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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单词复习:,1.orthographic,2.detail drawing,3.specification,4.mating parts,5.consolidate,6.tolerance,7.title block,上一课回顾,1,单词复习:上一课回顾1,Lesson 6,EngineeringDesign工程设计,重点词汇:,stated,concurrent/realistic/constraint/ethic,source/course,deem,integral/inference,2,Lesson 6 EngineeringDesign,Paragraph 1,Engineering design is a systematic progress by which solutions to the needs of humankind are obtained.,The progress is applied to problems(needs)of varying complexity.,工程设计是一个系统(systematic)的过程,通过它可以解决人类需要解决的问题。这一过程被用于解决许多变化的复杂性的问题。,3,Paragraph 1Engineering design,For example,mechanical engineers,will use the design process to find an effective,efficient method to convert,reciprocating motion,to,circular motion,for the,drive train,in an,internal,combustion,engine,;,electrical engineers,will use the process to design electrical generating systems using falling water(落水)as the power source;and,materials engineers,use the process to design ablative(烧蚀性的)materials which enable astronauts to safety reenter the earths atmosphere.,例如,机械工程师应用这一设计过程去找到一种有效的高效的方法,把用于动力传送系统(drive train)的内燃机中的往复运动转化为旋转运动;电力工程师应用这一设计过程去设计用落水做动力源的发电系统;材料工程师应用这一设计过程研制烧蚀材料,使宇航员能安全地重返地球(大气层)。,4,For example,mechanical engin,Paragraph,2:,The vast majority of complex problems in todays high-technology society depend for solution not on a single engineering discipline(工程学科),but on teams of engineers,scientists,environmentalists,economists,sociologists,and legal personnel.,现代高技术社会的大量复杂问题的解决,不是取决于单一的工程学科,而是取决于由工程师、科学家、环境保护专家、经济学家、社会学家和法律专家组成的团队。,5,Paragraph 2:The vast majorit,Solutions are not only dependent upon the appropriate applications of technology,but also upon public sentiment(公众意见)as executed through government regulations andpolitical influence.,解决问题不仅依靠技术的合理应用,而且要考虑通过政府法规和政治影响引起的大众情绪。,6,Solutions are not only depende,As engineers we are empowered with the technical,expertise,to develop new and improved products and systems,but at the same time we must be increasinglyaware of the impact of our actions on society and the environment in general(总体的)and work conscientiously toward the best solution in view of all relevant factors.,作为工程师被授权利用专门技术来研究和改进产品和系统,但同时我们必须知道我们的行为一般对社会和环境的影响,并考虑所有相关因素,尽责的工作,找出最好的解决办法。,7,As engineers we are empowered,Paragraph 3:,Design is the culmination(最高阶段)of the engineering educational process;it is the salient(突出的)feature that distinguishes engineering from other professions.,设计是工程教育过程的制高点;正是这一显著特征把(工程设计)和其他职业区分开来。,8,Paragraph 3:Design is the culm,Paragraph 4:,A formal definitionof engineering design is found in the curriculum guidelines(课程指导)of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology(ABET).,工程设计的正式定义可以在工程技术鉴定合格委员会(ABET)的课程指导方针中找到。,9,Paragraph 4:A formal definiti,ABET accredits(鉴定)curricula in engineering schools and derives its membership from the various engineeringprofessional societies(行业协会).,ABET安排工程学校的课程,ABET的成员人数来自各种工程专业协会。,10,ABET accredits(鉴定)curricula i,Each accredited curriculum has a well-defined design component which falls within the ABET guidelines.,The ABET statement on design reads as follows(内容如下):,每一门授权的课程有一个解释清楚的设计部分,该部分包含在ABET指导方针中。,ABET对设计的解释如下:,11,Each accredited curriculum has,Paragraph 5,Engineering deign is the process of devising a system,component,or process to meet desired needs.,工程设计是设计系统、元件的过程,或者是满足希望要求的过程。