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虚拟语气-If条件句UnrealConditionalswith“ifclause”If I _ a boy,I think I _ how it feels to love a girl.I swear Id be a better man.I _to her,cause I know how it hurts.werecould understandwould listen如果我是嘉诚哥,如果我是嘉诚哥,我会给他我所有的钱。我会给他我所有的钱。If I were Li Jiacheng,I would give him all my money.如果我是筷子兄弟,如果我是筷子兄弟,我会和他又唱又跳我会和他又唱又跳“小苹果小苹果”。If I were Chopsticks Brothers,I would sing and dance“small apple”with him.But But I am not Li Jiacheng,not Chopsticks Brothers.Those are not real,only my dreams(主观主观 愿望愿望)and suppositions(假想假想).In English,we call this way of expressing dreams(主观愿望主观愿望)and suppositions(假想)(假想)with“if”clause Unreal conditionals(虚拟虚拟条件句条件句).In reality,I am Ms.Liu,a middle school teacher.虚拟语气定义:用来表示说的话不是事实,或者是不可能发生的情况,而是一种愿望,建议,假设的语气叫虚拟语气。If I had one more chance,I would go to university again.If I were Xi Jinping,I would watch“Diaoyu island”and say“fight”.If Obama didnt act as president now,he would have more time with his family.If I were Xi Jinping,I would watch“Diaoyu island”and say“fight”.If Obama didnt act as president now,he would have more time with his family.Find out the ruleIf sb._ sth,sb._do sth.did/werewould/could/might/shouldOpposite to“Now”(与现在事实相反与现在事实相反)如果谢霆锋不离开张柏芝,如果谢霆锋不离开张柏芝,他们就已经有了第三个小孩了。他们就已经有了第三个小孩了。If Xie Tingfeng hadnt left Zhang Bozhi,they would have had their third child.If I had been the one to decide,Chen Zitong would have been“No.1”.陈梓童陈梓童structureOpposite to the past(与过去的事实相反与过去的事实相反)If sb._,sb._had donewould/could/might/should have done If Xie Tingfeng hadnt left Zhang Baizhi,they would have had their third child.If I had been the one to decide,Chen Zitong would have been“No.1”.(对油价上涨)如果我能说脏话,(对油价上涨)如果我能说脏话,我就说点什么(我就说点什么(dirty wordsdirty words)。)。If I could say some dirty words,I would say something.If it snowed/were to snow tomorrow,we could make a snowman.如果明天下雪的话,我们就可以堆雪人了。如果明天下雪的话,我们就可以堆雪人了。If it should be the Spring Festival tomorrow,you would get a lot of pocket money.如果明天是春节的话,你就可如果明天是春节的话,你就可以拿到很多零花钱了。以拿到很多零花钱了。If sb._ sth.,sb._ sth.StructureOpposite to the futuredid/were/were to do/should do If I could say something,I would say some dirty words.If it snowed/were to snow tomorrow,we could make a snowman.If it should be the Spring Festival tomorrow,you would get a lot of pocket money.would/could/might/should do时间时间 if 条件句谓语 主句 谓语现在现在 过去过去 将来将来Fill in the blankswould/could/should/might+动词原形原形动词过去式去式(be动词用用were)had+过去分去分词would/could/should/might+have+过去分去分词would/could/should/might+动词原形原形1.