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英语后元音英语后元音 英英英英语语后元音有五个,后元音有五个,后元音有五个,后元音有五个,/a:/,/a:/,/:/,/:/,/,/u:/,/u/,/u:/,/u/。其中长其中长其中长其中长元音就有三个,元音就有三个,元音就有三个,元音就有三个,/a:/a:/的口形最大,舌位最低;的口形最大,舌位最低;的口形最大,舌位最低;的口形最大,舌位最低;/u:/u:/的口的口的口的口形最小,舌位最高;形最小,舌位最高;形最小,舌位最高;形最小,舌位最高;/:/:/的口形不大不小,舌位不高的口形不大不小,舌位不高的口形不大不小,舌位不高的口形不大不小,舌位不高不低。短元音有两个不低。短元音有两个不低。短元音有两个不低。短元音有两个/和和和和/u/u/,/u/u/的口形比的口形比的口形比的口形比/u:/u:/稍稍稍稍大些,舌位比大些,舌位比大些,舌位比大些,舌位比 /u:/u:/稍高些;稍高些;稍高些;稍高些;/的舌位比的舌位比的舌位比的舌位比/:/:/低些,低些,低些,低些,口形比口形比口形比口形比/:/:/大些。大些。大些。大些。/u:/,/u/,/u:/,/u/,/:/,/:/,/这这四个后元音都是四个后元音都是四个后元音都是四个后元音都是圆圆唇音,唇音,唇音,唇音,发这发这四个元音四个元音四个元音四个元音时时舌后部的高度舌后部的高度舌后部的高度舌后部的高度变变化依次化依次化依次化依次为为:高:高:高:高-半高半高半高半高-半低半低半低半低-低;低;低;低;口形的口形的口形的口形的变变化依次化依次化依次化依次为为:合:合:合:合-半合半合半合半合-半开半开半开半开-开。开。开。开。/a:/a:/是个非圆唇是个非圆唇是个非圆唇是个非圆唇后元音,发音时不用圆唇,但口要张大,它的舌位最低。后元音,发音时不用圆唇,但口要张大,它的舌位最低。后元音,发音时不用圆唇,但口要张大,它的舌位最低。后元音,发音时不用圆唇,但口要张大,它的舌位最低。发长元音时要有长度,长音短音不分的话会影响音质。发长元音时要有长度,长音短音不分的话会影响音质。发长元音时要有长度,长音短音不分的话会影响音质。发长元音时要有长度,长音短音不分的话会影响音质。英语后元音 英语后元音有五个,/a:/,/:/,/1 英英语后元音(后元音(1)发发音要点:音要点:音要点:音要点:发长元音发长元音发长元音发长元音/a:/a:/时时,口一定要,口一定要,口一定要,口一定要张张大,舌身低平,舌后大,舌身低平,舌后大,舌身低平,舌后大,舌身低平,舌后发发音,音,音,音,发发音音音音时时要中气十足,要中气十足,要中气十足,要中气十足,圆润饱满圆润饱满。音素体验:音素体验:音素体验:音素体验:a bana bana ananaa ca carar;a sta starar;a pa parart;t;a cla cla ass;ss;a a b ba asket;sket;/a:/a:/英语后元音(1)发音要点:发长元音/a:/时,口一定要张大2对话演练对话演练(Dialogue)1)A:Can you p1)A:Can you pa ass the maths exam?ss the maths exam?B:Its too hB:Its too harard.Hes a dog d.Hes a dog a after all.fter all.B:No.You know maths is too hB:No.You know maths is too harard.d.2)A:Can you help me with my 2)A:Can you help me with my arart?t?B:OK.Im not bad at B:OK.Im not bad at arart,I think.t,I think.3)A:The dog is always b3)A:The dog is always bararking.king.A Ask it to stop.sk it to stop.对话演练(Dialogue)1)A:Can you pa3朗朗朗朗读读下列下列下列下列语语句,注意句,注意句,注意句,注意发发好好好好长长元音元音元音元音/a:/a:/。6)Its very hard to start the car.脱口而出脱口而出(Speak Out)1)A large part of the park was damaged in the fire.2)Mark got his master degree of arts last year.3)He laughs best who laughs last.4)I love you with all my heart.5)If you are ready,you may start your work.朗读下列语句,注意发好长元音/a:/。6)Its ver4英英语后元音后元音(2)发发音要点:音要点:音要点:音要点:发短元音发短元音发短元音发短元音/时时,口要,口要,口要,口要张张大,舌身平放,双唇稍稍收大,舌身平放,双唇稍稍收大,舌身平放,双唇稍稍收大,舌身平放,双唇稍稍收圆圆,发发音短促。音短促。音短促。音短促。a wa wa atchtch音素体验:音素体验:音素体验:音素体验:a da do og;g;a fa fo ox;x;a fra fro og;g;a sha sho op;p;/:/:/英语后元音(2)发音要点:发短元音/时,口要张大,舌身5发长元音发长元音发长元音发长元音/:/:/时时,舌根部隆起,双唇收,舌根部隆起,双唇收,舌根部隆起,双唇收,舌根部隆起,双唇收圆圆略向前突,略向前突,略向前突,略向前突,声声声声带带滑滑滑滑动动。发音要点:发音要点:发音要点:发音要点:音素体验:音素体验:音素体验:音素体验:a lawyera ball;a talk;a horse;a door;发长元音/:/时,舌根部隆起,双唇收圆略向前突,声带滑动。6对话演练对话演练(Dialogues)1)A:Wh1)A:Wha at are you looking ft are you looking foror?B:My wB:My wa allet.I think I have lllet.I think I have lo ost it.st it.A:Anything impA:Anything imporortant in it?tant in it?B:Yes.B:Yes.AlAlmost fmost fourour hundred d hundred do ollars and my llars and my driving license.driving license.对话演练(Dialogues)1)A:What are 72)A:I bought a dog,Paul.B:What sort of dog,then?A:Oh,just an ordinary dog.B:Whats it called?A:Err its called Paul.2)A:I bought a dog,Paul.B:8脱口而出脱口而出(Speak Out)朗朗朗朗读读下列下列下列下列语语句,注意句,注意句,注意句,注意发发好好好好长长元音元音元音元音/:/和短元音和短元音和短元音和短元音/。