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第十一节第十一节八年级(上)八年级(上)Unit 5Unit 6第一部分第一部分教材重点教材重点难点梳点梳理理第十一节第一部分 教材重点难点梳理目录contents重重难点梳理点梳理重点单词重点单词 重点短语重点短语 重点句型重点句型巩固巩固练习语法选择语法选择 完形填空完形填空 阅读理阅读理解解 阅读填空阅读填空 单词拼写单词拼写 完完成句子成句子目录contents重难点梳理重点单词 重点短语 重重重难点梳理点梳理重点重点单词重点短重点短语重点句型重点句型目录contents重难点梳理重点单词目录contents1.有教育意义的_ 2.交流;互访_ 3.文化_ 4.主人_ 5.地方的;当地的_ 6.英国的_7.高兴;愉快_ 8.客人;宾客_ 9.筷子_ 10.工作日)_ 重难点梳理Listen attentivelyUnit5一重点单词educational exchange culturehostlocalgladchopstickguestBritish weekday1.有教育意义的_ 重难点梳理Listen att11.在旅游_ 12.极好的;了不起的_13.(一次)经历;体验_ 14.太极(拳)_ 15.已经;早已_ 16.介绍;使尝试_ 17.成功_ 18.尚未;仍未_19.慎重对待;尊重_重难点梳理Listen attentivelyUnit5一重点单词tourfantastic experiencealreadytai chi success respectintroduce yet11.在旅游_ 重难点梳理Listen att1.古代的_ 2.特洛伊的;特洛伊人_ 3.战争_ 4.懂;理解_ 5.差别;不同(之处)_ 6.(古埃及的)金字塔_7.首领_ 8.希腊人_ 9.用武力夺取;攻占_10.士兵_ 重难点梳理Listen attentivelyUnit6一重点单词ancientwardifferenceGreek pyramidcapturecaptain soldierunderstandTrojan1.古代的_ 2.特洛伊的;特洛伊人_11.巨大的_ 12.(向某方向)拖;拉动_13.主要的_ 14.庆祝;庆贺_ 15.笨的;傻的_16.午夜;子夜_ 17.空的_ 18.除之外_19.秘密的_ 20.侧面_ 21.安静地_重难点梳理Listen attentivelyUnit6二重点短语hugecelebratepullmainstupidmidnight exceptsecret side 一重点单词二重点短语quietly empty 11.巨大的_ 重难点梳理Listen atten22.陆军部队_ 23.进来;进入_ 24.达到目的;实现目标_25.计谋_ 26.王子_ 27.王后_ 28.偷;窃取_ 29.处罚;惩罚_ 30.(戏剧或歌剧的)场_31.先生_重难点梳理Listen attentivelyUnit4二重点单词enter army succeedqueen punishtricksteal scenesirprince 22.陆军部队_ 23.进来;进1.寄宿家庭_ 2.起初;起先_ 3.到目前为止;迄今为止_4.小量_ 5.使初次了解_ 6.从到_7.在工作日_ 8.当地文化_ 9.担心_重难点梳理Listen attentivelyUnit5二重点短语host familyso far at first a bit of e over(to.)on weekdaysworry aboutlocal culture1.寄宿家庭_ 重难点梳理Listen att10.对友好_ 11.申请_ 12.校长_重难点梳理Listen attentivelyUnit5二重点短语be friendly toapply to head teacher 10.对友好_ 重难点梳理Listen a1.将表演出来_ 2.开船走了_ 3.一匹巨大的木马_4.拿开玩笑_ 5.除之外_ 6.(有)大量的_7.从爬出去_ 8.逐个地;逐一地_重难点梳理Listen attentivelyUnit6二重点短语act outsail away a huge wooden horsemake jokes aboutexcept for(be)full of climb out of one by one1.将表演出来_ 重难点梳理Listen 9.捉弄某人_10.最后_ 11.假牙_ 12.猛地一惊_13.(用于命令)快;加油_ 14.在清晨_ 15.受到攻击_重难点梳理Listen attentivelyUnit6二重点短语play a trick on sb.in the endfalse teeth with a start come on be under attackin the early morning 9.捉弄某人_重难点梳理Listen atte重难点梳理Listen attentively三重点句型1.Im glad to be a guest in their home.我很我很高高兴到他到他们家做客。家做客。句型句型:Sb.+be+adj.+to do sth.意为“某人做某事是的”,当主语是to do sth.时,也可以转换成句型:It is+adj.+to do sth.翻译:这篇文章很难理解。The article is _ _ _.difficult to understand重难点梳理Listen attentively三 重点重难点梳理Listen attentively三重点句型2.Denise has gone to work.丹尼斯去上班了。丹尼斯去上班了。句型句型:has/have gone to+地点名词,意为“去了某地”,容易和has been to,has been in 等混淆,以下是它们的区别:have/has gone to去了某地表示不在说话者所在地,已经到达目的地或是在途中。have/has been to(曾经)去过某地 表示曾经去过,现在不在那里,人已经回到说话地。通常和ever,never等连用。have/has been in待了多久表示去到某地,并且待在那里一段时间,通常和表示一段时间的时间状语连用。重难点梳理Listen attentively三 重点重难点梳理Listen attentively3.There once was a man called Ed Health.曾曾经有个叫作有个叫作Ed Health的人。的人。句型句型:There once was a man called.,意为“从前有个叫的人”。“called+名词”作后置定语,意为“叫的”,called 可以由named代替。翻译:你认识那个叫吉姆的男孩吗?Do you know_ _ _ Jim?the boy called重难点梳理Listen attentively3.There重难点梳理Listen attentively4.Have you ever lived and studied in another country?你曾你曾经在国外生活和学在国外生活和学习过吗?句型句型:Have you ever done.?意为“你曾经做过事吗?”这是一个带有现在完成时的一般疑问句。翻译:你看过电影变形金刚吗?我看过。_ _ the film Transformer?Yes,_ _.Have you seenI have重难点梳理Listen attentively4.Have 重难点梳理Listen attentively5.其他好用的常用句型其他好用的常用句型:1)Why not?为什么不?2)“Its been a fantastic experience so far,”says Eric.埃里克说:“到目前为止,这是一次很棒的经历。”3)When are we going to fly to London?我们什么时候去伦敦?重难点梳理Listen attentively5.其他好用的重难点梳理Listen attentively4)They taught our students how to use chopsticks.他们教我们的学生如何使用筷子。