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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,AP Chemistry Jeopardy,2000,Structure,of Matter,States of,Matter,Physical,Chemistry,Chemical,Bonding,Chemical,Reactions,$100,$200,$400,$800,$1000,$1500,$100,$200,$400,$800,$1000,$1500,$100,$200,$400,$800,$1000,$1500,$100,$200,$400,$800,$1000,$1500,$100,$200,$400,$800,$1000,$1500,AP CHEM JEOPARDY,$2000,$2000,$2000,$2000,$2000,Chemical Bonding $100B,DAILY DOUBLE,Q - Which atom has a larger atomic radius?,A) ArC) Cl,B) NaD) Li,Chem Bond $100,Q - How Many Sigma and Pi bond does N2 contain?,A) one sigma, four pi,B) two sigma, two pi,C) three sigma,D) three pi,E) one sigma, two pi,Chem Bond $200,Chem Bond $400,What are the the three atoms that bond to hydrogen in hydrogen bonding?,Nitrogen,Oxygen,Fluorine,Chem Bond $800,What are the two ways for a molecule to have a bent geometry?,A tetrahedral arrangement with two,unshared electron pairs (109.5),A planar triangle geometry with one,unshared electron pair (120),Chem Bond $1000,What are the four types of Unit Cells possible for crystal structures?,Simple Cubic2r = s,Face centered4r = 2 (,sqr. Root,r),Body centered4r = s (,cube root,r),Hexagonal,Q - Which is NOT linear?,a) CO2,b) H2O,c) BeF2,d) N2,Chem Bond $1500,A,Chem Bond $2000,A) Increased Dipole - Dipole Forces,B) Hydrogen Bonding,C) Increased London Dispersion Forces,Why is the P-Cl bond in PCl5 a stronger bond than the C-O in carbon monoxide?,States of Matter $100,Which of the following is not a gas at room temperature?,A) O,2,B) Ar,C) F,2,D) Br,2,Bromine is a,red,liquid,States of Matter $200,Under what conditions would a substance sublimate at room conditions (25 C and 1 atm)?,A) the critical temperature must be below the triple point,B) the slope of the fusion line should be negative,C) the triple point must be at a pressure greater than 1 atm,and 25C,D) the solid phase must be more dense than the liquid phase,States of Matter $400,What would happen to the pressure of a gas if the temperature is tripled, the volume is doubled, and the number of gas molecules is quadrupled ? . . . .,A) T x (1/3)(1/2)(1/4),B) T x (3/1)(2/1)(4/1),C) T x (3/1)(1/2)(4/1),D) T x (3/1)(1/2)(1/4),Temp. is tripled P = kT,Volume is doubled P=k(1/V),Moles is quad. P = kn,States of Matter $800,Is the slope for the solid/ liquid line in the phase diagram of water,positive,negative, or can be either?,States of Matter $1000,The kinetic molecular theory predicts that at a given temperature.,A) All gases have the same KE,B) All gas molecules have the same,velocity,C) Only real gas molecules collide,with each other,D) On average, heavier molecules move more slowly,E) Elastic collisions result in the loss of energy.,States of Matter $1500,All of the following physical properties change as solute is added to the solution. Which is NOT a colligative property?,A) Boiling PointD) Surface Tension,B) Vapor PressureE) Melting Point,C) Osmotic Pressure,States of Matter $2000,Which of the following is most likely to be soluble in hexane?,A) KClD) H,2,O,B) C,2,H,5,OHE) C,6,H,6,C) HC,2,H,3,O,2,Physical Chemistry $100,What is the free energy of a system at equilibrium? . . ., G = 0 equilibrium, 0 if non-spontaneous,Physical Chemistry $200,When H is positive and S is negative, will temperature changes have an effect on the spontaneity of a reaction?,YESNO,Physical Chemistry $400,The rate of reaction will be large if:,A) G is a large (-) number,B) S is a large (-) number,C) H is a large (-) number,D) K,eq,is a large (+) number,E) None of the above,Physical Chemistry $800,The Law of Dulong and Petit says that the molar specific heat of solid elements is approximately 25 J/molK. This suggests that. . .,a) The heat absorbed depends only on the number of atoms,b) the heat absorbed depends on the volume change with temperature,c) the heat absorbed can be calculated from the 1st Law of Thermodynamics,d) this law is an oddity since it does not apply to elements that are liquids / gases,Physical Chemistry $1000,An inorganic catalyst doesnt.,A) Ensure proper geometry,B) Weaken existing bonds,C) Lose effectiveness when heated,D) Decrease the activation energy of a reaction,Catalysts lower the activation energy of a reaction thus increasing the rate by ensuring proper geometry and weakening existing bonds in the molecule.,Only ORGANIC catalysts are effected by a temperature change.,Physical Chemistry $1500,What equation would you use to solve:,How much heat does it take to raise 10 grams of water by 10C? . . .,q = m c T,Physical Chemistry $2000,What is the equation is used to find how temperature changes affect rates of reaction?,ln k,2,=E,a,(T,2,- T,1,),k,1,R T,2,T,1,Chemical Reactions $100,Which of the following would produce odor if heated?,A) NH,3,D) PbI,2,B) Na+,(aq),E) A and C,C) KI,Chemical Reactions $200,One mole of electrons is how many coulombs?,96,485 C,Chemical Reactions $400,A molecule of NaHSO,4,is . . .,a) Acidic,b) Basic,c) Neutral,Na+ is neutral because it is the conjugate acid of a strong base.,HSO,4,- is acidic because it can further produce H+ ions in solution (but it also has amphoteric properties).,Chemical Reactions $800,Which of the following compounds includes an element that has the same oxidation # as the chlorine in sodium chlorate, NaClO,3,?,A) K,3,Fe(CN),6,D) (NH,4,),2,SO,4,B) KMnO,4,E) KClO,4,C) Al(NO,3,),3,Chemical Reactions $1000,DAILY DOUBLE,Which of the following statements,is FALSE?,A) reduction involves a gain of e-,B) batteries are galvanic cells,C) a spontaneous reaction always has a (+) Ecell,D) electrolysis reactions always produce a gas at at least one electrode,E) Galvanic cells can be used to determine equilibrium constants,Chemical Reactions $1500,What will be the products of the following equation?,FeCl,2,+ HCl + KMnO,4,-,?,FeCl,2,+ HCl + KMnO,4,-,FeCl,3,+ MnCl,2,+ H,2,O + KCl,Ox: Fe2,+,-,Fe3+,+ e-,Red: MnO,4,- + H,+,-,Mn2,+,+ H,2,O,(K+ and Cl- are spectator ions),Chemical Reactions $2000,Predict the net ionic equation for the following reaction and tell what form the reactants will be present . . .,The electrolysis of KI in water,Ox: 2 I- I,2,+ 2e-,Red: 2 H,2,O + 2 e- - H,2,+ 2 OH-,2 H,2,O + 2 I- - H,2,+ 2 OH- + I,2,Electrolysis of KI in water. (H,2,O has a E,red,closer to zero than K+),Structure of Matter $100,Which of the following elements has the greatest number of p electrons?,A) C,B) Si,C) Fe,D) Cl,E) As,Even though some of the others have more p electrons in their OUTER shell, Arsenic has more TOTAL p electrons.,Structure of Matter $200,An electron with the four quantum numbers 3,2,-1,-,1,/,2,may be an electron in an unfilled sublevel of . . .,A) Ca,B) Fe,C) Al,D) Ar,E) Ag,B) Fe,It says UNFILLED sublevel. Since the 1st two quantum #s are “3 and “2 that means an unfilled 3-d orbital. Fe is the only one with an unfilled 3-d orbital.,Structure of Matter $400,Chemical Properties are defined by the:,A) ElectronsC) Neutrons,B) ProtonsD) Ionization Energy,C) Electronegativity,Structure of Matter $800,The best way to estimate the boiling points of Pd is to:,A) average the b.p.s of Rh and Ag,B) average the b.p.s of Ni and Pt,C) average the b.p.s of Ir and Cu,D) average the b.p.s of Co and Au,E) None of the above will work.,Structure of Matter $1000,In which of the following pairs of elements is the element with the lower boiling point listed first?,A) Na, CsD) Ba, Sr,B) Te, SeE) I, Br,C) P, N,States of Matter $1500,Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5730 years. How old is a wooden object if 70% of the C-14 has decayed?,A) 2948 yrD) 4321 yr,B) 1280 yrE) 7002 yr,C) 9950 yr,Radioactive decay is a first order reaction therefore,Rate = kX,ln Xo=kt,X,Ln 2 X = k t,1,/,2,X,ln 2 = k t,1,/,2,=,t,1,/,2,= 0.693/k,Structure of Matter $2000,An electron that falls from a higher energy level to n=3 emits a wavelength that fall in what “series?,Paschen Series,Lyman: n = - n = 1,Balmer: n = - n = 2,Paschen: n = - n = 3,Ultraviolet,Infrared,V,i,s,i,b,l,e,


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