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新概念英语青少版1AUnit10Unit 10Jump in!2jump3bus4School bus5full6empty7school8大家学习辛苦了,还是要坚持继续保持安静继续保持安静9people10Mummother11jumphurry upbusWait a minute!Come on!full跳跳快点儿快点儿公共汽车公共汽车等一下等一下!快点儿快点儿!满的满的12Oh,dear!schoolof courseGee!peopleNever mind!Momempty噢噢,天啊天啊!学校学校当然当然哎呀哎呀!人人不要紧不要紧!妈妈妈妈空的空的13Come onOh,dearMom Never mindbusjumpWait a minutefullHurry uppeopleemptyschoolLets review Of course14Q:Is the car full?15DVD TIME DVD TIME 16Robert:Hurry up,Lucy!Heres the bus!Lucy:Wait a minute!My bags heavy.Robert:My bags heavy,too.Come on!17Robert:Hurry up,Lucy!Heres the bus!Lucy:Wait a minute!My bags heavy.Robert:My bags heavy,too.Come on!祈使句Just a minute!/Wait a moment.等一会!My bag is heavy.18Robert:Oh,no!The bus is full!Lucy:Oh,dear!Our school buses are all full.19Robert:Oh,no!The bus is full!Lucy:Oh,dear!Our school buses are all full.表示沮丧或遗憾单数复数20Robert:Whats in your bag?Lucy:Books,of course!Robert:My bag is full of books,too.Look,theres Claire!Hello,Claire!21Robert:Whats in your bag?Lucy:Books,of course!Robert:My bag is full of books,too.Look,theres Claire!Hello,Claire!be full of充满形容词性物主代词:my、your、his、her、its、our、their22Claire:Hello Robert!Hello Lucy!Whats the matter,Lucy?Lucy:The buses are all full and our bags are very heavy.23Claire:Gee,they are heavy!Whats in them?Robert:Theyre full of books,and the buses are full of people.24Claire:Gee,they are heavy!Whats in them?Robert:Theyre full of books,and the buses are full of people.I-me、you-you、he-him、she-her、it-it、we-us、they-them25Claire:Never mind!Heres my Mom with the car.And the cars empty.Jump in,and put your bags in,too!26Claire:Never mind!Heres my Mom with the car.And the cars empty.Jump in,and put your bags in,too!empty-full和一起27Guided ConversationIs Lucys bag heavy?Yes,it is.Is Roberts bag heavy,too?Yes,it is.Is the bus empty?No,it isnt.Is it full?Yes,it is.Are the school buses all full?Yes,they are.1 a28Is Roberts bag full of books?Yes,it is.Is Lucys bag full of books?Yes,it is.Are their bags very heavy?Yes,they are.Are the buses full of people?Yes,they are.Is the car full?No,it isnt.1 a29Which buses are all full?The school buses are all full.Whats in Lucys bag?The books in Lucys bag.Whose bag is full of books,too?Roberts bag is full of books,too.What are full of books?The bags are full of books.Whats empty?Claires moms car is empty.1 b30Are Lucys and Roberts bags light?No,they arent.They are heavy.Are the school buses empty?No,they arent.They are full.Are their bags full of apples?No,they are.They are full of books.Is Claires mothers car full of people?No,it isnt.Its empty.1 c31What is full?The bus is full.Which buses are fullThe school buses are full.Whats in Lucys bag?The books are in Lucys bag.Whose bag is full of books,too?Roberts bag is full of books,too.1 d32Listening P733334Lesson 2035Put these words in right order.1.are shirts your colour what?2.a they bit are dirty 3.my are new where shirts?4.is policeman a there the door at 5.there an on is the orange floor?6.that is in what case the?7.Paul a student English tall is 8.he a student is teacher a or?9.very the doctor is busy10.that the white is who with woman umbrella?36/thing three thirteen thirty thirsty thanks/there they this these then father/s/z/37seventy-one、seventy-two、seventy-three、seventy-four、seventy-five、seventy-sixseventy-seven、seventy-eightseventy-nine、eighty3839Robert:_,Lucy!Heres the bus!Lucy:_!My bags heavy.Robert:My _,too.Come on!4041Robert:Oh,no!The_!Lucy:Oh,dear!Our _all full.4243Robert:_your bag?Lucy:Books,_!Robert:My bag _books,too.Look,theres Claire!Hello,Claire!4445Claire:Hello Robert!Hello Lucy!_,Lucy?Lucy:The buses are_ and our bags are _.4647Claire:Gee,they are heavy!_?Robert:Theyre_,and the buses are _people.4849Claire:_!Heres my Mom with the car.And the cars_.Jump in,and_,too!50Guided Summary:1.Is Lucys bag light or heavy?2.Whose bag is heavy,too?3.Which buses are all full?Lucys bag is heavy.Roberts bag is heavy too.The school buses are all full.514.Are their bags full of books or pens?Are the cars or the buses full of people?(Use,and)5.Is Claires Moms car empty or full?Their bags are full of books and the buses are full of people.Claires Moms car is empty.5253545556A:Is your bag empty?B:No,it isnt.My bags full.57A:Are your bags full?B:No,they arent.Our bags are empty.58A:Is your bag full or empty?B:It isnt empty.Its fullMy bags full.59A:Are your bags empty or full?B:They arent full.They are empty.Our bags are empty.60Patterns P80Example:your bags/empty?/full Are your bags empty?No,they arent.Theyre full.1.your cameras/old?/new2.Their teachers/old?/young3.their cars/clean?Dirty4.our shirts/red?white 61Example:our bags/full or empty?Empty Are our bags full or empty?Our bags are empty.1.your cameras/old or new?/new2.their teachers/old or young?Young3.their cars/clean or dirty?/clean4.their bags/full of books or pens?full of books.62


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