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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/9/14,#,Age,A.29 B.39 C.49,A,B,C,A,B,c,Hobby,Hero,Get to know Harmony,A.29 B.39 C.49,1,Module,8 Sports life,Module 8 Sports life,2,1.Liu Xiang is a successful _.,2.Liu Xiang is good at _.,4.Liu Xiang,won a,_,at,the,Athens,Olympic Games,and,broke,the_later.,sportsman,hurdling,gold medal,What do you know about Liu Xiang?,record,3.Sun Haipings training _ make,Liu Xiang successful.,methods,/med/,v.,n.,break-broke-broken,1.Liu Xiang is a successful _,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,Time order,Liu Xiang was helped by his sports school to win a gold medal.,b)Liu Xiang will be a star and not a sports hero.,c)Liu Xiang has trained for many years and won many gold medals.,123456 Time orderLiu Xiang,4,Read and find out the events.,-Grade 4,-2001,-1998,-2004,-2008,-2012,-1983,suffered from,foot problem,won Olympic gold medal,won his first international 110m hurdles race,hurdling,ability,was noticed,started training at a sports school,born in Shanghai,returned,to first place,C.,兴趣,/,b,l,t,i,/,suffered from,won medal,won international 110m race,hurdling ability,started training at,was born in,returned,to,Hello,,,everyone.Now Im going to tell you something,about Liu Xiang.,B.,能 力,A.,态度,Read and find out the events.-,5,2004,1.,was invited,to,2.,was chosen,for and won,3.broke,It was also the first time,/,an Olympic gold medal for hurdling,/,was hung round the neck of a sportsperson,/,from an,Asian,country.,Which year is the most important for Liu Xiang?,20041.was invited to2.was c,6,1.In 1993,,,Liu Xiang _(encourage)at first to train for the high jump.,2.In 1998,,,his ability in hurdling_,(notice)by Sun Haiping,.,3.In 2001,a special program _,(set up)to help Liu Xiang.His races _,(,record,),and he _,(,compare,),with,the worlds best sports stars.,was encouraged,was noticed,were recorded,was compared,was set up,How did he train for hurdling,before 2004,?,was/were+done,过去时的被动语态,:,1.In 1993,Liu Xiang _,7,He missed some competitions.,He still returned to first place in 2012.,B.He felt painful.,From 2008 on,,,Liu Xiang,suffer,ed a lot,from,his foot problem.,B.He didnt give up.,A.He felt hopeless.,Liu Xiang trained hard.,He hurt his foot.,1,2,3,sothat,but,From 2008 on,,,Liu Xiang,suffer,ed a lot,from,his foot problem,but,he didnt give up.,though,Though,he missed some competitions,he still returned to first place in 2012.,What happened to Liu Xiang,after 2004,?,His foot problem,stopped,him,from,completing,Its a pity that,his,He trained,so,hard,that,he hurt his foot.,Liu Xiang,trained to be the best in the world,the 2012 London Olympic Games,.,He missed some competitions.B.,8,What is your comment,(,评价,),about Liu Xiang,?,What is the writers comment about Liu Xiang?,Liu Xiang is,a symbol of,courage and success,and we continue to,take great pride in,him.,What is your comment(评价)abou,9,What makes Liu Xiang successful?,The way to success for Liu Xiang,Train,young,A good,coach,Right,methods,Never,give up,Train,hard,What makes Liu Xiang successf,10,train,hard,suffer a lot,never,give up,a sports hero,before 2004,2008,a symbol of courage,and success,now,from 2008 on,The way to success for Liu Xiang,train suffer a lotnevera spor,11,suffer a lot,Never give up,suffer a lotNever give up,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,Passage structure,篇章结构,Important events,for Liu Xiang(,主要事迹),Comment(,评价),Introduction,(介绍),123456Passage structure 篇章结构 I,13,The Chinese take great(1)_in Liu Xiang.,At first,he was not very(2)_,but,his coach noticed his(3)_in running and jumping,and helped him change his training(4)_.He won,a number of important(5)_and became the first(6),_ sportsperson to win an Olympic gold medal for,hurdling.(7)_,from 2008 on,he missed some,competitions(8)_ of a foot problem.,(9)_he did not complete the 2012 Olympic,Games,he is still a symbol of great(10)_ and success.,pride,successful,ability,methods,races,Asian,because,However,Although,courage,Complete the passage with the correct,form,.,(Introduction),(Important events),(,Comment,),The Chinese take great(1)_,14,经常,不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有,力量,Study Constantly,And You Will Know Everything.The More You Know,The More Powerful You Will,Be,写,在最后,经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量写,15,谢谢,大家,荣幸,这,一路,与你同行,ItS An Honor To Walk With You All The,Way,演讲人:,XXXXXX,时 间:,XX,年,XX,月,XX,日,谢谢大家演讲人:XXXXXX,16,


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