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ninth editionninth editionSTEPHEN P.ROBBINSSTEPHEN P.ROBBINSPowerPoint Presentation by Charlie CookPowerPoint Presentation by Charlie CookThe University of West AlabamaThe University of West AlabamaMARY COULTERMARY COULTERManaging Change and InnovationChapterChapter13Managing Change and InnovationL E A R N I N G O U T L I N E L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapterFollow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.Forces for Change:Two Views of the Change Forces for Change:Two Views of the Change ProcessProcessDiscuss the external and internal forces for change.Discuss the external and internal forces for change.Contrast the calm waters and white-water rapids Contrast the calm waters and white-water rapids metaphors of change.metaphors of change.Explain Lewins three-step model of the change process.Explain Lewins three-step model of the change process.Managing Organizational ChangeManaging Organizational Change Define organizational change.Define organizational change.Contrast internal and external change agents.Contrast internal and external change agents.Explain how managers might change structure,Explain how managers might change structure,technology,and people.technology,and people.2L E A R N I N G O U T L I N EL E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (contd)L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (contd)Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.Managing ChangeManaging Change Explain why people resist change and how resistance Explain why people resist change and how resistance might be managed.might be managed.Contemporary Issues in Managing ChangeContemporary Issues in Managing Change Explain why changing organizational culture is so difficult Explain why changing organizational culture is so difficult and how managers can do it.and how managers can do it.Describe employee stress and how managers can help Describe employee stress and how managers can help employees deal with stress.employees deal with stress.Discuss what it takes to make change happen Discuss what it takes to make change happen successfully.successfully.3L E A R N I N G O U T L I N EL E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (contd)L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (contd)Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.Stimulating InnovationStimulating Innovation Explain why innovation isnt just creativity.Explain why innovation isnt just creativity.Explain the systems view of innovation.Explain the systems view of innovation.Describe the structural,cultural,and human resource Describe the structural,cultural,and human resource variables that are necessary for innovation.variables that are necessary for innovation.Explain what idea champions are and why theyre Explain what idea champions are and why theyre important to innovation.important to innovation.4L E A R N I N G O U T L I N EWhat Is Change?Organizational ChangeOrganizational ChangeAny alterations in the people,structure,or technology Any alterations in the people,structure,or technology of an organizationof an organizationCharacteristics of ChangeCharacteristics of ChangeIs constant yet varies in degree and directionIs constant yet varies in degree and directionProduces uncertainty yet is not completely Produces uncertainty yet is not completely unpredictableunpredictableCreates both threats and opportunitiesCreates both threats and opportunitiesManaging change is an integral partManaging change is an integral partof every managers job.of every managers job.5What Is Change?Organizational Forces for ChangeExternal ForcesExternal ForcesMarketplaceMarketplaceGovernmental laws Governmental laws and regulationsand regulationsTechnologyTechnologyLabor marketLabor marketEconomic changesEconomic changesInternal ForcesInternal ForcesChanges in Changes in organizational organizational strategystrategyWorkforce changesWorkforce changesNew equipmentNew equipmentEmployee attitudesEmployee attitudes6Forces for ChangeExternal ForcChange Process ViewpointsThe Calm Waters Metaphor(The Calm Waters Metaphor(风平浪静观风平浪静观)Lewins description of the change process as a break Lewins description of the change process as a break in the organizations equilibrium statein the organizations equilibrium statevvUnfreezingUnfreezing the status quo the status quovvChangingChanging to a new state to a new statevvRefreezingRefreezing to make the