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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 7,Film,What comes to your mind when it comes to film?,place?,people?,Unit 7 What comes to your mind,What,is,it,famous,for,(,因,出名),?,Hollywood is famous for its films,and,superstars,.,Hollywood,What is it famous for(因出名)?Ho,“,Hollywood,”is a suburb of Los Angeles,California,and is the home of the American,film industry.,“Hollywood”is a suburb of Los,director,Steven Spielberg,directorSteven Spielberg,actor,Jackie Chan,actorJackie Chan,actress,actress,Hollywoods,all-time,best,-Audrey Hepburn,Title:,奥黛丽,赫本,adj.,一向的,空前的,Hollywoods all-time best-,What,catch,es,your attention,when seeing her photos?,Her beauty and,charm,.,吸引你的注意力,n.,魅力,How much do you know about her?,What catches your attention wh,译林牛津版英语九年级上册Unit7-Films-Reading-I公开课ppt课件,译林牛津版英语九年级上册Unit7-Films-Reading-I公开课ppt课件,Hollywoods all-time best,Audrey Hepburn,Kittys favourite film star is Audrey Hepburn.Here is an article about her.Listen to the article,and read it carefully to complete the exercises.,Hollywoods all-time bestKitty,Date of birth:_,Place of birth:_,Death date:_,Death cause:_,Talents:,_,Audrey Hepburn,4 May 1929,Belgium,20 January 1993,Cancer,ballet dancing,modeling,acting,Lets complete Audrey Hepburns profile.,Date of birth:_,Para 3,4,5,A great,humanitarian,Para 7,Para 2,Audrey Hepburns early time before being a star,General Introduction,Para,1,Audrey Hepburns last days,Main body,Starting,Ending,Structure of the text,Film career,Para 6,人道主义者,P96 B11.,Para 3,4,5 A great humanitari,General Introduction,When she died in 1993,the world felt sad,.,1.How do we understand this sentence?,2.Why did the world feel sad?,Because the world felt sad about,the loss of,a great beauty,a great actress and a great,humanitarian,.,the,loss,of n.,丧失、损失,Read Para 1,General IntroductionWhen she d,Her early life,She loved dancing and,dreamt of becoming a successful ballet dancer,.,She,work,ed,as a model,before becoming an actress.,n.,芭蕾舞,Read Para 2,What did she do in her early life?,Her early lifeShe loved dancin,Her acting life,Is the sentence“1951 was a turning point for her.”right or wrong?,Read Para3,Her acting lifeIs the sentence,Her acting life,Colette,a French writer,a novel called Gigi,Her acting lifeColette a Frenc,4.What marked the beginning of Audreys successful career?,Play,ing,the lead role in the play,Gigi,.,3.Why did Colette,insist,that Hepburn was,the perfect girl to play the lead role?,Because Hepburns beauty and charm caught her attention,.,4.What marked the beginning o,v.,坚持,vt.,以,为基础,vt.,标志,a novel called,Gigi,A play,base,d upon,the novel,.,Colette,insist,ed that Hepburn was,the perfect girl for the lead role,in,Gigi,.,need an actress playing the lead role,v.坚持vt.以为基础vt.标志a novel cal,Gigi,marked the beginning of Hepburns successful career.,Which film marked that she,reached her peak,in film career?,达到了顶峰,Gigi marked the beginning of H,Hepburn,was chosen to,play the lead role of,a young princess in the Hollywood film,Roman Holiday,.,Roman Holiday,罗马假日,扮演,的角色,Two years later,Read Para4,Hepburn was chosen to play the,The film,was a big success,and,she became,world-famous,.,She,won an Oscar for,Best Actress,for her role in this film.,What did she win from this film?,The film was a big success and,During her lifetime,she also had four more Oscar n,o,m,i,n,a,tions.,n.,提名,During her lifetime,she also,In 1989,Hepburn,made her final appearance,in her last film,Always,.,In,Always,she played the role of an,angel,.,Her last film,n.,天使,adj.,最终的,n.,出现,;,外貌,In 1989,Hepburn made her fina,In 1989,she ended up her film career.,Discuss:Was she a successful actress?Why?Why not?,Was she loved by the world only because of her beauty and her acting skills?,In 1989,she ended up her film,Her later life,Hepburns achievements went,beyond,the film industry.,prep.,超出,除,之外,Her later lifeHepburns achiev,She began to,work for UNICEF,.,She spent,her last few years,working