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锣圩镇2015-2016学年度小学课堂教学导学方案科目:英语课型:新授课课题:四(上)M10 U2 Merry Chritmas!设计者:李彩芳 教材内容简析本模块以节日为话题,介绍中西方传统的重大节日(春节和圣诞节)。本单元是听说课,将重点学习西方的传统节日圣诞节,即:如何表达圣诞问候和如何描述过节时的风俗习惯。学情分析 本班大部分学生有一年的学习英语积累,虽然脑子较为灵敏,但学到的英语知识和语言技能并不很牢,所积累到的基础词汇和基本技能并不很会运用,小组合作学习意识也不很强。课前大都没有预习的习惯;部分学生缺少良好的听课习惯,完整的英语语言表达能力尚低,不是十分大胆表现自我的现象普遍存在,质疑,解疑能力较低。所以,课中应努力培养学生的听课习惯,鼓励并培养学的语言表达能力。教学目标语言知识目标:掌握Chritmas/meery及句子:At Chritmas,we sing.We have .We give .We eat.We say “Merry Christmas!”能力目标:(1)能听懂“语言知识目标”中的四会词汇与句型。(2)能读熟课文内容并进行比较熟练地对话。情感意识目标:(1)通过各种活动的开展,使学生集中注意力,能懂得合作学习与学英语的乐趣,。(2)初步了解西方人过圣诞节的风俗习惯。教学重点:教学难点:1. New Ws:merry/Chistmas.2. Sentences:(1)At Chistmas,we sing songs. We have a Chistmas tree. We give presents . We eat lots of food.We say “Merry Christmas!”. (2)A:Heres your present . B:Thank you.策略、方法自主学习、合作交流、展示汇报、赏析评价教学过程教学环节(步骤)教学内容(学什么)教师活动(怎样指导)学生活动(怎样学习)设计意图Warming-upReview :food/present/tree/song Ask some of pupils to show the pictures of food/present/tree/sing songs.S1、S2Sn:answer 使学生对旧知有个温故,为后面新课的学习作铺垫。Presentation New words and sentences.1.Using the pictures to show the new wordsand teach them.2.PPT课件3.Teach the Ws by the ordinary way.4.Read the new Ws together for several times. 1.Look and think.2.Guess and say.3.Read:By the ways as many as possible. 使学生在感知、感悟、熟悉新词、新句的基础上,为课文听力和课文理解扫清障碍。Practice1.Listening,readingand translation 1.Play the tape.2.PPt3.Read the questions with the Ss. 1.Listen to the tape twice.2.Find out the Questions:What do we have at Chistmas?3.Listen again, then check the answers.4.Read the dialogue by group.5.Translate the difficult sentences one by one.6.Ask some pairs to read the dialogue. 通过多形式、多渠道、多办法听、说读、写单词、短语和熟读课文的对话内容,熟悉课文,掌握课文,巩固练习。Production By the key Ws and sentences information from the text ,make productions by the Ss themselves.1.Play the tape.(T write)2.Using the pictures to ask the Ss.3.Ask the Ss to do activies. 1.Read the sentences after thetape.(Translate)2.Make dialogues with the teacher showing key Ws. 3.Do activies3:Give Ss to practice,then ask some pairs to act“little sailsmen.” 通过合作、交流、表演、展示、汇报等多种课堂活动形式,从而增强学生的兴趣,让学生体验成功的喜悦。,突破难点。Conslidation Summary:The key Ws and the sentences.1. Ask 2 or 3 Ss to teach the others.2. Ask Ss to read. 1.Two“little teachers”teach the words and sentences.2.Ss read the Ws and sentences. 通过教读、领读、再读、朗读,再次升华学生对课文内容的掌握.HomeworkKey words and sentencesMake the Ss to copy and read and make sentences.1. Copy the new words(6 times for each word)2. Read the dialogue.3. Make sentences with the key Ws.通过多读、多写,让新知得以及时巩固。DesignModule 10 Unit 2 Merry Chistmas! 一、Ws: merry/ Chistmas 二、Sentences:1.At Christmas,we sing. We have . we give .And we say”_ _! ” 2. A:Heres your present B:Thank you! Feed Back


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