change permanent to make the change permanentWhite-Water Rapids Metaphor(White-Water Rapids Metaphor(急流险滩观急流险滩观)The lack of environmental stability and predictability The lack of environmental stability and predictability requires that managers and organizations continually requires that managers and organizations continually adapt(manage change actively)to survive.adapt(manage change actively)to survive.7Change Process ViewpointsThe CExhibit 131Exhibit 131The Change Process(The Change Process(变革过程变革过程变革过程变革过程)8Exhibit 131The Change ProcesChange AgentsChange Agents(Change Agents(变革推动者变革推动者变革推动者变革推动者 )Persons who act as catalysts and assume the Persons who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for managing the change process.responsibility for managing the change process.Types of Change AgentsTypes of Change AgentsManagers:internal entrepreneursManagers:internal entrepreneursNonmanagers:change specialistsNonmanagers:change specialistsOutside consultants:change implementation expertsOutside consultants:change implementation experts9Change AgentsChange Agents(变革推Exhibit 132Exhibit 132Three Categories of Change(Three Categories of Change(变革的类型变革的类型变革的类型变革的类型)10Exhibit 132Three Categories Types of Change StructuralStructuralChanging an organizations Changing an organizations structural components or its structural components or its structural designstructural design TechnologicalTechnologicalAdopting new equipment,Adopting new equipment,tools,or operating methods tools,or operating methods that displace old skills and that displace old skills and require new onesrequire new onesvvAutomation:replacing Automation:replacing certain tasks done by certain tasks done by people with machinespeople with machinesvvComputerizationComputerization PeoplePeopleChanging attitudes,Changing attitudes,expectations,perceptions,expectations,perceptions,and behaviors of the and behaviors of the workforceworkforce Organizational Organizational development(OD)development(OD)Techniques or programs to Techniques or programs to change people and the change people and the nature and quality of nature and quality of interpersonal work interpersonal work relationships.relationships.11Types of ChangeStructuralPeoplOrganizational DevelopmentOrganizational Development(OD)Organizational Development(OD)Techniques or programs to change people and the Techniques or programs to change people and the nature and quality of interpersonal work relationships.nature and quality of interpersonal work relationships.Global ODGlobal ODOD techniques that work for U.S.organizations may OD techniques that work for U.S.organizations may be inappropriate in other countries and cultures.be inappropriate in other countries and cultures.12Organizational DevelopmentOrgaExhibit 133Exhibit 133Organizational Development TechniquesOrganizational Development Techniques13Exhibit 133Organizational DeManaging Resistance to Change Why People Resist Change?(Why People Resist Change?(人们为可抵制变革?人们为可抵制变革?)The ambiguity and uncertainty that change introducesThe ambiguity and uncertainty that change introducesThe comfort of old habitsThe comfort of old habitsA concern over personal loss of status,money,A concern over personal loss of status,money,authority,friendships,and personal convenienceauthority,friendships,and personal convenienceThe perception that change is incompatible with the The perception that change is incompatible with the goals and interest of the organizationgoals and interest of the organization14Managing Resistance to ChangeWExhibit 134Exhibit 134Managerial Actions to Reduce Resistance to Change(Managerial Actions to Reduce Resistance to Change(减少减少减少减少变革阻力的方法变革阻力的方法变革阻力的方法变革阻力的方法)Education and communication(Education and communication(教育和沟通教育和沟通教育和沟通教育和沟通)Participation(Participation(参与参与参与参与)Facilitation and support(Facilitation and support(促进和支持促进和支持促进和支持促进和支持)Negotiation(Negotiation(谈判谈判谈判谈判)Manipulation and co-optation(Manipulation and co-optation(操纵和招揽操纵和招揽操纵和招揽操纵和招揽)Coercion(Coercion(强制强制强制强制)15Exhibit 134Managerial ActionIssues in Managing Change(contd)Changing Organizational Cultures(Changing Organizational Cultures(组织文化变革组织文化变革)Cultures are naturally resistant to change.Cultures are naturally resistant to change.Conditions that facilitate cultural change(Conditions that facilitate cultural change(促进文化变促进文化变革的条件革的条件):):vvThe occurrence of a dramatic crisis(The occurrence of a dramatic crisis(发生一次重大危机发生一次重大危机)vvLeadership changing