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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/8/13,#,Chapter 2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,商务信函的结构与格式,Chapter 2Structure and Styles,1,Business letter is a form of business communication.It is a letter that is used as a means of communication in the business world.It is necessary to understand the method of writing a business letter.These letters have a purpose for one of its businesses,such as offering products or services,ordering products or replying on an order.,Business letter is a form of b,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Chapter,2,The first impression a business letter makes on its reader often determines whether that letter will actually be read,and it also may determine the reader,s reaction to the contents of the letter.,Structure and Styles of Busine,3,商务英语写作(修订版)-第二章课件,4,Chapter,2,Contents of this chapter,I.,Structure of Business Letters,II.,Styles of Business Letters,III.,Envelop Addressing,IV.,Practice(additional),Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Chapter2Contents of this chapt,5,Chapter,2,I.Structure of Business Letters,Business letters are usually composed of 12 elements:,1.,Letterhead,2.,Date,3.,Inside address,4.,Attention line,5.,Salutation,6.,Subject line,7.,Body,8.,Complimentary close,9.,Signature,10.,Reference initials,11.,Enclosure(on attachment),12.,Copy notation,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Chapter2I.Structure of Busine,6,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Chapter,2,Among the 12 elements,letterhead,date,inside address,salutation,body,complementary close and signature,are necessary,while the others are optional.,I.Structure of Business Letters,Structure and Styles of Busine,7,Chapter,2,1.Letterhead,信头,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,The name of the company,Its address and postal code,Telephone number,Fax number,Company website address,E-mail address,A trademark or a slogan,etc.,Chapter21.Letterhead 信头Struct,8,商务英语写作(修订版)-第二章课件,9,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,EASTERN TEXTILES IMP.&EXP.CO.,LTD.,12389 Changchun Road,Dalian,China,Tel:(0411)8660#Fax:(0411)8650#,Http:/,E-mail:bcxbcx,Example,1.Letterhead,信头,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,10,Sample Letterhead,Sample Letterhead,11,商务英语写作(修订版)-第二章课件,12,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,typed below the last line of the letterhead,The common format is either,American,(,Month/Day/Year,)or,British(Day/Month/Year,).,The,month,written,in full,is preferred because it may create confusion if written in numbers.,2.Date,日期,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,13,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,June 12,2017,20 June,2017,Do not use only figures,i.e.12/6/06,Examples,2.Date,日期,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,14,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Rewrite the following date for standard business letters.,6/5/17,10-9-17,8 June 2016,Oct.28,16,jan.13.2016,2.Date,日期,Exercises,June 5,2017,October 9,2017,June 8,2016,October 28,2016,January 13,2016,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,15,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,typed single-spaced at the left margin,The,space,between the date line and the address depends on the size of the body of the letter and the space on the paper for you to type the whole letter.,3.Inside address,封内地址,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,16,Writing order of an address,Receivers name,(Title,department),Name of the company,Address(No.XX Rd./St.,XX Dist.,City zip code),Country,Writing order of an addressRec,17,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Arrange the following,information into letterhead or inside address.,U.S.A./Ford Motor Company/Dearborn,Michigan 48120/PR Department,China/Beijing 100021/Beijing Metal Corporation/President/Lin Fang/East lane/234,3.Inside address,封内地址,Exercises,PR Department,Ford Motor Company,Dearborn,Michigan 48120,U.S.A.,Lin Fang,President,Beijing Metal Corporation,234 East lane,Beijing 100021,China,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,18,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,To an organization:an attention line,allows you to send it directly to a specific individual or department,.,If,you know,an individual,s complete,name,it is always better to use it as the first line of the inside address and,avoid an attention line.,4.Attention line,指明收信人,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,19,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,A colon or dash may or may not follow the word“attention”.,ATTENTION:SALES MANAGER,AttentionMarketing Director,Attention of Advertising Manager,Examples,4.Attention line,指明收信人,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,20,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,two lines,below the last line of the inside address or the attention line(if used),to an individual:use that person,s courtesy title and last name(Dear Mr.Lanbam),If you use the first name(Dear Leslie),be sure to add a colon(or a comma,not a semicolon)after the salutation.,when gender is unknown:use an individual,s full name(Dear Leslie Lanbam),5.Salutation,称呼,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,21,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Dear