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It develops in a quick,way. It used to be a small village. Now it is,much _ (big)than before. The roads are _(wide).,T,he,streets,are _(clean). The buildings are _(new) and _(high). We can see trees everywhere. I think Shenzhen is,one of,_(beautiful)cities in China. I,love Shenzhen,.,bigger,wider,cleaner,higher,newer,the most beautiful,Look at the two pictures, say sth.,about Shenzhen now.,Past,Now,Task One:,Shenzhen is my home. It develo,Task Two:Work in pairs (Oral practice),A,(small),a bee,a butterfly,or an ant?,B,(valuable),iron,silver,or gold?,Task:,S1 asks the questions. S2 gives the answers.,S2 asks the questions. S1 gives the answers.,2. Share your dialogue in class.,E,(fast),a rocket,a plane,or a train?,C,(hot),the North Pole, the South Pole or the Gobi Desert?,D,(heavy),a bear,a whale or an elephant?,Example: (big) Earth, the moon or the sun?,S1:Which is the biggest, Earth,the moon or the sun?,S2:The sun is the biggest.,Task Two:Work in pairs (Oral p,A:,S1: Which is the smallest, a bee, a butterfly or,an ant ?,S2: An ant is the smallest.,B:,S1: Which is the most valuable, iron,silver or gold?,S2: Gold is the most valuable.,C:,S1: Which is the hottest, the North Pole,the South Pole or the Gobi Desert?,S2: The Gobi Desert is the hottest.,A:S1: Which is the smallest, a,D:,S1: Which is the heaviest, a bear, a whale or,an elephant?,S2: A whale is the heaviest.,E:,S1: Which is the fastest, a rocket, a plane,or a train?,S2: A rocket is the fastest.,D:S1: Which is the heaviest, a,S1: Who is,taller, _ or_?,S2: _ is taller.,S2: Who is the,tallest, _, _ or,_? (_,_,_ or_?),S3: _ is the tallest.,S3: Who is,taller, _ or_?,S4: _ is taller.,S4: Who is the,tallest, _, _ or,_? (_,_,_ or_?),S1: _ is the tallest,Example:,Make up dialogue according to the table.,An example is given.,Task Three:Group work,Task:,S1S2S3S4S1,2. Share your dialogue in class.,S1: Who is taller, _ or_,Exercise,Task Four,ExerciseTask Four,cheap _ _ high_ _,cute_ _ fat _ _,big _ _ pretty _ _,expensive _ _,interesting _ _,cheap,er,cheap,est,high,er,high,est,cut,er,cut,est,fat,ter,fat,test,big,ger,big,gest,pret,tier,pret,tiest,more,expensive,most,expensive,more,interesting,most,interesting,I.,写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级:,cheap _ _ high_,A friend is easier lost than found.,2. Enough is as good as a feast.,3. Better to do well than to say well.,4. Better the last smile than the first laughter.,“,比较”出来的英语,朋友易失不易得。,知足常乐。,说得好不如做得好。,宁可最后微笑,不可首先狂喜。,II.英译中,A friend is easier lost than f,5. Doing is better than saying.,6. Two heads are better than one.,7. Good to begin well, better to end well.,8. An eye finds more truth than two ears.,会说不如会做。,两人智慧胜一人。,善始好,善终更佳。,百闻不如一见。,“,比较”出来的英语,5. Doing is better than saying,III.Please correct the following wrong sentences,(改正下列错句),.,1. Books are cheapest than computers.,_,2. Computers are expensiver than books.,_,3. Tom is the heavier student in the class.,_,4. This orange is biger than that one.,_,5. This book is the interestingest in the library.,_,Computers,are more expensive than,books.,Tom is,the heaviest student,in the class.,This orange,is bigger than,that one.,This book,is the most interesting,in the library,.,Books,are cheaper than,computers.,III.Please correct the followi,IV.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given.,( 用括号中词的适当形式填空),My sister is _ than Richard. (old),He has _ homework to do than I do today. (much),Is football _ than volleyball? (exciting),The town is _ than it used to be. (clean),Im _ than his brother, Jim. (clever),I think she looks _ than in the photo. (pretty),older,more,more exciting,cleaner,cleverer,prettier,知识点:两者中的比较.,IV.Fill in the blanks with the,IV.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given.,( 用括号中词的适当形式填空),7. This road is _ than the other one. (dangerous),8. This problem is _ than I thought. (important),9. Can you walk _ than a young man? (far),10. In summer it is much _ in Wuhan than in Beijing. (hot),11. Which is _, Room 201 or Room 108? (bright),12.Tom is _ boy in our class. (old),more dangerous,more important,farther,brighter,hotter,the oldest,三者以上的比较,IV.Fill in the blanks with the,13. This is _ city that we have ever visited. (good),14. It was the _ day of his life. (bad),15. Susans flowers are _ of all.,(beautiful),16. Sue is _ of the girls in the class. (clever),She answered all the questions except,_ one. (difficult),17. Winter is _ than autumn; it is _,of the four seasons. (cold),the best,worst,the most beautiful,the cleverest,the most difficult,colder the coldest,13. This is _ city that,18. We watched a very _ play the day before,yesterday. (bore),19. Pants cost _ than shorts. Shorts dont cost,as _ as pants. (much),20. The girl seems _ today than yesterday.,The girl didnt seem so _ yesterday as today.,(lively),boring,more,much,more lively,lively,not as /so as,not as /so as,18. We watched a very _ p,单项选择(目标词汇的练习),1,. English is one of _ important subjects in,our school.,A. most B. the most C. more D. much more,2.,The busier he is, the _ he feels.,A. happily B. happy C. happier D. more happy,3.,-How are you today, Peter?,-Much _, but my doctor says Ill still have,to rest for another few days.,A. well B. good C. better D. best,4. Peter spent _ time and made _ sentences than Tony.,A. fewer; more B. less; more,C. much; many D. more; many,one of +,最高级,+,名词复数,The +,比,,the +,比,much +,比较级,less +,不可数名词;,more +,可数,/,不可数名词,单项选择(目标词汇的练习)one of +最高级+名词复数,考点总结,1.much +比较级,2.The +比,the +比,3.as + 原级+as,not as /so + 原级+as,4.one of +最高级+名词复数,5.less +不可数名词; more +可数/不可数名词,考点总结1.much +比较级,Finish the Exercise on P49/50 of textbook.,Homework,Finish the Exercise on P49/50,Thank you for listening!,Thank you for listening!,


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