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,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,They Told Him,Dont You Ever Come Around Here,Dont Wanna See Your Face,You Better Disappear,The Fires In Their Eyes,And Their Words Are Really Clear,So,Beat It,Just,Beat It,You Better Run,You Better Do What You Can,Dont Wanna See No Blood,Dont Be A Macho Man,You Wanna Be Tough,Better Do What You Can,So,Beat It,But You Wanna Be Bad,Just,Beat It,Beat It,Beat It,Beat It,No One Wants To Be DefeatedShowin How Funky Strong Is Your FighterIt Doesnt Matter Whos Wrong Or RightJust,Beat It,Beat It,Just,Beat It,Beat It,Just,Beat It,Beat It,Just,Beat It,Beat,It,Theyre Out To Get You,Better Leave While You canDont Wanna Be A Boy,You Wanna Be A ManYou Wanna Stay Alive,Better Do What You CanSo,Beat It,Just,Beat It,They Told HimYou Better RunJus,Look at the following sentences,Can you tell us what,do,they have,in common?,Look at the following sentence,尽管去做吧!,Just do,it,!,尽管去做吧!,It,is never too old to learn.,活到老,学到老。,It is never too old to,Time is what you make of,it,.,天长地久,Time is what you make of it.天长,It,rains cats and dogs.,大雨滂沱,It rains cats and dogs.大雨滂沱,It,never rains but it pours.,不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。,It never rains but it pour,1.It is never too old to learn.,2.It rains cats and dogs.,3.It never rains but it pours.,4.Just do it.,5.Time is what you make of it.,It is widely used in English.,It is very useful and can be used in,many ways.,1.It is never too old to lear,The use of it,By Cheng Shuaishuai,The use of itBy Cheng Shuaishu,The first way“it”is used.,The first way“it”is use,Look at the sentences and think about the way“it”is used.,1,.,It,s a lovely baby.Is,it,a boy or a girl?,Look at the sentences and thin,2.My pen is missing.I cant find,it,anywhere.,2.My pen is missing.I cant,3,.Is this your dog,?,Yes,it,is.,it,可用来作人称代词,用来代指前面提到过的事物,或动物以及未知性别的人,,3.Is this your dog?Yes,it is,4.,It,is a beautiful day.,5.,It,rains heavily.,Here“it”refers to,weather,4.It is a beautiful day.,6.,It,is 10 kilometers from home to school.,Here it refers to,distance,6.It is 10 kilometers from ho,7,.,It,was time to quite smoking.,Here“it”refers to,time,7.It was time to quite smokin,8,.,It,lies in the north of Anhui province.,Here“it”refers to,place,8.It lies in the north of An,4.,It,is a beautiful day.,5.,It,rains heavily,.,6.,It,was time to quite smoking.,7.,It,is 10 kilometers from home to school.,8.,It,lies in the west of Guangdong province.,“It”还,可,用来代指时间,天气,距离,地点等抽象事物,.,4.It is a beautiful day.“It”,The rules,:,Tell us what“it”is used to talk about in the sentence,if you give the right answer,Your group can get 1 point.,Exercise1,The rules:Tell us what“it”i,1.,It,was very cold yesterday.,2.,It,is about 15:00 now.,3.,It,is about 5km from my home to the park.,4.,It,s quite noisy here.,5.Her babys due next month,She hopes,it,will be a boy.,environment,weather,time,distance,baby,What“it”is used to talk about?,1.It was very cold yesterday.,The second way“it”is used.,The second way“it”is us,It,is amazing tha,t at my age I am still fit,.,real,sub,ject,formal,sub,ject,Look at the sentences and think about the way“it”is used.,It is amazing that at my