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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020-04-01,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,高一年级英语学科,Unit 2 Morals and Virtues,Words and Expressions (Part1),高一年级英语学科Unit 2 Morals and Vi,Unit2 Morals and Virtues,Words and Expressions (Part1),Unit2 Morals and VirtuesWords,2,These honorable people have explained,what are,morals,and,virtues,to us.,1. moral,adj.,道德的;精神上的;品性端正的,n.,道德;寓意,It,is moral to,come,forward when the country needs.,The,moral,of their touching stories is profound.,moral standards,moral dilemma,morally adv.,morality n.,道德;品行,美德,observe the public morality,These honorable people have ex,3,2.,virtue,n.,美德;优点;贞操;功效,Unity, courage, kindness, and persistence are their,virtues,.,The Chinese peoples self-discipline (,自律,)is the biggest,virtue,in fighting against the epidemic.,= advantage,We can defeat the virus,by virtue of,our unity.,凭借,由于,2. virtue n. 美德;优点;贞操;功效Unity,4,The local government,was caught in a dilemma,over whether to blockade (,封锁,) the city.,moral dilemma,face a dilemma,get out of a dilemma,3. dilemma n.,困境;进退两难;,The local government was caugh,5,A nurse,was faint with,overwork, and her breathing became,faint,.,4. faint,adj.,模糊的;头晕的;虚弱的;,医,衰弱的,vi.,昏倒;变得微弱;变得没气力,n. ,中医,昏厥,昏倒,be faint with,faint with,A nurse was faint with overwor,6,Dr Zhang,illustrates,the meaning of life,with,his,precious,life.,5. illustrate vt.,阐明,举例说明;图解,vi.,举例,illustration n.,辨析:,illustrate /describe,This chart,illustrates,the effect of the preventive measures,= clarify,Words can hardly,describe,how moved I am .,6. precious adj.,宝贵的;珍贵的,more precious, most precious,preciously adv. preciousness n.,珍贵,Dr Zhang illustrates the meani,7,They use their fortitude and professional knowledge to,tend,the patients and,carry,the,patients,who have,entrusted,their own life,to,them,through,the difficulty.,7. tend vt.,照顾;照料;护理,vi.,倾向;趋于,People,tend to get,together with their families in the holiday.,Methods of testing influenza,tend to,be simplified.,tendency n,倾向;偏好,have a tendency to do sth,They use their fortitude and p,8,8. carry sb through sth,使,渡过难关,carry on with sth/doing sth,carry out,carry over,This fearless spirit will,carry over,for generations to come.,9. entrust vt.,委托,信托,entrust sth to sb,entrust sb with sth,把,委托给,.,8. carry sb through sth 使渡过难关,9,A majority of,the,staff,in that mask factory are willing to work overtime to make masks without any,complaint,.,10. majority n.,大部分;大多数,a/ the majority +of +n,The majority of my work,has,to be done at home.,the majority,The majority,are / is,experienced doctors,be in a/ the majority,minority n.,少数, 少数民族,major adj.,重要的, 主要的,n.,主修科目,vi.,主修,专攻,Do you want to,major in,medicine,in your future?,A majority of the staff in tha,10,The medical,staff,is/ are very excellent.,11. staff n.,员工;全体职工,complain,vi.,投诉;发牢骚;诉说,vt.,抱怨;控诉,They have never,complained,to,anyone,about,their work.,12. complaint n.,怨言;不满;投诉,The community workers,have no complaint,about,their work.,The medical staff is/ are very,11,Students can attend online classes without,tuition fees,.,13.,辨析:,fee/ admission/ charge / fare/ tip,(1) The bank will charge their clients a small _for the service.,(5) How much is _ for the concert?,(3) What are the _ in the hotel?,(2) Mary and I took a taxi to go home from the party,and split the_.,(4) He often gives the waiters fat_.,fee,admission,charges,fare,tips,Students can attend online cla,12,In response to,the request of the local government, more medical staff went to support Wuhan.,14. response n.,回答,回复, 反应,响应,in response to .,first-level public health