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Click to edit the title text format,Click to edit the outline text format,Second Outline Level,Third Outline Level,Fourth Outline Level,Fifth Outline Level,Sixth Outline Level,Seventh Outline Level,*,Click to edit the title text format,Click to edit the outline text format,Second Outline Level,Third Outline Level,Fourth Outline Level,Fifth Outline Level,Sixth Outline Level,Seventh Outline Level,*,Click to edit the title text format,Click to edit the outline text format,Second Outline Level,Third Outline Level,Fourth Outline Level,Fifth Outline Level,Sixth Outline Level,Seventh Outline Level,*,Click to edit the title text format,Click to edit the outline text format,Second Outline Level,Third Outline Level,Fourth Outline Level,Fifth Outline Level,Sixth Outline Level,Seventh Outline Level,*,Click to edit the title text format,Click to edit the outline text format,Second Outline Level,Third Outline Level,Fourth Outline Level,Fifth Outline Level,Sixth Outline Level,Seventh Outline Level,*,Click to edit the title text format,Click to edit the outline text format,Second Outline Level,Third Outline Level,Fourth Outline Level,Fifth Outline Level,Sixth Outline Level,Seventh Outline Level,*,Click to edit the title text format,Click to edit the outline text format,Second Outline Level,Third Outline Level,Fourth Outline Level,Fifth Outline Level,Sixth Outline Level,Seventh Outline Level,*,Click to edit the title text format,Click to edit the outline text format,Second Outline Level,Third Outline Level,Fourth Outline Level,Fifth Outline Level,Sixth Outline Level,Seventh Outline Level,*,Click to edit the title text format,Click to edit the outline text format,Second Outline Level,Third Outline Level,Fourth Outline Level,Fifth Outline Level,Sixth Outline Level,Seventh Outline Level,*,Click to edit the title text format,Click to edit the outline text format,Second Outline Level,Third Outline Level,Fourth Outline Level,Fifth Outline Level,Sixth Outline Level,Seventh Outline Level,*,Click to edit the title text format,Click to edit the outline text format,Second Outline Level,Third Outline Level,Fourth Outline Level,Fifth Outline Level,Sixth Outline Level,Seventh Outline Level,*,Click to edit the title text format,Click to edit the outline text format,Second Outline Level,Third Outline Level,Fourth Outline Level,Fifth Outline Level,Sixth Outline Level,Seventh Outline Level,*,This lesson is all about the purpose or reason for recycling,回收,.Its all about ways in which we can use natural resources/materials again and again.Its about the many products which are found on the earth some of which once used will never return.,This lesson is all about the p,1,Question?When did we first start to recycle?,Question?When did we first s,2,3,Recycling has been a common practice for about 2500 years.It became much more modernized in the 19,th,and 20,th,centuries,Recycling has been a common pr,4,In the 21,st,century it has now become a way of life all over the world including many developing countriesDid you know that:The world is full of two main products which are formed either naturally or are man made.What are they?,In the 21st century it has no,5,Renewable,可更新的,such as:Glass metal(steel)paper,plastic,Renewable可更新的such as:Glass,6,and non renewable,不可更新,such:Natural gas,crude oil,原油,coal,and non renewable不可更新 such:,7,Exercise:Try to give me some definitions,定义,or explanations of recycling:,Exercise:Try to give me some,8,1)Using natural or manmade products again and again,.2),Turning old products into new ones,3),Utilizing,利用,(using)mainly old products from the earth which can be used many times,.,1)Using natural or manmade pro,9,4,)Recycling is a process(method)of using old materials(waste)into new products to prevent wasting potentially,潜在地,useful materials.,5)Reduce the continued consumption,消费,(using)of fresh or raw materials,新鲜的原料,4)Recycling is a process(m,10,Exercise:Give me reasons why we need to recycle?,Exercise:Give me reasons why,11,1)Increasing global population.2)Need for modernization