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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,牛津版,九年级,(9A),Unit 2 Task,牛津版,Unit 2 Colours,Unit 2 Colours,Task,Task,1.,信任,n.2.,平静,镇静,n.,感到平静 平静下来,3.,温暖;热情,n.,4.,女用皮包,手提包,n.,5.,相配,n.,红色和白色是一个很好的搭配。,trust,calm,feel calm,Step 1:Check the Preview,(检查预习),calm down,warm,th,handbag,match,Red and white,are,a good match.,1.信任 n.2.平静,镇静 n.,A,与,B,相配 你的,T,恤衫和你的裤子相配。,6.,使,平衡,A,与,B,平衡 强有力的红色平衡了宁静的白色。,A matches B,balance,A balances B,The powerful red,balances,the calm white.,Your T-shirt,matches,your trousers.,A与B相配 你的T恤衫和你的裤子相配。6,将颜色和其代表的含义连线,1.,black,2.blue,3.green,4.orange,5.red,6.white,7.yellow,calm and peace,power and trust,wisdom and success,power and strength,energy and nature,sadness and calm,warmth and joy,将颜色和其代表的含义连线1.black calm and,1.calm and peace,2.calm and sadness,3.wisdom and success,4.power and strength,5.energy and nature,6.power and trust,7.warmth and joy,Which colour represents?,white,blue,yellow,red,green,black,orange,1.calm and peacewhiteblueyell,Answer the questions.,1.Whos in the picture?,2.Where is she?,3.What is the woman wearing?,A woman/lady.,Near a river.,A red dress and a pair of white shoes.,Step 2:Cooperative,Inquiry,(合作探究),Answer the questions.1.Whos,Discussion,1.Does she look happy?,2.Do you like what she is wearing?,Discussion 1.Does she look ha,Help Millie,complete,her,report,according to,the picture and the,table,on P32.,Help Millie complete her r,The woman in this picture is wearing a _ dress and a pair of _ shoes.She is carrying a white handbag too.This is interesting because red and white are very different colours.,Red represents _ and _.Maybe she feels weak and that is why she is wearing red-she just wants to make herself look more powerful.,Colours and what they represent,Millie,red,white,power,strength,Step 3:Personalized display(,个性展示,),_,提,拎,携带,_,_,The woman in this picture is w,Thats why she was late for school.,那就是她感到压力的原因。,Thats what I want.,那就是他上学迟到的原因。,Thats why she feels stressed.,那就是我想要的东西。,Thats why she was late fo,White represents _ and _.She may hope that the colour white could help her calm down.,I think the woman must feel a little bit stressed,and she hopes these colours will change that.Red and white are a good match,as the powerful _ balances the calm _.,calm,peace,red,white,_,_,_,_,_,_,表推测,“一定”;否定用,cant.,White represents _ an,a little bit,意指,_,,可直接修饰形容词或副词,相当于,_,或,_,。如:感到有点疲倦,注意:,a little _,直接修饰不可数名词,如,:a little milk;a bit,修饰名词必须加上,_,如:,_ bread,。,有点,几分,a little,a bit,of,a bit of,feel a little tired,=,feel a bit tired,=,feel a little bit tired,可以,a little bit 意指_,可,Structure of the passage,Papa 1.,What to wear,Para.2-3,Colours and what they represent,Para.4.,The writers opinion/idea,Structure of the passagePapa 1,Here are two advertisements.What do you think about the two advertisements?Are they good advertisements?,This advertisement makes me feel,I like/dont like this advertisement because,Step 4:Integration and promotion(,整合提升,),Here are two advertisements.W,Colour of T-shirt:,Represents:,Colour of skirt:,Represents:,Colour of hat:,Represents:,Colour of shoes:,Represents:,green,energy and nature,yellow,wisdom and success,white and orange,calm and peace,blue,sadness and calm,Moods:,Reasons:,Is it a good fruit juice advertisement?,Why or why not?,relaxed,peaceful,bright,fresh,cheerful,Because of the outdoor sunshine and the scene,it looks like the woman is on holiday.,Yes,Sunshine and beaches make you thirsty.The juice looks refreshing.,Moods:relaxed,peaceful,brigh,Colour of shirt:,Represents:,Colour of trousers:,Represents:,Colour of glasses:,Represents:,Colour of shoes:,Represents:,orange,success and joy,blue,sadness or calm,black,power and trust,white,calm and peace,C,Moods:,Reasons:,Is it a good mobile phone advertisement?,Why or why not?,The man looks very busy and he is running.He might be doing something important.,Yes,Strong and powerful colours are used to give the feeling of success.,fast,powerful,Moods:The man looks very busy,请根据以下中文提示,用英语写一篇80字左右的短文,介绍你的好朋友Millie。,1.Millie 是个文静害羞的女孩子,待人友善,乐于助人。,2.她喜欢蓝色的衣服,因为蓝色象征着平静和安宁。她穿蓝色的衣服很好看。,3.她常常感到压抑,有时总是为一些事过分担忧。,4.我们建议她穿红色的衣服,因为红色是一种强烈的色彩,它象征着力量,能使Millie看上去更活泼,更充满活力。,Step 5:Writing,请根据以下中文提示,用英语写一篇80字左右的短文,介,1.,李老师穿着一件红色裙子和一双白鞋。,Miss Li is wearing a red dress and a pair of white shoes.,2.,我想使自己看上去更强壮。,I want to make myself look more powerful.,Translation,Step 6:Detection and feedback,(检测反馈),1.李老师穿着一件红色裙子和一双白鞋。Translatio,3.,绿色象征着活力和自然。,Green represents energy and nature.,4.,红色和白色是一个很好的颜色搭配。,Red and white are a good match.,5.,橙色代表着成功和喜悦。,Orange represents success and joy.,3.绿色象征着活力和自然。,1.Remember the words and expressions in the lesson.,2.Finish the exercises in the Workbook.,1.Remember the words and expr,牛津译林版9AUnit2Task课件,


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