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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Grammar,The Present Continuous Tense for Future Actions,GrammarThe Present Continuous,Marry,is leaving,for Beijing by plane,tomorrow,.,Bob,is going,to the airport by taxi,next week,.,Step 1,3) Jane,is staying,in Xi,an with her parents.,4) Tom,is coming,with Betty to see her off.,Marry is leaving for Beijing b,When the Present Continuous Tense is used for the future in the main clause, there is often an indication of time. The action is usually regarded as having been decided upon beforehand.,Verbs,that are often used in this way are:,When the Present Continuous Te,现在进行时表示将来动作:,go, come, leave, get, arrive, meet, see off,take off, return, start, fly, stay,(,英语中称为,位移动词,),e.g. 1. Im leaving at seven tonight .,2. The plane is taking off in a few minutes .,3. The car is coming .,现在进行时表示将来动作:e.g. 1. Im leavi,The plane,takes,off at 9:30.,My plane,leaves,at 7:00.,When,does,the winter holiday begin?,What time,does,the train leave for Shanghai?,此四句表示将来的事情已经“列入日程” 或按计划将要发生,则用一般现在时代替将来时,但仅限于少数动词,begin, go, leave, start, take,等。,Step 2,The plane takes off at 9:30.S,When,the plane, the train, the bus, meeting plan, film and programme,are used as the subject, these verbs should be used in simple,Present,Tense.,e.g.,The plane,to London leaves at 9:30 tomorrow morning.,The film,begins at 6:00.,When the plane, the train, the,The present tense is used for the future in a clause introduced by,“when”, “if”, “before”, “till/until”, “every time”, “by the time”, “as soon as”, “the moment”,.,e.g. We shall not go out for a hike,if,it rains tomorrow.,Step 3,The present tense is used for,If,when,until,after,before,引导的时间或者条件从句用现在时表示未来,Ill let you know if he comes.,We wont begin until you are ready.,限定性从句(名词性)用现在时表示未来,Any decision that you make will need her approval.,We insisted the plan that he be our part.,If,when,until,after,before引导的时,1,),How are you feeling today?,2,),He is always thinking others.,3,),You are always leaving things about.,4,),He is always talking big.,亲切,赞许,不满,厌烦,The Present Continuous Tense for the present actions,:,Step 4,1)How are you feeling today?亲切,此四句是现在进行时代替一般现在时,表示一个经常性重复的动作或状态,这时句中常带,always,或,forever,以表示说话人的某种表情,如赞叹,厌烦,埋怨,等或强调情况的暂时性使其生动。,此四句是现在进行时代替一般现在时,表示一个经常性重复的动作或,(1),现在进行时有两种含义:,表示说的时刻正在进行的动作,常与时间状语,now, at the moment,等连用。,表示现在阶段正在进行的动作,常与,today, this week, this term,等连用。,现在进行时用法归纳,Step 5,(1) 现在进行时有两种含义:现在进行时用法归纳 Step,Now it is the summer vacation and Im helping my dad on the farm.,现在是暑假,我在农场帮我爸爸干活。,Im sitting on a rock near the river with my friends.,我和我的朋友们正坐在河边的一块岩石上。,Now it is the summer vacation,(2),表示反复性或习惯性的动作,常与副词,always, continually,等连用,表示说话人的赞扬,厌恶,不满,遗憾等的感情色彩。,Shes always changing her mind.,她老是改变主意。(厌烦),(2)表示反复性或习惯性的动作,常与副词always, co,(3),表示不久之后肯定发生,或按计划、安排将要做的事,常与未来的时间状语连用,动词多是表示位移的,如,come, go , leave, arrive, start, begin,等,Mother is taking us home on Sunday.,星期天母亲将带我们回老家。,(3) 表示不久之后肯定发生,或按计划、安排将要做的事,常与,will/shall+,动词原形,表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态;或表示自然趋势或非主语意志。,He will write you a letter next week.,I shall be sixteen years old next month.,表示将来时态的其它方法:,will/shall+动词原形,表示将来某个时间要发生,be,going to,+,动词原形。,Were going to have a party next week.,表示“位移”的词,如,arrive, come, go , leave, start, begin,等,可用一般现在时表示将来安排好或即将发生的事。语气比现在进行时更肯定。,The next train leaves at 9:15., be going to +动词原形。