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For example, 10-35 percent of gross sales are logistics cost.,Passage OnePreview,Passage One,Reading,C,omprehension,Read the following sentences and decide whether they are true(T) or false(F),1.,Logistics is comparatively a new term, and its operation is new as well,. ( ),2.,Logistics is one important function in business today. No marketing, manufacturing or project execution can succeed without its support,.( ),3. Logistics functions used to be considered unavoidable costs to a company, but today they are recognized as crucial to a companys competitiveness and profitability.,T,T,F,Passage One Reading Comprehe,Passage One,Reading,C,omprehension,4.,No longer did people live near production centres, nor did production take place near residence centres. The geographical distance between the production point and consumption point decreased. And logistics gained importance,. (,),F,Passage One Reading Comprehen,Passage One,Notes,1. That is right and we will see why.,他的话一语破的,让我们来看看其中的原委。这句话看似简单,却不好翻译。前文提到他的朋友说:“未来属于物流。”这句话肯定了他朋友的话,若将其译成“他的话是对的”,显得太直白了,不如用一成语把它译成“他的话一语破的”,肯定该朋友讲话的正确和恰当。后半句意思是通过后面的学习,我们将会了解说该朋友讲话正确的原因。若译成“我们将明白为什么”,就没有译出原义。倒不如增加一点“劝诱”的语气成分“让我们来,”,。,Passage One Notes1. That i,Passage One,Notes,2. What is logistics? The answer to this is on your feet! Look at the shoes you are wearing; they may look simple, but it took a complex process to get them from raw materials to products you can wear. The functions in this process are what make up logistics.,什么是物流?答案就在您的脚上!看看您穿着的鞋。它们也许看起来简单,但从原材料到您能穿的产品要经过一个复杂的过程。这个过程中的功能要素就构成了物流。这段文字虽含有几个句子,但结构总的来说并不复杂,可以按其顺序来翻译。若将“,What is logistics? The answer to this is on your feet!”,译成“什么是物流?这个问题的答案就在您的脚上!”。看似忠实于原文,实际上并不简洁,故省略了一问一答中的重复部分,译为“什么是物流?答案就在您的脚上!”。文中的“,get”,不是“得到”的意思,而是“使,变得”的意思,这一意思隐含在“,from raw materials to products you can wear”,中,若把“,get them”,译成“要得到它们”,显得累赘,故在翻译中可省去不译。在“,The functions in this process are what make up logistics,”中,“,what make up logistics”,是表语从句,英语中的主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句等名词性从句翻译时可按原文的句序译成对应的汉语。请看下例:,Raw material is what we are badly in need of.,我们急需的是原料。故这句话可以译为:“这个过程中的功能要素就构成了物流。”,Passage One Notes,Passage One,Notes,3. The pieces are manufactured into final products in Taiwan, and trucked to a port where they are shipped via ocean container to, say, Vancouver.,这些组件在台湾加工成最终的产品,并用卡车运到一个港口,在那里通过远洋集装箱船运到(比如说)温哥华。译文根据上文将“,The pieces”,具体引申为“这些组件”,指的是“鞋帮”、“鞋底”、“鞋舌”等。文中的“,truck”,是动词,意为“运送,以卡车运输,”,,与常用的意思不同。“,ocean container”,的意思是“远洋运输用的集装箱”。“,via”,是介词,意为“经,通过,经由”,是商务英语中的常用词。如:,They sent the letter via airmail.,他们通过空邮寄信。,Passage One Notes,Passage One,Notes,4. Logistics functions used to be considered unavoidable costs to a company, but today they are recognized as crucial to a companys competitiveness and profitability. It encompasses so many jobs that people with talents in one area can specialize.,物流的职能过去常被认为是公司不可避免要付出的成本,但是现在这些职能被认为是对公司竞争力和盈利性至关重要的因素。它包括如此多的工作岗位,以至于在某一个领域具有才能和兴趣的人都能成为行家。原文中的两个被动句“,used to be considered”,和“,are recognized as”,均译成了汉语的被动句。英语中的某些着重被动动作的被动句,译成汉语的被动句,以突出其被动意义。由于汉语的动词无词形变化,只能用添加词的办法来表达被动,最为常见的是在谓语前加上助词“被”。