closely with UNICEF to,help poor children in different parts of the world,.,She was loved by the world also because of her,effort,s in charity.,n.,努力,She began to work for UNICEF.S,human,itarian,humanitarian,In 1991,Hepburn discovered that she had cancer.,At the age of 64,Hepburn,pass,ed,away,peacefully,in her sleep.,去世,In 1991,Hepburn discovered th,Audrey Hepburns lifetime,Audrey Hepburns lifetime,When Hepburn died,the world felt very sad about,the loss of,a great,beauty,a great,actress,and a great,humanitarian.,When Hepburn died,the world f,Do you admire Audrey Hepburn?,What makes her so great?,What can make a person great?,Do you admire Audrey Hepburn?W,Knowledge is always important.,Knowledge is always important.,Always work hard,Always work hard,Always ready to catch the chance,Always ready to catch the chan,Understand the meaning of difficulty.,Understand the meaning of diff,Always use your head.,Always use your head.,Always have some helpful friends.,Always have some helpful frien,Try to be different.,Try to be different.,Try to stand at a higher situation.,Try to stand at a higher situa,suggestions,Knowledge is always important.,Always work hard.,Always ready to catch the chance.,Understand the meaning of difficulty,Always use your brain.,Always have some helpful friends.,Try to be different.,Try to stand at a higher situation(,位置,).,suggestionsKnowledge is always,What made Audrey successful?,luck beauty chance,effort kindness charm,What can we learn from Audrey?,_+_+_=success,effort,chance,kindness,Discussion,What made Audrey successful?Wh,chance+effort+kindness,achievement=,chance+effort+kindness ach,Fill in the blanks.,Audrey Hepburn is one of the a_ greatest actresses.As a child,she dreamt of becoming a s_ ballet d_.The famous writer,Colette insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl to play the lead role in,Gigi,.,It marked the beginning of Hepburns s_ career.She won an O_ for Best Actress for her role in the film,Roman Holiday,.During her life,Hepburn earned four more Oscar n_.,ll-time,uccessful,uccessful,scar,ominations,ancer,Fill in the blanks.Audrey Hep,Hepburns achievements went b_ the film industry.She s_ her last few years working closely with UNICEF so that she could help poor children in different parts of the world.She won many awards because of her e_ in this area.,In 1991,Hepburn discovered that she had c_.On 20 January 1993,she passed away p_ in her sleep.,eyond,fforts,pent,ancer,eacefully,Hepburns achievements went b_,As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands;one for helping yourself,the other for helping others.,随着年龄的增长,你会发现你有两只手:一只用来帮助自己,另一只用来帮助别人。,As you grow older you will dis,The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode,but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.It is the caring that she lovingly gives,the passion that she shows.,女人的美丽不是体现在脸上,真正的美丽体现在她的灵魂。真正的美是她的亲切关怀与满腔热情。,The beauty of a woman is not,Remember,if you ever need a helping hand,youll find one at the end of your arm.,如果你在任何时候需要一只帮助之手,你可以在你自己的手臂下面找到它。,As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands;one for helping yourself,the other for helping others.,随着年龄的增长,你会发现你有两只手:一只用来帮助自己,另一只用来帮助别人。,Remember,if you ever need a h,Kitty does not know the meanings of some words in the article.Help her work out their meanings.Circle the correct letters.,1.If someone is a,humanitarian,he or she _.,a.loves animals,b.protects the environment,c.cares a lot about people,Kitty does not know the meanin,2.Someone of great,charm,_.,a.has lots of money.,b.has an attractive quality,c.cares a lot about people,3.If someone,insists,on something,he or she _.,a.speaks loudly,b.cannot make a decision,c.is sure to say that something is true,2.Someone of great charm _,4.If someone plays the,lead role,in a film or a play,he or she is _.,a.the director,b.the main character,c.the leader of a group,5.If someone gets an,Oscar nomination,he or she _.,a.will have the chance to win an