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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,unit 8,Brave It Out,直面人生,unit 8,1,Compare the two kinds of living condition,think about:Is life fair?,Compare the two kinds of livin,2,Life isnt fair!How to face it?,Life isnt fair!How to,3,Step 2 Warming up,Step 2 Warming up,4,a worker,a worker,5,a,doctor,a,6,a farmer,a farmer,7,a taxi driver,a taxi driver,8,a teacher,a teacher,9,Do you think that these peoples lives are the same?Why?,Discussion,Do you think that these people,10,中职语文unitbraveitout课件,11,Can we say that life is fair for everyone?,Discussion,Can we say that life is fair f,12,Review the words,brave,question,high,challenge,youth,experience,expect,勇敢的,勇于面对,问题,高的,挑战,青少年,经验,经历,期望,期待,预期,Review the wordsbrave勇敢的,勇于面,13,赞同,使某人想起某事物,放弃,接下来继续做,在,中很积极,agree with,remind sb of sth,give up,go on to do,be active in,赞同 agree withremind sb of sthg,14,失学,直到,才,有毛病,别紧张,out of school,notuntil,something wrong with,take it easy,失学 out of school,15,你是做什么(工作)的?,What do you do,?,What is your job?,What are you,?,I am a student.,I am a teacher.,你是做什么(工作)的?What do you do?I a,16,Is life fair?,Is life fair?,17,视频展示话题,轮椅斗士张士柏的金牌人生,视频展示话题轮椅斗士张士柏的金牌人生,18,Patrick,指,Patrick Chang,,中文名为张士柏,,1973,年出生,美籍华人企业家。,13,岁时,在一次跳水训练中不幸受伤,造成高位截瘫。此后,他顽强地与残疾作斗争并取得优异成绩,被视为“轮椅英雄”。曾获美国斯坦福大学经济学博士学位,并获得美国前总统布什签名的“学业成就奖”。先后创办有“张士柏英语网”“张士柏教育学基金会”“张士柏时间”等,以帮助改善中国人学习英语的环境,并教给年轻人许多人生的道理。,Patrick指Patrick Chang,中文名为张,19,各段中心句,Para1.,Do you agree with the idea that life is fair?Life isnt fair!,Para2.,Life is full of challenges.Life is what we make it.,Para3.,Patrick,a brave man in a wheelchair,never gave up studying.,Para4.,Patrick overcame a lot of difficulties and became the best student.,Para5.,Life isnt fair for Patrick,but he has become successful,.,重点阅读首句和尾句,各段中心句Para1.Do you agree with t,20,One day,a friend of mine asked me a question,“Do you agree with the idea,that life is fair,?”,His question was a good one.,It reminded me of something,a teacher said,when I was a high,school student-“Life isnt fair”.,We usually,think that life should be fair,but we sometimes,feel sorry for ourselves.,In fact,life is not fair,and will not be fair.,我的一个朋友,问我一个问题,同意,老师说的一些事情,提醒我一些事,生活不是公平的,为自己而遗憾,事实上,生活是公平的这一观点,Revision,One day,a friend of mine aske,21,生活公平吗,?,一天,我的一个朋友同我个问题:“你赞同生活是公平的吗?”他的问题很好。这让我想起了我还是高中生的时候一位老师说的话,生活是不公平的。我们经常常认为生活应该是公平的,但是有时我们自己觉得很遗憾。实际上,生活不是公平的,将来也不会公平。,22,One day,a friend of mine asked me a question,”Do you,the idea that life is fair?”,agree with,agree with,agree with sb/sth,同意某人的意见,/,某事,One day,a friend of mine aske,23,I agree with you.,He has agree with our suggestion,(,建议 提议),about the holiday,。,我同意你的建议,他已经同意我们关于假期的提议,I agree with you.He has,24,2、agree with sb,eg:We agree with our teacher.,(,我们同意我们老师的意见,),我同意你的答案,I agree with your answer.,同意某人的意见,agree with sth,同意;赞同.,2、agree with sbeg:We agree wi,25,His question was a good,one,.It,a teacher said when I was a high school student-“life isnt fair”,remind sb of sth,提醒某人某事,That reminds me of a story I once heard.,reminded me of something,这使我想起曾经(,once,)听到的一个故事。,His question was a good one.I,26,one,名词单数,ones,名词复数,/,所代替名词为可数名词,The new designs are much better than the old _.,马丽需要本新词典,她打算去买一本。,Mary needs a new dictionary.she is going to buy a new _.,这些新的设计比那些旧的好多了。