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Punishment is justice for the unjust.Augustine British writer惩罚是对正义惩罚是对正义 的伸张。的伸张。英国作家英国作家 奥古斯丁奥古斯丁8/4/20241法律英语法律英语Background Tort The breach of a duty that results in an injury for which there is a remedy at law.legal-dictionary.org/Torts include all negligence cases as well as intentional wrongs which result in harm.8/4/20242法律英语法律英语Tort law州法律州法律判例法判例法联邦侵权索赔法联邦侵权索赔法8/4/20243法律英语法律英语Federal Tort claims ActA statute which removed the power of the federal government to claim immunity from a lawsuit for damages due to negligent or intentional injury by a federal employee in the scope of his/her work for the government.dictionary.law/8/4/20244法律英语法律英语Tort Intentional tortNegligence or negligent tortStrict liability tortPersonal tortProperty tortRemedy-damages8/4/20245法律英语法律英语Part 1:Introduction damages claims要求赔偿要求赔偿most civil suits大多数民事诉讼大多数民事诉讼tort law侵权法侵权法1.Automobile accidents 8/4/20246法律英语法律英语Many circumstancesThe plaintiff in a civil suit is ordinarily entitled to try his claim before a jury which will often rely more on human than on legal considerations民事诉讼的民事诉讼的原告原告通常通常会向陪审团提出会向陪审团提出索赔主张索赔主张,这主要是出于,这主要是出于人道的人道的考虑考虑而不是而不是法律的法律的考虑。考虑。儿童受伤儿童受伤8/4/20247法律英语法律英语A permanent disability of loss of a limbCompensation and damages补偿费和损害赔偿金补偿费和损害赔偿金Actual loss 实际损害实际损害Intangible damage 无形损害无形损害A plaintiff can play on the human reaction of the jury原告利用陪审团的原告利用陪审团的人性反应人性反应8/4/20248法律英语法律英语American law permitsthe participation of the attorney in the plaintiffs recovery(contingent fee)美国允许律师美国允许律师分享分享原告所获得的原告所获得的赔偿赔偿金金(胜诉酬金胜诉酬金)Amount to 25 to 33%of the verdict酬金达到法院酬金达到法院判付金额判付金额的的25-33%。8/4/20249法律英语法律英语A tort action 侵权诉讼侵权诉讼A lengthy proceedingA lengthy proceeding诉讼程序时间长诉讼程序时间长 Large expenses honoraria for Large expenses honoraria for experts experts 代价大(专家证人的酬金)代价大(专家证人的酬金)A very large verdict A very large verdict(in excess of in excess of$100000$100000)判决金额非常大(判决金额非常大(1010万美元以上)万美元以上)8/4/202410法律英语法律英语2.Tort law and the law of contracts overlapAn injury party has the choice between a tort claim and a suit in contracts.Conversion非法占有财产非法占有财产 Personal injury人身伤害人身伤害Implied contract默示合同默示合同Personal injury人身伤害人身伤害Breach of warranty违背保证诺言违背保证诺言8/4/202411法律英语法律英语3.Everyone is liable for his tort act,每个人每个人都要对其侵权行为负责,都要对其侵权行为负责,in limited form also children(however,parents only when they acted as the childs agent or did not comply with their duty to supervise),在有限的情况下在有限的情况下儿童儿童亦然(但是,亦然(但是,父母父母仅当仅当其作为该儿童的代理人或未能按照其监护义其作为该儿童的代理人或未能按照其监护义务行事时才负此责),务行事时才负此责),but not the state unless express statutory provision has abolished state immunity.但但国家国家不在此列,除非法律明文规定取消了不在此列,除非法律明文规定取消了国家的豁免权。国家的豁免权。8/4/202412法律英语法律英语The FTCA permits recovery of money damages because of a negligent or wrongful act or omission by the Federal Government or an employee of the Federal Government while the employee was acting within his/her scope of employment or office.Federal Tort claims Act(FTCA)8/4/202413法律英语法律英语4.Everyone is protected against tortious act,including the embryo.每个人每个人包括包括胎儿胎儿都受保护,免遭侵权行为都受保护,免遭侵权行为的伤害。的伤害。The heirs or next of kin may have a damage claim for the intentional or negligent death of their relative or testator(wrongful death action)继承人继承人或或近亲属近亲属可以对他们可以对他们亲属亲属或或立遗嘱立遗嘱人人因故意或疏忽侵权造成的死亡(因故意或疏忽侵权造成的死亡(非正常非正常死亡之诉死亡之诉)提出)提出损害赔偿要求损害赔偿要求。8/4/202414法律英语法律英语“dram-shop acts”小酒店法令小酒店法令A party injured as a result of the intoxication of the tortfeasor has a claim against him who contributed to the tortfeasors intoxication.