基于马丁文类理论的历史语篇分析-也谈对汉语历史语篇研究的方法论启示 (2)

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基于马丁文类理论的历史语篇分析-也谈对汉语历史语篇研究的方法论启示 (2)_第1页
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基于马丁文类理论的历史语篇分析-也谈对汉语历史语篇研究的方法论启示 (2)_第2页
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基于马丁文类理论的历史语篇分析-也谈对汉语历史语篇研究的方法论启示 (2)_第3页
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Martins Genre Theory and its Methodological Implication for Chinese History Discourse Analysis基于马丁文类理论的历史语篇分析基于马丁文类理论的历史语篇分析也谈对汉语历史语篇研究的方法论启示也谈对汉语历史语篇研究的方法论启示Shanghai Jiaotong University王振华上海交通大学外国语学院Preface Issues in Japanese textbook of History1953:the Right Wing historians do not acknowledge invasion into Asian countries in WWII.1982:distorts historical facts;uses enter 进入 instead of invade 侵入;侵略 1986:another revision of the textbook by the Right Wing historians.2001:in 4 of 6 versions of History,no figure(300,000)of the slaughtered people in the Nanjing Massacre mentioned.2 of 6 versions changed“the Nanjing Massacre into“the Nanjing incident.5 of them cancelled“slaughtering,“burning,and“looting三光政策。Besides,all use“emancipating“解放 and“bring benefits to“造福 instead of invading Asian countries著名历史学家家永三郎ie naga sabu ro年月日逝世就 是这样一位充满正义感的日本人,他起诉日本政府对他编写的高中历史教科书提出不合理修改要求,开始了他与右翼历史观长达多年的斗争。日本文部省在审定 历史教科书时,曾要求执笔者家永三郎对?日本史?一书中的处记述进行修改和删除。例如对“南京大屠杀,文部省要求参加日军的行为“发生于混乱之中、并要求删去关于日军“强奸中国妇女的内容。此外,文部省还要求删除有关七三一细菌部队的记述。家永三郎对此举不服,并于年状告文部省。这场针对“教科书审定违宪的诉讼得到了多名历史学家的支持,并且迅速影响到了出版界、法律界、政界,后来演变成了一场有关日本历史观的大论战。()Questions we may ask:1.Do the Japanese Right Wing historians reconstruct the history faithfully?Why?2.Why the Ministry of Education 文部省forced 家永三郎ie naga sabu ro to add“occurred in chaos“发生于混乱之中 to the Nanjing Massacre?3.Why use“comfort women for“sex slaves for Japanese soldiers in WWII?4.5.All these have to do with their ideology.And the theory of genre can be one of the effective tools to analyze it.Overview 1.Genre revisited2.Martins matrix for text analysis3.Martins approach to history discourse4.Methodological implication for Chinese history discourse analysis1.Genre revisited-Literature perspectivesAdena Rosmarin(1985:44,45,48-9)Genre,is a finite schema capable of potentially infinite suggestion.(p44)Whenever the difference between species matters,the schema is modified to meet the distinction.(p45)genre is most usefully defined as a tool of critical explanation,as our powerful and reasoned way of justifying the value we place or would place on a literary text.(pp48-9)Art Silverblatt(2007:3)The word genre simply means“order.As applied to artistic works,a genre is a type,class,or category of presentation that shares distinctive and easily identifiable features.A genre can be identified by its own distinctive patterns in premise,plot,structure,character,worldview,style,and conventions.-Language studies perspectiveBakhtin 1986:(60):Speech GenreLanguage is realized in the form of concrete utterances(oral and written)by participants in the various areas of human activity.These utterances reflect the specific conditions and goals of each such area not only through their content(thematic)and linguistic style,that is,the selection of lexical,phraseological,and grammatical resources of the language,but above all through their compositional structure.-speech genreAll three of these aspects thematic content,style,and compositional structure are inseparably linked to the whole of the utterance and are equally determined by the specific nature of the particular sphere of communication.Each separate utterance is individual,of course,but each sphere in which language is used develops its own relatively stable types of these utterances.These are called speech genres.J.Corbett(2006)In language studies,in the decade following Bakhtin,the term genre has been appropriated by linguists who wish to explore nonliterary spoken and written discourse in which expectations of conventional use of text structure,lexis,and syntax are likely to be satisfied;for example,academic research articles,letters of application for employment,recipes,and so-called service encounters in which customers interact with shopkeepers in order to purchase goods.J Swales Perspective A genre comprises a class of communicative events,the members of which share some set of communicative purposes.