Oscar,b.will travel around the world,c.should be a singer,4.If someone plays the lead r,6.If someone passed away,he or she _.,a.went away,b.died,c.went past,6.If someone passed away,he,Kitty wants to make sure that she know about Audrey Hepburn.Look at the magazine headlines.Help Kitty put them in the correct order.Write the numbers 1-6 in the boxes.,Kitty wants to make sure that,_,_,_,_,_,_,a.Hepburn met Colette in France.,b.Hepburn had four more Oscar nominations,c.,Roman Holiday,was a big success,d.Hepburn won an Oscar for Best Actress,e.,Always,-Audrey Hepburns last appearance in a film,f.Hepburn played the lead role in the play,Gigi,1,5,3,4,6,2,_a.Hepburn met Colette in,Kitty is reading an article about Audrey Hepburns career.She carelessly dropped some ink onto the paper.Help her fill in the missing words.,actress,angel,attention,career,insisted,lifetime,Oscar,role,Kitty is reading an article ab,Audrey Hepburn was one of Hollywoods greatest actresses.She worked as a model before she became an _.Her successful _ lasted for about 40 years.In 1951,while acting in France,she met Colette,a famous French writer.Hepburns beauty and charm caught the writers _.She _ that Hepburn was the right person for the lead _ in the play,Gigi,.,career,attention,insisted,role,actress,Audrey Hepburn was one of Holl,Two years later,Hepburn was chosen to play the lead role in,Roman Holiday,and won the _ for Best Actress that year.During her _,Hepburn had four more Oscar nominations.She made her final appearance in the film,Always,in 1989 and played the role of an _.,Oscar,lifetime,angel,Two years later,Hepburn was c,Sandy wants to know something about Audrey Hepburn.She is asking Kitty some questions.Help Kitty answer Sandys questions.,1.Sandy:Why is Audrey Hepburn one of Hollywoods all-time best?,Kitty:,Because she is not only a,great beauty and a great actress,but also a great humanitarian.,Sandy wants to know something,2.Sandy:What was Hepburns dream when she was a child?Kitty:,3.Sandy:How did Hepburn become world-famous?,Kitty:,Her dream was to become a,successful ballet dancer when she was a child.,She became world-famous by,playing the lead role of a young princess in the Hollywood film,Roman Holiday,.,2.Sandy:What was Hepburns d,4.Sandy:What did Hepburn do beyond the film industry?,Kitty:,She worked with UNICEF to help poor children in different parts of the world.,4.Sandy:What did Hepburn do,You are an interviewer.You want to interview your classmate about Audrey Hepburn.Work in pairs,try to ask at least five questions about her.,Interview,You are an interviewer.You wa,A:Where and when was she born?,What was her dream before she entered?,Which film made her famous?,How many Oscars did she win?,(as many questions as you can),B:,A:Where and when was she born,What made Audrey successful?,luck beauty chance,effort kindness charm,What can we learn from Audrey?,_+_+_=success,effort,chance,kindness,Discussion,What made Audrey successful?Wh,Audrey Hepburn,Audrey Hepburn,Read aloud the article and underline the difficult parts.2.Remember the new words in this lesson.,Read aloud the article and,Do you know the most famous film acted by her?,She played the lead role of a young princess.,Do you know the most famous fi,Reading I,Reading I,Translate the phrases into Chinese.,1.,幸运的,2.,明日的电视超级明星,3.,你做梦,你妄想,4.,适合,的,be lucky,tomorrows TV superstar,in your dreams,be suitable for,Revision,Translate the phrases into Chi,5.,动作片,6.,浪漫影片,7.,科幻影片,8.,进入电影圈,action film,romantic film,science fiction film,enter the film industry,5.动作片action filmromantic film,奥黛丽,赫本,奥黛丽赫本,导入,1:,导入1:,Her acting life,In 1951,while acting in France,Hepburn met The French writer Colette.Her beauty and charm,caught the writers attention,.,n.,魅力,Her acting lifeIn 1951,while,1.If someone is a,humanitarian,he or she _.,a.loves animals,b.protects the environment,c.cares a lot about people,1.If someone is a humanitaria,


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