5)They quietly climbed out of the horse one by one.他们一个个悄悄地从木马里爬出来。6)Only a few people know about this information.只有少数人知道这个信息。重难点梳理Listen attentively4)They 重难点梳理Listen attentively7)By midnight,the main square was empty except for the huge horse.到了深夜,中心广场空荡荡的,除了一只巨大的马。8)In one night,however,they succeeded in capturing it through a clever trick.然而,在一个晚上,他们通过一个聪明的诡计攻占了它。9)I have not laughed like this since my childhood.自从我的童年以来,我从未像这样笑过。重难点梳理Listen attentively7)By mi巩固练习Listen attentively一、语法选择Many,many years ago most people did not have beautiful books.Some families did not have books at all.The people _1_ did have books had only a few.Instead of _2_ books,people told stories.They would remember things _3_ happened to them and would retell these tales to friends.Some stories you read in books today _4_ to children many years ago by their fathers and mothers.巩固练习Listen attentively一、语法选择Ma巩固练习Listen attentively_5_ those girls and boys grew up,they,in turn,told their children the same tales.Sometimes the stories changed as one man told _6_.That is why today there are different beginnings and different endings to the same folk tales.You _7_ different names for all kinds of characters in the different versions(版本)of the tales.In this way the stories almost seem _8_ different ones and not your favorite tales at all.Some people _9_ stories.They would巩固练习Listen attentively_5_ th巩固练习Listen attentivelysuppose _10_ things which had happened could not really have happened.Such people became _11_ as storytellers.In many of the tales,animals did the talking.In others,good men came to help bad men.Strange,exciting things _12_.The different ideas made interesting stories.Some of the early tales,_13_ them Mother Goose verses were told in rhyme.The poems were learned by boys and girls at home and at school.巩固练习Listen attentivelysuppose 巩固练习Listen attentivelyWhat Mother Goose rhymes do you know and remember?Do you think there was _14_ a Mother Goose?Mother Goose stories and rhymes are _15_ good ones that we read and enjoy them today,years after they were first told.()1.A.which B.whom C.who D.when()2.A.read B.to read C.reads D.reading()3.A.who B.that C.what D.whereCDB巩固练习Listen attentivelyWhat Mot()4.A.tell B.told C.was told D.were told()5.A.When B.Though C.While D.Which()6.A.other B.another C.the other D.the others()7.A.even find B.even found C.will even find D.would even find()8.A.is B.are C.will be D.to be()9.A.made in B.made up C.made of D.made from()10.A.that B.what C.when D.where巩固练习Listen attentivelyDCDBBAA()4.A.tell B.told C.wa()11.A.know B.knew C.known D.to know()12.A.happen B.happened C.are happened D.were happened()13.A.in B.of C.among D.between()14.A.real B.really C.to be real D.to be really()15.A.such B.so C.such a D.so many巩固练习Listen attentivelyCCBBA()11.A.know B.knew 巩固巩固练习Listen attentively二、完形填空Last year,I lived in Chile(智利)for half a year.I lived with a Chilean _1_ and had the responsibilities of any Chilean teenager.I had good days and bad days I didnt understand.Chuquicamata,my host community,is a mining camp.When I arrived there,I was _2_.It was so different from what I was used to.There were lots of dogs on the streets,and there was no downtown,_3_ smoothly paved streets,and little to do for巩固练习Listen attentively二、完形填空La巩固练习Listen attentively entertainment.Rain was not seen very often,earthquakes and windstorms were _4_.I had studied _5_ for two and a half years and was always one of the best students in my class.But in my first week in Chile I was only able to communicate and needed one person to whom I could _6_ my shock.I couldnt speak the thoughts in my head and there were so many.Most _7_ students experience this like me.Culture shock presents itself in everything from increased.