作为作为侵权行为人醉酒侵权行为人醉酒之结果而之结果而受到伤害的受到伤害的当事人当事人有权向有权向造成造成该该侵权行为人侵权行为人醉酒的人醉酒的人提出索赔请求。提出索赔请求。8/4/202415法律英语法律英语“dram-shop acts”Dram Shop acts,enacted in the 19th century,usually impose liability for negligence on the sellers of alcoholic beverages for sales to:persons under the legal drinking age,or those who are obviously intoxicated.People who serve alcoholic beverages may be liable under state laws for damages resulting from the consumption of those beverages.drunken driving8/4/202416法律英语法律英语Part 2:Intentional Torts故意侵权故意侵权行为行为Battery 殴打殴打Assault 侵犯他人身体侵犯他人身体Conversion of property 非法侵占财产非法侵占财产False imprisonment 非法拘禁非法拘禁Trespass to personal and real property 侵侵占动产、不动产占动产、不动产Defamation 诽谤诽谤Invasion of privacy 侵犯隐私权侵犯隐私权Products liability 产品质量责任产品质量责任8/4/202417法律英语法律英语Part 3:Liability for Negligence 过失侵权过失侵权的责任的责任Negligent actInjury Causality 8/4/202418法律英语法律英语A person is negligentif he has not complied with his“duty of care”and,has not acted as“a reasonable and prudent man”.如果一个人没有尽到如果一个人没有尽到“照看义务照看义务”,没有,没有象象“一个理性且谨慎的人一个理性且谨慎的人”那样行事。那样行事。过失过失8/4/202419法律英语法律英语要考虑到要考虑到The special professional qualification for the tortfeasor侵权者的侵权者的特别专业资质特别专业资质Architect Different criteriaConstruction worker8/4/202420法律英语法律英语Duty of careRestrictive interpretation:The duty must be owed toward the particular plaintiff.必须对必须对特定的原告特定的原告负有照看义务负有照看义务There is no duty of care to the public at large.不是对不是对广大公众广大公众负有照看义务负有照看义务(某人)对侵犯财产者(某人)对侵犯财产者的照看义务比对被邀请的照看义务比对被邀请客人的照看义务小客人的照看义务小8/4/202421法律英语法律英语Guest statutes 宾客法规宾客法规Some states exclude a duty of care by the driver of a motor vehicle toward passengers whom he transports gratuitously.汽车司机对于他汽车司机对于他免费搭载的免费搭载的乘客乘客不负照不负照看责任看责任。8/4/202422法律英语法律英语No claim for compensation不能要求不能要求赔偿赔偿The injured partyhas been guilty of contributory negligence共同过失共同过失has assumed the risk 预计到有危险预计到有危险8/4/202424法律英语法律英语Contributory negligence 共同过共同过失失a doctrine of common law that if a person was injured in part due to his/her own negligence(his/her negligence contributed to the accident),the injured party would not be entitled to collect any damages(money)from another party who supposedly caused the negligence 比较过失比较过失共同过失辩护的严格性共同过失辩护的严格性已经因为已经因为一些州采用了一些州采用了“比较过失比较过失”原则而得到原则而得到减弱。减弱。It requires that the respective degree of negligence of both parties be determined and compensation assessed accordingly.要求确定当事各方的要求确定当事各方的各自疏忽程度,各自疏忽程度,并由此确定补偿金。并由此确定补偿金。8/4/202426法律英语法律英语Comparative negligenceA rule of law applied in accident cases to determine responsibility and damages based on the negligence of every party directly involved in the negligenceThe rule under which negligence is measured by percentage,and damages are diminished in proportion to the amount of negligence attributable to the person seeking doctrine of last clear chanceEven the contributorily negligent plaintiff will be compensated if he can prove that the defendant had the“last clear chance”to prevent the damage.有有共同过失的原告共同过失的原告如果能证明如果能证明被告被告“有有最后明显机会最后明显机会”避免伤害,那么该原告避免伤害,那么该原告就可以就可以获得赔偿获得赔偿。