,one,ones,one 名词单数 The new designs are m,27,1、remind sb of sth,eg:The picture reminds me of my school days.,(,这张照片使我想起我的学生时代,),我想提醒您一下明天的会议,Iwanttoremindyouofthe,tomorrowsmeeting.,使某人想起某事物,1、remind sb of stheg:The pictu,28,We usually think that life should be fair,but we sometimes,In fact,life is not fair and will not be fair.,feel sorry for,ourselves,Feel(be)sorry for,为,.,感到可惜,表同情,后悔,You will be sorry for it later,(以后),.,你以后会为那件事而后悔的,We usually think that life sho,29,Life is full of challenges.,School is the most,challenging place in the life of youth today.,When we say that life isnt fair,we,mean,everyone,is different.,We look different and have different experiences.,We cant expect life to be perfect.,Life is what we make it.,充满,最富有挑战的,看起来不同,有不同的经历,期待生活是完美的,我们创造的(东西,事物),青年人的生活,指的是,Revision,Life is full of challeng,30,生活公平吗,?,生活充满了挑战。学校是当今青年人生活中最具有挑战性的地方。当我们说生活不公平的,意思是我们每个人都是有区别的。我们长相不一样,有不一样的经历。我们不能期待生活是完美的,生活是我们自己创造的。,31,We look different and have different experiences.,experience (,一次,),经历;体验,可数名词;,经验,不可数名词。,He has many interesting _ in his life.,他的一生中有很多有趣的经历。,She has years of_in teaching.,她有多年的教学经验。,experiences,experience,We look different and have dif,32,Life challenges,School is the most challenging place in the life of youth today.when we say that life isnt fair,we mean everyone is different.,is full of,be full of,充满 挤满,公共汽车上挤满了人,The bus is full of people.,Life challeng,33,We cant expect life to be perfect.Life is what we make it.,expect sb.to do sth.,期盼、期望某人做某事,;,You cant expect me to finish the work in two days.,你不能期望我仅在两天之内完成这项工作。,We cant expect life to be per,34,Summarry,agree with sb,agree with sth,。,remind sb of sth,be sorry for,提醒某人某事,为,.,感到可惜,对,.,表同情,同意某人的意见,同意某事,in fact,be full of,充满 挤满,事实上 实际上,Summarryagree with sb agree w,35,Homework,Translate the first two paragraphs of the text on your homework book.,Life is unfair,how should we face the life?,HomeworkTranslate the first t,36,agree with sth“,同意某人的意见、想法、观点、决定等”。,句子中的,that life is fair,是,idea,的同位语。,例如:,I agree with your answer.,我赞同你的答案。,agree with sth“同意某人的意见、想法、观点、决,37,agree with sb,同意某人的意见,We agree with our teacher.,我们同意老师的意见。,agree with sb同意某人的意见We agre,38,Remind sb of sth“,使某人回想起,”,The picture reminded me of the days we worked on the farm.,这幅画使我想起了在农场劳动的日子。,Remind sb of sth“使某人回想起,39,feel(be)sorry for sb,“,为某人感到遗憾,难过”。,feel(be)sorry for sb“为某人感到遗憾,,40,be full of“,充满,”,。,The bus is full of people.,公共汽车挤满了人。,be full of“充满”。The bus,41,A Story,Patrick Chang,张士柏,A Story Patrick Chang,42,A Story,张士柏,1973,年出生于美国加州。,13,岁时,他在参加跳水训练时因事故受重伤。一个游泳健将顷刻间变成四肢瘫痪,张士柏经受了人生最严峻的考验,他没有气馁绝望,以顽强的意志勇敢地接受挑战,努力适应生活,坚持学习,并且取得了常人难以想象的优异成绩。在手术后第一周里戴着牵引用的钢帽时他就开始了学习。起初,只能用嘴一页一页地翻书来读,后来用一枝特制的笔套在手腕上,依靠稍能活动的大臂带动小臂和手一笔一笔艰难地写字。为了不让大臂的肌肉萎缩,他让家人把一个特制的哑铃系在手臂上一下一下地举。经过反复练习,他终于能自己推轮椅了,也能操作电脑和写字了。,A Story 张士柏1973年出生,43,A Story,凭着顽强的毅力,,Patrick,顺利通过了手术三个月后的初中毕业考试。高中时他以,25,门功课全优全校第一名的成绩提前一年毕业,并荣获当时布什总统签名颁发的“学业成就奖”。,A Story 凭着顽强的毅力,Patrick顺,44,A Story,高中毕业后,他同时接到了美国斯坦福大学、哈佛大学、宾夕法尼亚大学和加州柏克利大学四所名牌大学的录取通知书。进入,斯坦福大学,后,他仅用两年时间修完了四年课程,于,1992,年直接参加并通过了升入博士班的考试,后以优异的成绩获得博士学位。,A Story 高中毕业后,他同时接到了美国斯坦,45,张士柏在大学时选择攻读东方经济专业,,18,岁时,他把父母亲友资助他的生活保障费连同他从小省下的零用钱共,20,万美元全部捐献给祖籍地宁波北仑,成立了张士柏奖学基金会,激励鼓舞同学少年为祖国而勤奋学习。,张士柏虽然严重残疾,但他对人生却充满执着的追求,他觉得他只有手和脚与别人不同,而思想、精神、抱负却与别人一样,他坚定地认为,世界上的光辉同样属于每个人!,A Story,A Story,46,A Story,A Story,47,A Story,A Story,48,Reading (3),Patrick is an American-born Chinese.,When he was thirteen years old,he broke his neck in an accident.,Since then he has been in a wheelchair.,But he never gave up and went on to finish school.,He knew that a good education was his only way to success and independence.,一个在美国出生的中国人,十三岁时,放弃,自那时起,继续读完中学,成功和独立,在事故中,良好的教育,通往,的途径,Reading (3)Patrick is,49,生活公平吗,?,Ptrick,是一个在美国出生的中国人。