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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,中考专项复习,形容词,(adjective),Adjective,1.形容词的含义、作用、以及位置,2.形容词比较级和最高级的构成形式,3.形容词比较级和最高级的根本句型,形容词是修饰名词或代词,说明事物或人的,性质,或,特征,的词。,e.g. expensive, cheap, hungry,full,什么叫形容词,?,形容词在句中作,定语,、,表语,、,宾语补足语,等成分,形容词在句子中的成分,The boy is,clever,.,He is a,clever,boy.,形容词做表语,形容词做定语,She is,beautiful.,She is a,beautiful,woman.,She makes English classes,interesting.,形容词做表语,形容词做定语,形容词做宾语补足语,形容词比较级最高级,的构成,词 尾 变 化,原级,比较级,最高级,hard,large,big,thin wet,happy dry,early,difficult popular,规那么变化,你可以讲讲吗,?,单音节词在词尾加-er(比较级)或-est(最高级)以字母e接尾的词加-r或-st,以重读闭音节结尾的词末尾只有一个辅音字母应,双写,辅音字母再加,er,或,est,以辅音字母,+y,结尾的词,变,y,为,i,再加,-er,或,-est,多音节词和多数双音节词在其前面加,more,和,most,比较级,最高级的构成,不规那么变化,good / well,much / many,bad / badly / ill,little,far,old,better best,More most,worse worst,less least,farther 较远 farthest最远,further 进一步 furthest最大程度,older/ elder oldest / eldest,1.,young _ nice _ far_ early_,much _ delicious_ short_ late_,2. little_ beautiful_ fat_ red _ fast_ short_ big_,3.thin_funny_heavy_athletic_ expensive_ ill _ well_,形容词,原级、 比较级、最高级,的常用句型,形容词原级的常用句型,Tom is as,_,as Mike.(tall),1、as+形容词原级+as “和一样,Tom is as _ as you.(carefully),否认 not as+形容词原级+as “和 不一样,或 not so+形容词原级+as “不及不如,翻译:Tom 没有 Mike聪明,tall,careful,Tom is not so/as clever as Mike,2,、,too,+,原级,+,to do sth.,太,而不能,翻译:我太累而不能学习。,3,、,形容词原级,+ enough to do sth.,足够,去做,形容词原级的常用句型,I am,too,tired,to,study.,翻译:完成这份家庭作业足够容易。,It is easy,enough to,finish the homework,.,1、两者之间的比较,句中有明显的标志词than,Tom is _ than John(tall),2、Which/Who is + 比较级, A or B ?,Which is _, maths or English?(easy),3、能修饰比较级的副词及短语:much(的多)、,a lot(的多)、even(更)、still更、,a bit/ a little (一点儿),形容词比较级的常用句型,taller,easier,4、 is the +比较级 + of the two.,翻译:Tom是两个男孩子中高的那个。,Tom is the taller of the two boys.,5、数量 + 比较级 than ,翻译:他比他的弟弟大三岁。,He is three years older than his brother.,6、比较级+ and + 比较级, “越来越,翻译:现在天越来越热。,Now it is hotter and hotter.,7、The + 比较级the + 比较级,“越,就越,翻译:越多越好。,翻译:你越努力学习,你的成绩会越好,The more , the better.,The harder you study,the better grades you will get,.,1,one of the,+,最高级,+,名词复数,形容词最高级的常用句型,2 ,最高级,+,of (in)(,三者及以上范围的,),Lu Xun is one of the greatest writers in China.,Of all the movie stars, I think Jackie Chan is the best.,翻译:鲁迅是中国最伟大的作家之一。,所有的电影明星中,我认为成龙是最棒的。,3.This is/ was the,最高级,+,名词,+that,定语从句,翻译:这是这些年我看过的最糟糕的电影,This is the worst film that I have seen these years.,4.Which/Who is the,+,最高级,A ,B or C ?,翻译:哪个是最大的? 月亮,地球,还是太阳?,Which is,the biggest, the moon, the earth or the sun ?,5. the +,序数词,+,最高级,+,名词,+ in/of,翻译:在中国黄河是第二长的河,The Yellow River is,the second longest,river in China,In fact,the_ (busy),he is,the_ (happy),he feels.,2.,I am getting_. (fat),3.I am becoming _,(interested) in the book.,4.She is the _ in the class.,(young),5.Jason is the _ of the three. (tall),稳固训练,busier,happier,fatter and fatter,more and more interested,youngest,tallest,6.Whose handwriting is the _of all (good),7.Her daughter is the_ in her school. (fat),9. She felt ill yesterday and she feels even _ today. (ill),10. This is the_ present I have received. (expensive),best,fattest,worse,most expensive,1. Both of the skirts are in style this year.,-But I think this one is,.,A. popular B. much popular,C. more popular D. the most popular,2. This box is _ that one.,A. heavy than B. so heavy than,C. heavier as D. as heavy as,3. Of all the stars, the sun is _ to us.,A. near B. nearer C. the nearest D. farther,4. I think Yi Jianlian, the famous basketball,player , will be _ new Star in NBA,hot B. hotter C. hottest D. the hottest,5. What a hot day!, The weather report says it will be even,_,tomorrow.,A. cooler B. hotter C. wetter D. colder,6. Hainan is a very large island . It is the,second _ island in china,A. large B. larger C. largest D. most largest,7. An elephant is _ than a tiger,A. heavy B. very heavy,C. the heaviest D. heavier,8,. Which subject is _ , physics or chemistry ?,A. interesting B. most interesting,C. more interesting D. the most interesting,9. -Is there _ in todays newspaper?,-No, theres _.,A. anything special; something unusual,B. anything special; nothing unusual,C. special anything; nothing unusual,D. special anything; unusual nothing,1.,A friend is easier lost than found.,2. Enough is better than too much.,3. To say is easier than to do.,4. Two heads are better than one.,朋友易失不易得,.,知足常乐,.,说起来容易做起来难,两人智慧胜一人,/,人多好办事,/,三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮,能把以下句子翻译成中文吗?,Nothing is important if you put your heart into it,世上无难事,只怕有心人。,Write a short passage about your,teammate, you can use these adjectives on,the right,curly,calm,funny,smart,thin,long,outgoing,athletic,wild,quiet,beautiful,kind,cute,要求:,1尽量所提供的提示词语全部用上,顺序可以乱;,2行文:标准、语法正确、上下文连贯自然。,Thank you for listening!,


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