and technology.3)The need to produce more food.4)Because of deforestation,森林开伐,:cutting down trees for:a)Timber/wood b)making houses,c)furniture d)paper e)furniture,f)firewood/cooking.5)Killing animals for food,skins,oil,furs.,1)Increasing global populatio,12,6)To preserve(keep)what is left of the natural resources for generations to come:for example,Trees,plants,animals,forests,birds,fresh water,7)So that we dont destroy the planet or the world in which we live.8)So that we can protect our natural habitat,自然栖息地,9)So that our children can still walk in the forests and see the animals and plant life in 100 to 200 years time.,6)To preserve(keep)what is,13,10)Because there is a heavy demand for clothes,textiles,transportation,medicine,education,industry,exploration.11)Because time is running out for healthy living.12)The world is becoming much more modern and faster.13)Because we are depleting,消耗,our natural resources.14)Because we are burning fossil fuels,化石燃料,.,10)Because there is a heavy,14,Did you know:From 1900 to 2000 most or many of the raw or natural products that we used on a daily basis no longer exists or is in great danger of running out until we urgently do something about it:,This is particular about the number/quantity of trees,animals,plant life and fresh water.,Did you know:From 1900 to 200,15,Exercise:Please try to name some of the many products we use in todays world.,Exercise:Please try to name s,16,waterpaperwoodplasticGasCoalfabric(textiles)stoneair/gaseselectronics,waterpaperwoodplasticGas,17,Rubber,橡胶,(tires)Leather chemicals,化学药品,Crude oilcooking or natural oilanimalsBatteries(lithium,锂,/Duracell,金霸王,)glass Precious or valuable stones or metals,Rubber橡胶(tires)Leather,18,Skins,bones,meat from animals.,Skins,bones,meat from anima,19,Exercise:Can you name some of the metals which are used in todays world:,Exercise:Can you name some of,20,1)Stainless Steel,不锈钢,2)Iron,熨斗,3)Copper,铜,4)Brass,黄铜,5)Aluminium6)Nickel,镍,7)Uranium,铀,8)Platinum,白金,9)Gold10)Silver,1)Stainless Steel不锈钢2)Iron熨,21,11)Silver12)Bronze,青铜,13)Zinc,锌,14)Magnesium,镁,15)Titanium,钛,16)Mercury,水银,17)Lead,领头位置,11)Silver12)Bronze青铜13)Zi,22,Exercise:now give me a list of natural or man made of Acids/Chemicals we use today.,Exercise:now give me a list o,23,1,)Sulphuric Acid,硫酸,2)Nitric acid,硝酸,3)Hydrochloric acid,盐酸,4)Ascorbic acid,抗坏血酸,(vitamin C)5)Amino acids,胺酸,(produced by the body),1)Sulphuric Acid硫酸2)Nitric,24,Exercise:Now give me a list of some of the gases which are used today,Exercise:Now give me a list o,25,1)Oxygen,氧,2)Hydrogen,氢,(also can be liquid hydrogen,液体氢,used for rockets and spaceships),丙烷,3)Nitrogen,氮,4)Propane(used for cookers)5)Helium,气体,1)Oxygen氧2)Hydrogen氢(also c,26,6)Acetylene gas,乙炔气,(used for welding,焊接法,/fixing metals)6)Butane gas,丁烷气,(used for cigarette lighters and smaller cookers),6)Acetylene gas乙炔气(used for,27,Now gives a list of some fuels which come from crude oil,Now gives a list of some fuels,28,1)Gasoline,汽油,(gas)/petrol2)Benzene,苯,3)Diesel,柴油,4)Lubricating oil,润滑油,WD40.5)Unleaded petrol,无铅汽油,1)Gasoline汽油(gas)/petrol2,29,Now give me a list of some fabrics,纤维织物,(textiles).,Now give me a list of some fab,30,1)Cotton2)Nylon,尼龙,3)Polyester,聚酯,4)Rayon,人造丝,5)Wool6)Leather7)Synthetic leather,合成皮带,8)Cashmere,开士米,9)Fur 10)Corduroy,灯芯绒,1)Cotton2)Nylon尼龙3)Polyes,31,11)Mink,貂,12)Suede,绒面革,11)Mink貂 12)Suede绒面革,32,Can you name some cooking oils or salad oils that we use:,Can you name some cooking oils,33,1)Sesame oil,麻油,used mainly for cooking2)Coconut oil,椰子油,used mainly in baking cakes3)Corn oil,玉米油,for frying 4)Olive oil,橄榄油,used mainly for salads 5)Cod-liver oil,鱼肝油,(used mainly when you are ill)6)Sunflower oil,向日葵油,for cooking 7)Soybean oil,豆油,for salads,1)Sesame oil麻油,used mainly,34,35,Exercise:Name some of the most common products we use in recycling today?,Exercise:Name some of the mos,36,1)Paper2)Metals3)Plastic4)Wood 5)Water6)Chemicals7)Batteries 8)Textiles,1)Paper2)Metals3)Plastic,37,Exercise:please look to the next ppt.,Exercise:please look to the n,38,


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