当他,13,岁的时候,在一次事故中摔伤了脖子。从那时起,他就只能坐在轮椅中。但是他一直不放弃,继续完成了学业。他知道良好的教育是他唯一可以通向成功和独立的途径。,50,an American-born Chinese,thirteen years old,in an accident,since then,give up,went on to finish school,a good education,his only way to,success and independence.,一个在美国出生的中国人,十三岁时,在事故中,自那时起,放弃,继续读完中学,良好的教育,通往,的途径,成功和独立,an American-born Chinese一个在美国出,51,Patrick is an,American-born Chinese,When he was thirteen years old,he broke his neck in a driving accident.Since then he has been in a wheelchair.But he never,give up,living life and,went on to,finish school,He knew that a good education was his only,way to success,and independence.,give up,医生告诉他要戒烟,于是他就把他戒了,The doctor told him to give up smoking,so he give it up,go on to do,go on doing,way to sth.,某事的方法,key to sth,Patrick is an American-born Ch,52,3、go on to do,eg:But he never gave up and went on to finish school.,(,但是他从不放弃,而继续完成了学业,),昨天 他写完信后,就接着读课文,After he finished the letter,he went on to read the text yesterday,。,(干完某事)接着干某事,3、go on to doeg:But he never,53,American-born Chinese,在美国出生的华人,,通常被称为美籍华人,或,ABC,。,American-born Chinese在美国出生的华人,,54,give up“,放弃”,She has given up the idea.,他已放弃了那种想法。,give up“放弃”She has given up t,55,go on to do sth,(干完某事之后)接着干某事”,After he finished writing the letter,he went on to read the text.,他写完信后,接着就读课文。,go on to do sth (干完某事之后,56,Reading (4),For Patrick,studying was hard.,But he overcame a lot of difficulties and became the best student in his school.,Finally he finished the PhD program.Now he is very active in teaching English and helping children,who are out of school,.,积极从事,完成了博士课程,失学的孩子,失学,辍学,克服许多困难,困难的,Reading (4)For Patrick,57,生活公平吗,?,对于,Patrick,来说,学习是艰苦的,但是他克服了很多的困难,成为了学校最好的学生。最终,他获得了博士学位。现在他在积极从事英语教学,并且帮助那些辍学的孩子。,对,58,overcome a lot of difficulties,finish the PhD program,be very active in,out of school,children,who are out of school,克服许多困难,完成了博士课程,积极从事,失学,辍学,失学的孩子,overcome a lot of difficulties,59,For Patrick,studying was a hard task.But he overcome lifes most difficult challenges and become the best student in his school,Finally he finished the,PhD program,Now he,is very active in,teaching English and helping children who,are out of,school.,be active in doing sth.,积极从事某事,He is active in helping classmates who have difficulties in their learning.,be out of,脱离 在,范围之外,The sick man is out of danger at last.,For Patrick,studying was a ha,60,PhD program,“,博士学位课程”,,PhD,(博士),是,doctor of philosophy,的缩写。,PhD program“博士学位课程”,PhD(博士),61,be active in doing sth “,积极从事某事”,He is active in helping classmates who are out of school,是定语从句,修饰先行词,children,。,be active in doing sth,62,6、be active in,积极从事于,eg:Now he is active in teaching English.,(,现在他积极从事英语教学,),他积极帮助他的同学,He is active in helping his classmates,.,介词,doing,6、be active in 积极从事于eg:Now he,63,be out of,“,脱离,在,范围之外”,The sick man is out of danger at last.,病人终于脱离危险。,be out of“脱离,在范围之外”The,64,Reading (5),Life isnt fair for Patrick,but he has become successful.,Burroughs-an American scientist-was right in saying,“A man can fail many times,but he is,nt,a failure,until,he begins to blame somebody else.”,直到,开始,别的人,失败,说得对,许多次,才,成功的,责备,Reading (5)Life isnt f,65,生活公平吗,?,生活对于,Patrick,是不公平的,但是他成功了。,Burroughs,一位美国科学家一一说得很对,:,“一个人可能会失败很多次,但是直到他开始怨天无人才是真正的失败。”