现代汉语受外来语的影响,被动句的应用范围明显扩大了。例如:,Vitamin C is destroyed when it is over heated.,维生素受热过度就会被破坏。文中的“,competitiveness”,和“,profitability”,分别是“,competitive”,和“,profitable”,的派生词,故译为“竞争力”和“盈利性”。“,specialize”,的意思为“专攻,专门研究”。译文把“,people.can specialize”,转译为“,的人都能成为行家”。,Passage One Notes,Passage One,Notes,5. The beauty of logistics is that it is a huge field, encompassing many jobs and personality types.,物流的美妙之处在于它是一个巨大的领域,包括很多工作岗位,适合多种性格类型的人。译文在“,beauty”,的原意“美,美景,美好的东西”的基础上作了适当的引申,译为“美妙之处”。再看一例:,The beauty of the venture is that we stand to lose nothing.,此次冒险的美妙之处在于我们不会失去任何东西。译文把分词短语译成一个分句,而且对“,encompass”,作了适当的搭配引申。关于分译法的具体说明请看本单元的翻译讲座部分。,Passage One Notes,Passage One,New Words and Expressions:,1.,synthetics n.,人工合成材料,Much coal also is used in chemical industries for the manufacture of plastics and other synthetics .,化学工业生产数百种塑料和其它合成制品也用煤很多。,2.,truck vt.,把,装上卡车;用卡车运送,Boxes arrive in Miami from Colombia , Ecuador and Peru , as well Holland, and then travel by plane or by refrigerated truck to the rest of the United States.,这些此刻停靠在迈阿密的集装箱,来自哥伦比亚,厄瓜多尔,秘鲁,还有荷兰,通过飞机或者装有冷藏机的汽车来运输到美国的各个地方。,Passage One New Words and E,Passage One,New Words and Expressions:,3.,assemble vt.,装配,组合,In took two hours to assemble the bicycle .,把这辆自行车装配好花了两小时。,4.,sophisticated a.,复杂的;尖端的,Their supply chains are more sophisticated because they have to be.,它们的供应链更为复杂,因为它们必须这样。,Passage One New Words and E,Passage One,New Words and Expressions:,5.,inventory n.,存货,库存品,Ill check off all the items in the inventory.,我将核查清单上的各个项目。,6.,profitability n.,收益性,利益率,Earlier this year, it abandoned its target of returning to profitability by 2009.,今年早些时候,该公司放弃了在,2009,年扭亏为盈的目标。,7.,encompass vt.,包含,包括,The course will encompass physics, chemistry and biology.,课程将包括物理、化学和生物学。,Passage One New Words and E,Passage One,New Words and Expressions:,8.,on small scale,小规模地的,come into play,开始活动,开始起作用,in transit,在运输中,specialize in,擅长于,专攻,rural areas,农村(业)地区,urban areas,城市地区,residence centers,人口居住集中地方,geographical distance,地理距离;空间距离,business scence,商业形势,free market,自由市场,Passage One New Words and Exp,Passage One,Assignment,Finish the,rest of,exercises,of,Passage One.,Preview,Passage TWO.,Passage One Assignment Fi,Passage Two,第三方物流,Passage Two,QUESTIONS,What factors do you think have provided opportunities to logistics management?,What aspects does logistics management include?,What benefits do supplying chains have ?,QUESTIONSWhat factors do you t,Passage TWO,Preview,Logistics is a comparatively new concept for most companies in China. The two fully fledged conventional production models of large scale or small scale which have created a self-sufficient structure have stifled the logistics market. However, since the implement of opening door to the outside world and reform, the Chinese economy has sustained rapid growth over 30 years.,Passage TWO Preview Logist,Passage TWO,Reading,C,omprehension,Read the following sentences and decide whether they are true(T) or false(F),1,.,Competition between enterprises has expanded form manufacturing to non-manufacturing fields.,( ),2.,Logistics management has become a specialized field as