动词过去式去式2.should+动词原形原形3.were to+动词原形原形Practice makes perfect!1.If the world-war _ again,what _(happen)to our people on earth?2.What _(happen)if you _ (get up)too late tomorrow?3.If I _(meet)you yesterday,we _ (go)to the concert together.were to get up/got up/should get upwould happenhad metwould have gonewould happen对现在假设对现在假设对将来假设对将来假设对过去假设对过去假设broke outIwouldbuyanexpensivecar.Iwouldbuyanexpensivecar.IfI_alotofmoney,IfI_alotofmoney,_看图说话:用虚拟语气表达看图说话:用虚拟语气表达hadhadIf I were a bird,I could fly in the sky.If I _busy last night,I _ to see the film with you.had not beenwould have goneIf he more carefully,he the car accident yesterday.would not have had had driven If it _tomorrow,we _camping.If it _ tomorrow,we _ camping.If it _ tomorrow,we _ camping.rained wouldnt goshould rain wouldnt gowere to rain wouldnt goIf the God _(give)me another chance,I _(tell)the girl that I love her.If there _ _(be)a deadline for it,I wish it _(be)10 thousand years.were to give/should give/gavewould tellwere/should be/would beFocus 1:ifstructure:future subjunctivewere to beIf you hadnt helped me,I couldnt have finished my job.Without your help,.But for your help,.?请用一个介词短语替换从句部分?请用一个介词短语替换从句部分If we had not more money,we couldnt help more people in need.Without more money,?请用一个介词短语替换从句部分请用一个介词短语替换从句部分Implied conditionals(含蓄虚拟条件句含蓄虚拟条件句)Without more money,we could not help more people in need.Without But for your help,I couldnt have finished my job.We lost our way in that small village,otherwise we _ more places of interest yesterday.(2012 福建)福建)A.visited B.had visited C.would visit D.would have visitedSorry,I am too busy now.If I _ time,I would certainly go for an outing with you.(2012 湖南湖南)A.have had B.had had C.have D.hadDD真实情况真实情况虚拟情况虚拟情况真实情况真实情况虚拟情况虚拟情况1.He _(tell)you if he _(know)about it,Im sure.2.If I _(have)more time,I _(learn)another foreign language these days.3.I _(ask)him to ring you up if I _(see)him.4.If I _(receive)your e-mail,I _ _(answer)it long ago.5.If I _(know)your address,I _ _(write)to you then.Practice:Fill in the blanks with proper forms:would tellknewhadwould learnwould asksaw/should see/were to seehad knownwouldhave writtenhad receivedwouldhave answered If I_(be)you,I would go to the cinema tonight.If you saw the film,you _(be)very excited.If they_(come),we could go there together.If we _(go)together,we would have a good time.If I _ (have)enough money,I would buy a new house.were would becamewenthadIf sb.did/were sth,sb.would/could/might/should do sth.语法填空:语法填空:高考链接高考链接if i were a boy even just for a day 哪怕仅仅只有一天,如果我是一个男孩,id roll out of bed in the morning 我会在清晨翻身下床,and throw on what i wanted and go 出门,并且想穿什么就穿什么。drink beer with the guys 和那群哥们儿大灌啤酒,and chase after girls 然后跟在女孩们屁股后头。id kick it with who i wanted 追求我喜欢的那个妞儿,and id never get confronted for it 并且对谁都逢场作戏,cause they stick up for me 否则她们会粘着我。if i were a boy 如果我是一个男孩,i think i could understand 我想我会明白,how it feels to love a girl 爱上一个女孩会是怎样的感觉,i swear id be a better man 我会发誓我要做一个好男人。id listen to her 我会倾听她的诉说,cause i know how it hurts 因为我懂得那是怎样的伤害:when you lose the one you wanted 当你失去你爱的人,cause hes taking you for granted 因为他把你的爱视为理所当然,and everything you had got destroyed 于是你曾得到的一切终于被破坏。