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1Unit3AHealthLife11*An apple a day keeps the doctor away.*Early to bed and early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.*Health is happiness.*Good health is over wealth.U3 A health life2*Anappleadaykeepsthedoc2How can we keep healthy?U3 A health lifeA truly healthy person is someone who is healthy in both body and mind.3U3AhealthlifeAtrulyhealth3Advice from Grandad4AdvicefromGrandad44 addictedWhat is James problem?Addicted to smoking5addictedWhatisJamesprob5A grandad wrote to his grandson James.Two.The first part is and the second part is .1.How many parts does the reading text consist of?2.Who wrote the letter to whom?a letteran internet page6Fast-readingAgrandadwrotetohisgrandso6 para.by para.7Read the first part of the text.Summarize the main idea of each paragraphpara.bypara.7Readthef7Summarize the main idea of each paragraph.Para1:The writer tells about the _ he is leading and the importance of _ _.lifehealthy lifesmokingthreeharmful effectshopeadviceJames problemaddictedPara2:The writer is talking about James problem of _.Para3:It introduces the _ different ways of becoming _.Para4:It is about the _ _ of smoking.Para5:It is about the writers _ for his grandson and his _ on stopping smoking.8Summarizethemainideaofeac8 skimming 20 cigarettes9skimmingSmokingisbadfo9Ive become addicted to smoking cigarettes.How can I quit smoking?10Ivebecomeaddictedtosmokin10Skimming:Read the second part of the text.Prepare yourself.Be determined.Break the habit.Relax.Get help if you need.Keep trying.What suggestions does it give for smokers to quit smoking?majordetailsmajordetails True/false11Skimming:Readthesecondpart11True or false:1.James is addicted to smoking and couldnt give it up.2.James grandad is also addicted to cigarettes.3.Smoking doesnt affect the health of non-smokers.4.Grandad quitted smoking at last.5.Unless you break the habit,you cant stop smoking.(T)(F)(F)(T)(T)12Trueorfalse:(T)(F)(F)(T)(T)12Read the letter carefully,and try to finish the following chart.13DetailreadingReadthelettercarefully,and13Fill in the chart.14Fillinthechart.1414 suggested answer15suggestedanswer1515Suggested answers:physicallyhabitsmentallyheart and lungsbecoming pregnant16Suggestedanswers:physicallyha16smellenjoyaffect 17smellenjoyaffect1717 Putthefollowingsentencesintherightorder.Fastreading18Putthefollowingsentences18 Read the letter,then put the following sentences in the right order according to the structure of the letter.1.The writer leads to the topic of the letter by talking about James problem of smoking.2.Introducing some different ways of becoming addicted.3.Telling the writers hope for his grandson and advice on stopping smoking.4.Telling the harmful effects of smoking.5.From the life the writer is leading now,we can know the importance of healthy life.ABCDE19Readtheletter,thenputt19dueto,addicted,physically,mentally,accustomed,quit.Useful words&Expressions:About the topic“A Healthy Life”:*importanceofhealthylife*waysofbecomingaddicted*harmfuleffectsofsmoking*suggestionsonhowtoquitsmoking20summarydueto,addicted,physically,20HomeworkHomeworkMake a summary of the advice on how to stop smoking.Be sure to use your own words and no more than five sentences.U3 A health life21HomeworkMakeasummaryofthe2122Thankyou!2222此此课课件主要用于件主要用于辅辅助教学,用助教学,用谚语谚语、图图片等帮助学生意片等帮助学生意识识到健康的重到健康的重23


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