markets have become more extensive.,( ),3.,third-party logistics accounts for 10%35% of the whole logistics market in Europe, a figure that is lower while comparing to other countries.,( ),T,T,F,Passage TWO Reading Comprehen,Passage TWO,Reading,C,omprehension,4.,Third-party logistics include warehousing, transportation, and logistics.,( ),5.,Benefits that supplying chains can not achieve from third-party logistics services are that they can not put together core competences and capabilities to concentrate on logistics management.,( ),F,T,Passage TWO Reading Comprehe,Passage TWO,Notes,发展成熟的传统的大规模或者小规模两种生产方式产生了一种自给自足的结构,使得物流市场一度窒息,. The two fully fledged conventional production models of large scale or small scale which have created a self-sufficient structure have stifled the logistics market. “,发展成熟的”译为“,fully fledged”,,“,fledged”,表“羽翼丰满的,成熟的”;句中“,which”,引导主语从句,使句子结构连贯、平衡。,2.,大量的原料,部件和成品积压在生产商或者分销商的库存里,. Large amounts of raw materials, components, finished goods are held as inventory at the production and distribution ends. “,积压在,.,的库存里”译为“,be held as inventory .”,;“在生产商或者分销商的,.”,表述为“,at the production and distribution ends”,,“,at ones ends”,意思是“在某一方”。,Passage TWO Notes发展成熟的传统,Passage TWO,Notes,3.,市场在变得更加广泛时,物流管理已成为一个特殊的领域,许多商家喜欢酬请外部专业物流,. Logistics management has become a specialized field as markets have become more extensive. Consequently, many businesses favour outsourcing their logistics functions to specialized third-party logistics providers.,译文中加入 “,Consequently”,,表逻辑上的因果关系;“酬请外部专业物流”意译为“,outsource their logistics functions to specialized third-party logistics providers”,“outsource their logistics functions”,表示将物流业务外包,也就代表“酬请”的意思。,4.,第三方物流的特点在于它不仅为客户提供全面经营战略服务也提供经营管理服务,. Third-party logistics are characterized by the fact that they provide not only customers overall corporate strategic service but also operational management service. “,特点在于,.”,译为“,be characterized by.”,;“不仅,.,也,.”,用“,not only.but also.”,表达。,Passage TWO Notes3. 市场在,Passage TWO,Notes,5.,供应链可以从第三方物流供应商得到的好处有:供应链可以集中核心竞争力和能力,专注于物流管理,提高整体绩效,寻找全球解决方案,有能力进入新市场,控制成本,投资和服务,提高客户的满意度,提高灵活性,并寻找更多成本效率服务的解决方案。,Benefits that supplying chains can achieve from third-party logistics services are that they can put together core competences and capabilities to concentrate on logistics management , improving overall performance , finding global solutions, and they can also enable entries to new markets, control costs, investments , and services , improve customers satisfaction and thier flexibility , and find more solutions of cost efficient service .,句中,由第一个“,that”,引导的“,supplying chains can achieve from third-party logistics services”,作“,benefits”,的同位语;第二个“,that”,引导表语从句,它后面的“,they can.”,作“主,+,系,+,表”结构中的表语成份。,Passage TWO Notes5,Passage TWO,Notes,6.“,第三方物流”这一术语是以卖方,买方和第三方物流供应商三方一体的关系为基础的。,The term “ third-party logistics (tpl,3pl)” has its foundation in a triadic form of relationship covering seller , buyer and third-party logistics provider . “,术语”译为“,term”,; “以,.,为基础”这里表述为“,have its foundation in.”,;“ 三方一体的关系”可译为“,a triadic form of relationship”,。,Passage TWO Notes6,Passage TWO,New Words and Expressions:,1.