hands(Leadership changing hands(领导职位换人领导职位换人)vvA young,flexible,and small organization(A young,flexible,and small organization(组织年轻,规模小组织年轻,规模小)vvA weak organizational culture(A weak organizational culture(弱文化弱文化)16Issues in Managing Change(conExhibit 135Exhibit 135Strategies for Managing Cultural Change(Strategies for Managing Cultural Change(管理文化变革的管理文化变革的管理文化变革的管理文化变革的战略战略战略战略)Set the tone through management behavior;top managers,Set the tone through management behavior;top managers,particularly,need to be positive role models.particularly,need to be positive role models.Create new stories,symbols,and rituals to replace those currently in Create new stories,symbols,and rituals to replace those currently in use.use.Select,promote,and support employees who adopt the new values.Select,promote,and support employees who adopt the new values.Redesign socialization processes to align with the new values.Redesign socialization processes to align with the new values.To encourage acceptance of the new values,change the reward To encourage acceptance of the new values,change the reward system.system.Replace unwritten norms with clearly specified expectations.Replace unwritten norms with clearly specified expectations.Shake up current subcultures through job transfers,job rotation,Shake up current subcultures through job transfers,job rotation,and/or terminations.and/or terminations.Work to get consensus through employee participation and creating a Work to get consensus through employee participation and creating a climate with a high level of trust.climate with a high level of trust.17Exhibit 135Strategies for MaIssues in Managing Change(contd)Handling Employee Stress(Handling Employee Stress(处理员工压力处理员工压力)Stress(Stress(压力压力)vvThe adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure The adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure placed on them from extraordinary demands,constraints,or placed on them from extraordinary demands,constraints,or opportunities.opportunities.vvFunctional StressFunctional Stress Stress that has a positive effect on performance.Stress that has a positive effect on performance.How Potential Stress Becomes Actual StressHow Potential Stress Becomes Actual StressvvWhen there is uncertainty over the outcome.When there is uncertainty over the outcome.vvWhen the outcome is important.When the outcome is important.18Issues in Managing Change(conExhibit 136Exhibit 136Causes of Stress(Causes of Stress(压力产生的原因压力产生的原因压力产生的原因压力产生的原因)19Exhibit 136Causes of Stress(Exhibit 137Exhibit 137Symptoms of Stress(Symptoms of Stress(压力的症状压力的症状压力的症状压力的症状)20Exhibit 137Symptoms of StresIssues in Managing Change(contd)Reducing Stress(Reducing Stress(减缓压力减缓压力)Engage in proper employee selection(Engage in proper employee selection(恰当的员工甄选恰当的员工甄选)Match employees KSAs to jobs Tasks,Duties,and Match employees KSAs to jobs Tasks,Duties,and Responsibilities(TDRs)(Responsibilities(TDRs)(匹配员工的工作能力与工作要求匹配员工的工作能力与工作要求)Use realistic job interviews for reduce ambiguity(Use realistic job interviews for reduce ambiguity(实施一次实事求是实施一次实事求是的工作预览以降低工作模糊性的工作预览以降低工作模糊性)Improve organizational communications(Improve organizational communications(改进组织沟通改进组织沟通)Develop a performance planning program(Develop a performance planning program(发展一项绩效计划发展一项绩效计划)Use job redesign(Use job redesign(工作再设计工作再设计)Provide a counseling program(Provide a counseling program(提供员工咨询计划提供员工咨询计划)Offer time planning management assistance(Offer time planning management assistance(提供时间管理计划提供时间管理计划)Sponsor wellness programs(Sponsor wellness programs(组织赞助或主办的健康计划组织赞助或主办的健康计划)21Issues in Managing Change(conIssues in Managing Change(contd)Making Change Happen Successfully(Making Change Happen Successfully(使变革获使变革获得成功得成功)Embrace changebecome a change-capable Embrace changebecome a change-capable organization(organization(成为有变革能力的组织成为有变革能力的组织).).Create a simple,compelling message explaining why Create a simple,compelling message explaining why change is necessary.change is necessary.Communicate constantly and honestly.Communicate constantly and honestly.Foster as much employee participation as possibleFoster as much employee participation as possibleget all employees committed.get all employees committed.Encourage employees to be flexible.Encourage employees to be flexible.Remove those who resist and cannot be changed.Remove those who resist and cannot be changed.22Issues in Managing Change(conExhibit 138Exhibit 138Characteristics of Change-Capable