,Translate the following statements:,我下个月将去美国。,2.,我姑姑在信上说她后天将到我们家。,_,I am going to America next month.,My aunt said she is arriving at our home the day after tomorrow in the letter.,Translate the following statem,3.,我明天将什么东西也不做。,4.,玛丽和我下个星期天去钓鱼。,Mary and I are going to fish next Sunday.,I am not doing anything tomorrow.,3. 我明天将什么东西也不做。Mary and I are,看图写句子,看图写句子,Past Present Future,horse,plane,space,In the past, people used to travel by horse.,Today most people travel by plane.,In the future, people will perhaps travel by spaceship.,Travel,Past Present,bamboo slip,books,electronic-newpaper,In the past, people used to read bamboo slips.,Today most people read books.,In the future, people will perhaps read electronic-newpaper.,Past Present Future,reading,bamboo sl,pen,brush,computer,In the past, people used to write with brush.,Today most people write with pen.,In the future, people will perhaps write with a computer.,Past Present Future,writing,penbrushcomputerIn the past, p,paper money,metal coin,internet,In the past, people used to go shopping with metal coin.,Today most people go shopping with paper money.,In the future, people will perhaps go shopping with electronic money.,Past Present Future,shopping,paper moneymetal coininternetI,Practice,Action,Past,Present,Future,Travel,Reading,Horse,Car/ Plane,Spaceship,Scrolls, paper,made from,bamboo,Books,Computers,Cellphones,Electronic,newspapers,Practice ActionPastPresentFutu,Action,Past,Present,Future,Writing,Shopping,Working,Simplepens,Pens and Computers,Computer pens,Market,Shops and Supermarket,Onlineshopping,Onfarms,In offices,factories,and shops,Work athome using computers,ActionPastPresentFuture Writin,Where are you going?,How are you getting to?,Is anybody seeing you off?,Where are you going?How are yo,Imagine you are Sue, and today is Saturday. Write a letter to Sues parents and tell them what you did yesterday, what you are doing now, and what you will do tomorrow. You can use the information in the schedule(,日程安排,),。,Imagine you are Sue, and tod,TIPS,Before you start writing, you need to think what you are,going to write. List goods ideas and make notes. Think,what the readers already know and what they need to know.,Consider what you are going to tell them and what you need,to explain or give examples of.,TIPSBefore you start writing,Dear Mum and Dad,We arrived at the hotel in Paris yesterday evening. We unpacked our bags there.Then we went to the park and had a picnic.,Now we are playing volleyball. Some are singing songs happily.,Tomorrow, we are going to play volleyball on the beach, and then we will go hiking. I like here very much.we are going to the train station at 19:30, and we will go home soon.,Yours,S,ue,Dear Mum and Dad,1.,根据图中和表格中信息,丁香林地土壤平均含水量整体较高的原因主要从地形地势、坡度、地表径流、树高、郁闭度、密度等方面分析回答。,2.,自然恢复就是不掺杂人为因素的干扰,自然恢复程度需要考虑该区域的地形、植被等自然因素以及劳动力和成本等人为因素。,3.,自然恢复投入的劳动力和资金少,成本低,减轻当地的经济负担,;,自然恢复形成的生态系统丰富、稳定,水土保持效果更好,;,该流域属于生态脆弱地区,应减少人工干预。,4.,建立了自然保护区和绿化带,优化了产业结构,减少了对煤炭资源的开采,城市功能区合理调整。,5.,随着美国西部和南部的新兴产业的发展,美国西部和南部为美国人口提供了更多的就业机会,加上东北部环境的污染,导致人口从东北部迁入西部和南部。引起图中人口迁移的主导因素是社会经济因素,.,6.,高效益的综合发展阶段,第二、三产业在国内生产总值中占到相当大的比重,第三产业的增长速度明显超过第二产业,高科技成为区域发展的主导力量。,7.,分析赤峰市发生白灾的自然原因,并说明定居后牧业抗灾能力增强的主要原因,8.,位于半湿润半干旱过渡地带,(,农牧交错带,),,种植业和畜牧业均可发展;种植业为畜牧业提供丰富饲料;种植业和畜牧业为农畜产品加工业提供丰富原料。,9.,要及时调整产业结构,大力发展新兴产业;发展科技,提高产品质量和生产效率,增强竞争力。,1.根据图中和表格中信息,丁香林地土壤平均含水量整体较高的原,


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