恶化,加剧,aggravate,Men,aggravate,me when they go on about how impractical women are.,男人们不断地谈论女人是如何不切实际的时候使我恼火。,2.冷冻冷藏食品,perishables,Perishables,need to be consumed as quickly as possible.,易腐烂的食物要尽快吃掉。,Passage TWO New Words and,Passage TWO,New Words and Expressions:,3.,仓储,warehousing,Publishers reduced print runs to cut down the cost of,warehousing,.,出版商减少了印数以削减库存成本。 她在可怕的种族隔离时代的异军突起是调解的一个奇迹。,今天,出生在富国的人们会认为,小小的一份健康、财富和平等都是他们人人理所应得。,4.,制定,formulate,If you decide your job is toxic, take control and,formulate,an exit plan.,如果你觉得自己的工作已经是无法挽救的,那就采取行动,制定一份离职计划。,Passage TWO New Words and,Passage TWO,New Words and Expressions:,5.,占,account for,Emerging economies now,account for,more than half of global growth.,新兴经济现在占据了全球增长的一半多。,6.,负责,take charge of,Nothing goes amiss since he,has taken charge of,the school.,自他主管这所学校以来,还从未出过问题。,Passage TWO New Words and,Passage TWO,New Words and Expressions:,7.,单一运作行为,piecemeal operational activities,核心竞争力,core competence,成本效率服务,cost efficient service,码头活动,terminal activities,三方一体关系,a triadic form of relationship,全面经营战略服务,overall corporate strategic service,经营管理服务,operational management service,Passage TWO New Words and E,Passage TWO,New Words and Expressions:,8.,公用事业,utilities,Utilities see the biggest dollar impact.,在美国,受影响最大的是公用事业。,9.,包装,packaging,Too much packaging increases the cost of the food we buy.,过度的包装增加我们所购买的食品的费用。,Passage TWO New Words and E,Passage TWO,Assignment,Finish the exercises,of,Passage TWO,Passage TWO Assignment F,Drills,Please translate the following phrases:,1.logistics operation,2. logistics modulus,3. logistics alliance,4. distribution logistics,5. returned logistics,6. internal logistics,7. external logistics,8. customized logistics,9.,物流技术,10.,物流单证,11.,生产物流,12.,废弃物物流,13.,虚拟物流,14.,第三方物流,15.,军事物流,Drills,Drills,Please translate the following sentences and passages.,1. Since used electrical materials are mainly composed of iron, glasses, and plastics, a reliable reverse logistics system is needed which can reduce the amount of illegal disposal of used materials.,2.,物流行业的发展来说肯定是良好的,而物流、供应链为一体的发展是未来的企业核心竞争力。,Drills Please transla,Drills,Please translate the following sentences,and passages.,3. “Order processing can be compared to the human bodys central nerve system, triggering the distribution process and directing the actions to be taken in satisfying order demand”. Order processing activity may be broken down into three categories. Firstly, operating elements, such as order entry/editing, scheduling, order-shipping set preparation, and invoicing. Secondly, communication elements, such as order modification, order status inquiries, tracing and expediting, error correction, and product information requests; and lastly, credit and collection elements, including credit checking and accounts receivable processing/collecting.,DrillsPlease translat,Drills,Please translate the following sentences and passages.,4.,产品必须在任一地方存放起来,除非消费者立即需要。仓储和存货是为了存放货物的需要而进行的空间管理的活动。特定储存活动包括:决定是否储存应拥有设施、租借或租用;仓库的布局和设计,;,产品组合的考虑,;,安全和维修,;,安全系统,;,个人培训,;,生产率衡量。,Drills Please transla,商务英语翻译Unit-14-物流课件,


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