if i were a boy 如果我是一个男孩,如果我是一个男孩,i would turn off my phone 我会挂掉我的电话,我会挂掉我的电话,tell everyone its broken 告诉所有人它坏了,告诉所有人它坏了,so theyd think that i was sleeping alone 然后让他们觉得我独自然后让他们觉得我独自躺在床上做梦。躺在床上做梦。id put myself first 我会把自己放在第一位,我会把自己放在第一位,and make the rules as i go 特立独行,按我的规矩走。特立独行,按我的规矩走。cause i know that shed be faithful 因为我知道她的忠诚,因为我知道她的忠诚,waiting for me to come home,to come home 等着我回家,一直等着我回家,一直等着我。等着我。if i were a boy 如果我是一个男孩,如果我是一个男孩,i think i could understand 我想我会明白,我想我会明白,how it feels to love a girl 爱上一个女孩会是怎样的感觉,爱上一个女孩会是怎样的感觉,i swear id be a better man 我会发誓我要做一个好男人。我会发誓我要做一个好男人。id listen to her 我会倾听她的诉说,我会倾听她的诉说,cause i know how it hurts 因为我懂得那是怎样的伤害:因为我懂得那是怎样的伤害:when you lose the one you wanted 当你失去你爱的人,当你失去你爱的人,cause hes taking you for granted 因为他把你的爱视为理所当然,因为他把你的爱视为理所当然,and everything you had got destroyed 于是你曾得到的一切终于于是你曾得到的一切终于被破坏。被破坏。its a little too late for you to come back 太晚了,虽然现在你又太晚了,虽然现在你又想回来,想回来,say its just a mistake 轻描淡写那只是出了一点点错,轻描淡写那只是出了一点点错,think id forgive you like that 觉得我会像以往那样原谅你?觉得我会像以往那样原谅你?if you thought i would wait for you 如果你以为我会等下去,如果你以为我会等下去,you thought wrong 你的想法大错特错。你的想法大错特错。but youre just a boy 可你只是个男孩,可你只是个男孩,and you dont understand,oh 所以你根本就不明白,所以你根本就不明白,how it feels to love a girl 爱上一个女孩会是怎样的感觉,爱上一个女孩会是怎样的感觉,someday you wish you were a better man 然后有一天你希望自然后有一天你希望自己能成为一个好男人。己能成为一个好男人。you dont listen to her 你从不倾听她的诉说,你从不倾听她的诉说,you dont care how it hurts 你并不在乎她有多受伤,你并不在乎她有多受伤,until you lose the one you wanted 直到你终于失去你的最爱,直到你终于失去你的最爱,cause youre taking her for granted 只因为你把她的爱视为理所只因为你把她的爱视为理所当然,当然,and everything you had got destroyed 于是你曾得到的一切终于于是你曾得到的一切终于被破坏。被破坏。but youre just a boy 因为你只是个男孩。因为你只是个男孩。Exercise2:Our First Football MatchOur first football match We _(win)if Jack_(score)that goal,if we_(have)just a few more minutes,if we_(train)harder,if Ben_(pass)the ball to Joe,if we_(have)thousands of fans screaming,if I_(take)my eye off the ball,if we_(stay)up so late the night before,if we_(take)it easy,if we_(run)out of energy.we _(win),if we _(are)better.would have wonhad scoredhad hadhad trainedhad passedhad hadhadnt takenhadnt stayedhadnt takenhadnt runwould have wonhad beenPractice:1.It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I _ in love,at the age of seven,with Melinda Cox Library in my hometown.A.wouldnt have fallen B.hadnt fallenC.should fallenD.were to fallen高考链接高考链接2.If I hadnt stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell,you _ now.wouldnt smilewont smilecouldnt have smileddidnt smile Practice:高考链接高考链接Practice makes perfect!我们来找规律:我们来找规律:Exercise 3As a father,I always tell stories to my sonWhat happened after the story?waiting for windfalls写作写作(守株待兔续集守株待兔续集)请根据以下信息写一篇短文,续写守株待兔的故事;认请根据以下信息写一篇短文,续写守株待兔的故事;认真分析要不要用虚拟语气。真分析要不要用虚拟语气。看着荒废的田野,农夫懊悔地陷入深思。如果不看着荒废的田野,农夫懊悔地陷入深思。如果不是那只兔子是那只兔子(without/but for),我不会放弃我的庄稼。如,我不会放弃我的庄稼。如果我过去努力工作的话,现在就不会这么糟糕了。