三年级上册英语课件-Unit 3 Food Lesson 1|人教新起点

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Unit 3 Food Lesson 1 Warm-up Please describe yourself with “I like ”. 请用“I like”句型进行简短的自我介绍。I like apples.I dont like peach.I like 小贴士:Like意为“喜欢”其第三人称单数形式为likes. Chant Please match the words and the translations.试着猜出单词对应的汉语翻译吧!肉 番茄水果 土豆冰淇淋蛋糕 面包 Chant冰淇淋水果蛋糕番茄面包肉土豆meatpotatoesfruitcaketomatoesIce-creambreadPlease match the words and the translations. Lets talk Do you like ice-cream? Yes, I do. Do you like meat?No, I dont. Try to translate these sentences!试着翻译这些句子吧! Lets talk Do you like ice-cream?你喜欢冰淇淋吗? Yes, I do.是的,我喜欢。Do you like meat?你喜欢冰淇淋吗?No, I dont.不,我不喜欢。 Try to translate these sentences!试着翻译这些句子吧! Lets talk Do you like ? Yes, I do.Do you like ?No, I dont.Try to make new sentences!试着模仿这些句子吧! Do you like 后面一定是不可数名词或者可数名词的复数哦! Lets talk Do you like ? Yes, I do.Do you like ?No, I dont.Do you like?是一般疑问句,其回答只有两种,Yes, I do或者No, I dont那么什么是一般疑问句呢?一般疑问句:由do,或者Is及它们的其他形式开头的疑问句。其答句共同特点为:Yes, sb. do或者No, sb. dont.与之对应有特殊疑问句。 Lets talk 名词 复数ice-cream ice-cream不可数bread bread不可数cake cakecakesmeat meat不可数fish fish不可数chicken chickenchickenspotato potatoes可数tomato tomatoes可数fruit fruit不可数Cake:a piece of cake表示“一块蛋糕”,不可数A cake表示“一整个蛋糕”,可数Chicken:表示“鸡肉”时,不可数表示“小鸡”时,可数要熟记potato,tomato变复数的方法,直接在后面加-es。本课所学的其他单词均为不可数哦(单复数相同)! Listen, read and retell Role A: Do you ice-cream?Role B: , I do.Role A: Do you like meat?Role B: No, I . like yes DontFill the blank. Practice Have a conversation in turnPlease say. “Do you like/ ?” “Yes, I do.”“Do you like ?” “No, I dont.” WHO REMEMBER? GameI will show you a word of all students sayings and then you should try to remember all of them and try to recognize that the word was said by whom: A likes B likes 1. Copy the words and text of Unit 3 Lesson 1.2. Recite the text well and practice the words. Homework Lets learn to sing a new song!Sing a song


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