,12,Paragraph 5Engineering deign i,It is a decision making process(often iterative重复性的),in which the basic sciences,mathematics,and engineering sciences are applied to convert resources optimally to meet a stated objective(目标、目的).,它是一个决策指定的过程(经常需要反复),在此过程中为了达到规定的目标,最佳地应用基础科学、数学和工程科学,把它们转化成资源。,13,It is a decision making proce,The engineering design component of a curriculum must include most of the following features:development of student creativity,use of open-ended problems,development and use of modern design theory and methodology,formulation of design problem statements and specifications,consideration of alternative solutions,feasibility considerations,production processes,concurrent engineering design,and detailed system descriptions.,课程的工程设计部分必须包括以下大部分特性:学生创造性的培养、能适应未来发展的问题使用、现代设计理论和方法的发展和应用、设计问题的陈述和详细说明、其它解决问题方法的考虑、可行性研究、生产过程、并行工程设计以及详细的系统描述。,14,The engineering design compone,Further,it is essential to include a variety of realistic constraints such as economic factors,safety,reliability,aesthetics,ethics,and social impact.,另外,还必须包括许多实际约束,如经济因素、安全、可靠性(reliability)、美学(aesthetis)、道德(ethics)和社会反响等。,15,Further,it is essential to in,Paragraph 6,If anything can be said about the last half of the twentieth century,it is that we have had an explosion of information.,The amount of data that can be uncovered on most subjects(学科)is overwhelming.,如果说二十世纪下半叶可以提到的大的事情,那就是信息的爆炸。,对大多数课题可以揭示的数据量是势不可挡的。,16,Paragraph 6If anything can be,People in the upper levels of most organizations have assistants who,condense,most of the things that they must read,hear,or watch.,在大部分组织的高层次人才都配有助手,这些助手把他们必须读到、听到和看到的大部分事情进行精简。,17,People in the upper levels of,When you begin a search for information,be prepared to scan many of your sources and document their location so that you can find them easily if the data subsequently appear to be important.,当你查找一些信息资料时,如果这些资料很重要,做好准备浏览大量资料并记下它们的位置,这样做你能容易地获得。,18,When you begin a search for in,Some of the sources that are available include the following:,可得到的一些资源如下:,Paragraph 7,19,Some of the sources that are a,Paragraph 8,1.Exisiting solutions:,Much can be learned,from,the current status of solutions,to,a specific need if actual products can be located,studied and,in some cases,purchased for detailed analysis(购买进行详细分析).,1、现有的解决方案。如果实际的产品可以被确定、研究,以及在某些情况下可以买到以用于详细的分析,则从现有的解决方案到特定的需要可以知道许多事情。,20,Paragraph 81.Exisiting solutio,An improved solution or an innovative new solution cannot be found unless the existing solutions are thoroughly understood.,除非完全理解现有的解决方案,否则不能找到一个改进的或革新的解决方案。,21,An improved solution or an inn,Paragraph 9,2.Your library.,Many universities have courses that teach you how to use your library.,Such courses are easy when you compare them with those in chemistry and calculus(微积分),but their importance should not be underestimated(低估).,2、你的图书馆。许多大学设有教你如何使用你的图书馆的课程。,这些课程与化学和微积分学课程相比是容易的,但不能低估它们的重要性。,22,Paragraph 92.Your library.Man,There are many sources in the library that can lead you to the information that you are seeking.,You may find what you need in an index such as the Engineering Index(工程索引).,在图书馆里有很多资源能帮你找到你所要搜索的信息。,在一个索引中可以找到你想要的东西,例如在工程索引中。,23,There are many sources in the,There are many other indexes that provide specialized information.,The nature of your problem will direct which ones may be helpful to you.Dont hesitate to ask for assistance from the librarian.,你的问题的性质将直接告诉你谁可以帮助你。,不要不好意思请求图书管理员的帮助。,24,There are many other indexes t,You should use to advantage the computer databases found in libraries and often available through CD-ROM(,C,ompact,d,isc-,r,ead,o,nly,m,emory)technology.,你应该充分利用图书馆的计算机数据库(database)和经常通过光盘只读存储器(CD-ROM)来获取信息。