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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1.This is all_I know about the matter.,A.that B.what,C.who D.whether,Choose the best answers:,1,1.This is all_I know about,2.Is oxygen the only gas _ helps fire burn?,A.that B./C.which D.it,2,2.Is oxygen the only gas _ he,3.Finally,the thief handed everything _ he had stolen to the police,.,A.which B.what,C.whatever D.that,3,3.Finally,the thief handed ev,4,.All of the flowers now raised here have developed from those _ in the forest.,A.once they grew B.they grew once,C.that once grew D.once grew.,4,4.All of the flowers now ra,5.I dont like _ you speak to her.,A.the way,B.the way in that,C.the way which,D.the way of which,5,5.I dont like _ you speak,6,.The weather turned out to be very good,_,was more than we expected.,A.what B.which C.that D.it,6,6.The weather turned out to,7,.He paid the boy$10 for washing ten windows,,,most of _ hadnt been,cleaned for ten years.,A.these B.those C.that D.which,7,7.He paid the boy$10 for w,8,.He is one of the students _ never late for school.,A.who is B.who are,C.that is D.whom are,8,8.He is one of the students,9,.He is the only one of the students _ never late for school.,A.who is B.who are,C.that are D.whom is,9,9.He is the only one of the s,1,0,.Is this school _ we are going to visit today?,A.where B.which,C.the one D.there,this,只是定语,关系代词被省略,10,10.Is this school _ we ar,1,1,.Is this the school _ we are going to visit today?,A.where B.which,C.the one D.there,11,11.Is this the school _ we,1,2,.This is the school _ we visited yesterday.,A.where B.which,C.in which D.at which,12,12.This is the school _ w,13.Please take the second chair_is over there.,A.where B.which,C.who D.that,13,13.Please take the second cha,1,4,.It is the school _ we studied together in the past.,A.where B.which,C.that D.at which,14,14.It is the school _ we st,1,5,.I didnt know the reason _ he was late.,A.that B.which,C.why D.for that,15,15.I didnt know the reason _,1,6,.The reason _ he told you is not true.,A.that B.for which,C.why D.for that,16,16.The reason _ he told,1,7,.I bought a house _ windows face south.,18,.I bought a house _ the windows face south.,19,.I bought a house,the window _ face south.,A.whose B.of whom,C.of which D.which,A,C,C,17,17.I bought a house _ wind,20.The last place _we visited was the Great Wall.,A.which B.that,C.where D.it,18,20.The last place _we visi,21.The street _is to the park is very narrow.,A.where B.which,C.in which D.what,B,19,21.The street _is to the,C?,22.This is the room _ we listened to the lecture.,A.which B.where,C.at which D.that,B,20,C?22.This is the room _ we l,2,3,.He is such a kind person _ is respected by all of us.,2,4,.He is such a kind person _ he is respected by all of us.,2,5,.It is the same pen_ I lost yesterday.,A.that B.who C.which D.as,D,D,A,21,23.He is such a kind person,2,6,._ is known to us,he is wise.,2,7,._ is known to us that he is wise.,A.That B.It C.As D.Which,C,B,22,26._ is known to us,he is,2,8,.It is in the school _ we studied together in the past.A.where B.which,C.in which D.that,强调句型,23,28.It is in the school _ w,29,.I will go_ I am needed.,A.where B.which,C.that D.to which,24,29.I will go_ I am neede,3,0,.I will go to the place _ I am needed.,A.where B.which,C.to which D.that,地点状语从句,能且只能用,where,引导,25,30.I will go to the place _,31.He talked happily about the men and books_ interested him greatly in the school.,A.which B.that,C.it D.whom,26,31.He talked happily about th,32.This is one of the best books _.,A.that have ever been written,B.that has ever been written,C.that has written,D.that have written,27,32.This is one of the best bo,33.Do you know who lives in the building _ there is a well?,A.in front of it,B.in front of whose,C.in front of which,D.in front which,28,33.Do you know who lives in t,34,.Is there anything else_you want?,A.which B.that C.who D.what,29,34.Is there anything else_,35.Ill never forget the day _ I joined the League.,A.on which,B.in which,C.which,D.at which,30,35.Ill never forget the day,36.Jean was her old friend,_ she borrowed a necklace.,A.from who,B.from whom,C.to that,D.to whom,31,36.Jean was her old friend,_,37.His glasses,_ he was like a blind man,fell to the ground and broke its leg.,A.which C.without which,B.with which D.that,32,37.His glasses,_ he was,38.Do you know the reason _ he was late?,that B.which,C.for what D.for which,33,38.Do you know the reason _,39.I have bought two ballpens,_ writes well.,A.none of which,B.neither of which,C.none of them,D.neither of them,34,39.I have bought two ballpens,40.The earth is round,_we all know.,A.that B.which,C.who D.as,35,40.The earth is round,_we,4,1._ was natural,he married Jenny.,A.Which B.That,C.This D.As,36,41._ was natural,he m,42.Such signs _ we use in the experiment _,Greek letters.,A.as,are B.as,is,C.that,are D.that,is,37,42.Such signs _ we use in,43.I passed him a large glass of whisky,_ he drank immediately.,A.that B.as,C.which D.who,38,43.I passed him a large glass,44.She is very good at dance,_ everybody knows.,A.that B.which,C.who D.as,.,39,44.She is very good at dance,45.It was raining,_ was a pity.,A.what B.that,C.the which D.which,40,45.It was raining,_ was,46._ has been said above,grammar is a set of dead rules.,A.Which B.What,C.That D.As,41,46._ has been said above,47.We do the same work _ they do.,A.which B.as,C.than D.like,42,47.We do the same work _,


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