电影 英语 展示 presentation

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The super heroes,in,American movies,In the world of American movies, clouds seemed to hide the sun, bad guys run everywhere, the world need super heroes. Thus, superman,batman, spider-man and other gifted heroes appeared in succession. They fight the evil and save the treacherous shovel people, these super heroes are selfless, they can even sacrifice their lives in order to protect the weak.,美国的电影里总是乌云遮日到处都有坏人,世界需要超级英雄,所以超人,蝙蝠侠,蜘蛛侠和其他超级英雄陆续出现在人们的生活中。他们对抗邪恶拯救人类,这些无私的英雄甚至为了保护弱者可以牺牲自己的生命。,Which American hero impresses you most?,S U P E R M A N,The character “Superman has influenced several generations all over the world. He was widely considered to be the No.1 American cultural icon.The characters appearance is distinctive and iconic: a blue, red and yellow costume, complete with cape, with a stylized “S shield on his chest.,超人这个形象影响了全世界的几代人。他是美国超级英雄的第一人。超人的形象是很好识别的,蓝绿相间的衣服,红色的披风,以及胸口的“S。,We can say, Superman created the American movie industry in a new era.,Batman,:More Then A Hero,Batman is something more than a fictional character from graphic novels. He represents the good and the evil in all of us; the constant struggle we each face in our daily lives, the fear we hide deep within.,Spider-Man,Spider-man is the only one who is from the bottom of the society. He is not as arrogant as superman, nor the coldness of batman, he is the tender feeling. “With great power comes great responsibility. is his motto.,蜘蛛侠是唯一一位真正来自底层的超级英雄。他不像超人般傲慢,也不像蝙蝠侠般冷酷,他是温情的。能力越大,责任越大,这是他的座右铭。,Iron Man,Iron Man is also a fictional character, a superhero with his incredible equipment who saves the world. Iron Man put the science fiction film visual effects to a peak.,钢铁侠也是个科幻的人物,一个用一些难以置信的装备拯救世界的超级英雄。钢铁侠讲电影的视觉效果做到了极致。,Hulk,“The Hulk is a psychologically rich hero 绿巨人算是一个心理层面丰富的英雄,Futher analysis,Movie as a comprehensive art form,together with the hero are the products,of times. Movies give us an intuitive,and visual impact shock, rich enough,sensory to enjoy ,in the pictures and,sounds let our spirit to get the,S,ublimation and pleasure.,电影和英雄同是时代的产物,电影给予,我们震撼直观的视觉冲击,,富裕充足的感官享受,,在声音画面中使我们的精神,得到了升华和愉悦.,W,hile the heroes are also an icon,of our desire, which give us,strength and beauty, love and,hope to make our life full of,dreams and passion.,然而英雄同样是我们所渴求的偶像,,他们带给了我们力与美,爱与希望,,使我们的生活充满梦想和激情。,Since films have put the hero images,that always been existed up to the screen,then we just enjoy a different kind of,hero through it, whether a real or,fictional hero, as long as ordinary people,who allow us to find the spiritual sustenance,feel the power of example.,既然电影把早已存在的英雄搬上了荧屏,那我们就,姑且欣赏别样的英雄吧,不管是现实还是虚构的英雄,,只要能让我们这些平凡的人儿找到精神的寄托,,感受到典范的力量。,T,he most important is that we are,encouraged to be a hero, even if,it is not known, but this belief set us,live in happiness and hope to enjoy,lifes pleasure and satisfaction,which is totally enough .,最重要的是,鼓励我们也可以成为英雄,,哪怕是无人知晓,却可以让我们活在幸福和希望中,,享受生命的愉悦和满足,这就够了。,Thank You All,


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