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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,精选ppt,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,精选ppt,*,Lesson 1,21,The man in a hat,精选ppt,1,Lesson 121The man in a hat精选,Find the differences as more as you can!,精选ppt,2,Find the differences as more a,Key words & expressions,精选ppt,3,Key words & expressions精选ppt3,1.,Customer,kstm n.,顾客,a regular,customer,老顾客,顾客至上,Customer,is god.,精选ppt,4,1. Customer kstm n.顾客,2.,forget,f,get v.,忘记,(,forgot/ forgotten,),forget to do,忘记要做,forget doing sth,忘记已经做过,大家感受一下这两个句子:,I,forget to,send an email to him.,(,忘记要发邮件,邮件还没发,),I,forget sending,an email to him.,(忘记已经发过了,邮件已经发出了),反义词,remember,精选ppt,5,2. forget fget v.忘记(forgot,3.,manager,m,nid n.,经理,v.,管理,manage,m,nid,阿里巴巴 雅虎中国,马云,搜狐,张朝阳,微软 盛大,唐骏,谷歌,李开复,腾讯,QQ,之父,马化腾,精选ppt,6,3. manager mnid n. 经理阿里巴,4,serve,s:v,v.,n,.,service,s:vis,.,那家餐馆的服务很差。,The,service,in that restaurant is poor.,精选ppt,7,4serve s:v v.精选ppt7,5.,counter,kaunt n.,柜台,at the jewelry,counter,du:lr,checkout,counter,在珠宝柜台,付帐柜台,精选ppt,8,5.counter kaunt n. 柜台在珠宝,6,recognize,reknaiz v.,我现在认出它来了。,I,recognize,it,now.,精选ppt,9,6recognize reknaiz v.精选p,Grammar,I know that,beautiful,girl.,我认识那个,漂亮的,女孩。,修饰名词,用于名词前,做定语。,I know the girl,who is beautiful,.,定语从句,主,谓,谓,主,宾,宾,定,定,(是一个完整的句子),精选ppt,10,GrammarI know that beautiful g,例如:,This is,the man,who,came here last week.,引导词:,who,(指人。主语),被修饰词:,the man,翻译:这就是上周来这儿的那个人。,This is,the book,which,I bought yesterday.,引导词:,which,(指物),被修饰词:,the book,翻译:这就是我昨天买的书。,精选ppt,11,例如:精选ppt11,The man,whom,I invited to the party is Jack.,引导词:,whom(,指人。做宾语),也可替换成,who,被修饰词:,the man,翻译: 他就是我邀请去参加派对的那个人。,The dog,which,is carrying that basket is mine.,引导词:,which,(指物,也可换为,that,),被修饰词:,the dog,翻译:正叼着篮子的那只狗是我的。,精选ppt,12,The man whom I invited to the,语法小专家,定语从句,定义:,由一个句子来充当定语称为定语从句,位置:通常修饰,名词,,放在,被修饰词,之后,,一般由关系代词作为,引导词,,,引导词,必须放在定语从句前。,常见,引导词,:,who,指人,在从句中作主语;,whom,指人,在从句中作宾语,.,(,多用,who,代,whom),that,既可指物又可指人;,which,指物,精选ppt,13,语法小专家 定语从句定义:由一个句子来充当定语称为定语从句,This is,the man,(,who,came here last week).,The man,(,whom,I invited to the party) is Jack.,This is,the book,(,which,I bought yesterday).,The dog,(,which,is carrying a basket) is mine.,口诀:,被修饰词是人,从句缺主只用,Who,从句缺宾,Who,Whom.,被修饰词是物,要用,Which,来帮助, that,是万金油,.,精选ppt,14,This is the man (who came here,1. Do you know the man,is smoking?,2. The building,is the tallest in our school is our classroom building.,3. Those,want to go with me put up your hands please.,4. The man,has white hair is my grandfather.,5. He is a kind man,we all like.,用,who whom which,填空,who,which,who,who,whom,/who,精选ppt,15,1. Do you know the man,定语从句,精选ppt,16,定语从句精选ppt16,Mary is,a girl,.,Mary is,kind,.,Mary is,a,kind,girl,.,Mary is,a girl,who/that,is,kind,.,精选ppt,17,Mary is a girl.