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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,(外研版)九年级,Writing task:Saving,(外研版)九年级,What happen in the video?,What problems will they cause?,They order too much food.That will waste a lot of food and produce a lot of rubbish.,What happen in the video?What,Every day,tons of food and clothes are wasted.,But the people in poor area have little food to eat.And they dont have clothes to wear.,Every day,tons of food and cl,Look at the pictures and,talk,Today many people like to order _ food than they can finish.,more,But Millions of people live in poor area suffer from lack of _,they dont have _ food to eat.,food,enough,Look at the pictures and talk,fashion shoes,fashion clothes,Now many people like to buy _ and _,they throw them away when they are new.,fashion shoes,fashion clothes,But in some poor area,many children wear _ shoes or chothes.They can hardly have _shoes or,clothes to wear.,broken,new,fashion shoesfashion clothesN,Many people forget to _,the light or the tap when they leave.,turn off,But in some area,people dont have enough_to drink.So we should _ water and liaght.,fresh water,save,Many people forget to _,Some people like to _ paper about.,In that way,we will need _ trees to made paper and produce too much,_.,We should _ the paper so that we can reuse them.,throw,more,rubbish,recycle,Some people like to _ p,What do you think of saving?,中考英语话题写作ppt课件:Saving,our traditional habit,shouldnt give it up,We should save food and water,reduce rubbish,Try to answer the questions,you can use the expressions below.,I think saving is.,We should.,What do you think of saving?,our traditional habit Try to,What should you do to save?,reuse,reduce,recycle,reusereducerecycle,saving,paper,Turn off the tap,Recycle the books,Group task 1:,Brainstorming,food,electricity,water,money,Turn off the light,Write on both side,New fashion,Reuse the water,Use the air-conditioner less,Order food that you can finish,pakage them home,repaired them,paperTurn off the tapRecycle t,What should you do to save?,I think I should,I think I should,Group works,(,小组合作,),I usually.,We should.,We shouldnt.,Why dont you.,Discuss what you usually do to save.,(Write down at least 2 things you do.),Try to ask your friends to save in their daily life.,Group works(小组合作)I usually.,Sumary,our traditional habit,turn off the tap,shouldnt give it up,recycle the books,Order food that you can finish,reduce rubbish,I think saving is.,I usually.,We should.,We shouldnt.,Why dont you.,Sumaryour traditional habit,Homework,当今社会,浪费和奢侈消费变得越来越严重,为创建文明城,,我,市启动了“节俭生活,从我做起”行动。请你写一篇以,“Saving”,为题的80字以上的短文,内容包括:,1.你对节俭的看法;,2.在生活中你看到了哪些不节俭的行为;(至少两件),3.列举两件以上你在生活中做过的有关节俭的事;,4.号召大家参与到节俭活动中来。,Homework当今社会,浪费和奢侈消费变得越来越严重,为创,check by yourself,Read your passage aloud,then check it by,yourself.,1.,要点齐了吗?,2.,句子结构对了吗?,3.,句子连贯吗?,4.,单词都写对了吗?,5.,有没错误的语法?,6.,书写整洁吗?,朗读文章并检查是否符合以下要求,check by yourselfRead your pas,Group task 3:,Writing,内容(,8,分),语言,:,人称,、时态、,连贯,(,7,分),合计,要点,1,(,2,分),要点,2,(,2,分),要点,3,(,2,分),要点,4,(,2,分),个别,错误,(,7,分),少数,错误,(,5-6,分),一些,错误(,3-4,分),较多,错误(,1-2,分),15,分,自评,互评,师评,第一人称:,I,一般现在时,Group task 3:Writing内容(8分)语言,


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