,66,was right in saying,many times,notuntil,begin to,somebody else,success,名词,successful,形容词,fail,动词,failure,名词,说得对,许多次,直到,才,.,开始,别的人,成功,成功的人或事 成功的,失败 失败,失败的人或事,was right in saying说得对,67,Life isnt fair for Patrick,but he has become successful,Burroughs-an American scientistwas right in saying,“A man can fail many times,but he,isnt,a failure,until,he begins to blame somebody else.,Failure is the mother of success.,He was a failure as a doctor.,notuntil,在,之前不,到,之后才,Dont get off the train until it stops.,火车停住之前不要下车,I didnt begin to work until he had gone.,Life isnt fair for Patrick,b,68,Burroughs巴勒斯,美国博物学家(naturalist),Burroughs巴勒斯,美国博物学家(naturalis,69,notuntil“,直到,才,”,。,He didnt go to bed until 10 oclock.,他直到,10,点才睡觉。,notuntil“直到才”。H,70,e.g.He didnt go to bed until 10 o,clock yesterday.,昨天他直到,10,点才睡觉。,I wont come back until evening tomorrow.,明天我直到傍晚才会回来,5、not until 直到才,5、not until 直到才,71,Break,Neck,Accident,Since,Wheelchair,Finish,Education,Success,Successful,independence,打破,折断,颈,脖子,意外,事故,自从,由于,轮椅,完成,结束,教育,成功,成功的,有成就的,独立,R,E,V,I,S,I,O,N,Break打破,折断R,72,Overcome,Difficulty,Finally,Program,Scientist,Fail,Failure,Blame,Else,exam,克服,困难,课程,节目,科学家,失败,失败的人,责备,责怪,另外的,别的,考试,Overcome克服,73,Noise,Fix,Care,Wrong,Poor,Spell,Lose,really,噪音,修理,固定,安装,在意,关心,错的,贫穷的,可怜的,拼写,丢失,遗失,确实地,的确,Noise噪音,74,赞同,使某人想起某事物,放弃,接下来继续做,在,中很积极,agree with,remind sb of sth,give up,go on to do,be active in,赞同 agree withremind sb of sthg,75,失学,直到,才,有毛病,别紧张,out of school,notuntil,something wrong with,take it easy,失学 out of school,76,Homework,Translate the first two paragraphs of the text on your homework book.,Life is unfair,how should we face the life?,HomeworkTranslate the first t,77,1.Do you agree with the idea that life?,2.It reminded me of something,.,3.When we say life isnt fair,we mean .,4.We usually think that,but we sometimes feel,.,is fair,a teacher said when I was a high school student,“life isnt fair”,everyone,is,different,life,should,be,fair,sorry for ourselves,1.Do you agree with the idea,78,5.We look ,and we have different .,6.We cant expect life,.,7.Life is full of .Life is what we .,8.Patrick never his study because he knew that a good education was his to success and independence.,different,experiences,to,be,challenges,make,it,gave,up,only,way,perfect,5.We look ,and,79,9.Patrick overcame,and became the best student in his school.,10.A man can fail,but he a failure to blame somebody else.,a lot of,difficulties,many,times,isnt,until he begins,9.Patrick overcame a lot of d,80,Practice:,Complete the following sentences by putting the Chinese in the brackets into English.,1,、,Do you,(,赞同,)my idea that we should speak English every day?,2,、,My family,(,充满了,)love and warmth.,3,、,We have to,(,克服,)many difficulties to study English well.,agree with,is full of,overcome,Practice:Complete the followin,81,4,、,I will never,(,放弃,)learning English.I shall,(,继续,)to study it hard.,5,、,Our teacher,(,积极从事,),English teaching.,6,、,she,go to bed,(,直到,才,)her daughter came back.,7,、,The old picture,me,(,让某人想起,)those good days,.,give up,go on,is active in,didnt,until,reminds,of,4、I will never(放弃)learnin,82,notuntil remind sb of sth active,直到,.,才 使某人想起某事物 积极的;主动的,fail feel sorry for give up,失败,未能,为,.,感到可惜,表同情,后悔,放弃,challenge perfect,挑战 完美的,1,、,Xiao Wang is very,in English classes.,2,、,They did,study English hard,they knew it was important.,3,、,He is never afraid of,in life.,active,not,until,challenges,notuntil remind sb of s,83,


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