精选ppt17,Join the following sentences:,A plane is a machine. The machine can fly.,A plane is can fly.,关系代词的实质,a machine,the machine,精选ppt,18,Join the following sentences:关,Join the following sentences:,A plane is a machine. The machine can fly.,A plane is can fly.,关系代词的实质,a machine,that /which,引导定语从句的词,精选ppt,19,Join the following sentences:关,1.定 义,:,在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句,2.功能作用:,对名词或代词进行修饰限制或说明,3.,构 成,:, 主句,:, 从句,:, 先行词,:,被定语从句修饰的词(,n/pron.,), 关系词,:,引导定语从句的词,精选ppt,20,1.定 义:在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句 主句:, 主句,:, 从句,:, 先行词,:, 关系词,:,Tim,is a basketball player.,who is very tall,who,精选ppt,21, 主句: 从句: 先行词: 关,Introduction: relative words,关系词,(,引导词,),:,引导定语从句的词,关系代词,:,that,which,who(m), whose,关系副词,:,when, where, why, 功能,: functions,连接主从句,指代先行词,c.,在从句中 充当句子成分, 分类,: types,精选ppt,22,Introduction: relative words关系,The boy is Jim .,The boy is holding a dog .,who,1.,找,相同,2.,定,关系词,3.,合并,The boy,The boy,is holding a dog,is Jim .,精选ppt,23,The boy is Jim . w,The man is Mr Black .,The man,is shouting for help .,The man,who is shouting for help,is Mr Black .,精选ppt,24,The man is Mr Black . The man,He is a famous singer,.,He is from Taiwan.,He is a famous singer,who,is from Taiwan.,精选ppt,25,He is a famous singer.精选ppt25,He is a little boy.,The little boy,is eating .,He is a little boy,who,is eating.,精选ppt,26,He is a little boy.精选ppt26,指代,所做成分,是否可省略,that,人;物,主语;宾语,作宾语可省,which,物,主语;宾语,作宾语可省,who,人,主语;宾语,作宾语可省,whom,人,宾语,可省,关系代词的用法,精选ppt,27,指代所做成分是否可省略that人;物主语;宾语作宾语可省wh,练习:用适当的关系词填空,1.The man _ came this morning had a funny face.,2.I dont like the house_ he lives in.,3.This is the bridge _ he built last year.,who,which,which,精选ppt,28,练习:用适当的关系词填空whowhichwhich精选ppt,练习:用适当的关系词填空,4.I dont know the man_she is talking to.,5.Did you buy the car _ he likes very much?,who/whom,which,精选ppt,29,练习:用适当的关系词填空who/whomwhich精选ppt,练习:用适当的关系词填空,6.The boy _ she is looking after is her brother.,7.Do you know the cinema _,is,near the bus-stop?,8.The nurse _we are talking about speaks English well.,who/whom,which,who/whom,精选ppt,30,练习:用适当的关系词填空who/whomwhichwho/w,练习:用适当的关系词填空,9.The book _ you want to buy is not very good.,10.The doctor _ she called yesterday is my,father.,which,who/whom,精选ppt,31,练习:用适当的关系词填空whichwho/whom精选ppt,穿着红色连衣裙的,那个女人是我妈妈。,这是,我昨天买的,那块手表。,1.The boy who is standing under the tree is my brother.,2.The woman who wears a red dress is my mother.,3.This is the watch which I bought yesterday.,正站在树下的,那个男孩儿是我哥哥。,精选ppt,32,穿着红色连衣裙的那个女人是我妈妈。这是我昨天买的那块手表。1,steal someting,serve somebody,精选ppt,33,steal sometingserve somebody精选,精选ppt,34,精选ppt34,精选ppt,35,精选ppt35,先行词是人时,关系代词用什么?,who/that,精选ppt,36,先行词是人时,关系代词用什么?who/that精选ppt36,serve him,see them,精选ppt,37,serve himsee them精选ppt37,精选ppt,38,精选ppt38,精选ppt,39,精选ppt39,whom?,指人,在定语从句中作,宾语,精选ppt,40,whom? 