Sir,without specific reference,formal,Dear Sirs,without specific reference,formal,Gentlemen,without specific reference,formal,Ladies and Gentlemen,without specific reference,formal,Dear Mr.Anderson,male,never use Mister instead of Mr.,Dear Mrs.Anderson,female,married,Dear Miss Anderson,female,unmarried,Dear Ms.Anderson,female,marital status unknown,Dear,Messrs.,Anderson addressing,two or more,gentlemen,Dear,Mmes.,Anderson addressing,two or more,ladies,Dear Professor Anderson,professional title,to show business courtesy,Dear Sales Agent use his/her professional title.,Examples,5.Salutation,称呼,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,22,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,What salutation would you use to address a letter to:,1.A company(a new client),2.David J.Lee(businessman with a doctor degree),3.Candy Lester(unknown marital status),4.A marketing manager,5.Mr.Bran Jackson&Mr.Kevin Jackson,6.Mr.Froy Longman&Mrs.Jane Longman,5.Salutation,称呼,Exercises,Dear Sir,Dear Dr.,Lee,Dear Ms.Lester,Dear Marketing Manager,Dear Messrs.,Jackson,Dear,Mr.&Mrs.Longman,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,23,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,A subject line helps identify the subject of the letter.,Using a subject line will alert your reader to the content,s,of your message and enable him/her to decide whether the letter requires immediate attention.So a subject line is often underlined or typed in capitals.,6.Subject line,事由,/,主题行,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,24,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Subject:,Sale Contract no.234,Subject:,SALE CONTRACT NO.234,Subject:Order No.1232 for Tea-sets,Re:Late Delivery of Order 123,FW:Order No.456 for Pillow Cases,Examples,6.Salutation Subject line,事由,/,主题行,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,25,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,This is the actual message of a letter.,Most business letters are,single-spaced,with double line spacing between paragraphs.,Very short,messages may be,double-spaced,with indented paragraphs.,7.Body,信文,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,26,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Give the reason of writing the letter in the first paragraph.,Give numbers or bullets for paragraphs which contain important information.,In closing paragraph,show your hope or promise of future action or contact.,7.Body,信文,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,27,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Typed two lines below the last line of the letter,the complimentary close may be formal(Very truly yours)or informal(Yours).,8.Complimentary close,结尾敬词,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,28,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Formal:,Yours faithfully,Yours truly,Faithfully yours,Semi-formal:,Sincerely yours,Yours sincerely,Cordially yours,Informal:,Love,Best regards,Examples,8.Complimentary close,结尾敬词,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,29,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,What complimentary close would you use to the salutations:,Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Sirs,Dear Mr.Lorgan,Dear Tom,8.Complimentary close,结尾敬词,Exercises,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,30,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Organization Name,:typed entirely,in capitals,two lines below the complimentary close,Author,Title,and Department,:three blank lines should be left above the typed name of the author.,9.Signature,签名,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,31,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,The initials of the typist are typed two,line,s below the author,s name and title.,The initials of the signer come first,all in upper case letters,followed by the initials of the typist,in lower case letters(EM:mef;EM/mef;EM*mef).,Eric Mannboss,Mary Elise FieldSecretary,10.Reference initials,打字员姓名缩写,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,32,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,A notation to that effect is placed two lines below the reference initials.,11.Enclosure(or attachment),附件,The notation may be spelled out(,Enclosure/Attachment,),or it may be abbreviated(,Enc./At.,).It may indicate the number of enclosures or attachments,and it may also identify an enclosure specifically(,Enclosure:Copy of Invoice 6309,).,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,33,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Enclosure:Sale Account,Enc.