emergency response make (no) response to,respond vt.,回答,回复,vi.,做出反应,回应,They,responded to,my greetings,with,a smile.,They,made the first response to,the call of our country , although that meant they must leave their kids or parents.,In response to the request of,13,The mobile cabin hospital,hired,more persons,to,keep order.,15. hire vt.,聘任;雇用;租用,n,租借;租用,The cars,are for/on hire, 2 an hour.,The mobile cabin hospital hire,14,This,resident physician,working in the,clinic,has been fighting for days and nights with her,colleagues,.,16. resident physician,主治医师,住院医师,The doctors pay close attention to the patients,clinical symptoms.,clinical adj.,临床的;临床诊断的,resident n.,居民;(旅店)房客;住院医生,adj.,居住的;定居的,常驻的,permanent resident,local resident,resident student,resident correspondent,17. clinic n.,临床;诊所;,(,医院)门诊部;卫生所,This resident physician workin,15,The community workers are patiently persuading the person who,rejects,self-quarantine.,(2) We cant _ to,take our responsibilities.,(1) He has been _ by all the universities he applied to.,18. reject vt.,拒绝;排斥;抵制;丢弃,辨析:,reject/ refuse/ decline,rejection n.,抛弃;拒绝;被抛弃的东西,(3) I offered to give them a lift but they_ .,rejected,refuse,declined,The community workers are pati,16,Academician Zhong was,appointed to,direct the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus in Wuhan.,19. appoint vt.,任命;指定;约定,vi.,任命;委派,appoint sb to do sth,appoint sb as/to be.,appointment n,任命;约会;约定,We,have an appointment with,spring.,Academician Zhong was appointe,17,The year 1789 saw the first _(elect) in American history where a majority of people _(elect) George Washington as the first president.,The central government,elected,academician Zhao to lead the medical work on the front line.,20. elect vt.,选举;推选;选择,elect sb to do ,elect sb (to be/as).,election n.,选举;当选;选择权,election,elected,The year 1789 saw the first _,18,This old man is a,retired,doctor who offered to return to work.,He will _ from the hospital and he has opened a,savings,account for_ life,.,But he doesnt look forward to his _.,21. retire vt./vi.,退休;撤退;退却,retire from,retire as .,retired adj.,退休的;退役的,retirement n.,退休,退役,retire,retirement,retired,22.saving n.,节约;节省,savings n.,存款,This old man is a retired doct,19,They were never,scared,even when the number of confirmed cases rose,sharply,.,It scares sb to do .,scare sb into doing sth,scare away / off,23. scare v.,(使)害怕;受惊吓;吓跑,adj. scared, scaring,be scared to do.,be scared that .,be scared of doing .,be scared to death,They are never _ to face the _ novel coronavirus.,scared,scaring,sb,They were never scared even wh,20,(1) Having a good sleep at night can help you have a,sharp,mind during the day.,(2) Be careful with the,sharp,trun ahead.,(3),The shop was regularly opened at 8:00,sharp,every morning.,24. sharp adj.,急剧的;锋利的;敏捷的,sharply adv.,I _the knife using a_, and now its _enough to cut meat into pieces.,sharpened,sharpener,sharp,sharpen v.,sharpener n.,(1) Having a good sleep at nig,21,There are many,energetic,post-90s in the group of guards in white.,25.energetic adj.,精力充沛的;充满活力的,be energetic in doing sth,be full of energy,have the energy to do sth,energy n.,活力,精力;能源,能量,There are many energetic post-,22,Nothing can,replace,these heroes in our hearts.,replace A with B,26. replace vt.,取代;替换,更换;,replacement n.,替换,更换,vt.,把,放回原处,I replace the book on the shelf.,Nothing can replace these hero,23,The best portion of a good mans life is his,little, nameless, unremembered acts of,kindness and of love., William Wordsworth,(,Lyrical Ballads,),The best portion of a good man,24,See you !,See you !,25,


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