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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Writing,Unit 4 My Favourite season,Dingxiao,Dingxiao,spring,Autumn,summer,winter,Task1,lets talk about the weather in different seasons.,springAutumnsummerwinterTask1,What is the weather like in spring?,It is,_,and,Sometimes_.,warm,rainy,What is the weather like in sp,What can you do in spring?,I can,.,It is _to_ (,活动,) in spring,plant trees,fly kites,plant trees,nice,plant trees,What can you do in spring? I c,What is the weather like in summer?,It is,_,and sometimes_,in summer.,summer,hot,rainy,What is the weather like in su,What can you do in summer?,I can,.,It is_ to_ in summr (activity),swim,eat ice cream,nice,swim,swim,What can you do in summer?I c,What is the weather like in autumn?,It is,_,and,Sometimes_.,The trees leaves get_.,cool,autumn,dry,yellow,What is the weather like in au,What can you do in autumn?,I can_ . It is_ to_ (activity) in autumn.,pick up apples,have a picnic,pick up apples,nice,pick up apples,What can you do in autumn?I ca,What is the weather like in winter?,It is,_,and,Sometimes_.,cold,snowy,What is the weather like in wi,What can you do in winter?,I,can,_.,It is_to_(activity)in winter,skate,make a snowman,skate,nice-,skate,What can you do in winter?I,Riddle(,谜语,) 1,Riddle 2,Riddle 3,1,:,It,is cold.,It,is snowy.,Everything,is white.,Children,are happy,.,It is a nice season.,2. It,is hot,. It,is sunny.,Everything,is bright.,Children,are happy,.,It is a good season.,3. It,is cool,. It,is dry,.,Everything,is brown,.,Children,are happy.,It is a fine season .,Task 2: Guess the seasons,winter,summer,autumn,Riddle(谜语) 1Riddle 2Riddle 31:,Task3,lets talk ahout the festivals in different seasons.,Task3,lets talk ahout the fes,.What festival,s,does,spring,have,?,_(festival) is in _(season),.,.,.,Womens day,Tree-planting Day,Tree-planting Day,spring,.What festivals does spring,What,can,you do,on,Tree-planting Day,?I _,.,It is _to_ (activity).,.,Plant trees,can plant trees,nice,plant trees,What can you do on Tree-plant,4.What festival,s,does,summer,have,?,_(festival) is in _ ( season),.,.,.,the Dragon Boat Festival,Childrens Day,Childrens Day,summer,4.What festivals does summer,What,can,you do,on,the Dragon Boat Festival,?I _,.,It is _ to_ (activity).,.,Watch the dragon race,Eat zong zi,eat zong zi.,yummy,eat zongzi,What can you do on the Dragon,What festival,s,does,autumn,have,?,_(festival) is in _(season),.,.,.,Teachers Day,The Mid-autumn Festival,Teachers Day,autumn,What festivals does autumn h,What,can,you do,on,the Mid-autumn Festival,?I _,.,It is _ to_ (activity).,.,Watch the moon,Eat mooncakes,eat mooncakes,nice,eat mooncakes,What can you do on the Mid-au,4.What festival,s,does,winter,have,?,_(festival) is in _(season),.,.,.,The Spring Festial,Christmas,Christmas,winter,4.What festivals does winter,What,can,you do,during the Spring Festival,?I,can,_,.,It is _ to_ (activity).,.,Eat nice food,Get red packets,get red packets,happy,get red packets,What can you do during the Sp,Riddle(,谜语,) 1,Riddle 2,Riddle 3,1,:,Chinese people celebrate this,festival on 15,th,august in China,by eating mooncakes.,2. Chinese people celebrate this,festival on 5,th,May inChina,by watching boat race,.,3. Chinese people celebrate this,festival on 1st January in China,Children canget red packets.,Task 4: Guess the festivals,Mid-autumn Day,Dragon boat festival,The Spring Festival,Riddle(谜语) 1Riddle 2Riddle 31:,My favourite season,A,Mandy has written about her favourite season, winter.,The Spring Festival is in winter and it is my favourite holiday. I visit my,grandparents,and eat lots of nice food. It is exciting to get red,packets,during the Spring Festival.,My favourite season is winter.,Winter is very cold and sometimes snowy. It is interesting to make snowmen in winter.,My favourite season A Mandy h,Task6,Write an article about your favourite season. Follow the example of Mandys article,.,My favourite season,My favourite season is _.,It is _ and sometimes _ (weather). It is_to_(activity).,_ is in _ (festival). I,_ _,It is_(activity).,Task6 Write an article about y,Show time,Lets share your writings,Show timeLets share your writ,Summary,1.,谈论最喜欢的季节,:,Whats your favourite season?,-My favourite season is_,Which season do you like best?,-I like_best.,2.,谈论喜欢某季节的原因,:,Why do you like ?,-Because I can_.It is _to_(,活动),3.,谈论喜欢某节日的原因:,Which festival do you like ? Why?,I like_. Because I can_.It is _to_(,活动),Summary1.谈论最喜欢的季节:,Homework,H,修改作文,My favourite season,。,完成,英语(七年级上册),B,第,54,至,55,页,Listening,和第,60,页,Writing,的练习。,HomeworkH修改作文My favourite seas,Thank you !,Thank you !,


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