指人精选ppt40,the book on the counter,精选ppt,41,the book on the counter精选ppt41,精选ppt,42,精选ppt42,先行词不是人时,关系代词用什么?,which/that,精选ppt,43,先行词不是人时,关系代词用什么?which/that精选pp,Join the sentences,精选ppt,44,Join the sentences精选ppt44,精选ppt,45,精选ppt45,精选ppt,46,精选ppt46,Questions on the text,Why didnt,Caroline,recognize the customer straight away?,精选ppt,47,Questions on the textWhy didn,精选ppt,48,精选ppt48,Language points,1. I bought two expensive,dictionaries,here,half,an,hour,ago,but I,forgot to,take,them,with,me.,take sth with sb,把某物带走,我去那个村庄的时候我随身带了一些药。,I,took some medicine with me,when I went to the village.,take sb sth = take sth to sb,把某物拿去给某人,I,ll take some presents to my friends in Beijing.,= I,ll take my friends in Beijing some presents.,dictionary,later,精选ppt,49,Language points1. I bought two,Language points,2.Who,served,you, sir?,The lady,who,is standing behind the counter.,served,是,serve,的过去式,,“,服务,”,我会全心全意为人民服务的。,I,ll serve the people with heart and soul.,定语从句,精选ppt,50,Language points2.Who served yo,Language points,3.,Which,books did you buy?,The books,which,are,on the counter,.,which,指在一定,范围,内的哪个(些),which,既可用来指,人,,又可用来指,物,定语从句,哦,精选ppt,51,Language points3.Which books d,Language points,4. Did you,serve,this gentleman,half an hour ago, Caroline?,He says,he,s,the man,who,bought these books.,间接引语,定语从句,精选ppt,52,Language points4. Did you serv,Language points,5. I can,t remember.,The man,who,I served was,wearing,a hat.,wear,穿(表示,状态,),put on,穿上,(,强调,动作,),定语从句,是吗?,精选ppt,53,Language points5. I cant reme,Language points,6.,Have you got,a hat, sir?,Yes, I have.,Would you,put it on, please?,All right.,Would you,? 请你,好吗?,All right,=OK.表示,“,好吧,行,”,也可表示(身体)好,无恙,That,s all right.,表示,“,没有关系,”,,用于回答,sorry.,That,s all.,表示,“,就这些了,”,。,That,s right.,表示,“,对了,说得对,”,。,do you have a hat,精选ppt,54,Language points6. Have you got,Lesson121,The man in a hat,CUSTOMER: I bought two expensive dictionaries here,half an hour ago, but I forgot to take them,with me.,MANGER: Who served you, sir?,CUSTOMER: The lady who is standing behind the,counter.,MANGER: Which books did you buy?,CUSTOMER: The books which are on the counter.,精选ppt,55,Lesson121 The man in a hatCUST,MANGER: Did you serve this gentleman half an,hour ago, Caroline? He says hes the man,who bought these books.,CAROLINE: I cant remember. The man who I served,was wearing a hat.,MANAGER: Have you got a hat, sir?,CUSTOMER: Yes, I have.,MANAGER: Would you put it on, please?,CUSTOMER: All right.,MANAGER: Is this the man that you served, Caroline?,CAROLINE: Yes, I recognize him now.,精选ppt,56,MANGER: Did you serve this g,


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