,25,You should use to advantage th,Paragraph 10,3.Professional organizations.,The American Society of Mechanical Engineers is a technical society that will be of interest to students majoring(主修)in mechanical engineering.,Each major in your college is associated with not one but often several such societies.,3、专业组织。美国机械工程师协会(The American Society of Mechanical Engineers)是一个技术协会,它对机械专业的学生非常有吸引力。,你学院的每一个专业不仅与一个而且经常与好几个这样的会有联系(be associated with)。,26,Paragraph 103.Professional org,The National Society of Professional Engineers,is an organization that most engineering students will eventually join,as well as at least one technical society such as,the American Society of Civil Engineers,(ASCE),the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers,(IEEE),or any one of dozens that serve the technical interests of the host of specialties with which professional practices seem most closely associated.,国家专业工程师协会是一个组织,大部分工程方面的学生最终要加入这一组织,以及至少一个技术协会如美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)、美国电气与电子工程师协会(IEEE)或十二个协会中的任何一个都对许多专业技术感兴趣,专业实践似乎与这些专业有非常紧密的联系。,27,The National Society of Profes,Many engineers are members of several associations and societies.,许多工程师是几个协会和学会的会员。,28,Many engineers are members of,Paragraph 11,4.Trade journals(行业杂志).,They are published by the hundreds,usually specializing in certain classes of products and services.,4、行业杂志(trade journal)。,行业杂志有几百种,通常研究一定级别的产品和服务。,29,Paragraph 114.Trade journals(行,Paragraph 12,Money and economics are part of engineering design and decision-making.,We live in a society that is based on economics and competition.,钱和经济是工程设计和决策制定的一部分。,我们生活在一个以经济和竞争为基础(be based on)的社会。,30,Paragraph 12Money and economic,It is no doubt true(勿容置疑)that many good ideas never get tried because they are deemed to be economically infeasible.,Most of us have been aware of this condition in our daily lives.,许多好的想法不能实施无疑(no doubt)是真的,因为这些想法被认为在经济上是不可行的。,我们中的大部分人都知道我们每天的生活条件。,31,It is no doubt true(勿容置疑)that,We started with our parents explaining why we could not have some item that we wanted because it cost too much.,我们的父母给我们解释为什么我们不能得到某些我们想要的东西,是因为这些东西太贵。,Likewise,we will not put some very desirable component into our designs because the value gained will not return enough profit in relation to its cost.,同样,我们也不能把某些非常渴望的东西加入到我们的设计中,因为我们获得的价值与它的成本相比(in relation to)不能获得足够的效益。,32,We started with our parents ex,Paragraph 13,Industry is continually looking for new products of all types.,Some are desired because the current product is not competing well in the marketplace(市场).,Others are tried simply because it appears that people will buy them.,工业正在不断地寻找(look for)所有类型的新产品。,某些产品是渴望的,因为现有的产品在市场中不具有很好的竞争力。,其它的产品被简单的试做,因为似乎人们将买它们。,33,Paragraph 13Industry is contin,How do manufacturers know that a product will be popular(畅销的)?,生产厂商如何知道其生产的新产品是否受欢迎呢?,They seldom know with certainty.,他们很少能知道确切答案。,Statistics(统计学)is an important consideration in market analysis.,在市场分析时,统计数字是重要的考虑。,Most of you will find that probability(概率论)and statistics are an integral(组成的)part of your chosen engineering curriculum.,你们中的大部分人将会发现,概率和统计是你们所选课程的一个整体部分。,34,How do manufacturers know that,The techniques of this area of mathematics allow us to make inferences(推论)about how large groups of people will react based on the reactions of a few.,数学领域的技术可以使我们做出推论,即多大人群将根据少数人的反应而反应。,35,The techniques of this area of,课后作业:,1、复习本课单词,预习下一课单词,36,课后作业:1、复习本课单词,预习下一课单词36,EI,SCI,ISTP,37,EI37,


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