cleanness,Characteristics: liquor color, aroma, taste, infused tea leaves, tenderness,白茶,-,60,1、外形(嫩度、色泽、形态、净度)白茶 -60,白毫银针,Bai Hao Yin Zhen,白茶,-,61,白毫银针Bai Hao Yin Zhen白茶-61,白牡丹,Bai Mu Dan,-,62,白牡丹Bai Mu Dan-62,七、黄茶审评,The Evaluation of Yellow Tea,黄茶,君山银针,蒙顶黄芽,Junshan Yinzhen,Mengding Huangya,-,63,七、黄茶审评The Evaluation of Yello,1,、形状,黄茶因品种和加工技术不同,形状有明显差别。如:,君山银针,以形似针、芽头肥壮、满披毛的为好,芽瘦扁、毫少为差。,蒙顶黄芽,以条扁直、芽壮多毫为上,条弯曲、芽瘦少为差。,Shape,There are different shapes of yellow tea, such as:,Junsh


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