age,2.,It,is,difficult to get up early,.,real,sub,ject,formal,sub,ject,2.It is difficult to get up e,3.,It,is no good crying over spilt milk.,real,sub,ject,formal,sub,ject,3.It is no good crying over s,The subject position,It,is,amazing,that,at my age Im still fit,.,2.,It,is,difficult,to get up early,.,3.,It,is,no good,crying over spilt milk.,遵循英语语言的尾重原则,避免句子头重脚轻,“,It”,可用来作,形式主语,代替后面的真主语,真主语,可以是从句,不定式或者动名词,The subject position It is ama,4.I think,it,best that you should do,more exercise.,formal,ob,ject,real,o,ject,4.I think it best that you sh,5.,We made,it,a rule to read English everyday,.,formal,ob,ject,real,o,bject,5.We made it a rule to read E,4.I,think,it,best that you should do more,exercise.,5.,We,made,it,a rule to read English everyday,.,a clause,an infinitive,“,It”,也可代表从句,动名词,不定式充当,形式宾语,,放在谓语动词后,真宾语则放最后,.,4.I think it best that you sh,Exercise2,The rules,:Choose the right answer and tell us why,if you give the right answer,Your group can get 1 point,but if you can tell the reason why you choose it,you can get,1 more,point.,Exercise2The rules:Choose the,1.He didnt make _ clear when and where the meeting would be held.,A.this,B.that,C.it,D.these,1.He didnt make _ clear w,2._ is our belief that improvements,in health care will lead to a stronger,more prosperous economy.,A.As,B.That,C.This,D.It,2._ is our belief that imp,3.Id appreciate _ if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.,A.that,B.it,C.this,D.you,3.Id appreciate _ if yo,4,._ the harder you work,the better result youll get.,A.Its believed that,B.What we believed that,C.Its fact,D.What the fact is,4._ the harder you work,The third way“it”is used.,The third way“it”is used,这是孙宇鹏星期一的时候在老师办公室读英语,。,(用强调句翻译),这是孙宇鹏星期一的时候在老师办公室读英语。(用强调句翻译),It,was,Sun Yupeng,who,/that,was reading English in the teachers office on,Monday,.,强调主语,It,was,English,that,Sun Yupeng was reading in the teachers office on,Monday,.,强调宾语,It,was,in teachers office,that,Sun Yupeng was reading English on,Monday,.,强调地点状语,It,was,on,Monday,that,Sun Yupeng was reading English in the teachers office.,强调时间状语,It was Sun Yupeng who/that was,用强调句型改写下列句子。(划线部分为强调部分,),(,1,),She has studied,English,only for three months,.,(,2,),He has painted the windows,green,.,(,3,),John bought the car from,Henry,.,(,4,),I,met Henry in New York.,(,5,),He didnt come home,until 11 oclock last night,.,Exercise3,用强调句型改写下列句子。(划线部分为强调部分)(1)S,Answer,(,1,),It is,only for three months,that s,he has studied,English,.,(,2,),It is,green,that h,e has painted the windows.,(,3,),It was,Henry,who/that,John bought the car from.,(,4,),It was,I,who/that,met Henry in New York.,(,5,),It was not,until 11 oclock last night,that h,e,c,a,me home.,Answer(1)It is only for three,Translation&Summary,1.,活到老,学到老。,2.,不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。,3.,记英语单词对于我来说很困难。,4.,我发现数学很难学。,5.,抱怨是没有用的,你只是在浪费时间。,6.,决心和努力帮助我获得进步。,Translation&Summary1.活到老,学到老。,If you want knowledge,you must toil for,it,.,要想求知,就得吃苦。,If you want knowledge,Homework,用,it,翻译下列句子,并组成一篇五句话作文,(1)据说他决定戒烟了。(2)他想,是时候该付出行动了。(3)可惜他很害怕,觉得如果戒不了会很丢脸。(4)看来,他很需要我们的帮助。(5)因为一旦染上烟瘾,要把它戒掉确实很难,何况他还只是个青少年。,Homework用it 翻译下列句子,并组成一篇五句话作文,Thank you!,公开课获奖ppt课件the-use-of-it,


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