(4),Enclosure(2):,Packing list,Commodity Inspection Certificate,Examples,11.Enclosure(or attachment),附件,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,34,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,If copies of a business letter have been made for other individuals,a copy notation is typed one or two lines below the enclosure notation(if used).,Most people prefer to use notations like CC,cc,Cc,(all mean carbon copy).,Some people use the notation XC(xerox copy),PC(photo copy),or C(copy).,12.Copy notation,抄送,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,35,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Use the information to prepare the parts needed for the letters below.,1.The letter is signed by Mr.Robert Osteen and typed by you,your name is John Smith.,2.There are three enclosures:the sales contract,the list of purchase prices,the list of selling prices for the last week.,3.A Xerox copy of the letter must be sent to the Great Sea Company,4.The letter must be sent to the very person,Mr.Danny Brown,the Sales Manager.,Exercises,RO*js,Enclosure(3):Sales Contract,List of Purchase Prices,List of selling prices,XC:Great Sea Company,Attention:Danny Brown,Sales Manager,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,36,Chapter,2,II.Styles of Business Letters,1.,Block style,2.,Modified block style,3.,Simplified style,4.,Indented style,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Chapter2II.Styles of Business,37,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,In this format,all parts(from the date line)of the letter,begin at the left margin,.,1.Block style,齐头式,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,38,Letterhead,_,_,Date,_,Inside address,_,_,Salutation,_,Subject line,_,Body,_,_,_,Complimentary close,_,Signature,_,Letterhead,39,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Example,xxxx(letterhead),June 3,2005(date),xxxx(inside address),Dear xx,(salutation),Re:xx(subject line),We received your xxxx(body),Yours sincerely(complimentary close),XX(signature),1.Block style,齐头式,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,40,Sample on p33,Sample on p33,41,商务英语写作(修订版)-第二章课件,42,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,The date,the complimentary close and the signature block are placed at the right margin.Paragraphs are separated by a single blank line.There is no indention at the beginning of paragraphs.,2.,Modified block style,改良齐头式,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,43,Letterhead,_,_,Date,_,Inside address,_,_,Salutation,_,Subject line,_,Body,_,_,_,Complimentary close,_,Signature,_,Letterhead,44,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Example,xxxx(letterhead),June 3,2005(date),xxxx(inside address),Dear xx,(salutation),Re:xx(subject line),We received your xxxx(body),Yours sincerely(complimentary close),XX(signature),2.,Modified block style,改良齐头式,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,45,Sample on p34,Sample on p34,46,商务英语写作(修订版)-第二章课件,47,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,All,lines(from the date line)begin at the left margin.,Notice that a subject line,typed in all capitals,replaces the salutation.,Instead of a complimentary close,the sender,s name and title are typed in all capitals below the last line of the body part.,3.,Simplified style,简化式,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,48,Letterhead,_,_,Date,_,Inside address,_,_,SUBJECT LINE,_,Body,_,_,_,SIGNATURE,_,Letterhead,49,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Example,xxxx(letterhead),June 3,2005(date),xxxx(inside address),Re:XX(SUBJECT LINE),We received your xxxx(body),XX(SIGNATURE),3.,Simplified style,简化式,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,50,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Each line of the inside address is indented four or five spaces compared with the previous line.,Each new paragraph stars four or five spaces from the left margin,while the date,the complimentary close and the signature are on the right-hand side of the sheet.,4.,Indented style,缩进式,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,51,Letterhead,_,_,Date,_,Inside address,_,_,Salutation,_,Subject line,_,Body,_,_,_,Complimentary close,_,Signature,_,Letterhead,52,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Example,xxxx(letterhead),June 3,2005(date),xxxx,xxxx,xxxx(inside address),Dear xx,(salutation),We received your xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,xxxxxxxxxxxxxx(body),Yours sincerely(complimentary close),XX(signature),4.,Indented style,缩进式,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,53,商务英语写作(修订版)-第二章课件,54,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,There are two punctuation styles:,Mixed punctuation,style have a colon after the salutation and a comma after the complimentary close.,Open punctuation style,do not have a colon after the salutation and a comma after the complimentary close.,5.,Punctuation,标点,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,55,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Examples,Mixed punctuation style,Dear Mr.Emerson,:,Sincerely,Open punctuation style,Dear Mr.Emerson,Sincerely,5.,Punctuation,标点,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,56,Chapter,III.Envelope Addressing,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,Envelop addressing calls for accuracy,legibility and good appearance.,Two forms:,1.,Block form,2.,Indented form,ChapterIII.Envelope Addressin,57,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,China National Machinery Import&Export Corp.,No.1(W)Fuchengmenwai Avenue,Beijing,100037,Peoples Republic of China,P&G Company,1 or 2,Procter&Gamble Plaza,Cincinnati,OH 45201,U.S.A.,1.Block form,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,58,Chapter,2,Structure and Style,s,of Business Letters,China National Machinery Import&Export Corp.,No.1(W)Fuchengmenwai Avenue,Beijing,100037,Peoples Republic of China,P&G Company,1 or 2,Procter&Gamble Plaza,Cincinnati,OH 45201,U.S.A.,2.Indented form,Chapter2Structure and Styles o,59,商务英语写作(修订版)-第二章课件,60,


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