(1990:58)-SFL perspectiveJ.Corbett(2006)Systemic-functional linguists employ genre as part of their project to relate language use to its social context,in particular,the context of culture.Register analysis assumes that textual features can be predicted because texts vary conventionally in relation to three situational variables;namely,field(subject matter),tenor(relationship between participants in the interaction),and mode(whether the text is written or spoken).These situational variables did not deal with why the text might have been written or spoken.J.R.Martin(1992,1997;Martin&Rose 2003/2007;Martin&Rose 2021)Genre refers“to different types of texts that enact various types of social contexts.(2003/2007:7)Genre is a staged,goal-oriented social processes.(1992:502-8;1997:13;2003/2007:7;2021:5)“Social because we participate in genres with other people(2003/2007:7),“writers shape their texts for readers of particular kinds(2021:5)“Goal-oriented because we use genres to get things done(2003/2007:7),“we feel frustrated if we dont accomplish the final steps.(2021:5)“staged because it usually takes us a few steps to reach our goals(2003/2007:7-8;2021:5),Martins definition of genre“flags the way in which most genres take more than a single phase to unfold,the sense of frustration or incompletion that is felt when phases dont unfold as expected or planned,and the fact that genres are addresses(i.e.formulated with readers and listeners in mind),whether or not the intended audience is immediately present to respond.In these terms,as a level of context,genre represents the system of staged goal-oriented social processes through which social subjects in a given culture live their lives.(Martin 1997)-summary of genre perspectivesLiterature:a type,a finite schema capable of potentially infinite suggestion;formed by conventions;identified by its own distinctive patterns in premise,plot,structure,character,worldview,style,and conventions.also,a genre is a type,class,or category of presentation that shares distinctive and easily identifiable features.Language studies:Bakhtins speech genres:concrete oral and written utterances by participants in the various areas of human activity;specific conditions and goals;the selection of lexical,phraseological,and grammatical resources,and their compositional structure.Each separate utterance is individual,each sphere in which language is used develops its own relatively stable types of these utterances.John Swales:a class of communicative events,the members of which share some set of communicative purposes.Martin:types of texts;a staged,goal-oriented social processes.We endorse Martins ideaMain Types of GenreStoriesReportsExplanationsArguments2.Martins matrix for text analysis:Genre drivenmetafunctionstratumideationalinterpersonal textualGenreMartin&Rose 2008orbital/serial structureprosodic structureperiodic structureRegisterMartin 1992field-activity sequences,participant taxonomiestenor-power,solidaritymode-action/reflection,monologue/dialogueDiscourse semanticsMartin&Rose 2003/2007Martin&White 2005ideation,external conjunctionappraisal,negotiationidentification,internal conjunction,information flowLexicogrammarverbiage Halliday&Matthiessen 2004 image Kress&van Leeuwen 2006transitivity;nominal group classification,description,enumerationmood,modality,polarity,comment,vocation;nominal group attitude,person theme and information;tense and deixis;ellipsis&substitutionGraphology/phonologyHalliday&Greaves 2008tone sequenceformatting,emoticons,colour;tone,voice quality,phonaesthesiapunctuation,layout;tonality,tonicityfunction/stratum matrix for text analysis(Martin 2021)systemtextsystemtextsystemtextreservoirrepertoirereservoirrepertoirereservoirrepertoireinstantiationindividuationrealisation3.Martins approach to history discourseRecounts-typologically(serial time to episodic time)GENRE stagingINFORMAL DESCRIPTIONKEY LINGUISTIC FEATURES(Halliday 1994,Martin 1992)personal recountOrientationRecordagnate to story genres;what happened to meserial time;1st person(&3rd);specific participantsautobiographical recountOrientationRecordthe story of my life oral historyepisodic time;1st person(&3rd);specific participantsbiographical recountOrientationRecordthe story of someone elses lifeepisodic time;3rd person(specific);other specific&generic participantshistorical recountBackgroundRecord establishing the time line of the grand narrativeepisodic time;3rd person;mainly generic participants(but specific great men)recount genres topology.