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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Integrated skillsFinding treasure,Integrated skills,New words and phrases:,past prep.,在另一边,到另一侧,treasure n.,宝藏,turning n.,转弯处,traffic n.,交通,来往车辆,traffic lights n.,红绿灯,should modal v.,应当,应该,crossing n.,交叉路口,corner n.,拐角,街角;角落,New words and phrases:,Can you read them?,1/p:st/2/tre(r)/,3/t:ni/4/trfik/,5/d/6/d/,7/krsi/8/k:n(r)/,Can you read them?,2,3,4,5,Level One,Level Two,Level Three,Level Four,Level Five,2345Level OneLevel TwoLevel Th,Level One,Know the signs and the words.,Level OneKnow the signs and th,There is always a lot of,traffic,on the city road every day.,There is always a lot of traff,go straight on,turn right,turn left,Road signs,go straight onturn rightturn l,traffic,lights,at the,crossing,交叉路口,zebra crossing,turning,拐弯处,traffic lightsat the crossingz,We cant,cross the road,.,We can,cross,the road.,=,go across,We,should,wait.,We cant cross the road.We can,Take the first turning,on the left.,=Turn left,at the first turning,.,Take the first turning on the,Cross the road,at the zebra crossing.,Cross the roadat the zebra cro,Walk past the police station.,Walk to the police station.,Walk past the police station.W,Cross the bridge and turn left.,Cross the bridge and turn right.,Cross the bridge and turn left,2,3,4,5,Level One,Level Two,Level Three,Level Four,Level Five,2345Level OneLevel TwoLevel Th,Level Two,Describe the pictures,Level TwoDescribe the pictures,Listen to Mr Wus instructions and tick(,)the correct boxes.,Listen to Mr Wus instruct,2,3,4,5,Level Two,Level Three,Level Four,Level Five,2345Level TwoLevel ThreeLevel,Level Three,Listen and find the information,then draw the route.,Level ThreeListen and find the,What can you see in the map?,What can you see in the map?,A2 Put these sentences in the correct order:,a,Walk past the house,turn left and walk along the path next to the river.,b,Walk along the path,and youll see a house on your left.,c,When youre at the big tree,turn left and walk to the bridge.,d,Cross the bridge,turn right and walk straight on.,e,The treasure is under the ground in front of the third tree on the left.,f,Take the second turning on the right.,5,4,1,2,6,3,A2 Put these sentences in t,Notes:,1 Finding treasure,寻获宝藏,2 Walk past the house,turn left and walk along the path next to the river.,走过这座房子,向左转,沿着河边的小路走。,walk past,路过,走过,经过,这里,past,为介词,意思是“经过(一边,一侧)”,其同音异形词为,passed,3 on your left,在你的左侧,on ones left/right,在某人的左侧或右侧,Notes:,4 walk straight on,一直往前走,往前直走,5 Take the second turning on the right.,在第二个拐弯处向右转。,=Turn right at the second turning.,4 walk straight on=Turn right,A3 Lets try to find the treasure!,A3 Lets try to find the trea,When youre at the big tree,turn l_ and walk to the b_.Cross the bridge,turn r_ and walk s_ on.Take the second_(turn)on the right.Walk a_ the path,and youll see a house on your left.Walk _(,到另一侧,),the house,turn left and walk along the _(,小路,)next to the river.The treasure is under the g_ in front of the _(,三,)tree on the left.,eft,ridge,ight,traight,turning,long,past,path,round,third,When youre at the big t,Don,t,be too self-important,别太自负,Get on well with your friends.,和朋友好好相处,Dont play with computers too much,少玩电脑,Get enough sleep,睡眠要充足,Take more exercise,多运动,Do be confident,.,要绝对自信,Dont be too self-importantGe,3,4,5,Level Three,Level Four,Level Five,345Level ThreeLevel FourLevel,Level Four,Find an English Corner and draw the route.,Level FourFind an English Corn,Daniel would like to go to Sunny Garden,but he doesnt know the way.Millie is giving him directions.,1 Why would Daniel like to go to Sunny Garden?,2 Does Daniel need to take a bus there?,3 Which way should Daniel go at the traffic lights?,Theres an English Corner this Saturday afternoon.,No.,Just cross the road.Walk past the supermarket and turn left at the first crossing.,Daniel would like to go to Sun,a supermarket,Sunny,Garden,Daniels building,Listen to the tape and draw the route.,a supermarketSunny GardenDanie,Notes:,1 an English Corner,英语角,2 Would you like to come?Yes,Id love to.,你想来吗?是的,我想来。,答句也可使用,Id like to,3 How do I get there?,我去那儿的路怎么走?,常用的问路表达法还有,:,(1)Excuse me,where is?(2)Can you tell me the way to?(3)Which is the way to?(4)Can you tell me how to get to?,Notes:,4 Which way should I go at the traffic lights?,在交通灯处我应该走哪条路?,at the traffic lights,在交通灯处,5 turn left at the first crossing,在第一个十字路口向左转,6 at the corner of the street,在街道拐角处,at,the corner of,在,的拐角处,(指室外的拐角),in,the corner of,在,的拐角处,(指室内的角落),4 Which way should I go at the,LevelFive,Find another treasure box.,LevelFiveFind another treasur,Cross the bridge/road.Turn left/right.,Go/Walk across.,.,Walk past,.,Walk to.,.,Walk along,.,Walk straight on.,Take the second turning,on,the right/left.,Turn,right/left,at the second turning,.,Finding the way,Cross the bridge/road.Tu,5,Level Five,Knowledge is wealth.,知识就是财富。,5Level FiveKnowledge is wealth,.,根据要求完成句子:,1.Turn right at the second _(turn).,2.Theres busy _(many cars and buses)in Nanjing now.,3.lets go on a _(,宝藏,)hunt.,4.Youll see a shop at the c_ of the street.,turning,traffic,treasure,orner,.根据要求完成句子:turningtraffictreas,.,把下列短语和句子翻译成英文:,1.,从警察局经过,2.,在交通灯处,3.,径直走,4.,在第二个转弯处右拐,walk past the police station,at the traffic lights,walk straight on,turn right at the second turning,Or:take the second turning on the right,5,走过桥,右拐进入一个公园。,_ the bridge and _ _ into a park.,Cross,turn right,.把下列短语和句子翻译成英文:walk past the,6,沿着靠近河边的一条小路走,你就能看到右手边有一座房子。,_ _ a path _ _ the river,and you will see a house _ _ _.,7,一直走,你将会看见左边的警察局。,_ _ _,and you will see the _ _ _ _ _.,8,穿过田野,你会看见前面有棵大树。,_ _ the field,and you will see a big tree _ _ _ you.,Walk along,next to,on your right,Walk straight on,police station,on your left,Walk across,in front of,6 沿着靠近河边的一条小路走,你就能看到右手边有一座房子。_,9,第三个路口右拐,过桥。你就可以看见花园大厦。,Take the _ _ _ _ _ and _ the bridge,and you will see Garden Building.,third turning,on the right,cross,9 第三个路口右拐,过桥。你就可以看见花园大厦。thir,Can you spell them?,1/p:st/2/tre(r)/,3/t:ni/4/trfik/,5/d/6/d/,7/krsi/8/k:n(r)/,Can you spell them?,牛津译林版英语七年级下册第四单元综合技能-课件,


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