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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 2 Fit for life,Welcome to the unit,Unit 2 Fit for life,As we all know,health is very important to everyone.Do you know how to keep healthy?,Lead-in,As we all know,health is very,right food,right food,regular exercise,regular exercise,What will you do when you dont feel well?,take medicine,have an injection,What will you do when you don,1.Do you know what kind of medicines,or treatments we need when we catch a,cold,get a stomachache,or break a leg?,2.Can you list as many words as possible,that relate to medicine?,3.Can you list as many jobs as possible,that relate to medicine?,Work in pairs.,1.Do you know what kind of me,medicine,Western,medicine,side,effects,effects,Chinese,medicine,jobs,diseases,medicineWesternsideeffectsChin,1.diseases pharmacy/drug store/pills/tablets/capsules/Chinese or Western medicine effect/side effect,2.chemist/eye doctor/optician/dentist,physician/surgeon,Some examples:,1.diseases pharmacy/drug stor,1.a person who prepares and sells,medicine,2.a person who examines peoples eyes,to see if they need to wear glasses,a chemist,an eye doctor,A guessing game,1.a person who prepares and s,3.a person who takes care of peoples teeth,4.a person who has general skill to treat,physical problems,a dentist,a physician,3.a person who takes care of,5.a person who performs medical operations,6.a person who helps doctors to look after patients,a surgeon,a nurse,5.a person who performs medic,Look at the following pictures and discuss the people,the places and the treatments shown in the picture.,Look at the following pictures,What are their jobs?,Chemist.,What are their jobs?,Now think about these:,1.What does a chemist do?,2.What qualities does a person,need to be a chemist?,Now think about these:,A chemists job usually involves preparing and selling medicine.A chemist should have studied medicine,and be careful,practical and interested in chemistry.He or she needs,to be patient as well.,A chemists job usually involv,What are they doing?,What can acupuncture do?,What are they doing?,Acupuncture is a way of medical treatment with a long history.About 4000 years ago,ancient Chinese began to treat patients by stimulating the bodys surface at specific points with something like needles.The first record of acupuncture was found in the oldest medical textbook in the world,Acupuncture is a way of medica,called Yellow Emperors Classic of Internal Medicine(Huang Di Nei Jing)Today,acupuncture proves to be safe and effective.For more information.you may visit the following website:http/ Yellow Emperors Classi,What are the doctors and nurses doing?,What happens during an operation?,What are the doctors and nurs,During the process of an operation,the,surgeons cut open a part of a persons body,and remove or repair a damaged part.,During the process of an opera,What are they doing?,Do you have good eyesight?,How can you protect your eyes?,What are they doing?,An eye doctor tests our eyes to see if we need glasses.To protect our eyes,we should not use eyes for a long time.We should not read under sun or in the dark light or when we are on a bus or in bed.And we must insist doing health care eyes every day.,An eye doctor tests our eyes t,Have you ever seen a doctor?If so,what happened?,2.Have you ever used traditional medical treatments?What was it like?,Discussion,Have you ever seen a doctor?I,3.Would you like to do any of the jobs,shown in the pictures?Why or why,not?,4.Do you think medicine only has good,effects?Why?What do you know,about its side effects?,3.Would you like to do any of,1.,Surf the internet to find more information about medicine.,2.Write a short passage about your experience of receiving medical treatments.,Homework,1.Surf the internet to find m,


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