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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,.,*,物主代词,表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词。,物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词两种,。物主代词有人称和数的变化。第三人称单数的物主代词还有性的变化。,单数,复数,我,他,她,它,我们,他们,你们,人称代词,主格,I,he,she,it,we,they,you,宾格,me,him,her,it,us,them,you,物主代词,形物,名物,my his her its our their your,mine his hers its ours theirs yours,.,物主代词 表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词。物主代词分为形,1,人称,分类,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,单数,复数,单数,复数,单数,复数,形容词性,名词性,2.物主 代词,my,our,your,your,his,her,its,their,mine,ours,yours,yours,his,hers,its,theirs,用法口诀,:,物主代词两类型,形容词性、名词性。,形容词性作定语,后面定把名词用。,名词性、独立用,主宾表语它都充。,.,人称第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 单数 复数 单数,2,两种物主代词的不同用法:,1)形容词性物主代词用来修饰后面的名词,不能单独应用:,My,parents are both doctors.,There is something wrong with,his,bike.,They love,their,work in the factory.,小结:形容词性物主代词+名词,.,两种物主代词的不同用法:1)形容词性物主代词用来修饰后面的,3,两种物主代词的不同用法,2)名词性物主代词应单独使用,后面不跟名词:,May I use your ruler?I have lost,mine,.,May I use your ruler?I have lost,my ruler,.,Lets clean their room first,and then clean,ours,.,Lets clean their room first,and then clean,our room,.,These letters are,his,.,These letters are,his letters,.,小结:这种物主代词所修饰的名词通常出现在它的前面。,.,两种物主代词的不同用法2)名词性物主代词应单独使用,后面不跟,4,物主代词的句法功能,一.形容词性物主代词当定语,My,schoolisnotfarfromhere.,二.名词性物主代词当主语,Ours,isthebestfootballteamintheschool.,三.名词性物主代词当表语,Thebookonthedeskisnt,mine,.,四.名词性物主代词当宾语,Iforgottobringmypen.MayIuse,yours,?,形容词性物主代词只能当定语。,名词性物主代词可以当主语,表语,宾语。,Ex.1.May I use,your book,?,2.,Their books,are stolen.,3.,Our family,is quite big.,4.,His friend,is sad these days.,yours,Theirs,Ours,His,.,物主代词的句法功能 一.形容词性物主代词当定语 形容词性物,5,名词性,物主代词还是,形容词性,物主代词,?,1),Some of the,stamps belong to me,while the rest are _.,him and her B.his and hers,C.his and her,D.him and hers,2)Our home is finer than _.,yours or him B.yous or his,C.you or his D.yours or his,B,D,.,名词性物主代词还是形容词性物主代词?1)Some of t,6,1、()please tell,about it if,doesnt know.,A:she,she B:her,she C、hers,her D:her,herself,2、(),office is much smaller than,.,A:Ours,yours B:Our,yours C:Their,ours D:Your,theirs,Try your best!,解析:(答案是B),第一格作动词tell的宾语,所以选择人称代词宾格的her,第二格作主语用,要选择人称代词主格。,解析:(答案是B),第一格要填一个形容词性的物主代词作名词office的定语,第二格的后面没有名词,所以要填一个名词性的物主代词。,.,1、()please tell about it,7,4._ school is much bigger than _.,A.Our,their,B.Ours,theirs,C.Our ,theirs,5.The dog is so poor because _ leg is badly hurt.,A.it B.its C.its,.,4._ school is much bigger,8,1.She is a friend of _.,A.my B.mine C.I,2.This isnt my pen,it is _.,A.her B.his C.him,3.Frank cant find _ dictionary.Can you lend _ to _?,A.her,mine ,her,B./,yours,he,C.his,yours,him,.,1.She is a friend of _,9,物主代词,1.Are these trousers yours?,No.Mine _ over there.,2.Her hair is much longer than _(我).,3.This dog of _ (你)never bites.,4.,_ teaches us English.(她),5._teacher is a young man.(我们),6.That isnt my bike.Its _(她).,are,mine,yours,she,Our,hers,.,物主代词1.Are these trousers yours,10,1.My pen is broken.May I use_?,A.you B.yours C.yourself D.your,2.-Are these_ coats?,-No,they arent._ are here.,A.your,Ours B.your,We C.you,Ours D.you,Our,3.Dont lose_ in computer games,boys.,A.yourself B.yourselves C.himself D.themselves,4.Wheres your mother?I cant find _ anywhere.,she B.her C.he D.him,5.Mikes words are different from_.We really,cant agree with_.,A.ours,him B.ours,hes C.us,him D.us,his,Exercises,B,A,B,B,A,.,1.My pen is broken.May I use_,11,用适当的人称代词或物主代词填空,1.This is Kate._ is an English girl._ mother is a teacher.,2._ name is Lin Tao._ is a Chinese student.,3.Are you in Row Four?Yes,_ am.,4.Excuse me!Is this _ bag?No,_ isnt my bag.,She,Her,His,He,I,your,it,.,用适当的人称代词或物主代词填空SheHerHisHeIyo,12,5.They are teachers.Those are _ desks.,6.This is a boy._ name is John._ is in Class One.,7.That is Kate._ is an English girl.This is _ cat.Do you know _ name?,their,His,He,She,her,its,.,5.They are teachers.Those ar,13,8.The two girls are friends._ names are Lucy and Lily.,9.Whats this?Is _ a bird?,Whats _ name?_ name is Polly.,10._ is a policeman._ name is Mr King.,Their,it,its,its,He,His,.,8.The two girls are friends.,14,11.Youre a new student._ books are here.,12.Is it a nice bird?Yes,_ name is Mimi.,13.Li Ping and Li Hua are in Class Two._ teacher is Mr Li.,14.Where are your English books?_ English books are at home.,Your,its,Their,My,.,11.Youre a new student._,15,


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