(Martin&Rose 2021:122)Historical accounts&explanations-typologically(cause)(Martin&Rose 2021:123)GENREstagingINFORMAL DESCRIPTION KEY LINGUISTIC FEATURES(Halliday 1994,Martin 1992)historical accountBackgroundAccountnaturalising linearisation rendering the grand narrative inevitabletext unfolding through cause and effect;cause within clause;3rd person;mainly generic&nominalised participantsfactorial explanation Outcome Factorscomplexifying notion of what leads on to whattext internal organisation of factors;factors externally linked to outcome;cause within clause;3rd person;mainly generic&nominalised participantsconsequential explanation Input Consequencescomplexifying notion of what leads on from whattext internal organisation of consequences;consequences externally linked to input;cause within clause;3rd person;mainly generic&nominalised participants-explanatory genres topology.(Martin&Rose 2021:124)Historical expositions,challenges,discussions-Typologically(values)(Martin&Rose 2021:126)GENREstagingINFORMAL DESCRIPTIONKEY LINGUISTIC FEATURES(Halliday 1994,Martin 1992)exposition-one sided;promoteThesisArgumentsproblematic interpretation that needs justifyinginternal conjunction keying on thesis challenge*-one sided;rebut PositionRebuttalsomeone elses problematic interpretation that needs demolishinginternal conjunction keying on thesisdiscussion-multi-sided;adjudicateIssueSidesResolutionMore than one interpretation consideredinternal conjunction keying on thesis;&internal organisation of points of view-arguing genres topology.(Martin&Rose 2021:126)4.Methodological implication for Chinese history discourse analysisOntological and epistemological approaches are mainly adopted in history discourse studies in China.,eg.吴思2021A few studies conducted from the linguistic perspective,eg.李战子2000;2002,顾乡s PhD Dissertation2021.Yet what they concerned is English history discourse instead of Chinese.The goal of history discourse analysis is to reconstruct historical factsHistory discourse is the record of what has already happened via the recall of human beings.The record based on human beings recall reflects the recorders language,culture,value,ideology.The recorder implants his point of view,value,beliefs,in his history discourse.Genre focuses the goal of text as a social process.The medium via which the text goal is realized is language in use.The language in use has its structure,content,and context.The language user organizes the text in accordance with his intention.And a specific genre type has its own feature of periodicity.The language user conveys his information and expresses his feeling via the content.And a specific genre type has its feature of ideation and that of prosody.The periodicity,ideation,and prosody are the results of the language users choice.His choice is constrained by context.Context decides his priority of choice.His priority of choice determines the ordering of the stages of his text,the ways of expressing,and kinds of ideology.His priority of choice also determines that information and ideology occur in any of the stages of the text.The implications we can drawfrom Martins genre analysis of history discourse when we analyze Chinese history discourse areto decide the type of genre of the text in question,and analyze it typologically and topologically.Typologically for the features of the individual text.Topologically for different generic features in the individual text.And then 1.Analyze the periodicity of the text2.Analyze the ideation of the text3.Analyze the prosody of the text.4.Integrate the three strands of analysis to look for 1.the information the text conveys;and how well the historical facts are constructed;2.The intention(goal)of the author;3.The view point,stance,value,belief of the author.Text analysis 对汉语历史语篇研究的方法论启示.doc5.Conclusion Different types of genre of history discourse are different in choosing historical evidences,in organizing the stages,in structuring the prosody.These differences reflect the historians view point and stance towards a certain historical event.Hence we have different historical conclusions and different history schools.Genre analysis is a complementary approach to the historical approach in the history discourse analysis.Bibliography Silverblatt,A.2007.Genre studies in Mass Media:A handbook.Armonk,New York&London:M.E.Sharpe.Rosmarin,A.1985.The Power of 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