7.Where do you think I 7.Where do you think I ouought to go?ght to go?1.We have a l1.We have a lo ot of things to tt of things to talalk about.k about.2.I have never had the 2.I have never had the o opppporortunity to meet her.tunity to meet her.3.Well n3.Well no ot stt sto op until we reach our goal.p until we reach our goal.4.The d4.The do octors dctors dauaughter knghter kno ocked at the lcked at the lo ocked cked d dooroor.5.Its 5.Its alall your fl your faulault.t.6.Wh6.Wha at are you tt are you talalking about?king about?脱口而出(Speak Out)朗读下列语句,注意发好长元音/9英英语后元音后元音(3)发长元音发长元音发长元音发长元音/u:/u:/时时,舌后部隆起,双唇收,舌后部隆起,双唇收,舌后部隆起,双唇收,舌后部隆起,双唇收圆圆收小并向前收小并向前收小并向前收小并向前突出,口腔肌肉保持突出,口腔肌肉保持突出,口腔肌肉保持突出,口腔肌肉保持紧张紧张,发长发长音。音。音。音。发音要点:发音要点:发音要点:发音要点:音素体验:音素体验:音素体验:音素体验:a gra grououp pa ma moooon;n;a scha schooool;l;a ra roooom;m;a sha shoeoe;a ra ru uler;ler;/u:/u:/u/u/英语后元音(3)发长元音/u:/时,舌后部隆起,双唇收圆收10发发短元音短元音短元音短元音/u/u/时,舌位比时,舌位比时,舌位比时,舌位比/u:/u:/稍低,口形比稍低,口形比稍低,口形比稍低,口形比/u:/u:/稍大些,稍大些,稍大些,稍大些,口腔肌肉放松,发音短促。口腔肌肉放松,发音短促。口腔肌肉放松,发音短促。口腔肌肉放松,发音短促。发音要点:发音要点:发音要点:发音要点:音素体验:音素体验:音素体验:音素体验:puta book;a cook;a woman;sugar;push;发短元音/u/时,舌位比/u:/稍低,口形比/u:/稍大些,11oo的的发短音短音/u/的情况:见到老的情况:见到老D老老K就发短。就发短。cook 说明:说明:boyhood,good,stood,wood,book,look,food 除外除外oo的发短音/u/的情况:见到老D老K就发短。cook 说明12对话演练对话演练(Dialogues)1)A:So many articles to choose!B:Yes.But its hard to choose.A:Well,this one is good.B:Mm,I think that one is good,too.对话演练(Dialogues)A:So many arti132)A:Its r2)A:Its ru ude to enter someones rde to enter someones roooom without m without permission.permission.B:Yes,but its also r B:Yes,but its also ru ude to knock tde to knock toooo loudly.loudly.3)A:Do you know about L 3)A:Do you know about Lu uke?ke?B:I know he is a cB:I know he is a cooook whk who o c cooooks gks gooood fd fooood.d.A:Thats trA:Thats trueue.Lets taste L.Lets taste Lu ukes fkes fooood d someday.someday.B:OK.Thats what I want to dB:OK.Thats what I want to do o.2)A:Its rude to enter someo14脱口而出脱口而出(Speak Out)朗朗朗朗读读下列下列下列下列语语句,注意句,注意句,注意句,注意发发好好好好长长元音元音元音元音/u:/u:/和短元音和短元音和短元音和短元音/u/u/。1.L1.Looook at whk at wha at youve done.t youve done.2.C2.Couould I ask for your advice?ld I ask for your advice?3.Let me have a l3.Let me have a looook at the bk at the booook.k.4.Dont p4.Dont pu ush and psh and pu ull,its made of the wll,its made of the wooool.l.5.The c5.The cooook forget to pk forget to pu ut st su ugar in the pgar in the pu udding.dding.6.I w6.I wouould if I cld if I couould.ld.7.Im not in the m7.Im not in the mooood.d.脱口而出(Speak Out)朗读下列语句,注意发好长元音/158.At noon I took a book.And sat by the pool in the wood.And put my foot in the pool.Oh,how cool!8.At noon I took a book.And 165.Bills big brother is building a beautiful 5.Bills big brother is building a beautiful building between two big brick blocks.building between two big brick blocks.绕口令绕口令 Tongue Twisters1.Betty beat a bit of butter to make a better 1.Betty beat a bit of butter to make a better batter.batter.2.Bob bought a big bag of buns to bait the 2.Bob bought a big bag of buns to bait the bears babies.bears babies.3.Bright blows the broom on the brooks bare 3.Bright blows the broom on the brooks bare brown banks.brown banks.4.Betty and Bob brought back blue ballons 4.Betty and Bob brought back blue ballons from the big bazaar.from the big bazaar.5.Bills big brother is build17


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