OrganizationsCharacteristics of Change-Capable Organizations Link the present and Link the present and the future(the future(把现在和未把现在和未把现在和未把现在和未来紧密结合来紧密结合来紧密结合来紧密结合).).Make learning a way Make learning a way of life(of life(使学习成为一种使学习成为一种使学习成为一种使学习成为一种生活方式生活方式生活方式生活方式).).Actively support and Actively support and encourage day-to-day encourage day-to-day improvements and improvements and changes(changes(积极地支持和积极地支持和积极地支持和积极地支持和鼓励细微的改进和变革鼓励细微的改进和变革鼓励细微的改进和变革鼓励细微的改进和变革).).Ensure diverse teams(Ensure diverse teams(确确确确保多样化的团队保多样化的团队保多样化的团队保多样化的团队).).Encourage mavericks(Encourage mavericks(鼓鼓鼓鼓励别出心裁者励别出心裁者励别出心裁者励别出心裁者).).Shelter breakthroughsShelter breakthroughs(保护突破保护突破保护突破保护突破)Integrate technology(Integrate technology(整整整整合技术合技术合技术合技术).).Build and deepen trust.Build and deepen trust.(建立和深化信任建立和深化信任建立和深化信任建立和深化信任)23Exhibit 138Characteristics oStimulating Innovation(激发创新激发创新)Creativity(Creativity(创造创造)The ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to The ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make an unusual association.make an unusual association.Innovation(Innovation(创新创新)Turning the outcomes of the creative process into Turning the outcomes of the creative process into useful products,services,or work methods.useful products,services,or work methods.Idea Champion(Idea Champion(创意领袖创意领袖)Dynamic self-confident leaders who actively and Dynamic self-confident leaders who actively and enthusiastically inspire support for new ideas,build enthusiastically inspire support for new ideas,build support,overcome resistance,and ensure that support,overcome resistance,and ensure that innovations are implemented.innovations are implemented.24Stimulating Innovation(激发创新)CrExhibit 139Exhibit 139Innovative Companies Around the WorldInnovative Companies Around the WorldData:Boston Consulting Group*We broke ties by comparing 10-year annualized total shareholder returns.In ties between a public and a private company,the public company was favored.Source:“A Global Pulse of Innovation,”BusinessWeek,April 24,2006,p.74.25Exhibit 139Innovative CompanExhibit 1310Exhibit 1310 Systems View of InnovationSystems View of InnovationSource:Adapted from R.W.Woodman,J.E.Sawyer,and R.W.Griffin,“Toward a Theory of Organizational Creativity,”Academy of Management Review,April 1993,p.309.26Exhibit 1310Systems View of Exhibit 1311Exhibit 1311Innovation Innovation VariablesVariables27Exhibit 1311Innovation VariaCreating the“Right”Environment for InnovationStructural Variables(Structural Variables(结构变量结构变量)Adopt an organic structureAdopt an organic structureMake available plentiful resourcesMake available plentiful resourcesEngage in frequent interunit communicationEngage in frequent interunit communicationMinimize extreme time pressures on creative Minimize extreme time pressures on creative activitiesactivitiesProvide explicit support for creativityProvide explicit support for creativity28Creating the“Right”EnvironmeCreating the“Right”Environment for Innovation(contd)Cultural Variables(Cultural Variables(文化变量文化变量)Accept ambiguity(Accept ambiguity(接受模糊性接受模糊性)Tolerate the impractical(Tolerate the impractical(容忍奇思妙想容忍奇思妙想)Have low external controls(Have low external controls(较低的外部控制较低的外部控制)Tolerate risk taking(Tolerate risk taking(容忍风险容忍风险)Tolerate conflict(Tolerate conflict(容忍冲突容忍冲突)Focus on ends rather than means(Focus on ends rather than means(强调结果甚于手段强调结果甚于手段)Develop an open-system focus(Develop an open-system focus(强调开放系统强调开放系统)Provide positive feedback(Provide positive feedback(提供积极的反馈提供积极的反馈)29Creating the“Right”EnvironmeCreating the“Right”Environment for Innovation(contd)Human Resource Variables(Human Resource Variables(人力资源变量人力资源变量)Actively promote training and development to keep Actively promote training and development to keep employees skills current.(employees skills current.(积极推进对组织成员的培训积极推进对组织成员的培训与开发,以及时更新他们的知识与开发,以及时更新他们的知识)Offer high job security to encourage risk taking(Offer high job security to encourage risk taking(向成员向成员提供很高的工作保障,以鼓励承担风险提供很高的工作保障,以鼓励承担风险).).Encourage individual to be“champions”of change(Encourage individual to be“champions”of change(鼓鼓励他们成为创意领袖励他们成为创意领袖).).30Creating the“Right”EnvironmeTerms to Know organizational changeorganizational change change agentchange agent organizational organizational development(OD)development(OD)stressstress creativitycreativity innovationinnovation idea championidea champion31Terms to Knoworganizational ch


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