巩固练习Listen attentively enterta巩固练习Listen attentivelyaggression(敌对心理)towards the people to _8_ appetite(食欲).I was required to _9_ all difficulties.As time passed,everything changed.I began to forget words in English and to dream in Spanish and love Chilean food.I _10_ not depending on expensive things for fun.Fun in Chuquicamata was being with people.And I took math,physics,chemistry,biology,Spanish,art,and philosophy.巩固练习Listen attentivelyaggressi()1.A.school B.company C.family D.group()2.A.interested B.excited C.moved D.scared()3.A.few B.little C.most D.many()4.A.seldom B.frequent C.never D.hardly()5.A.English B.French C.Spanish D.Chinese巩固练习Listen attentivelyCDCAB()1.A.school B.company ()6.A.speak B.explain C.question D.show()7.A.exchange B.foreign C.good D.bad()8.A.speak of B.think of C.make of D.lack of()9.A.make B.overcome C.solve D.prepare()10.A.got used to B.caught up with C.did well in D.got away from巩固练习Listen attentivelyBAADB()6.A.speak B.explain巩固练习Listen attentively三、阅读理解ASSE is the American Scandinavian Student Exchange.This program was set up in Sweden in 1976 to organize with the United States.Later it began to include students in Norway,Denmark and Finland.Today ASSE organizes international exchanges for his high school students in thirty-one countries.The students live with the a family and attend school for a year.Other programs also offer high school students a chance to come to other countries.巩固练习Listen attentively三、阅读理解AS巩固练习Listen attentivelyThese programs include AFS,Youth for Understanding and the Program of Academic Exchange,or PAE.For college students who want to come to other countries,there are programs like the International Student Exchange Program,or ISEP,This is a group of almost three hundred colleges in thirty-one countries.ISEP is an organization that was supported by the United States government in nineteen ninety-six.ISEP is a true exchange program.That means two students from different countries trade.巩固练习Listen attentivelyThese pr巩固练习Listen attentivelyplaces for a term or a year.Work and Travel the USA is also for college students.But this program is not for those who want to study in the United States.It provides international students with the chance to work for up to four months while exploring American life.The State Department says they generally work in hotels,restaurants and amusement parks but may also work for other employers.It also says students must understand that the money they make from their work may not be enough巩固练习Listen attentivelyplaces f巩固练习Listen attentivelyto pay all of their costs.()1.Which of the following is NOT true about ASSE?A.It was set up in the United States.B.It is for high school students.C.It includes thirty-one countries.D.It offers a chance to come to the USA.()2.Which organization is for college students?A.AFS.B.PAE.C.ISEP.D.ASSE.AC巩固练习Listen attentivelyto pay a巩固练习Listen attentively()3.Whats the difference between ISEP and Work and Travel the USA?A.The students have different courses.B.The students have different purposes.C.The students have different trading places.D.The students need different amounts of money.B巩固练习Listen attentively()3巩固练习Listen attentively()4.Whats the problem for the college students who come through Work and Travel the USA?A.They can stay for only half a year.B.They can only