8/4/202429法律英语法律英语Last clear chance 最后明显机会最后明显机会The last reasonable opportunity to avoid an accident or injury.One who has the last clear chance to avoid an injury and fails to do so is usually held solely responsible,notwithstanding the injured persons own contributory negligence.8/4/202430法律英语法律英语The extraordinarily complex law of negligenceToday leads to two efforts of reformStrict Liability严格责任严格责任No fault无过错责任无过错责任Inconsistent 8/4/202431法律英语法律英语Part 4:Tort law reform A.Strict Liability 严格赔偿责任严格赔偿责任Strict liability is a legal doctrine that makes some persons responsible for damages their actions or products cause,regardless of any fault on their part.8/4/202432法律英语法律英语For instanceThe maintenance of dangerous animals饲养危险的动物饲养危险的动物Defamation诽谤诽谤A rebuttable presumption可反驳的推定可反驳的推定The doctrine of res ipsa loquitur不言自明原则不言自明原则8/4/202433法律英语法律英语Strict liabilityDeduced fault or negligence from the nature of the thing or act itself.从从事情或行为本身事情或行为本身的特性可以的特性可以推断出推断出存在存在过错或过失过错或过失Defective construction有缺陷的设计有缺陷的设计Negligent use过失使用过失使用8/4/202434法律英语法律英语product liabilityDangerous products 危险的产品危险的产品The production itself 产品本身、产品本身、Its package 包装包装In a defective conditionUnreasonable dangerous to the user or consumer or to his property.对使用者或消费者及其财产造成对使用者或消费者及其财产造成过度过度危险危险8/4/202435法律英语法律英语“defective”The product does not meet the reasonable expectations of the ordinary consumer concerning the safety of the product.“缺陷缺陷”是指产品未达到一般消费者是指产品未达到一般消费者关于该关于该产品安全性能产品安全性能的的合理期望合理期望标准。标准。8/4/202436法律英语法律英语b.“No-fault”Another reform endeavor which seeks to find more just solutions for ordinary claims based on negligence.另一个改革努力试图寻求对另一个改革努力试图寻求对过失侵权过失侵权普通索赔要求普通索赔要求的的更公正的解决方案更公正的解决方案。automobile accidents8/4/202437法律英语法律英语Professors Robert Keeton and Jeffrey OConnellSeek to Seek to abolish the fault abolish the fault principleprinciple in tort law in tort law试图试图消除消除侵权法中的侵权法中的过错原则过错原则;To To award compensationaward compensation without without proof of faultproof of fault according to according to insurance principles.insurance principles.按照保险原则,在按照保险原则,在不要过错证明不要过错证明的情的情况下况下给予赔偿给予赔偿。8/4/202438法律英语法律英语No-faultTraffic accidentProduct liabilityMedical malpractice Grant compensation for certain injuries without proof of fault For actual loss,not for intangible damage8/4/202439法律英语法律英语Liability will be limited for the manufacturer,制造商的制造商的责任有限责任有限Require a relatively lesser insurance premium to cover the risk 只要就风险承担只要就风险承担比较少的保险费比较少的保险费No-fault 的优点的优点8/4/202440法律英语法律英语The injured person will be in a better position 受伤害的人处于受伤害的人处于比较有利的位置比较有利的位置,He will be entitled to receive immediate compensation for his actual loss without lengthy litigation or difficult proof of fault.他他无须进行漫长的诉讼无须进行漫长的诉讼或或艰难的过失举证艰难的过失举证就有权就有权立即获得立即获得实际损失的实际损失的补偿补偿。No-fault 的优点的优点8/4/202441法律英语法律英语主要专业词汇主要专业词汇Tort LawFederal Tort claims ActIntentional tortNegligence or negligent tortStrict liability tortPersonal tortProperty tort8/4/202442法律英语法律英语civil suitsdamages claimsPlaintiffCompensationDamagescontingent feeVerdict8/4/202443法律英语法律英语ConversionBreach of warrantystate immunityheirs or next of kinTestatorwrongful death actionDram-shop actsTortfeasor8/4/202444法律英语法律英语BatteryAssaultConversion of propertyFalse imprisonmentTrespass to personal and real propertyDefamationInvasion of privacyProducts liability8/4/202445法律英语法律英语Liability for NegligenceCausality,Negligent act,Injuryduty of careGuest statutesContributory negligenceComparative negligencelast clear chance8/4/202446法律英语法律英语Strict LiabilityNo faultThe doctrine of res ipsa loquiturfault principleMedical malpractice insurance premiumActual loss8/4/202447法律英语法律英语Exercises1.Questions about the text2.Dictation3.Discussion 8/4/202448法律英语法律英语xiexie!xiexie!谢谢!谢谢!xiexie!xiexie!谢谢!谢谢!


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