假如我果我过去努力工作的话,现在就不会这么糟糕了。假如我现在不改变我的想法,总有一天会饿死的。于是,他拿起现在不改变我的想法,总有一天会饿死的。于是,他拿起了工具,重新耕种了起来。一年之后他有了大丰收了工具,重新耕种了起来。一年之后他有了大丰收,过着过着幸福的生活。幸福的生活。亲爱的儿子,亲爱的儿子,这个故事告诉我们:如果我们总是依靠这个故事告诉我们:如果我们总是依靠运气运气,就不会成功。就不会成功。写作内容:请根据以上内容描述农夫的想法、做法以及后写作内容:请根据以上内容描述农夫的想法、做法以及后来的生活状况。来的生活状况。生词:生词:荒废的荒废的 deserted 懊悔地懊悔地 regretfully 耕种耕种 farm 高考链接高考链接 Looking at the deserted field,the farmer was regretfully lost in thought._(如果如果不是那只兔子不是那只兔子(without/but for),我不会放弃我的庄稼。我不会放弃我的庄稼。)_ (如果我过去努力工作的话如果我过去努力工作的话,现在就不会这么糟糕了。现在就不会这么糟糕了。)_(假如我现在不改变我的想法,总有一天会饿死的。假如我现在不改变我的想法,总有一天会饿死的。)Therefore,he picked up his tools and began to farm in the land.A year later,he had a good harvest and lived a happy life.My dear son,this story tells us that _ _(如果我们总是依靠运气如果我们总是依靠运气,就不会成功。就不会成功。)Affection Teaching(情感教育情感教育)A Story for my SonWithout/But for the rabbit,I wouldnt have given up my crops.If I had worked hard on my farm in the past,things would not be so terrible now.If I didnt change my mind now,I would starve to death one day.if we always depended on luck,we wouldnt succeed.Unreal conditionals with“if”clauseOmission of“if”“if”的省略的省略Implied Conditionals(含蓄虚拟条件句含蓄虚拟条件句)Mixed conditionals(错综虚拟条件句错综虚拟条件句)Consolidation&Homework:Remember the usage of“Unreal conditionals”.Opposite to“now”;the past;the futureTranslation:1 如果我昨天不是遇到你的话,我就很有如果我昨天不是遇到你的话,我就很有可能做了错误的事情。可能做了错误的事情。2 要是杰克有进那个球的话,我们就赢得要是杰克有进那个球的话,我们就赢得比赛了比赛了.If sb.had done sth,sb.would/could/might/should have done sth.If I hadnt met you yesterday,I would really have done something wrong.If Jack had scored that goal,we would have won the match.Im too busy now.If I were not busy now,I would help you do the work.otherwise/or I would help you do the work,but Im too busy now.?请用连词或?请用连词或其他手法替换掉从句其他手法替换掉从句 A Story for my Son Looking at the deserted field,the farmer was regretfully lost in thought.Without/But for the rabbit,I wouldnt have given up my crops.If I _(work)hard on my farm in the past,things would not be so terrible.If I didnt change my mind now,I would starve to death one day.Therefore,he picked up his tools and began to farm in the land.A year later,he had a good harvest and lived a happy life.My dear son,this story tells us that if we always_(depend)on luck,we wouldnt succeed.Affection Teaching(情感教育情感教育)had workeddepended A Story for my Son Looking at the deserted field,the farmer was regretfully lost in thought.Without/But for the rabbit,I wouldnt have given up my crops.If I had worked hard on my farm in the past,things would not be so terrible.If I didnt change my mind now,I would starve to death one day.Therefore,he picked up his tools and began to farm in the land.A year later,he had a good harvest and lived a happy life.My dear son,this story tells us that if we always depended on luck,we wouldnt succeed.Affection Teaching(情感教育情感教育)


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