work in restaurants.C.They may not explore American life.D.They may not make enough money for their costs.D巩固练习Listen attentively()4巩固练习Listen attentively()5.Whats the main idea of the passage?A.To introduce different international organizations.B.About some exchange programs in the USA.C.About some exchange programs to work or study in other countries.D.To introduce some famous schools in the USA for foreign students.C巩固练习Listen attentively()5巩固练习Listen attentively四、阅读填空The Chicago Fire of 1871 was the worst disaster(灾难)of the 19th century.The fire is said to have started one evening in Mrs.OLearys barn(牲口棚)on the West Side of Chicago.Several hours after she milked her cow,it kicked over an oil lamp.1._ We do not know if the story is true,but we do know that the fire began in a barn on the West Side.At that time,most of the buildings were made of wood.The wind was very strong andB巩固练习Listen attentively四、阅读填空Th巩固练习Listen attentivelythe season was very dry.2._ The fire lasted 27 hours and spread to all parts of the city.Other cities sent 25 fire companies to help put out the fire.The armies were also used to help fight the fire and keep order,too.3._ There was a lot of damage.18,000 buildings were destroyed.4._ In addition,about 300 people died in the fire.BEC巩固练习Listen attentivelythe seas巩固练习Listen attentivelyPeople from all over the world helped Chicago by sending food and clothing.5._ In a few years,Chicago was completely rebuilt.C巩固练习Listen attentivelyPeople f巩固练习Listen attentivelyA.So the fire spread(蔓延)quickly.B.The cow started the fire.C.At last rain put out the fire.D.Within a month 4,000 houses were built for the homeless people.E.As a result,90,000 people had no homes to live in.巩固练习Listen attentivelyA.So the1.Have you e_ lived and studied abroad?2.It was her first e_ of living alone,so she felt excited.3.He always tells us some f_ jokes and we always laugh happily.4.When I was on the educational exchange in Germany last year,I had a good time living with my h_ family.5.Young people should r_ the old and help them.巩固练习Listen attentively五、单词拼写ver xperience antastic/funny ostespect1.Have you e_ lived and s6.I went to Africa last summer and talked with some l_ people about their way of life.7.Could you tell me the d_ between the two pictures?8.As students,we have to wear uniforms on w_ when we go to school.9.The boy won the first prize in the singing competition and his parents want to hold a party to c_ their sons success.10.I dont u_ what you said.Could you explain it again?巩固练习Listen attentivelyocal ifferenceseekdays elebrate nderstand 6.I went to Africa last summer1.我想让你们了解一下中国的传统节日。Id like to _ you _ some traditional festivals in China.2.这些学生上个月来到中国。The students _ _ _ China last month.3.到目前为止,这本书我已看过三遍。I _ _the book three times so far.巩固练习Listen attentively六、完成句子introducecame over to have readto 1.我想让你们了解一下中国的传统节日。巩固练习Listen 4.我很高兴能给你提点建议。I _ _ _ give you some advice.5.我只能给你提供关于这件事的一点点信息。I can only give you _ _ _ information about it.6.参加教育交流是一次了不起的体验。_ _ a fantastic experience _ _ an educational exchange.7.我还没有决定去哪里度假。I _ _where to spend my holiday.巩固练习Listen attentivelyam glad to a bit of to attendIt ishavent decided 4.我很高兴能给你提点建议。巩固练习Listen atten8.我们不能开残疾人的玩笑。We cant _ _ _ the disabled.9.除了那个老人以外,这辆公共汽车是空的。The bus is empty,_ _ the old man.10.我曾经看过那部电影。哦,真的?你什么时候看的?I _ _ _ that film.Oh,really?When _ you _ it?巩固练习Listen attentivelymake jokes aboutdidexcept forhave ever seensee8.我们不能开残疾人的玩笑。巩固练习Listen atten谢谢观看!谢


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